V2.3 Has the Following Improvements
* Fixed a major glitch with Jackpot scoring -- New Scorbit table created as the old scores could be massively inflated, old table will not post scores to this new version. Old scorbit to be renamed.
* Added about 60 entries and enabled Scorbit Timeline feature
* Tweaked VR plunger and VR magna save button positions
* Added Tweak Menu so you should not need to edit the script
Made clarifications on the additional pup packs that are available.
If you are experiencing stuttering try the following things
1. Tweak Menu FPS change that to slow CPU
2. Try one of the other two pup packs - they use H265 but with more compression so the quality is a little lower but the files sizes are much much smaller so it might perform better. There are two variants with different compression levels.
Some performance improvements for those with FPS issues or stutter. These changes have worked for some folks and figured I would share .. big Thanks to BLAMER for sharing the script to convert the pup pack.
Table Code 2.2C - Lowered reflections and lowered music volume
Pup Pack 2.2C Some compression improvements with conversion to H.265
Super compressed pup pack version has even more gains for those that need more than what 2.2C has
Version 2 is out.. IdolCrasher had all kinds of amazing suggestions for me to implement. download this new version and check them out, and oh yeah tons of bug fixes, sorry about those....
Please report any issues, suggestions, feedback to our Discord Channel
https://discord.gg/9fdmHgEu -- Link valid until 12/11/23
Pinball Wizards are proud to present to you an original concept based off the PC game Darkest Dungeon. This pinball table provides a combination of pinball, RPG with heavy RNG (random number generation) elements. Virtually every game will be different from the last . Herbski1x and I would like to thank all those that helped us get this game developed/polished and presented to the community.
VPX 10.8 beta 5 ( beta 7 has been known to crash on this table)
PinUP Beta 150 or later
Please take some time to read the provided rules as this game has a rather complex ruleset.
Rulecards are also available in game by selecting the addcredit key -- this can only be done when a ball is sitting in the plunger lane and only one ball is on the table.
Some LUTS are available via the normal method of holding down the left magna save while hitting the right magna save to bring up the menu. This can only be changed prior to the game starting and will automatically be saved.
' JPSalas Original Table "Wrath of Olympus"
' MerlinRTP VPX Table Lead, PUPDMD, Ruleset Design
' H3rbski1x Original Concept,Pup Graphics, Ruleset Design
' Oqqsan Table Scripting, 3D Inserts, Popup Targets
' Tastywasps,Rawd VR Room
' Astronasty Playfield Artwork, VR Cabinet Art
'KGLauer Voice-over
' Anthem PuP Videos
' Superhac Table Scripting, Rules Doc
' JoePicasso 3D Models
' DarrinVPCLE DOF Config
' Smaug Attract Video
' nFozzy/Rothbauerw Physics
' NailBuster Pinup Player, PUPDMD
' Arelyel Krele Advanced Queuing System
' Fleep Mechanical Sound Engineering
' PrimeTime5k Staged Flipper Code
' RetroG33k PuPDMD Foundation
' Core Testers pinballgramps, pinstratsdan, primetime5k,spatolar
' Additional Testers passion4pins, loadedweapon,pegula0420, 10mmsocket
Edited by Vpxpinballwizards
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