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  1. View File Guns N' Roses VPW Edition "Of all the VPW tables in the world, this is definitely one of them!" VPW are proud to present our 50th Machine! This project started when HiRez brought a fantastic collection of artwork into the workshop that he'd done for the table in January 2022. Sixtoe had previously converted an older version to VR and was aware of number issues with existing mods that would need a lot of work, and said it's probably be best to start from scratch but didn't have the time and the project went on hold. Fast forward to July 2022 and Niwak was looking for a machine that had coloured ramps (among other things) to experiment on with the then prototype toolkit, so Sixtoe scratch built the table whilst niwak built the table in blender. The table was then worked on intermittently as toolkit experiments took place over the next year. Whilst this happened MrGrynch had been working on a new vastly improved version of AltSound called G-Sound (which has now been included in VPinMAME 3.6) and iDigStuff made a fantastic new G-Sound module for Guns N' Roses so we wanted these to launch at the same time and now here we are! Thanks for all your support over the past 3 years and all the nice comments, we hope you enjoy this latest release! VPW Roadies =========== Niwak - Rendering Magic Sixtoe - Table Wrangling HiRez00 - All Artwork & Redraws iaakki - Tweaks and support leojreimroc - Animated VR Backglass. Apophis - Tweaks and support. Tastywasps - VR Room & Guitar. Primetime5k - Staged Flipper Support. Hauntfreaks - Backglass images. Flupper - Rendering Support and Advice Testing - VPW Team THIS RELEASE NEEDS AT LEAST VPX 10.8 BETA 5 https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases THIS RELEASE ALSO NEEDS AT LEAST VPinMAME 3.6 https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases (it's recommended to get a newer build from github actions though) TO USE THE OPTIONS MENU IN GAME YOU NEED "FlexDMD" https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd/releases Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 09/30/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  2. Version 1.1


    "Gone fishin', leave a message." The Visual Pinball Workshop proudly presents, Fish Tales by Williams! This table has been in the VPW development queue since December 20th, 2020. Since then, there have been many contributors. We thank them all! VPW Fishermen -------------------------- Blender Toolkit: Benji, fluffhead Physics/Scripting: rothbauerw, fluffhead Artwork: Brad1X (playfield, apron, and decal redraws), Hauntfreaks (backglass) VR Room: Rawd and DaRdog81 VR Backglass: leojreimroc Blender advice, Flipper and Plastic Ramp rebuilds: tomate Editor and scripting assistance, tuning and clean-up: apophis, Sixtoe Physics calibrations, flipper measurements, and testing: JLou Other contributions: sheltemke, iaakki, Schlabber34, bord, redbone, Steely 3D modeling and assets (plastics and playfield scans and touch-up): g5k 3D modeling: 3rdaxis Artwork assistance: EBisLit Playfield Scan: Clarkkent Table references: Kevv Previous authors: Pinball58, Skitso Testers: Studlygoorite, PinstratsDan, geradg, Primetime5k, DGrimmReaper, Wylte, RIK, somatik, passion4pins, JLou, Dazz, BountyBob, HauntFreaks, redbone, DarthVito, Robby King Pin, CalleVesterdahl, Colvert, HayJay, TastyWasps --- This table is pushing the limits. If you experience performance issues, adjust the refractions probes in the Tweak Menu if you have VPX 10.8 RC1 or later, or follow the recommendations in the Performance Tip PDF attached to the download. https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases --- All options are in the Tweak Menu (F12): - Refraction Probe Settings (Available in 10.8 RC1 or later) - used for performance tuning, if needed - Ramp Cover Decals (enable/disable ramp cover decal mod) - Playfield Reflections Options (enable/disable static or dynamic reflections) - Side Blade z-scale for cabinet users - VR Room options (why would anyone want anything other than the fishing scene?) - VR Back Box topper toggle - VR Ambient sound options - View VR Room in desktop - Outlane Difficulty - Flipper Tricks Difficulty - Volume Dial - Ball Roll Volume - Ramp Roll Volume - Table Brightness - Ball Brightness - LUT Options (not applicable in Fishing Scene) --- There is a DMD rom text size patch available here if you want it; Also check out Fish Tales Altsound package by idigstuff
  3. Version 1.2.2


    "The Ultimate Hard (Pinball Machine) Drive" The latest in Sixtoe's "lets build the hardest machines in pinball", VPW are proud to present Johnny Mnemonic by Williams! This was started way back in April 2021 because, like Iron Man, there wasn't an accurate version available, with the only available version being an old vp9 conversion. Sixtoe prefers to work on tables which don't have a "modern" version, so the process began to build from the ground up using all new assets. It was finished to a certain point quite a while ago but we decided to wait for VPX and Niwak's toolkit project to catch up before going for another big render job, so it's sat there for about a year waiting, but now everything has caught up so here it is! Like Iron Man, this is known as being an incredibly fast, brutal and unforgiving machine, don't expect many long games! VPW Hackers Sixtoe - Table-side full scratch build and scripting, VR Room - Dolphin Wrangler. Tomate - Graphics modeling and rendering - 3D Street Preacher. Apophis - Toolkit script-side integration, miscellanious script magic, ramp refraction probes - Neuromancer. Iaakki - Glove, Matrix and Diverter - Handy Man. Flux - Various Tweaks and assistance - LoTek Support. Niwak - Blender Toolkit. EBisLit - Playfield images. Clark Kent - Plastic scans. Baldgeek - Buying JM Glove. Dazz - 3D Scanning JM Glove. Leojreimroc - VR Backglass. Scampa123 & RobbyKingPin - Tweaks. Testing - PinStratsDan, Lumi, Tastywasps, Luk, BountyBob, bietekwiet, Clark Kent, CalleV, jsm174 - VPW Yakuza Toxie - VPX and pushing out the newest 10.8 as a beta so we could release. This uses a heavily modified version of DJRobX's glove and matrix code from Alessio/DJRobX/Ninnuzzu's version.
  4. Version 1.1


    HADOUKEN !!!! Gedankekojote97 and Apophis battled through the development to bring you the most beautiful and accurate SF2 virtual pinball yet! If you have VR, check out the trashed arcade room and the totally custom topper design. We hope you enjoy this labor of love from the team. VPW Team Gedankekojote97 - Blender, VR rooms, table build Apophis - Scripts, physics, animations, table work CainArg - Graphics cleanup Sixtoe - Table support Special Thanks to Onevox for providing many photos of his real SF2 for reference Niwak for everything he does, and for testing this table Bandito79 for the playfield scan Jpsalas for his table used as a reference VPW testers: guus_8005, somatic, Studlygoorite, Kemurro, hauntfreaks, MetaTed, Primetime5k NOTE: To get the ROM to work, you will need to use the NVRAM file provided in the downloaded ZIP. Or you can download it here: sfight2.nv Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  5. Version 2.1


    Hey, pal, there’s a cover charge here! Welcome to the Big Bang Bar, the bangin’est place in the galaxy. We wondered, what table would be a good showpiece for some of the new lighting techniques that have been developed lately and BBB was a clear choice with amazing light shows. Plus, it’s just really fun. Have a drink, hit the mosh pit, and try not to get bounced! Your VPW Big Bang Bartenders Gedankekojote97: 3D rebuild and rendering with light mapper, nFozzy physics and Fleep sounds Apophis: Light mapper script integration, tons of script updates, table rebuild #savetheballs Rawd: New RGB VR room and VR cab setup Leojreimroc: VR backglass (image by HauntFreaks) ClarkKent: 2D and 3D assets, physics tweaks Jsm174: VPX standalone support Toxie: VPinMAME support Sixtoe: Table cleanup nFozzy: Improved alien animation VPW Testers: bietekwiet, Primetime5k, PinStratsDan, HauntFreaks, Wylte, H3RBSKIx, RetroG33k, Lukpcn, Colvert, TastyWasps, Smaug Special Thanks To Niwak for creating the amazing blender toolkit! Steely for the VR backbox hinge model and lava lamp code UncleWilly, Jimmyfingers, Grizz, and Rom, the original team that made BBB in VP9 and FP Ninuzzu and ClarkKent for their VPX conversion The VPX and VPinMAME developers. Without them the party would have never started Installation Notes: The download zip file includes the VPX file and a NV ram file. Place the VPX file in your Tables folder and place the NV file in your >VPinMAME>nvram folder. Version 2.0 Required Software: VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e
  6. View File F-14 Tomcat (Williams 1987) VPW Mod "I feel the need, the need for speed!" Sixtoe wanted to bring wrd1972's superb F-14 up to date with the latest physics and other bells and whistles, especially as this version of the table is currently not available anywhere else anymore. Enjoy! VPW F-14 Pilots ============= Sixtoe - Project Lead Apophis - PWM Lighting & Script Tweaks P5TK - Staged Flipper Support Bord, mcarter, wrd1972, Studlygoorite, Somatik, redbone, darth vito - Support and Testing Original Credits from wrd1972's version ================================ Original VP10 version by "Ganjafarmer" Original scripting by 32Assassin High-res playfield image by "Marrok" Plastics total redraw by "wrd1972" Plastics prims by "cyberpez" & "L0stS0ul" Plastic and metal ramp prims and textures by "Flupper" Flasher domes, inserts prims by "Flupper" Flashers, PL inserts and GI by "Flupper" DOF by "arngrim" Center kicker trough meshes, nFozzy physics configuration, and misc help on clear style flasher domes by Benji F14 Plane VR Room & cab beacons by "DJRobX" & "Sixtoe" Minimal VR Room and misc tweaks/fixes by "Sixtoe" An extra special thanks to "ganjafarmer", "cyberpez","Rothbauerw" and "Flupper" for the hard work and countless hours of development on this table. Many thanks to the Members of the Vpin Workshop, and countless others in the VPF community for helping me with the development of this table. The playfield graphic files are only authorized to be used free of charge and may not be redistributed, reused or sold without permission from Brad1X. '001 - Sixtoe - Tidied up and named layers, replaced physics objects and materials, removed collidable from lots of objects. '002 - Sixtoe - Did stuff, stuff be broken. '003 - apophis - Minor updates to get the table working '004 - Sixtoe - updates, gi blanks on rapid flipper presses '005 - Bord - VLM test render (Reverted) '006 - apophis - Updated the table to use PWM fasher and inserts (removed Lampz). Minor physics adjustments. '007 - Sixtoe - Added blocker walls, re-added f14 plunger lane tracking code, hid some lamps, changed layout of top right trap hole, added flupper pop bumper, changed inlanes '008 - apophis - Added options menu. Made bumper more red. '009 - mcarter78 - Back off ball rest in plunger lane to fix floating ball '010 - Sixtoe - Slowed down ball in plunger lane, made blocker bigger under pop bumper, turned down power on centre kickers and re-aimed them, turned up slingshots, tried to make plungerlane f14 unswept wings but it doesn't fit so reverted, upped playfield friction to 0.24. '011 - apophis - Intro music default off. Hooked center target insert up to GI. Adjusted kicker strengths per videos. '012 - Sixtoe - Added ramp rolling sounds (probably?), hooked up clear plastics to gi, tweaked upper flippers, '013 - PT5K - Added staged flipper support '014 - Sixtoe - Fixed numerous sound issues, added missing sounds, removed brakes and numerous other tweaks. Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 01/15/25 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone Yes  
  7. View File Game of Thrones LE (Stern 2015) VPW "When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die" Welcome to VPW's "Original" recreation of one of Stern's most complex machines. This project started with Skillman wanting to learn VPX and playing around reverse engineering the Stern SPIKE ROMs. Thanks to the detailed Youtube series by ChuckWurt the complete ruleset was documented, allowing it to be implemented in VBScript for this release. When the beta table was introduced to the VPW team they really took an interest in taking it to the next level, and what you see is the result of nearly a year of their work. This table requires VPX 10.7.2 and FlexDMD 1.8. Controls: - Access the Options menu with left+right magnasave during Attract mode - Use Right Magnasave during gameplay as the Action button - From the Options menu, change cabinet mode, LUTs, and presence of a "real" lockbar button - Access the Stern Service Menu with the service buttons to adjust standard game settings House VPW ========= Project Leader : Skillman Script/VPX : Skillman, Apophis, Oqqsan, Sixtoe, Daphishbowl 3D Rendering : Tomate, Niwak Graphics : Skillman, Tomate, Astronasty, Oqqsan, Sixtoe VR: Rawd, Leojreimroc, Sixtoe Testing: VPW Team Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 12/23/2022 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  8. Version 1.4.3


    "Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here." The VPin Workshop members present The Goonies: Never Say Die Pinball! This project started out by adding physics and fleep sound to Hawkeyez88 pup-pack release. In doing so many scripting issues were found in the original table. We decided to not only fix the current table, but have added support for FlexDMD, new modes, ramps, shadows, playfield, sounds, ect. Pretty much every piece of this table has been touched, enhanced, and tested. This table is setup to work with the FlexDMD out of the box. You can disable the FlexDMD and enable the pupPack created by Hawkeyez88 by changing the options in the script. * Main table overhaul: fluffhead35, oqqsan * nfozzy and fleep: fluffhead35 * DOF: apophis * New playfield design: HauntFreaks * Playfield, image and lighting updates: HauntFreaks * Backglass: HauntFreaks * Droptarget Shadows: HauntFreaks * Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks: Entire VPW team inc. Sixtoe, apophis, wylte, fluffhead35, oqqsan, Nailbuster * 3d Inserts: oqqsan * flupperdomes : oqqsan * FlexDMD : oqqsan * Apron Primitives: oqqsan and Tomate * Ramp Primitives: tomate * New Toy Primitives Chester,coins,key: oqqsan * Scoring and game play enhancements: Rik, apophis, oqqsan * Testing: Rik, apophis, VPW team * Bone Organ Primitives: Tomate * Bone Organ Animations: oqqsan * wylte: Flasher shadows on ramp * Original pupdmd code: Nailbuster * Previous DMD animations: VPFiends This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, in this case, Javiers VPX version. Thank you to Rothbauerw and nFozzy for the physics. Thanks to Fleep for sounds.
  9. Version 2.3


    The park is now open! Feast your eyes on this marvel of a table. After modding older version of this table Gedankekojote97 finally decided to buy the real machine, and then he meticulously 3D modeled and recreated this table from scratch. Apophis brought it to life by scripting together the lighting and mechanisms. And Rawd developed another totally immersive VR environment for us all to enjoy. Do you have what it takes to be a Tycoon? VPW TYCOONS Gedankekojote97 - Scratch table build, 3D modeling and rendering, Sound effects, Rollercoaster operator Apophis - Scripting, physics, Ride mechanic and janitor Rawd - VR Room and scripting, Cotton candy and funnel cake maker Testing - Bietekwiet, Eighties8, Benji, JLou, PinStratsDan, Studlygoorite, DGrimmReaper, AstroNasty, TastyWasps, iDigStuff, HauntFreaks, Wylte, ClarkKent, Primetime5k, Somatik Version 2.0 Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  10. until
    Hi again pinball fans! Want to play in a fun VPX tournament on the 'Spider-Man (Vault Edition) [Siggi's Mod, VPW Mod]' table? It's the latest table in my 'Scifi-Fantasy-Comicbook' themed series of tournament events. I will be running this event from today until Tuesday (Feb 18) via my Discord called 'Max Velocity Gaming'. Interested and want to know more? Just let me know either on here or the VPUniverse Discord (or any of the other 'main' pinball ones) and I'll point you in the right direction! So why not join in the fun, you never know, you may actually win! Regards, Max Velocity
  11. Version 1.0


    "I feel the need, the need for speed!" Sixtoe wanted to bring wrd1972's superb F-14 up to date with the latest physics and other bells and whistles, especially as this version of the table is currently not available anywhere else anymore. Enjoy this fantastically fast and brutal table! VPW F-14 Pilots ============= Sixtoe - Project Lead Apophis - PWM Lighting & Script Tweaks P5TK - Staged Flipper Support Bord, mcarter, wrd1972, Studlygoorite, Somatik, redbone, darth vito - Support and Testing Original Credits from wrd1972's version ================================ Original VP10 version by "Ganjafarmer" Original scripting by 32Assassin High-res playfield image by "Marrok" Plastics total redraw by "wrd1972" Plastics prims by "cyberpez" & "L0stS0ul" Plastic and metal ramp prims and textures by "Flupper" Flasher domes, inserts prims by "Flupper" Flashers, PL inserts and GI by "Flupper" DOF by "arngrim" Center kicker trough meshes, nFozzy physics configuration, and misc help on clear style flasher domes by Benji F14 Plane VR Room & cab beacons by "DJRobX" & "Sixtoe" Minimal VR Room and misc tweaks/fixes by "Sixtoe" An extra special thanks to "ganjafarmer", "cyberpez","Rothbauerw" and "Flupper" for the hard work and countless hours of development on this table. Many thanks to the Members of the Vpin Workshop, and countless others in the VPF community for helping me with the development of this table. The playfield graphic files are only authorized to be used free of charge and may not be redistributed, reused or sold without permission from Brad1X. '001 - Sixtoe - Tidied up and named layers, replaced physics objects and materials, removed collidable from lots of objects. '002 - Sixtoe - Did stuff, stuff be broken. '003 - apophis - Minor updates to get the table working '004 - Sixtoe - updates, gi blanks on rapid flipper presses '005 - Bord - VLM test render (Reverted) '006 - apophis - Updated the table to use PWM fasher and inserts (removed Lampz). Minor physics adjustments. '007 - Sixtoe - Added blocker walls, re-added f14 plunger lane tracking code, hid some lamps, changed layout of top right trap hole, added flupper pop bumper, changed inlanes '008 - apophis - Added options menu. Made bumper more red. '009 - mcarter78 - Back off ball rest in plunger lane to fix floating ball '010 - Sixtoe - Slowed down ball in plunger lane, made blocker bigger under pop bumper, turned down power on centre kickers and re-aimed them, turned up slingshots, tried to make plungerlane f14 unswept wings but it doesn't fit so reverted, upped playfield friction to 0.24. '011 - apophis - Intro music default off. Hooked center target insert up to GI. Adjusted kicker strengths per videos. '012 - Sixtoe - Added ramp rolling sounds (probably?), hooked up clear plastics to gi, tweaked upper flippers, '013 - PT5K - Added staged flipper support '014 - Sixtoe - Fixed numerous sound issues, added missing sounds, removed brakes and numerous other tweaks.
  12. until
    Hi Tournament Fans! Want to play in a fun VPX tournament on the 'AC/DC LUCI (VPW Mod)' table? It's the first table in my new tourney thread themed on ' Rock Heroes & Legends'. I will be running this event from today until next Tuesday (Feb 18) via my Discord called 'Max Velocity Gaming'. Interested and want to know more? Just let me know either on here or the VPUniverse Discord (or any of the other 'main' pinball ones) and I'll point you in the right direction! So why not join in the fun, you never know, you may actually win! Regards, Max Velocity
  13. Version 2.1


    We are ugly and we are proud. Introducing VPW's latest creation, SpongeBob's Bikini Bottom Pinball by the original table author, Skillshot! Dive into the deep sea fun with your favorite sponge and friends in this exciting new table. Immerse yourself in Bikini Bottom's quirky world with innovative gameplay and stunning graphics. Get ready for a pinball adventure like no other! Gedank hit up Astro and was like, "Hey update this playfield." Astro was like "Aight." Then Gedank demanded, "Apophis, do some random script stuff" and Apophis said, "Flux haallp!" Flux said (British accent), "With pleasure." Then they all begged Rawd to build an awesome VR room and Rawd was like, "It shall be done." And it was. It was working great then they thought, "This table needs a better DMD"… TWELVE EONS LATER … Oqqsan comes out of the shadows and DROPPED THE F&%KING HAMMER on the code!!!--like he always does. Then other people (Friscopinball, Leojreimroc, MrGrynch, Sixtoe) did some awesome stuff and then they all released it to everyone else. Enjoy! Original author: Skillshot Modded from JPSalas' AFM Blender work: Gedankekojote 2d art: Astronasty Coding: Oqqsan Vr room: Rawd Whatever flux did: Flux Sound update: Friscopinball Audio fixes: MrGrynch Backglass stuff: Leojreimroc, Remdwaas Apophis did lots of random essential stuff Sixtoe did some stuff too and wanted everyone to know. PinStratsDan made the game harder Testing: VPW jellyfish Special thanks to Niwak. NOTE: Update your DOF config to use new DOF enhancements provided in version 2.1 REQUIRED! VPX 10.8 beta 5 or later, FlexDMD 1.9, Freezy external DMD 2.0 or later, Instrument Mayonnaise Tip to prevent progressive stuttering: Locate flexdmd.log.config and in a text editor change minlevel="info" to minlevel="error"
  14. View File Johnny Mnemonic (Williams 1995) "The Ultimate Hard (Pinball Machine) Drive" The latest in Sixtoe's "lets build the hardest machines in pinball", VPW are proud to present Johnny Mnemonic by Williams! This was started way back in April 2021 because, like Iron Man, there wasn't an accurate version available, with the only available version being an old vp9 conversion. Sixtoe prefers to work on tables which don't have a "modern" version, so the process began to build from the ground up using all new assets. It was finished to a certain point quite a while ago but we decided to wait for VPX and Niwak's toolkit project to catch up before going for another big render job, so it's sat there for about a year waiting, but now everything has caught up so here it is! Like Iron Man, this is known as being an incredibly fast, brutal and unforgiving machine, don't expect many long games! VPW Hackers Sixtoe - Table-side full scratch build and scripting, VR Room - Dolphin Wrangler. Tomate - Graphics modeling and rendering - 3D Street Preacher. Apophis - Toolkit script-side integration, miscellanious script magic, ramp refraction probes - Neuromancer. Iaakki - Glove, Matrix and Diverter - Handy Man. Flux - Various Tweaks and assistance - LoTek Support. Niwak - Blender Toolkit. EBisLit - Playfield images. Clark Kent - Plastic scans. Baldgeek - Buying JM Glove. Dazz - 3D Scanning JM Glove. Leojreimroc - VR Backglass. Scampa123 & RobbyKingPin - Tweaks. Testing - PinStratsDan, Lumi, Tastywasps, Luk, BountyBob, bietekwiet, Clark Kent, CalleV, jsm174 - VPW Yakuza Toxie - VPX and pushing out the newest 10.8 as a beta so we could release. This uses a heavily modified version of DJRobX's glove and matrix code from Alessio/DJRobX/Ninnuzzu's version. Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 08/12/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  15. until
    There's a weekly challenge with 2 tables: a main one (100% points), and a bi-weekly extra challenge (50% points), You can play any or all of them. VPX tables ONLY and NFOZZY would be advantageous but not mandatory. The challenge runs for 7 days so scores are accepted from Sunday at 7 pm UTC to the following Sunday at 7 pm UTC. You can submit scores on our dedicated web app at https://worldofvirtualpinball.com All submitted scores are validated by admins and are viewable on the web application. Earn points for playing and your division placement (1st gets the most points). New players start in the last league (Division 4). Play at least once per season to stay active. The season's last challenge (week #12) is double points. At the end of the season, the Top 6 from each division move up, and the bottom 6 move down after 12 weeks. Inactive players (no scores in 12 weeks) are placed back in the last Division. You must play using the table and ROM version specified in the terms and conditions. ✔️ You can use your own B2s, DMD, alt colour alt Sound and or Pup puck if you so wish. ✔️ You must use the correct table/ROM on default settings (physics, difficulty, number of balls, etc...) ✔️ You must submit a photo of the last score including the DMD and a FULL playfield shot with flippers. ✔️ You can play on cabinets, desktops, android, iOS or VR. ❌ Photos with High scores or Grand Champion ARE NOT permitted. ❌ Buy-ins or continues ARE NOT permitted. So why not join the fun we already have over 600 registered users with some REALLY good top players from other leagues. It does not matter how good you are it's taking part and playing against others.
  16. until
    Get ready for the next KO challenge! Starting the 16th Feb, we're changing things up. Registration is no longer required! Everyone is welcome to participate in the classification round. This round will be open to all players, without brackets. At the end of the week, the top players will advance to Round 1. The number of players advancing depends on the total number of participants in the classification round: Fewer than 31 players: Top 16 advance. 32-63 players: Top 32 advance. More than 64 players: Top 64 advance. Scores will be blind as usual, good luck to all participants
  17. Version 1.0.2


    "When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die" Welcome to VPW's "Original" recreation of one of Stern's most complex machines. This project started with Skillman wanting to learn VPX and playing around reverse engineering the Stern SPIKE ROMs. Thanks to the detailed Youtube series by ChuckWurt the complete ruleset was documented, allowing it to be implemented in VBScript for this release. When the beta table was introduced to the VPW team they really took an interest in taking it to the next level, and what you see is the result of nearly a year of their work. This table requires VPX 10.7.2 and FlexDMD 1.8. Controls: - Access the Options menu with left+right magnasave during Attract mode - Use Right Magnasave during gameplay as the Action button - From the Options menu, change cabinet mode, LUTs, and presence of a "real" lockbar button - Access the Stern Service Menu with the service buttons to adjust standard game settings House VPW ========= Project Leader : Skillman Script/VPX : Skillman, Apophis, Oqqsan, Sixtoe, Daphishbowl 3D Rendering : Tomate, Niwak Graphics : Skillman, Tomate, Astronasty, Oqqsan, Sixtoe VR: Rawd, Leojreimroc, Sixtoe Testing: VPW Team
  18. Version 1.0.0


    "The Last Action Hero vpw" vpx wheel and DMD picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice!
  19. Version 2.1


    This is a mod of a mod based on Siggis’ excellent Spider-Man Classic graphics mod of the Spider-Man Vault Edition table (Stern 2016) made for Vpx originally by Alessio. Includes nFozzy physics, Fleep sounds, new metal textures, 3D inserts, new RGB GI lighting, minimal VR room by Sixtoe, and much more! Many thanks to everyone whose hands have touched and improved this table in the past. This release wouldn't have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us. Version 2.0 Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e
  20. Version 1.0


    Love Never Dies They say you are a man of good... eh... taste.... (you must be because you are here). We very proudly present this killer of a table. It was built from the ground up, with new scans of the playfield, plastics, and sculpts. The ramps are based on numerous measurements from the real table. If you are feeling brave, check out the original VR room. Includes the latest and greatest of everything VPW has to offer. Enjoy! VPW TEAM FrankEnstein - 3D modeling and rendering. Blood sucking. Apophis - Scripting, physics, VR rooms and associated trickery. Blood bathing. Sixtoe - Table building and research. Bloody hell. Stavcas - Initial table build and coding. Blood donating. Schlabber34 - 3D models of the ramps. Blood chilling. Kevv - 3D scans of the sculpts, numerous measurements and photos of real machine. Bleeder. DGrimmReaper - Initial VR minimal room work. Blood letting. HauntFreaks - Backglass image and supporting b2s. Blood tasting. Testers: BountyBob, Darth Vito, guus_8005, DaRdog, Studlygoorite, Primetime5k, mcarter78, wrd1972, Kemurro, somatic, RIK, Smaug, MetaTed, cl4ve, Colvert, redbone, Mecha_Enron Special thanks to Landers and Dorsola for their Mist magnet script (it was used with minor modifications) and to ClarkKent for the playfield scan. Thanks to all the previous authors that worked on this title: JPSalas, ICPjuggla, Dozer316, Thalamus Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  21. Version 1.1


    "Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name!" This incredible tribute to the legendary MF DOOM was originally created by GoIll773. When he brought it into VPW back in 2021 for some support we all thought it was amazing. GoIll773 continued working on it for months but then suddenly development stopped and GoIll773 was nowhere to be found. We let the project sit for years hoping GoIll773 would resurface. We tried contacting him multiple times through various channels of communication, but with no luck. Eventually, Shaggysrsg (a big fan of the table) pulled together a team to push forward with wrapping up the development in GoIll773’s absence. MerlinRTP, Iaakki, Oqqsan, RobbyKingPin, DGrimmReaper, Kemurro and others put in a great effort to deliver GoIll773’s brainchild. We hope you are well, GoIll773! Respect to you and to the man himself, MF DOOM. GoIll773 - Original Table Design, Coding and Artwork MerlinRTP - Pup conversion from Orbital to PupDMD/PupEvents, Audio conversion, highscore system, variety of table code, audio and video bug fixes Iaakki - Reworking of inserts, variety of fixes to GI, Slings, callout volume option Oqqsan - FlexDMD Assistance RobbyKingPin - Updated nFozzy/Rothbauerw physics and Fleep sounds, Rothbauerw Targets, VR Hybrid codes Kemurro - Artwork for pup overlays, Cabinet art and backgrounds Somatik - Linux standalone proofing/testing JoePicaso - Artwork for additional overlays Shaggysrsg - Brought table to VPW help shop so that the game could be completed DGrimmReaper - VR flipper animations Apophis - Autoplunger bug fix, VR tweaking Testers - Passion4pins, Studlygooright, PinStratsDan Notes: Please read and follow the "Install-README" instructions in the download package. All user options can be edited in the script.
  22. View File Police Force (Williams 1989) VPW “573… Be on the lookout. We’ve got a new VPW release on the loose.” This one has been a looong time coming. A few years ago, gtxjoe stripped this mod of a mod down, added fleep sounds and nfozzy physics, dialed in the ramp—basically did all the VPX specific stuff with a special precision and flare only a VPX O.G. long time veteran like gtxjoe could do. Then Benji went on a long hiatus, possibly never to return. Was Police Force to be on-hold forever? That’s what it looked like. But then… Enter Niwak, revolutionizing VPX into the next era. And after seeing what could be done with the new light-baking with Blender Toolkit, Benji had to come back and finish what he started. First, he had to learn Blender. Uh…okay. But that turned out to be doable (with many tips from Tomate, Bord, Flux and more). And with tons of help from this whole bang-up crew—this tool-kitted version of Police Force is finally out in the wild. Special thanks to Jon Osborn who let Benji take apart, photograph, and measure a Police Force pin he was fixing up, which is what got this whole project moving forward. VPW SQUAD Benji - table lead, toolkit lighting/rendering Apophis - toolkit script-side integration, miscellaneous script magic - lieutenant programmer GTXJoe - Initial table side development Flux - LOTS of toolkit tech support and bug squashing while Benji learned the ropes Tomate - Plastic Ramp modeling, lots of miscellaneous help and tips for Blender and Toolkit Sixtoe - Table tweaks and improvements BradX - Full playfield and plastics redraw TastyWasps - VR Room Leojreimroc - VR Backglass and fixes Niwak - Blender Magickit Flupper - Police car model VPW testing crew – PinStratsDan, Studlygoorite, Eighties8, HauntFreaks, bietekwiet, ClarkKent, jsm174, somatik, BountyBob, DgrimmReaper, bord Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 08/30/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  23. Version 1.0


    Blood Machines (VPW Original 2022) Topper Video + Wheel New fully animated topper (1280x390) for Blood Machines (VPW Original 2022) VPX table. Congrats to the VPW team for their first original release. Load it into your front end (PinballX or Pinup Popper) so it will loop continuously while you enjoy playing the pinball table. Use as an actual Topper or this can also be used as an over or under on your LCD DMD. Also includes new hi-resolution (1000 x 1000px) wheel image. Please do not post this .zip or any of its contents anywhere else for download - you will be sacked! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE NOTE: I create these videos for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first. All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE.
  24. Version 1.1


    Engage! VPW are proud to present a table tune up of Knorr and Clark Kent's version of Star Trek the Next Generation from Williams. Although already great, we've added updated nfozzy physics, added some fleep sound whilst keeping the original recordings from the real machine, added the full VR room suite from Rawd and Steely, updated Sixtoes VR cabinet with Leojreimroc making a fully functional backbox in VR and lots of other tweaks and fixes along the way. The table now plays even closer to the real thing and we hope you enjoy it! VPW Mod v1.0 ============ Project Lead - fluffhead35 VR Holodeck - Rawd/Steely VR Work/Backglass - Sixtoe/Leojreimroc Tweaks - ClarkKent, Apophis, Sixtoe ============ v01 - fluffhead35 - Added Flipper Triggers, Rubbers and Posts, Bumpers, slings, flipper, and table physics corrections. Adding in fliper and physic damperner code. - Adding in materials for all code v02 - fluffhead35 - Added Fleep sound v03 - fluffhead35 - finished Fleep sound and fixing upper flipper, changing flipper polarity to early 90's and later. Added Sling correction. Increased plunger strength. - Added logic to stop ball rolling sounds in subways. Set FlipperCoilRampupMode to 2 v05 - leojreimroc - Imported Rawd's Holodeck VR Room. Adjusted Laser barriers for VR. v06 - fluffhead35 - fixed flipper triggers. Rubber thickness fixed on upper flipper. Increased flipper hit sound level. Updated sling rubbers to use bottom corner for post pass. v07 - clarkkent - deleted zCol_Rubber_Sleeve008, RubberPost4, SubwayScoop_Prim v08 - fluffhead35 - Made Posts for post pass collidable, adjusted flippers to be in line with guide. Adjust playfield friction to .15. Adjusted sling posts physics for post pass. v09 - apophis - Added new playfield mesh. Increased speed of slingshot animations. v10 - Rawd - Added ClarkKent Cabinet artwork, some VR fixes and tweaks v11 - leojreimroc - Implemented Iaaki's flasher code to all solenoid flashers. Fixed a few flasher positions that were past the cabinet. Implemented VR Backglass lighting. v13 - fluffhead35 - Added new ball launch sound to help prevent high bass sounds. Adjusted size of sleave and physic materials of start mission scoop. Removed ball dampening triggers. v14 - fluffhead35 - updated the sling posts for post pass based on clark kents suggestions. Changed Table difficulty to 56. Added option to switch if ball launch should have bass lowered. v15 - fluffhead35 - Set default wire Ramp sounds to be from clark kents samples. Added option to use the other samples if user wants. Changed ball out to brighter ball. Turned off flipper corrections on upper right Flipper. - Changed environment emission image to be shinyenvironment3blur4. Adjusted gi around inlanes and inline insert lightings. 15d - set the falloff of gi lights to 5. Set the day night to 1, set environment lighting to black, adjusted warbird material, adjusted lighting around upper lanes. Adjusted some random insert lighting. Adjusted ramp friction based on clark kents suggestions. 15e - changed elasticity and scatter of sw57 to give ball more random bounces and goes down inlanes based on BountyBobs testing 16 - fluffhead35 - merged in nfozzy changed to init throughts at game start as well as using new flipper physics. Removed target bouncer from sleeve in start mission scoop. Lowered bumpercap3 from 25 to 20. Added TargetBouncer to Targets_hit 17 - Sixtoe - Added VR logo back in, hooked up cannon light primitives to lighting system, cleaned up script
  25. Version 1.0.0


    "Get A Clue!" VPW are proud to present Spectrum by Bally. Sixtoe was looking for a relatively simple but good looking table to scratch build start to finish himself, mainly to teach himself Blender and the VPX toolkit and this seemed to tick all the boxes. But before that the playfield and plastics needed to be redrawn, with Sixtoe doing the playfield and cyberpez doing an amazing job of the plastics. Spectrum is a very rare game in the wild (500 made with over half unsold / scrapped), it was unsuccessful mainly because when it was released no-one understood the rules as they're very different from normal, so I very much suggest reading the rules or watching the rules video linked at the bottom, but quick overview; It's literally a pinball version of the Mastermind board game. You have to guess 4 colours in a row, hit all 3 drop targets to guess that colour. If you guessed right the colour will flash, if you guess it wrong it will be solid. If you hit a lit saucer or the center top saucer they will give you a clue. If you guess all 4 in the correctly it will increase your superstar status. VPW Masterminds =============== Full Table Build & Playfield Redraw by Sixtoe Plastics Redraw by CyberPez VPX Toolkit and Part Library by Niwak New Star Rollover by Flux and Bord Bell Standoff and Kicker Arm Primitives by Bord New Arrow Primitive by Flux Script Help by Apophis & Iaakki Blender help by Tomate Lamp and Solonoid Assignments by 32Assassin (The Manual was useless!) VR Backglass by leojreimroc (including finding backglass lamp assignments with Hauntfreaks). Full Rules: https://www.ipdb.org/rulesheets/2274/SPECTRUM.HTM Youtube Rules Explaination:
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