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  • VPW Blood Machines

    Film by Seth Ickerman
    Music by Carpenter Brut


    Project Lead - iaakki
    Table Layout Design - iaakki, Dapheni
    Art Lead & 2D Graphics - Astronasty
    3D Objects & Textures - Tomate, Flupper, iaakki, Sixtoe, D.J.
    Scripting & Coding - iaakki, Apophis, oqqsan, Wylte, Lumigado, fluffhead35
    DMD - Oqsan, eMBee, Astronasty, Lumigado
    VR - Sixtoe, leojreimroc, iaakki
    Table Rules - Apophis, iaakki, VPW Team
    Shot Tester - gtxjoe
    Fixes & Additions - Entire VPW Team
    Testing - Rik, PinStratsDan, VPW Team

  • Offical Movie Soundtrack

    The VPW team had the great privilege to work with the filmmaker Seth Ickerman on this VPX project.

    Seth provided the actual visual/audio assets from the film for us to use. The 3d models on the table are the 3d models from the movie.

    In order to fully enjoy the table, you'll need to purchase the awesome soundtrack by Carpenter Brut and place it in your music folder.


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