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Dragonfist (Stern 1981)

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5 From 21 reviews
180.88 MB File Size
dragfist.zip ROM Name
UnclePaulie Created by
Stern Manufacturer
1981 Year

4 Screenshots

Dragonfist, the blackbelt of pins.  It's the habit that's hard to kick!


Dragonfist has something that keeps the pin player coming back for more.  The backglass shows the number of spinner revolutions and can give the player a special bonus when 20, 40, 60, or 80 revolutions hit.  Dropt Targets in the right and left orbit lanes, and a fun to hit spinner.  It's a tough game to beat, a hard habit to kick, because Dragonfist is the blackbeld of Pins.  


Thanks to Redbone for providing me with a freshly stitched playfield, and for helping with upscales and lots of other graphics.  Redbone also took lots of videos and pictures of an real table to help me in recreation.  And thanks to Hauntfreaks and Redbone for providing me with an upscaled backglass for VR.  Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback!


The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc.  Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. 


There are plenty of options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners, and LED plastic edges.  There are also multiple VR room environment and other VR options all done via the F12 menu.  You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu.  (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.).


I've included default settings for the ROM options hard coded into the script.  If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change.  Ball options are also available in the script.  All other options are in the F12 menu.


PLEASE NOTE:  There is ANOTHER option for an updated ROM.  If you use the alternate ROM... you will see the high spins to date on the Player 4 LED display during the high score attract mode.  ALSO, it will preset the Max Credits to 00 (essentially putting it in freeplay mode).  IF you want to change to have credits put in, you'll need to follow the instructions here: https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&article=109 .   Essentially to increase max credits... press 7 to open the ROM menu, keep pressing 7 until you see 18 in the display, then LONG press the "1" key to increase the max credits.  The max credit change is only needed for the alternate ROM, not the default one.  (I will also include the ROM change description in the zip package).   



Version 16 (found here:


Version 16 alternate ROM  REQUIRES VPINMAME  1122 or later

Required Software (64-bit versions):

VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c

B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2

VPinMame 3.6.0-1122:  https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d

Edited by UnclePaulie

Permission from ORIGINAL Author(s)?

This is my own creation.

Allow file to be included on a VPUniverse downloader app?

10.8 required

What's New in Version 2.0.1   See changelog


Added support for updated alternative ROM version 16 located at (requires VPINMAME 1122 or later):  






User Feedback

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Kapow! A roundhouse  release!
Super  solid in all aspects. The artwork, the gameplay, absolutely fantastic to play.
Everybody who worked on this was kung fu fighting!

Thank you so much!


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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

the LONG awaited VPX for this bad boy... @UnclePaulie@redbonepunched this one right in the face!!
just like all of Paulies tables it looks and plays awesome... with eye popping colors, and smooth early SS style...
the VP community wanted it, and they got it 10 fold.... no halfassery here!!
thanks guys

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I'm so happy to have been able to help get do this table with @UnclePaulie.  It plays like a dream and just a very enjoyable straightforward table to play.  I'd say about as much care went into this one as we did with Alien Star.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

It simply doesn't get better in virtual pinball than getting access to a build of a table that has never been built before, and built to VPW's standards by one of the best in the game, no less. A true gift. THANKS UnclePaulie! 🍻

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Si je m'attendais a ca, franchement merci d'avoir passé autant de travail et de temps sur cette table. 

Le résultat est tous simplement génial. les options de personnalisation tout autant.

UnclePaulie, t'es un chef.😀

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Another awesome 80s table release by Uncle Paulie, it looks and plays great and the SSF is top notch both in VPX and VR. Thanks guys!!

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Impressive thank you once again UnclePAulie, sweeping multiples drop targets as you run the ball through the lanes is fun !

I was surprised by the pinside reviews indicating the  great speed and challenge of the game while i find the speed somewhat average.

Concerning the challenge i find your Catacomb table much harder.

Talking about Catacomb plenty of options included in Dragonfist indeed from colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners....

I ask a refund for MY Catacomb download 😁

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A table that I didn't know about at all, but that I'm totally thrilled about!

Thank you for always sharing your great work with us!

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What an awesome reproduction. It plays long. The physics and lighting are very well balanced. Beautiful job Uncle Paulie. Thankyou

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· Edited by cl4ve



Congrats on making the coolest sounding spinner I've heard.

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Beautiful Stern table with marshal arts theme that's been missing in action for a long time. Thanks to UnclePaulie and his fiends who took the effort to get the better playfield images and created such a fun table to play. 

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Fantastic !

I love all the options to personalize it

Thank you

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I'm usually not too fond of these old tables, playing mainly modern ones. But this one is surpisingly good fun. Great recreation @UnclePaulie! It's actually fun to play. The alt Rom is really good as well. My ears are still bleeding from the sound though. 😂 Man these old table sounds...

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· Edited by DomiKamu


This is an another jewel 💗 by UnclePaulie ! Discovering this machine => Loving it !

Many thanks about this fantastic beauty. Merci (thank you in French). 👍


I recommend to use modded ROM (dragfis16.zip) as described above. Okay, this needs VPinMame v3.6.0.1112 (or later), and table script modification. Also, to be compliant with the left card on apron:


- Press "7" six times (it indicates 01 in "Ball In Play" display).

- Press and hold "1" to set the first score threshold to 660,000 points (indicated in four score displays).

- Press "7" once (it indicates 02 in "Ball In Play" display).

- Press and hold "1" to set the second score threshold to 1,200,000 points.

- Press "7" many times, until 18 in "Ball in Play display" display.

- Press and hold "1" to set the max. credits the machine will accept (10 or 15, or any you want but not 0)

⚠️ by keeping 00, the machine stays in freeplay mode (the card indicates 1 Quarter 1 Credit 😉)!

- Press "7" many times, until all displays are turned off for short.

- Close VPX.

I recommend to save the dragfis16.nv file located in VPX\VPinMame\nvram


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Excellent job on this game!  The visuals are perfect.  Love the alternate rom.  Now we just need a loading video for this one.  :D

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Damn, what a beauty this is. Incredible work, looks and plays so great. The options provided and the support for the Rom Mod are also very nice. Thank you very much for this wonderful creation.

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Excellent table with a very special spinner that's just such a joy to spin! Great colorfull sharp graphics and a very usable F12 settings, I had to tone down the saturation a bit and change the tone mapper to make it to look great on my headset in VR, since then it looks really good. Thanks UP, Redbone and Hauntfreaks for this nice new looking and playing table!

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