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Dragonfist (Stern 1981)
By UnclePaulie
Dragonfist, the blackbelt of pins. It's the habit that's hard to kick!
Dragonfist has something that keeps the pin player coming back for more. The backglass shows the number of spinner revolutions and can give the player a special bonus when 20, 40, 60, or 80 revolutions hit. Dropt Targets in the right and left orbit lanes, and a fun to hit spinner. It's a tough game to beat, a hard habit to kick, because Dragonfist is the blackbeld of Pins.
Thanks to Redbone for providing me with a freshly stitched playfield, and for helping with upscales and lots of other graphics. Redbone also took lots of videos and pictures of an real table to help me in recreation. And thanks to Hauntfreaks and Redbone for providing me with an upscaled backglass for VR. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback!
The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action.
There are plenty of options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners, and LED plastic edges. There are also multiple VR room environment and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.).
I've included default settings for the ROM options hard coded into the script. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options are in the F12 menu.
PLEASE NOTE: There is ANOTHER option for an updated ROM. If you use the alternate ROM... you will see the high spins to date on the Player 4 LED display during the high score attract mode. ALSO, it will preset the Max Credits to 00 (essentially putting it in freeplay mode). IF you want to change to have credits put in, you'll need to follow the instructions here: . Essentially to increase max credits... press 7 to open the ROM menu, keep pressing 7 until you see 18 in the display, then LONG press the "1" key to increase the max credits. The max credit change is only needed for the alternate ROM, not the default one. (I will also include the ROM change description in the zip package).
Version 16 (found here:
Version 16 alternate ROM REQUIRES VPINMAME 1122 or later
Required Software (64-bit versions):
VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later:
B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used):
VPinMame 3.6.0-1122:
Dragonette (Gottlieb 1954)
By Polsonator2
******** Dragonette *************
Gottlieb 1954
VPX Conversion 1/2/2025 by Polsonator2
Thanks go to original author Leo_Wanker for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken his original VP9 table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image and I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created and scripted in a working backglass which is also included. This conversion was made for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc.
After you insert a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button to release the ball.
Die Hard Trilogy Cabinet POV
By LoadedWeapon
Die Hard Trilogy VPX 10.8 Cabinet POV for v0.98
Name it the same as the table and place in the tables folder.
Must use new 10.8 VPX
Deep Purple PUP-PACK BW
After KISS, Ramones, Rolling Stones... another of my PUP-PACK Deep Purple and VPX creations, B2S BW
Intro.mp4 Logo.mp4 05.mp4 11.mp4 02.mp4 03.mp4
Please read till the end before downloading my PUP-PACK version and BW mod
I just added my little touch to make the good "Deep Purple" more fun.
(you have everything in the .RAR to run the PUP-PACK (VPX, B2S ...)
Thanks to "balutito" and "hainefreaks"
Original painting
Deep Purple
By balutito
Hello friends
I don't know how it's possible, but it seems like Deep Purple pinball machines don't exist.
Impossible to leave it as it is.
So I used the “Fire” table to offer you a “Dee Purple “Smoke on the water” edition table.
I haven't done B2s because there are people much more talented than me to do them
It's a music table so you will need to place the mp3 files in the usual place, you can modify my selection by loading your own mp3
Thanks to everyone who worked on this fire table before me:
@Gedankekojote97 for the fire table, its agreement and its messages,
he implemented the nFozzy Physics, Fleep Sounds, and a LUT selector (Hold LMagna and scroll through the LUTs with the RMagna).
he have also done some rubber cleanups and small changes.
I want to thank DJRobx for his table, VPW Team for their awesome example table, @wrd1972 @Bord @unclewilly @Randr @32Assassin @HauntFreaks @RustyCardores @Flupper @nFozzy all other that are involved in there to deliver a much better VPX experience !
All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
I added this video to my pincab:
Dream Daddy Pinball: The Dad Dating PUPPack Adventure
By baseraider
You and your daughter have just moved into the sleepy seaside town of Maple Bay only to discover that everyone in your neighborhood is also a single Dad looking for a new friend.
In this pinball adventure you will partake in seven dad outings; we will call them "dad dates." Complete all seven dates to reach the WIZARD MODE where you finally choose.... who will be the One?
Will it be Teacher Dad? Goth Dad? Bad Dad? Or any of the other cool Dads you metalong the way? With its minigames, dad jokes, belly laughs and a margarita multiball to dream of, Dream Daddy Pinball: The Dad Dating Simulator is this year's most anticipated Dad-based game.
Tried to fix the ssf and address any code issues. should be pretty solid. lmkif you find any issues. Have fun and feel free to share.
Deadpool v4.0.1 Ejse83 LED Mod (Gold edition)
By Ejse83
This is a LED Mod of JPSala's Deadpool 4.0.1...and yes, I know there are newer versions but haven't really gotten 10.8 to work well yet... This version works best for me and wanted a Led version
First of all, thank you JPSalas for your amazing job on deadpool! I think this table is one of the best made in VPX!
As usual, I made an LED version in color. As before, all "battles" have their own color, but now a slightly stronger shade.
I previously owned an "Elvis gold" and got the idea here to make something similar. So ramps, metals, the sword, etc. are gold.
So this will be Deadpool Ejse83 LED Mod Gold Edition
What's new:
All new GI-lamps (some flashers) for LED-look.
Ramps, sword, screws, etc. in gold.
I hope you like it.
Death Note
By Anthias
VPX rebuild of my 2010 vp8 table
Wheel included
B2S included. I have tried to make it two/three screen, but have no way to test the three screen, so if somebody with a three screen setup can advise if it works, that would be great so I can know I did it correctly and can replicate for future tables.
Drop main playfield targets to spell DEATHNOTE.
Drop right channel targts to spell LIGHT
top channels light RYUK.
Channels (R-Y-U) cycle with left flipper.
RYUK incriments bonus multiplier.
DEATHNOTE releases multiball if locked, lights shoot again for 30 seconds if not locked.
LIGHT activates lock (behind the LIGHT targets).
Clear targets and hit kicker in Kira's cell to light shoot again with no time limit
Shoot the loop back for L light, then shoot again to set L flashing. all scoring doubled while L flashing, lasts 30 seconds
Skill shot 1000.
LIGHT (lock) 500.
Bumpers 50,
targets 150.
Bumpers and targets (except cage) incriment bonus.
3 loops (top left, centre left, top right)
light on 1st pass for 10 seconds. 50 1st pass, doubles each pass within the 10 second lit period.
lanes/slingshots 25 each.
Light all in/outlanes for 500 points and lights shoot again
Dirty Harry 2.0 Ejse83 LED Mod (shiny-mod-table)
By Ejse83
This is a LED Mod of Fluppers(shiny mod) DH-Table.
Orginal table by Knorr!
What's new:
All new GI/Flasher lamps for LED-look (some inserts )
(With new colored flashers, it will be a good light show during multiball and the like)
Red and blue ramps.
I hope you like it.
Darkest Dungeon Table & Pup
V2.3 Has the Following Improvements
* Fixed a major glitch with Jackpot scoring -- New Scorbit table created as the old scores could be massively inflated, old table will not post scores to this new version. Old scorbit to be renamed.
* Added about 60 entries and enabled Scorbit Timeline feature
* Tweaked VR plunger and VR magna save button positions
* Added Tweak Menu so you should not need to edit the script
Made clarifications on the additional pup packs that are available.
If you are experiencing stuttering try the following things
1. Tweak Menu FPS change that to slow CPU
2. Try one of the other two pup packs - they use H265 but with more compression so the quality is a little lower but the files sizes are much much smaller so it might perform better. There are two variants with different compression levels.
Some performance improvements for those with FPS issues or stutter. These changes have worked for some folks and figured I would share .. big Thanks to BLAMER for sharing the script to convert the pup pack.
Table Code 2.2C - Lowered reflections and lowered music volume
Pup Pack 2.2C Some compression improvements with conversion to H.265
Super compressed pup pack version has even more gains for those that need more than what 2.2C has
Version 2 is out.. IdolCrasher had all kinds of amazing suggestions for me to implement. download this new version and check them out, and oh yeah tons of bug fixes, sorry about those....
Please report any issues, suggestions, feedback to our Discord Channel -- Link valid until 12/11/23
Pinball Wizards are proud to present to you an original concept based off the PC game Darkest Dungeon. This pinball table provides a combination of pinball, RPG with heavy RNG (random number generation) elements. Virtually every game will be different from the last . Herbski1x and I would like to thank all those that helped us get this game developed/polished and presented to the community.
VPX 10.8 beta 5 ( beta 7 has been known to crash on this table)
PinUP Beta 150 or later
Please take some time to read the provided rules as this game has a rather complex ruleset.
Rulecards are also available in game by selecting the addcredit key -- this can only be done when a ball is sitting in the plunger lane and only one ball is on the table.
Some LUTS are available via the normal method of holding down the left magna save while hitting the right magna save to bring up the menu. This can only be changed prior to the game starting and will automatically be saved.
' JPSalas Original Table "Wrath of Olympus"
' MerlinRTP VPX Table Lead, PUPDMD, Ruleset Design
' H3rbski1x Original Concept,Pup Graphics, Ruleset Design
' Oqqsan Table Scripting, 3D Inserts, Popup Targets
' Tastywasps,Rawd VR Room
' Astronasty Playfield Artwork, VR Cabinet Art
'KGLauer Voice-over
' Anthem PuP Videos
' Superhac Table Scripting, Rules Doc
' JoePicasso 3D Models
' DarrinVPCLE DOF Config
' Smaug Attract Video
' nFozzy/Rothbauerw Physics
' NailBuster Pinup Player, PUPDMD
' Arelyel Krele Advanced Queuing System
' Fleep Mechanical Sound Engineering
' PrimeTime5k Staged Flipper Code
' RetroG33k PuPDMD Foundation
' Core Testers pinballgramps, pinstratsdan, primetime5k,spatolar
' Additional Testers passion4pins, loadedweapon,pegula0420, 10mmsocket
Demolition Man (Williams 1994) - Limited Cryo Edition - OttoPinball MOD
By OttOBuS59
Hi, I'm pleased to present my first Mod table called Demolition Man "Limited Cryo Edition". I spent a lot of time modifying the original table while trying to keep the atmosphere of the basic table intact. It's up to you to tell me if I've succeeded in this attempt (if not, be nice, it's my first one lol). Many "fan service" details were added to the playfield. The lights were modified and a nudge configuration was added to the script. The pack contains the modified table, an Ini file (pov), 2 loading screens, 1 Wheel, a playfield video, 2 rom and 2 nvram ( 1 Vulgar speech version and one without. See doc "info" in the Rom/Nvram folder). Finally, I'm happy with the result and hope you'll agree...
Simon Says : Download and play this table !
⚠️ This table is compatible with the Trochjochel PupPack: the two roms in the Limited Cryo Edition pack
⚠️ Read the Doc in the Rom-Nvram folder if you want to activate vulgar speech (uncensored edition)
Salut, je suis heureux de vous présenter mon premier Mod sur Demolition Man nommé "Limited Cryo Edition". J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à modifier la table originale tout en essayant de garder intacte l'ambiance dégagé par la table de base. A vous de me dire si j'ai réussi dans cette tentative (sinon soyez sympa c'est ma première lol). Beaucoup de détails "Fan service" on été ajouté sur le playfield. Les lumières ont été modifié et une configuration de nudge a été ajouté dans le script. Le pack contient la table modifié, un fichier Ini (pov), 2 écrans loading, 1 Wheel, une video playfield, 2 rom et 2 nvram ( 1 version Vulgar speech et une sans. Voir doc "info" dans le dossier Rom/Nvram). Pour finir je suis heureux du résultat obtenu et j'espère que vous serez du même avis... Simon Says : Download and play this table
⚠️ Cette table est compatible avec le PupPack de Trochjochel: pour les deux roms du pack Limited Cryo Edition
⚠️ Lisez le Doc dans le dossier Rom-Nvram si vous voulez activer le vulgar speech (uncensored edition)
Demolition Man "Limited Cryo Edition" by OttoPinball - Original Vpx Table by Knorr and Kiwi 😊
Merci d'avance de venir soutenir mes réseaux / Thank you in advance for supporting my networks :
Twitch :
Youtube :
By ZandysArcade
"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration" - Frank Herbert
A mythic and emotionally charged hero's journey, "Dune" tells the story of Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, who must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence -SPICE- a commodity capable of unlocking humanity's greatest potential-only those who can conquer their fear will survive.
ATTENTION: **** Must use 10.8 or higher, no rom required uses Flex DMD. ****
Table is loosely based on the newer movies, with some nods to the classic in the artwork, and an easter egg for a good comedy series out there if anyone finds it. The classic Dune is cool but didn't have a ton to work with so I apologize in advance for anyone who would prefer the classic Dune.
This table has:
* nFozzy/Roth physics
* Fleep sounds
* Dynamic Ball Shadows
* Flupper Bumpers and Flippers
* DUNE VR Room
* B2s with Full DMD and B2s for 2 screen users without the grills. (Just make sure the name matches your table file)
* Game Rules Card
* Full Media Pack included. - Wheel/Loading Video/Backglass Video/Topper/Playfield Video ect...
Download file, open Media pack and choose which B2s to use. Rename to match the name of table and add media to your pinup popper.
If you run into any issues, please reach out and I will do my best to help.
Special Thanks to:
nFozzy physics
Fleep sounds
Dynamic Ball Shadows
VR Room scripting
@Joe Picasso:
Flupper and Model Assets
Table tweaks/testing
Helpful Knowledge
Jim Kramer:
DOF Set up
JP Salas:
Original table script and helpful knowledge.
Thank you and have fun!
Daredevil and The Defenders 1.3
By ZandysArcade
Download file and unzip for contents:
VPX Table
Topper Video
Kingpin has taken advantage of the ability to tap into the Multiverse.
Daredevil and the Defenders have to catch all the villains Kingpin has brought to Hell's Kitchen, using a multiverse portal machine stolen by his criminal organization.
Villains are scattered all over and have set up bases in various locations in Hell's Kitchen and the surrounding area.
This is not based on any specific story, but a mix of Comics, Tv Show, games and more.
The goal of the game is to achieve the highest score.
finding bases and catching villains give the highest scores.
Rules are in the Table Info section
This uses 64bit 10.7 or later.
For DOF=
change the cgamename in table script to :
add a line to vpmalias.txt :
This is a Mod of JP's Pokemon table.
Thank you Jp for letting me mod the table and help with scripting.
This is not to be sold or used for any profit.
Dexter Tribute Edition 2.00 VR 2024 Version VR ROOM Reskin (Iceman 2024)
By icepinball
Dexter Tribute Edition 2.00 VR 2024 Version VR Room Reskin (Iceman 2024)
All logos, characters, copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
I thank all who made the basis for the table thanks to ivantba/TBA/32assassin/Mfuegemann/Akiles50000
Goldchicco and more creative people
It is based on Devil´s Dare / Tomb Raider ..... Reskin for Dexter (Iceman 2022) .... NOT FOR SALE
With this reskin have fun .... enjoy the Table
Wheel in the folder
Rom: dvlsdre
If I had known how cool the tables would be on VR, I would have gotten glasses years ago
Ok friends here is one of my first reskin on VR 2024
it's a pure VR table, the normal version is extra on VPForum and also in the folder in the download have a lot of fun
Thanks michel757 for your great tips and explanations and thank you for your great and extraordinary VR rooms
... and Thanks to
JoePicasso for his great videos in the field of 3D objects as well as his work for the community
have a great week
Dick Tracy (2024)
By Rocketeer84
UPDATE @endeemillr over at FPForums has kindly gone out of their way and created a Flex/Ultra DMD
Link Here -
- Unzip the file, put the 'DickTracy.FlexDMD' folder in your tables folder
- Put the 'Dick Tracy (2024)' .vbs file in Visual Pinball\scripts
- When you run the game, hit F1 and make sure "use external display" is NOT checked.
- If you want to make the change permanent, you can simply paste the text in the vbs file over the table script and delete the vbs file.
Dick Tracy (2024) - An Original Mod with B2S Backglass and Logo Included
Dick Tracy - "You know, it's legal for me to take you down to the station and sweat it out of you under the lights".
Breathless Mahoney - "I sweat a lot better in the dark..."
A Mod of JPSalas' Vortex (Taito do Brasil - 1981) V4.0.1
Thank you to @jpsalas for giving me permission to mod and to all creators and enthusiasts in this awesome hobby who have inspired me to take the plunge and do one of my own!
- dick tracy
- taito
- (and 1 more)
Dodge City (Gottlieb, 1965) Playfield
By Silversurfer
Completely re-drawn as vector graphic by me.
I'm planning to restore the original pinball, which I have for some decades already. @bord sent me a great base picture (scan), which gave me the chance to do some work already. The playfield itself was straight forward, but the cowboy in the center took some time. I added crosshairs for every stud and screw position, that might be helpful for VP conversion.
Vector view and some details attached. Colors are taken from my original game, but they were pretty faded, so I adjusted them slightly. If there is a mistake, no problem, I can change the colors by a mouse click.
Original artwork by Roy Parker. Good job, Roy!!
Dark(1986) (Original 2024)
By marcoolpops
B2s backglass link Thank marcobus2005
Topper and basic backglass can be turn on. On your Pinup pack editor.
Welcome to the world of Dark, where the past, present, and future intertwine in ways you've never imagined before. The heart has its desires that reason cannot understand, so thank your desires for leading you here in time. In this pinball table of targets, dive into the universe of the series where destinies intertwine and where every flipper you use can change the course of your trajectory through time. Time is a powerful force that can be both your ally and your enemy. Accumulate it and take it for a fourth chance. Why say we have time when it's time that has us? Foil the temporal traps, show strategy and reflexes as you navigate through different eras, guided by the music to place you in time, from 2019 to 1953, passing through 1986. Will you be able to unravel the threads of time and reveal the mysteries of "Dark," or will you be trapped forever in an endless time loop? This is a fairly simple game. Hit targets, score points, advance toward a jackpot payoff (Multi Special), and start again. The key to a high score is keeping the ball in play and collecting Extra Balls.(Hit all 3 orange target 3 time for extra ball. 3 extra ball can be stack . Keep the Outlanes lit for "React" at all times.
DAFT PUNK Interstella 5555 (Original, 2024)
By mlaw
“Around the World, Around the World”
Join The Crescendolls on their galaxy tour in DAFT PUNK’s Interstella 5555! You will help them put on the best shows by learning Melodies and releasing hit Records. Upgrade your ball from “Homework” to “Human After All”, and rock out to your favorite DAFT PUNK samples, loops, and songs throughout the game.
Included in the zip file:
Backglass video
Full DMD video
Basic PupPack
Rule Sheet
I have a 4x3 Backglass on my home setup so the PupPack is set to display a 4x3 video. If you want to use a 16:9 version just rename the included 16x9 version of the Backglass video and rename it “bgdefault” and replace it with the one in the “bgdefault” folder in the DaftPunk pup folder.
Dominatrix Audio, Launch & MP3 files
By TallThin1
I made some audio , launch and mp3 files for the Dominatrix table if you don't have any. Enjoy!
Domino (Gottlieb 1968) 1.1
By EMUnderdogs
Structuring pinball around a game of dominos is interesting. Dominos are featured in the artwork, the scoring. The center of the playfield displays a winding path of 15 dominos — just below two roto-targets and a center target. If you can hit the kick-out holes, the top rollovers or the side targets (when lit) you advance lights along the path of dominos. If you can get to the last domino the SPECIALs will light.
There’s just something about Domino. An early Wedgehead from Gottlieb, IPDB (Internet Pinball Database) puts it thematically in the “Happiness” category, and that doesn’t seem misplaced. Frequently owners describe the table as evoking a more innocent time. (And we all love the young woman in the Wonder Bread dress.)
For EM (electro-mechanical) pinball tables, players on IPDB voted Domino into the top 100 — maybe the happy vibe of Domino is in fact infectious.
Hold left flipper (shift) before game start for options menu.
New in version 1.1:
center target animation lighting, reflections, wall fixes sunken tray apron alternate desktop backdrop for desktop B2S users playfield shadows SSF sound code, new sound resources
Domino is another EM table first brought to VPX by the prolific, but since deceased, @loserman76. Here is a link to his original table:
We would love to improve Domino’s plastics, backglass but we are unable to find clean originals. If anyone has a source for those, please contact us.
Dava's Everquest II - Pinball tribute (MOD) (Davadruix)
By davadruix
Welcome to the Everquest two pinball tribute. prepare to face the greatest gods of Norrath !
Here we are, after having made a MOD on the first Everquest, and as I am a big fan, I obviously played the 2 more than necessary,
I said to myself why not make a MOD on Everquest 2..
Well, there you have it, the table is here, after a few months of work around it!
I hope you will enjoy it because for my part I had a lot of fun making it!
I would like to thank JP SALAS, for allowing me to use his superb "Wrath of Olympus" table to create this mod and for guiding and helping me on various points.
I will also thank Sony for the countless hours spent on EQ and EQ2, a game that will leave a lasting impression as a true memory.
I think if there are former players in our great Pincab community, they understand what I mean.
I chose to integrate some music that is not from EQ2, just a few pieces to punctuate some events at the table.
Thus, the groups Imperial Age, Brothers of Metal, Apostolica are part of the soundtrack.
I added new callouts, 3d objects, and a lot of the graphics and lighting were changed. There you go, I hope you will like this table, thank you for your feedback!
You will find the rules and pov files in the archive.
Wheels :
B2S :
This table was made with VP 10.8 but it should work with VP 10.7 too.
All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice!
Dungeons & Dragons (Bally 1987) Siggis Mod
By Siggi
This is a mod of agentEighty6 Dungeons & Dragons table.
Thanks very much for his permission to use his table. I realy appreciate this.
I hope you like what i've done to you table.
Without all these guys, spending so much time to greate this tables, my hobby wouldn't be possible.
What's new:
playfield, plastics, targets, droptargets, all kind of textures, bumpercap, sidewalls and i changed the ugly Bally flippers.
And a lot of other changes.
By default is a Beholder plastic on the left side of the playfield but there are two more you can change in the editor.
A new dragon head and the classic D&D Bally dragon.
Klick on the plastic in the editor and mark top and side as visible.
Maybe you must play around with Lamp48 in the Inserts layer to fit the new plastic.
Also added a under the flipper shot.
That's how it ends when you only want to make small improvements on a playfield.
Hope you like it and keep on playin' pinball.
Defender (Williams 1982) VPW
By VPinWorkshop
Landers, Mutants, and Bombs… Oh My!
The VPin Workshop presents the classic pinball from the late great Barry Oursler, based on the classic arcade game of the same name, DEFENDER. Once we tracked down the beautiful playfield and plastics scans of this rare machine, building the table from the ground up was inevitable (and fun). Defend those poor Humanoids from Landers and from becoming Mutants… Avoid the Baiters, destroy the Swarmers, and Warp yourself into victory!
Apophis - Project lead, scripting, Roth/nFozzy physics, Fleep sound effects, Flupper 3D inserts
Bord - 3D models and rendering
Uncle Paulie - VR Room
Jutsuka - Asset research and testing
G94 - Playfield and plastics scans
Scutters - FlexDMD Option
Primetime5k - Staged flipper updates
Cliffy - Desktop view updates
Jsm174 - Standalone updates
VPW Team - Testing
Version 1.3 Update Notes:
Enable the new FlexDMD by setting UseFlexDMD=True at the top of the script All other table options are in the Tweak menu (Press f12) Required: FlexDMD 1.9.1: Recommend: VPX 10.8.0 RC2 or later:
This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us. Thank you!
Daho 1.03 Pup Pack 2024 (VLive and Icepinball)
By VLive
Salut, A tous les passionnés de Pincab, de flipper virtuel voici ma première table avec des vidéos de l'artiste Etienne Daho. Celle-ci est une modification de la table FirePower II (Williams 1983) by Goldchicco. J'ai pris plaisir à la faire, rencontré des difficultés, plusieurs semaines à me casser la tête mais le rendez-vous est là. Je vous partage ma création aujourd'hui. Je remercie l'aide continue d'Icepinball sans qui je n'aurais pas trouvé la motivation et la constance à travailler sur cette table.
Amusez-vous bien !
A consommer sans modération...
- music table.
- video game theme
- (and 3 more)
Dukes of Hazzard Pinball 2022 Table and PupPack
By capnclaw
Dukes of Hazzard Pinball 2022 Table and Pup Pack Gameplay
32assassin, for the incredible original High Speed table
Chokeee, for allowing me to work with his fantastic mod of the High Speed table
Naibuster and Team, for the amazing PUP system, without you guys none of this would be possible
VPNation, for running such a kick ass FB Group with amazing members
The Entire VP Community, for freely sharing your knowledge and awesome creations
Hawkeyez88 for optimizing the file sizes in the Pup Pack
A Special Thanks to Smaug for his Support and Guidance!
If I have missed anyone please let me know and I will amend. Thanks!
Just a few notes on this...
Please dont use the VR option on this table as it likely will not work as I never worked on anything related to VR
It is highly recommended you play with the PUP Pack as almost all sounds/triggers are generated from the PUP Pack
This Pup Pack uses "PupCapture" triggers in some cases so the External DMD must be on
The table requires you to add a line in the VPMalias text file in your VPINMAME folder. You can copy and paste the line found in the Install Instructions below
The table has script built in that turns on the External DMD automatically and shuts it off again on Table Exit
The table has script built in to automatically mute the rom and then unmute the rom on Table Exit as to not interfere with the actual High Speed table
Custom Backglass created for Full DMD Pup Pack Users for their Backglass Screen
I have included a media Wheel file for your use in the Pinup System as well
Advance the ramp light to red, shoot the ramp to start a Hazzard Police Chase! Shoot the ramp again for a getaway from Roscoe and company,
this triggers Multi-Ball, shoot the ramp during Mult-Ball to get the jackpot and catch the bad guys! Save the day for the fine folks of Hazzard County!
Light the Special by turning the Ramp Light Red twice in a game
A Special is awarded when the ball rolls over the lit Special in either the left or right outlane
Make Stoplight Targets to change Ramp Stoplight from Green to Yellow to Red.
Eject Hole and Ramp spot Stoplight Lamp.
Shoot Ball up Ramp to run Red Stoplight, starting Police Chase.
Shoot Ball up Ramp DURING Police Chase to make a Getaway from Roscoe and Company and Begin *Multi-Ball* Play.
Shoot Ball up Ramp DURING *Multi-Ball* Play to WIN Hideout Jackpot and Catch the Bad Guys. The Citizens of Hazzard will Thank You!
Flipper return lanes light timed Freeway Arrow.
Shooting up Lit Freeway scores and advances Freeway value toward Extra Ball.
Each ball: 1st Freeway Shot lights Flipper Lanes; 2nd lights Spinners; 3rd lights Hold Bonus.
Flashing 1-6 Targets Advances Ramp value and lights Kickback.
Option 1 - PUP on Full DMD
Unzip the file to a temporary location and copy the "dukes" folder to your PuP Videos folder
Run the "Option 1 - Pup on FullDMD" .bat file in the "dukes" folder
Edit your VPMAlias.txt file found in your VPINMame folder and add the following line to it
Copy the table and backglass files to your "Tables" folder
Move/Resize/Save the position for the External DMD when into place with the frame provided in the bottom of the PUP Overlay
Option 2 - PUP on Backglass External DMD Separate
Unzip the file to a temporary location and copy the puppack "dukes" folder to your PuP Videos folder
Run the "Option 2 - Pup on BG Ext DMD Separate" .bat file in the "dukes" folder
Edit your VPMAlias.txt file found in your VPINMame folder and add the following line to it
Copy ONLY THE TABLE to your "Tables" folder, if you use the Backglass it will interfere with the PUP pack on your Backglass screen
Option 3 - PUP on Backglass with External DMD
Unzip the file to a temporary location and copy the puppack "dukes" folder to your PuP Videos folder
Run the "Option 3 - Pup on BG with Ext DMD" .bat file in the "dukes" folder
Edit your VPMAlias.txt file found in your VPINMame folder and add the following line to it
Copy ONLY THE TABLE to your "Tables" folder, if you use the Backglass it will interfere with the PUP pack on your Backglass screen
Move/Resize/Save the position for the External DMD when into place with the frame provided in the bottom of the PUP Overlay
- dukes of hazzard
- capnclaw
- (and 1 more)