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Found 9 results

  1. Version 2.0.1


    Everyone goes to his final reward eventually. And few ever escape. Either way, their money ALWAYS remains behind in Catacomb - the thrilling pin game from Stern. Having a player controlled action-packed backglass, combined with a super fast playfield, Catacomb demands the ultimate in refined skills and cunning strategy. What numbers should be picked? What colors must be chosen? Only seconds to decide... as a simulated voice alerts the player to his options. Thanks to Hauntfreaks for providing me with a freshly scanned playfield, and thanks to Redbone for helping with various upscales and graphics cleanup, and lots of other graphic updates. The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, playfield mesh, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. I've included default settings for the ROM options, as well as being able to change the ROM sounds in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Also, if you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options (including VR rooms) are in the F12 menu. I reused the code from the prior HSM/lander table, as it was required to work with the B2S functionality. However it's been updated, AND if you are a VR user, I've created the backglass to be fully 3D and functional. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  2. Version 2.0.1


    Dragonfist, the blackbelt of pins. It's the habit that's hard to kick! Dragonfist has something that keeps the pin player coming back for more. The backglass shows the number of spinner revolutions and can give the player a special bonus when 20, 40, 60, or 80 revolutions hit. Dropt Targets in the right and left orbit lanes, and a fun to hit spinner. It's a tough game to beat, a hard habit to kick, because Dragonfist is the blackbeld of Pins. Thanks to Redbone for providing me with a freshly stitched playfield, and for helping with upscales and lots of other graphics. Redbone also took lots of videos and pictures of an real table to help me in recreation. And thanks to Hauntfreaks and Redbone for providing me with an upscaled backglass for VR. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are plenty of options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners, and LED plastic edges. There are also multiple VR room environment and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). I've included default settings for the ROM options hard coded into the script. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options are in the F12 menu. PLEASE NOTE: There is ANOTHER option for an updated ROM. If you use the alternate ROM... you will see the high spins to date on the Player 4 LED display during the high score attract mode. ALSO, it will preset the Max Credits to 00 (essentially putting it in freeplay mode). IF you want to change to have credits put in, you'll need to follow the instructions here: https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&article=109 . Essentially to increase max credits... press 7 to open the ROM menu, keep pressing 7 until you see 18 in the display, then LONG press the "1" key to increase the max credits. The max credit change is only needed for the alternate ROM, not the default one. (I will also include the ROM change description in the zip package). Version 16 (found here: Version 16 alternate ROM REQUIRES VPINMAME 1122 or later Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1122: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d
  3. View File Dragonfist (Stern 1981) Dragonfist, the blackbelt of pins. It's the habit that's hard to kick! Dragonfist has something that keeps the pin player coming back for more. The backglass shows the number of spinner revolutions and can give the player a special bonus when 20, 40, 60, or 80 revolutions hit. Dropt Targets in the right and left orbit lanes, and a fun to hit spinner. It's a tough game to beat, a hard habit to kick, because Dragonfist is the blackbeld of Pins. Thanks to Redbone for providing me with a freshly stitched playfield, and for helping with upscales and lots of other graphics. Redbone also took lots of videos and pictures of an real table to help me in recreation. And thanks to Hauntfreaks and Redbone for providing me with an upscaled backglass for VR. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are plenty of options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners, and LED plastic edges. There are also multiple VR room environment and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). I've included default settings for the ROM options hard coded into the script. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options are in the F12 menu. PLEASE NOTE: There is ANOTHER option for an updated ROM. If you use the alternate ROM... you will see the high spins to date on the Player 4 LED display during the high score attract mode. ALSO, it will preset the Max Credits to 00 (essentially putting it in freeplay mode). IF you want to change to have credits put in, you'll need to follow the instructions here: https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&article=109 . Essentially to increase max credits... press 7 to open the ROM menu, keep pressing 7 until you see 18 in the display, then LONG press the "1" key to increase the max credits. The max credit change is only needed for the alternate ROM, not the default one. (I will also include the ROM change description in the zip package). Version 16 (found here: Version 16 alternate ROM REQUIRES VPINMAME 1122 or later Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1122: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 10/22/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  4. View File Tri Zone (Williams 1979) Tri Zone... Welcome to the next dimension in futuristic fantasy! Tri Zone integrated futuristic sounds, scoring, and visual effects for that time. This table was done by using images from the web for the playfield and plastics, allowing me to accurately place all elements. I did use some overlays from Kiwi's prior table image as well as a couple primitives. Thanks to Redbone for enhancing that playfield, target, and backwall images. Also thanks to the VPW team for feedback and testing. I updated to the latest VPW standards, physics, general illumination light mapping, shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 08/21/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  5. Version 2.0.0


    Enjoy a Test of Champions on the Playfield of Combat in Bally Midway's exciting Four-Player Pinball Kings of Steel! Thanks to Redbone for cleaning up the playfield from the original scan from TAB, as well as target, bumper, and backwall images. Also thanks to apophis and the VPW team for feedback and testing. Hauntfreaks provided the higher resolution VR backglass. DarthVito did the VR wall environment. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE 4 SELFTEST POSTIONS IN THE ROM FOR SPECIAL REPLAY/X-BALL/NOVELTY MODES!!!! Here is the procedure to set the selftest postions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to. The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings and change values in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Here are the recommended values to change to: 16: 02 - Special is extra ball (01 is 50,000, 03 is replay) 17: 02 - Special is extra ball (01 is 50,000, 03 is replay) 18: 03 19: 03 - High Score to date earns 3 credits (00 is 0; 01 is 1; 02 is 2) I updated to latest VPW standards, physics, GI VLM, and shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop and standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and action. If you want to change the DIPs... you will need to go into the script options and change SetDIPSwitches to 1, then open the table, hit F6 (that'll load the default DIPS and display them). You can then select various ROM options. Once entered, you can exit out, and restart. That will then set the new ROM settings. Required Software (64-bit versions) VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.1 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.1
  6. View File Catacomb (Stern 1981) Everyone goes to his final reward eventually. And few ever escape. Either way, their money ALWAYS remains behind in Catacomb - the thrilling pin game from Stern. Having a player controlled action-packed backglass, combined with a super fast playfield, Catacomb demands the ultimate in refined skills and cunning strategy. What numbers should be picked? What colors must be chosen? Only seconds to decide... as a simulated voice alerts the player to his options. Thanks to Hauntfreaks for providing me with a freshly scanned playfield, and thanks to Redbone for helping with various upscales and graphics cleanup, and lots of other graphic updates. The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, playfield mesh, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. I've included default settings for the ROM options, as well as being able to change the ROM sounds in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Also, if you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options (including VR rooms) are in the F12 menu. I reused the code from the prior HSM/lander table, as it was required to work with the B2S functionality. However it's been updated, AND if you are a VR user, I've created the backglass to be fully 3D and functional. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 09/24/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  7. Version 2.0.0


    Tri Zone... Welcome to the next dimension in futuristic fantasy! Tri Zone integrated futuristic sounds, scoring, and visual effects for that time. This table was done by using images from the web for the playfield and plastics, allowing me to accurately place all elements. I did use some overlays from Kiwi's prior table image as well as a couple primitives. Thanks to Redbone for enhancing that playfield, target, and backwall images. Also thanks to the VPW team for feedback and testing. I updated to the latest VPW standards, physics, general illumination light mapping, shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  8. View File Kings Of Steel (Bally 1984) Enjoy a Test of Champions on the Playfield of Combat in Bally Midway's exciting Four-Player Pinball Kings of Steel! Thanks to Redbone for cleaning up the playfield from the original scan from TAB, as well as target, bumper, and backwall images. Also thanks to apophis and the VPW team for feedback and testing. Hauntfreaks provided the higher resolution VR backglass. DarthVito did the VR wall environment. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE 4 SELFTEST POSTIONS IN THE ROM FOR SPECIAL REPLAY/X-BALL/NOVELTY MODES!!!! Here is the procedure to set the selftest postions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to. The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings and change values in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Here are the recommended values to change to: 16: 02 - Special is extra ball (01 is 50,000, 03 is replay) 17: 02 - Special is extra ball (01 is 50,000, 03 is replay) 18: 03 19: 03 - High Score to date earns 3 credits (00 is 0; 01 is 1; 02 is 2) I updated to latest VPW standards, physics, GI VLM, and shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop and standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and action. If you want to change the DIPs... you will need to go into the script options and change SetDIPSwitches to 1, then open the table, hit F6 (that'll load the default DIPS and display them). You can then select various ROM options. Once entered, you can exit out, and restart. That will then set the new ROM settings. Required Software (64-bit versions) VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.1 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.1 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 07/14/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  9. I installed VPinballX-10.8.0-1873-bdd0673-Release-win-x64 and x32 and now when I try to run a table I get the error: This table is attempting to create an object of type "scripting.dictionary". The object may not be safe. in VPinballX-10.8.0-1873-bdd0673-Release-win-x64 and x32. The table runs after hitting yes or no a few times. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a way to fix this prior to waiting for another version? Thank you in advance...
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