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  1. Version 2.0.0


    Bally's Safe Cracker combines pinball and board games! The goal is to advance to the board game for a chance to break into the safe while avoiding obstacles along the way. Players spin and stop the safe dial to determine how many spaces to advance. The player can collect winnings and resume playing pinball after each dial spin, or spin again and risk losing it all. Players must risk it all for a chance to break into the bank vault and win the token award. The original 1.0 version was done by fuzzel, flupper1, rothbauerw; with the VR room originally being done by b4ast1. Apophis requested that I update the table with an updated playfield scan from EBisLit, and include all the new VPW code, 3D inserts, hybrid mode, physics, drop, standup, and vari-targets, bumpers, flashers, playfield mesh, fleep sounds, etc. Redbone further cleaned the playfield up, as well as some other images. I was able to bake the GI lights using blender light maps to make it look as real as possible (thanks for teaching me, apophis!), as well as implementing a pwm approach to the fading. I've also included other VR rooms, a topper, a flasher/siren, and F12 options. I reused the ramps and other prims from fuzzel's table, as well several pieces of code from rothbauerw. Other options in the script include a constant called, "useownb2s". If you set this to 1, you will turn off the desktop built in backglass. This is for desktop users that want to use a b2s backglass, not the built in one. MAGIC TOKENs... if you win the board game, the table will issue you a magic token (you'll see the coin roll down). How the ROM works... is the next game played will force you to use the magic token/s that you've won, and you play a 4 ball multiball for 90 seconds. Awesome! But you need to earn the tokens... REQUIREMENTS: ROMs: You will need two ROMs: A percentaging version is for the number of tokens issued is limited based on the game's earnings, and in a home environment you want to be able to obtain tokens. They are located here: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5161-safe-cracker-18-no-percentaging-s11/ https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5162-safe-cracker-18-s11/ VPX: version 10.8.0 RC3 or higher: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPM: version 3.6.0 or higher: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/actions/runs/8893510521 B2S: version 2.1.1 or higher (if using b2s) https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases Two versions of the b2s are available... one for 2 screens from wildman, and one that is 3 screens by ryguy417. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/6999-safe-cracker-bally-1996/ https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13623-safe-cracker-bally-1996-b2s-with-full-dmd/ Thanks to apophis, rothbauerw, ebislit, fuzzle, flupper1, redbone, and many others from the VPW team for testing and feedback.
  2. Version 2.3


    Welcome To The Future! (v2.0!) VPW are very proud to present Total Nuclear Annihilation V2.0! This project started in April '21 when EBisLit obtained a full set of new plastics for TNA for scanning, and gtxjoe started updating the script of the original v1.0 release with numerous fixes and rolling in both nfozzy physics and fleep audio, supported by Scott Danesi who provided the original DMD media, TNA light animations and sound effects. Over the next 2 years the table was worked on by a number of people in the community changing and updating nearly everything, bringing it as close in line with the real table as possible, including programming the light shows and now using the original machines video. What you see is the culmination of thousands of man hours of development, we're super happy with it, and hope you will be too! (and yes it's meant to be that hard!) TABLE MUSIC =========== This VPX table **does not** come with the TNA soundtrack. For the full music experience, you will need to BUY the TNA Album and possibly convert the songs from FLAC format to mp3 format with a tool like this: https://www.freac.org/ It is available here: https://www.scottdanesi.com/?download=scott-danesi-total-nuclear-annihilation-flac-audio After buying them rename all mp3 files to TNA1.mp3 through TNA10.mp3 (Scarlet.mp3 is not used) Place the tracks in the \Visual Pinball\Music\TNA folder, then you must find and set bMusicOn to true in the script like this: Const bMusicOn = True and then you can disable the TNA message by setting Disable_TNA_Message = True Please show Scott Danesi your support and thanks for creating an awesome pinball game and for making the music available for us to buy. This release is fully compatible with the old release for anyone who purchased the soundtrack for that. PinUp Player *Now Required* =========================== ** Download the Pup Pack from the Download button on this page! *** Pinup Player 1.44 or higher is required. Install files and setup guide can be found here: http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=install_guide ● PuP-Pack folder "tna" needs to be copied to your PUPVideos folder. ● Windows "Text and Scaling" / DPI must be set to 100 for ALL your screens! ● your "PuP Backglass" display needs to be a proper 16:9 ratio (such as 1920x1080) ● if you have a dedicated 3rd LCD screen that is 16:9 ratio or full size (similar to the real TNA cabinet), ● then your Pup "FullDMD" display must be positioned on that 3rd screen and at 16:9 ratio (1920x1080, 1366x768, 1280x720,etc) ● it's VERY important to have the PuP Backglass and PuP Music displays at proper 16:9 ratio, or the text will NOT display correctly ● the pup displays can be configured with the PinUpPlayerConfigDisplays.bat There are 4 PuP-Pack options (depending on your cabinet / setup): Navigate to the; PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\tna Directory and double click on the option you will be using to set up PuP properly. Option 1 - PUPDMD on the Backglass. For those who don't have a dedicated fullsize 3rd monitor / TV for the PUPDMD text and videos. Option 2 - PUPDMD on the Backglass with B2S. Same as above, but setup to allow the 4 player score from the directb2s to show on the bottom. Option 3 - PUPDMD on a Fullscreen (similar to a modern Stern or TNA cabinet). Display the PUPDMD and Text on a 3rd dedicated 16:9 fullscreen. This option allows you to also view the entire TNA Backglass at the same time. Option 4 - VR or Desktop. This is to display everything on one screen for both desktop and VR users. DOF CONFIG ============ If you use DOF in your cab, be sure to download and update to the latest config files. CREDITS ======= GTXJOE: VPX Table Lead Pinballfan2018: PUPDMD iaakki: Scorbit, Lighting, Scripting, and more Fleep: Mechanical sound engineering, processing and scripting, drop target animations hawkeyez88: Pup help RetroG33K: Pup help daphishbowl: Pup and Gif animations help leojreimroc: VR room and backglass apophis: Physics updates, script help Sixtoe: VR Cab, VPX layout, Acrylics, Playfield Redraw, Apron and More. Astronasty: Graphics help BorgDog: Apron photos, checking gameplay against his real machine Stat: DirectB2S backglass EBisLIt: TNA plastic scans Arelyel: Pup screen support redbone: Plastic and Playfield adjustments WildDogAracde: Mechanical sound effects recordings Morttis: TNA MOD V1.6 update (Graphic updates) trochjochel: PuP Media Help Joey Beaulieu: PuP Media Help HiRez00: PuP Media Help NailBuster: Pinup Player, PUPDMD Thalamus: RBG light data help VPW and VPC beta testers VPX Dev Team: Visual Pinball SCOTT DANESI: Providing all the genuine DMD media and table sound effects from the amazing Total Nuclear Annihilation "real" Pinball game. And the kick ass music!
  3. Version 4.0.3


    Let the Sorcerer work a little magic for you! I've done a few versions of this table in the past, as well as other authors. The past versions I did built on older versions. Apophis reached out to me that the physics weren't quite right on the other tables, as he plays one a lot in the arcade. So, I completely overhauled the table to version 4.0 and essentially started from scratch, reusing only a few primitives. Redbone worked a new playfield, plastics, and other graphics for me. I did a full implementation of current VPW standards, physics, targets, 3D inserts, playfield mesh, VR, hybrid, baked GI lighting, shadows, etc. There's an F12 menu with some options in there. Also thanks also to Primetime5k, who helped me get staged flippers implemented and tested. Note: a new alternate gsound was recently released, however if you choose to use that, the ROM volume option needs to be at 0... which is default. However is you don't use gsound, I recommend turning that ROM volume down to -12 or something... as it can get a bit annoying if too loud. Also, you can turn off the background sound. Instructions for that and others are at the bottom of the script, however, here's the instructions as well: ROM Instructions and example to turn off background sound Start table as usual Press (8) to get into ROM menu Press (7) to start correct advancement Press (8) several times until 04 is shown in the Credit Display. 'Auto-Up / Manual-Down switch is controlled by (7) Press (8) repeatedly until you get to the adjustment number desired. For example, background sound is defaulted to on. It is adjustment number 35. You'll see a 1 in the upper left display. Press (1) to change that value. To turn off sound, set the value to 0. Note: Press (7) to reverse the advancement up or down. (9) will exit/reset Note: Auto-Up / Manual-Down (7) also controls the direction the menus will advance Enjoy, and hopefully you also feel that the physics and table play much harder, and closer to the actual table. Thanks again to Redbone, apophis, and Primetime5k, as well as the VPW team for testing. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1122: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d
  4. View File Sorcerer (Williams 1985) Let the Sorcerer work a little magic for you! I've done a few versions of this table in the past, as well as other authors. The past versions I did built on older versions. Apophis reached out to me that the physics weren't quite right on the other tables, as he plays one a lot in the arcade. So, I completely overhauled the table to version 4.0 and essentially started from scratch, reusing only a few primitives. Redbone worked a new playfield, plastics, and other graphics for me. I did a full implementation of current VPW standards, physics, targets, 3D inserts, playfield mesh, VR, hybrid, baked GI lighting, shadows, etc. There's an F12 menu with some options in there. Also thanks also to Primetime5k, who helped me get staged flippers implemented and tested. Note: a new alternate gsound was recently released, however if you choose to use that, the ROM volume option needs to be at 0... which is default. However is you don't use gsound, I recommend turning that ROM volume down to -12 or something... as it can get a bit annoying if too loud. Also, you can turn off the background sound. Instructions for that and others are at the bottom of the script, however, here's the instructions as well: ROM Instructions and example to turn off background sound Start table as usual Press (8) to get into ROM menu Press (7) to start correct advancement Press (8) several times until 04 is shown in the Credit Display. 'Auto-Up / Manual-Down switch is controlled by (7) Press (8) repeatedly until you get to the adjustment number desired. For example, background sound is defaulted to on. It is adjustment number 35. You'll see a 1 in the upper left display. Press (1) to change that value. To turn off sound, set the value to 0. Note: Press (7) to reverse the advancement up or down. (9) will exit/reset Note: Auto-Up / Manual-Down (7) also controls the direction the menus will advance Enjoy, and hopefully you also feel that the physics and table play much harder, and closer to the actual table. Thanks again to Redbone, apophis, and Primetime5k, as well as the VPW team for testing. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1122: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 12/22/21 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone Yes  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Created a Minimal VR Room with Sphere for Balutitos John Wick Table. Only for VR, not a hybrid table Requires PUP pack which is here: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/16523-john-wick-babayaga-pinball-edition/ To get PUP-pack to work in VR choose option 4 (in the johnwick PUP folder) and under pinup pack editor change backglass to ForceOn and then save. Enjoy! Thanks to Balutito for the John Wick (BABAYAGA Pinball edition) JPSALS for the original "IT" Table TEAM TUGA for their PUPPACK Rajo Joey for instructions on how to create a sphere Sixtoe for templates
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Airborne (Capcom 1996) with minimal VR room added https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=3783 All credits go to the original authors: versins77 robbo43 DCrosby bodydump TAB destruk
  7. Version 1.0.0


    A new VR Room for @Solters awesome table! Uprez cab art, castle environment, 3D sword, 'lighted' topper.
  8. Version 2.0.1


    Everyone goes to his final reward eventually. And few ever escape. Either way, their money ALWAYS remains behind in Catacomb - the thrilling pin game from Stern. Having a player controlled action-packed backglass, combined with a super fast playfield, Catacomb demands the ultimate in refined skills and cunning strategy. What numbers should be picked? What colors must be chosen? Only seconds to decide... as a simulated voice alerts the player to his options. Thanks to Hauntfreaks for providing me with a freshly scanned playfield, and thanks to Redbone for helping with various upscales and graphics cleanup, and lots of other graphic updates. The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, playfield mesh, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. I've included default settings for the ROM options, as well as being able to change the ROM sounds in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Also, if you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options (including VR rooms) are in the F12 menu. I reused the code from the prior HSM/lander table, as it was required to work with the B2S functionality. However it's been updated, AND if you are a VR user, I've created the backglass to be fully 3D and functional. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  9. Version 2.0.1


    Dragonfist, the blackbelt of pins. It's the habit that's hard to kick! Dragonfist has something that keeps the pin player coming back for more. The backglass shows the number of spinner revolutions and can give the player a special bonus when 20, 40, 60, or 80 revolutions hit. Dropt Targets in the right and left orbit lanes, and a fun to hit spinner. It's a tough game to beat, a hard habit to kick, because Dragonfist is the blackbeld of Pins. Thanks to Redbone for providing me with a freshly stitched playfield, and for helping with upscales and lots of other graphics. Redbone also took lots of videos and pictures of an real table to help me in recreation. And thanks to Hauntfreaks and Redbone for providing me with an upscaled backglass for VR. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are plenty of options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners, and LED plastic edges. There are also multiple VR room environment and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). I've included default settings for the ROM options hard coded into the script. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options are in the F12 menu. PLEASE NOTE: There is ANOTHER option for an updated ROM. If you use the alternate ROM... you will see the high spins to date on the Player 4 LED display during the high score attract mode. ALSO, it will preset the Max Credits to 00 (essentially putting it in freeplay mode). IF you want to change to have credits put in, you'll need to follow the instructions here: https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&article=109 . Essentially to increase max credits... press 7 to open the ROM menu, keep pressing 7 until you see 18 in the display, then LONG press the "1" key to increase the max credits. The max credit change is only needed for the alternate ROM, not the default one. (I will also include the ROM change description in the zip package). Version 16 (found here: Version 16 alternate ROM REQUIRES VPINMAME 1122 or later Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1122: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d
  10. View File Safe Cracker (Bally 1996) Bally's Safe Cracker combines pinball and board games! The goal is to advance to the board game for a chance to break into the safe while avoiding obstacles along the way. Players spin and stop the safe dial to determine how many spaces to advance. The player can collect winnings and resume playing pinball after each dial spin, or spin again and risk losing it all. Players must risk it all for a chance to break into the bank vault and win the token award. The original 1.0 version was done by fuzzel, flupper1, rothbauerw; with the VR room originally being done by b4ast1. Apophis requested that I update the table with an updated playfield scan from EBisLit, and include all the new VPW code, 3D inserts, hybrid mode, physics, drop, standup, and vari-targets, bumpers, flashers, playfield mesh, fleep sounds, etc. Redbone further cleaned the playfield up, as well as some other images. I was able to bake the GI lights using blender light maps to make it look as real as possible (thanks for teaching me, apophis!), as well as implementing a pwm approach to the fading. I've also included other VR rooms, a topper, a flasher/siren, and F12 options. I reused the ramps and other prims from fuzzel's table, as well several pieces of code from rothbauerw. Other options in the script include a constant called, "useownb2s". If you set this to 1, you will turn off the desktop built in backglass. This is for desktop users that want to use a b2s backglass, not the built in one. MAGIC TOKENs... if you win the board game, the table will issue you a magic token (you'll see the coin roll down). How the ROM works... is the next game played will force you to use the magic token/s that you've won, and you play a 4 ball multiball for 90 seconds. Awesome! But you need to earn the tokens... REQUIREMENTS: ROMs: You will need two ROMs: A percentaging version is for the number of tokens issued is limited based on the game's earnings, and in a home environment you want to be able to obtain tokens. They are located here: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5161-safe-cracker-18-no-percentaging-s11/ https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5162-safe-cracker-18-s11/ VPX: version 10.8.0 RC3 or higher: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPM: version 3.6.0 or higher: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/actions/runs/8893510521 B2S: version 2.1.1 or higher (if using b2s) https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases Two versions of the b2s are available... one for 2 screens from wildman, and one that is 3 screens by ryguy417. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/6999-safe-cracker-bally-1996/ https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13623-safe-cracker-bally-1996-b2s-with-full-dmd/ Thanks to apophis, rothbauerw, ebislit, fuzzle, flupper1, redbone, and many others from the VPW team for testing and feedback. Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 05/02/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  11. View File Check Mate (Recel 1975) JPSalas DT-FS-MR-VR Ext2k Conversion This file is Based on JPSalas Table https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18619 Check Mate: 4 players, replay and/or extra ball Options in the script Apron card in English or Spanish, 3 or 5 balls, Special or Extra Ball As default the tables are configured like this: Check Mate: 5 balls, English cards, Special There are some differences in the rules: Check & Check Mate: bumpers turn on with the central target and the upper lane Check & Check Mate: drop targets reset after each new ball. Check & Check Mate: tilt penalize just the ball Check & Check Mate: the KING is a normal drop target. Special is on the upper lane (and outlanes too like in Jake Mate) This table requires B2S to play in VR. This table Works in DT/FS/VR and MR, but specially in VR. To change VR Room (pool/minimal) or Mixed Reality, press F12 and change Room in the menu Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 You can enable Ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit. Enable it to True Submitter Ext2k Submitted 10/25/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This file is Based on JPSalas Table https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18619 Check Mate: 4 players, replay and/or extra ball Options in the script Apron card in English or Spanish, 3 or 5 balls, Special or Extra Ball As default the tables are configured like this: Check Mate: 5 balls, English cards, Special There are some differences in the rules: Check & Check Mate: bumpers turn on with the central target and the upper lane Check & Check Mate: drop targets reset after each new ball. Check & Check Mate: tilt penalize just the ball Check & Check Mate: the KING is a normal drop target. Special is on the upper lane (and outlanes too like in Jake Mate) This table requires B2S to play in VR. This table Works in DT/FS/VR and MR, but specially in VR. To change VR Room (pool/minimal) or Mixed Reality, press F12 and change Room in the menu Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 You can enable Ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit. Enable it to True
  13. Version 1.0.0


    "Prepare for the ride of your life!" VPW are proud to present No Fear: Dangerous Sports by Williams! This started when Kevv wanted to add some of our bits and pieces to Ninuzzu's version of No Fear, it played better with the mods but was still hobbled by the fact that it was based on an old inaccurate playfield. It's one of Sixtoes favorite's but was put on hold and put into the "would be nice to do if we get a playfield scan" as it needed a lot of work to get it right, and if you're going to make a machine you like and it needs quite a bit of work, then you might as well do it properly! Fast forward a bit and Smaug with the help of PaladinArcade managed to actually get a scan of a playfield! This was then stitched together by ClarkKent and Sixtoe got to work rebuilding the machine. Tomate then decided to see how fast we could do a toolkit import and conversion (answer, not very! We're all still learning every day with the toolkit!). A lot of tweaking and messing about later (those bloody magnets!) and here we are, it's a brutally fast table with no pop bumpers or even rubber bands to slow you down, giving Iron Man a run for it's money as the fastest table we've done! Enjoy! VPW Extreme Extremers =================== Sixtoe - Extreme Balling Kevv - Extreme Modding Tomate - Extreme Tooling Apophis - Extreme Magnets yaakki - Extreme Mayonaise Tastywasps - Extreme Twerking Primetime5k - Extreme Flipping Smaug / Paladinarcade - Extreme Playfield Scanning Hauntfreaks - Extreme Backglassing. VPW Team - Extreme Testing Extreme Thanks To; ================ Ninuzzu - The Original Extreme Niwak & Toxie - Extreme Programming All options are available from in game menu accessed by holding both left then right magnasave. ** The option menu needs FlexDMD to be installed ** VPW Table Version Log ================== '001 Kevv - Added nFozzy physics for posts, sleeves, ramps, walls, flippers, slings, targets (not yet droptarget) '002 Kevv - Added Fleep sounds '003 Kevv - Implemented option to enable/disable center post '004 Kevv - Corrected flipper physics settings, wider slingshot switches, hid slingshot physics walls, lowered tilt key nudge strength, lowered ball mass, higher playfield friction '005 Kevv - Added dynamic ball shadow '006 Kevv - nFozzy drop target & standup targets '007 Kevv - Added Flupper domes '008 Kevv - Implemented lampz '009 Kevv - Implemented 3D inserts '010 Sixtoe - Added new playfield (thanks Smaug & ClarkKent), added playfield mesh, rebuilt physical layout and lamps, rebuilt jump ramp, '011 Sixtoe - v1 playfield cutout and text layer by Kevv, modded sign lamps, flashers, added insert prims for autofire, fixed numerous inserts, added physical trough, subway and kickers (not finished yet), loads of other small tweaks, some things made temp invisible to see what tables doing '012 Sixtoe - Adjusted Right VUK, Adjusted Left Kicker, fixed ramps magnets, redid magnet ramps, fixed playfield mesh, probably some other stuff '013 Sixtoe - More work '014 Sixtoe - Table almost completely stripped for toolkit, fixed VUK, changed lamps to alllamps, loads of other changes. '015 tomate - first test batch added. Table objects marked as not-visible '016 Sixtoe/apophis - Updated jump ramp magnet code '017 Sixtoe - Hooking everything up, re-adding missing lights and flashers, loads of tweaks and fixes '018 tomate - 2k batch added '019 Sixtoe - Fixed a few bugs and other problems, hooked up new batch and bugfixed stuff '020 apophis - Updated light fader values. Added frame timer. Update ambient shadow code. Updated physics code. Updated Fleep code. Updated roth target code. Added gBOT. Fixed flipper shadow DB. Added animations: flippers, skull jaw, spinner, rollovers, gates '021 Sixtoe - Stuff '022 apophis - Added slingshot animations. Fixed post passes. Added metal walls to fleep collection. '023 tomate - Several fixes on blender side, 2k batch added '024 tomate - More fixes and details added in blender, 2k batch added' '025 Sixtoe - Made the VUK more reliable, added options menu, probably some other stuff. '026 Sixtoe - Corrected wrong inlane physical positions, added outpost difficulty options, fixed shadow depth bias, turned off target falloff, re-added playfield reflections, fixed rejected VUK balls acting erratically. '027 tomate - more fixes at blender side, 4k batch adedd, unwrapped ramps textures added '028 tomate - new inserts setup at blender side, new ramps textures, 4k batch added '029 iaakki - Mayo light added for spinner flasher '030 tomate - a bunch of fixes at blender side, new middle plastic ramp prim added, new 4k batch added, "hide parts behind" checked for BM.playfield (thanks apophis!) '031 tomate - reworked ramp textures, rampOff textures added (not applied yet) '032 iaakki - more mayo, need to play more and see how it fits '033 Sixtoe - Rebuilt physical failed jump fallback area, added playfield ball reflection texture, hooked up GI, added pf reflection probe, tweaked the skull mayo, turned off reflections on visible ramps as they were breaking playfield reflections. '034 Sixtoe - Playfield reflection roughness increased, ramp refraction added, hooked up ramp lighting to Top GI '035 Sixtoe - Added VR Cabinet and Ba Sti VR Room. '036 Sixtoe - Added Tomates replacement pincab rails to fix VR issue, added start and flipper buttons. '037 tomate - Updated batch added without siderails and lock down bar, plastic ramps set as not visible, PF set "hide parts behind" and reflection probe added (Strength -->0.3), rampsOff textures deleted '038 Sixtoe - Hooked some more VR stuff, hooked GI up again. '039 TastyWasps - VR - Backwall material changed to avoid pixelation, beer bubbles animated '040 iaakki - balancing mayo lights '041 Sixtoe - Fixed sw67 position '042 Primetime5k - Staged flipper support '043 apophis - Added new flipper trick FlipperCradleCollision. Added min function. Fixed VolumeDial application in Fleep code. '044 Sixtoe - Adjusted upper playfield flipper, some minor physics tweaks. '045 Sixtoe - Added light blooms (as an interim pending rebake?), added jump loop roof (which exists on real machine), fiddled with VUK as I wasn't happy with it. '046 tomate - new (last? :P) 4k batch added with blender fixes, plastic ramps set as not visible, PF set "hide parts behind" and reflection probe added (decresed strength 3-->1), ball scratches image changed for a more subtle one '047 Sixtoe - Hooked up right outlane post and centre post option, tweaked several materials, set glass height, added ball in trough check for menu from robbykingpin, added lockdown fire button support. '048 apophis - Added refraction probes to ramp layers. Removed insert blooms. Fixed LightLevel option and made it affect VR room. Added SetLocale 1033. '049 tomate - Skull texture fixed, failed jump fallback ramp geometry fixed '050 TastyWasps - VR Backglass brightened. 'RC1 Sixtoe - Various tweaks and fixes, script tidyup. 'RC2 Tastywasps - Missing sound fx on drain added. 'RC3 Tastywasps - Ramp Rolling and Skull ball drop sound added. 'RC4 Sixtoe - Adjusted right hand ramp entrance, fixed drop hole bug (due to vpx bug), tweaked aand played with the magnets, various other minor tweaks. 'RC5 Sixtoe - Removed debug comments, tidied up script, removed redundant assets. 'RC6 Sixtoe - Lots of options fixes and tidying up (with Apophis help), cabinet PoV changed from window to Legacy, fixed left GI. 'RC7 Sixtoe - Fixed GI and raytraced ball shadows, grmbl.
  14. View File Dragonfist (Stern 1981) Dragonfist, the blackbelt of pins. It's the habit that's hard to kick! Dragonfist has something that keeps the pin player coming back for more. The backglass shows the number of spinner revolutions and can give the player a special bonus when 20, 40, 60, or 80 revolutions hit. Dropt Targets in the right and left orbit lanes, and a fun to hit spinner. It's a tough game to beat, a hard habit to kick, because Dragonfist is the blackbeld of Pins. Thanks to Redbone for providing me with a freshly stitched playfield, and for helping with upscales and lots of other graphics. Redbone also took lots of videos and pictures of an real table to help me in recreation. And thanks to Hauntfreaks and Redbone for providing me with an upscaled backglass for VR. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are plenty of options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors and marks for all targets, bumpers, flippers, walls, spinners, and LED plastic edges. There are also multiple VR room environment and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). I've included default settings for the ROM options hard coded into the script. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options are in the F12 menu. PLEASE NOTE: There is ANOTHER option for an updated ROM. If you use the alternate ROM... you will see the high spins to date on the Player 4 LED display during the high score attract mode. ALSO, it will preset the Max Credits to 00 (essentially putting it in freeplay mode). IF you want to change to have credits put in, you'll need to follow the instructions here: https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=tutorials&article=109 . Essentially to increase max credits... press 7 to open the ROM menu, keep pressing 7 until you see 18 in the display, then LONG press the "1" key to increase the max credits. The max credit change is only needed for the alternate ROM, not the default one. (I will also include the ROM change description in the zip package). Version 16 (found here: Version 16 alternate ROM REQUIRES VPINMAME 1122 or later Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1122: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1122-79a301d Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 10/22/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  15. View File Medusa (Bally 1981) w VR Room Version 2.0 by UnclePaulie 2023 This version was done with UnclePaulie's Elektra as a baseline to start, since both were Bally 1981. I built everything ground up from there. Used a few prims and images from JP's prior table, as well as some logic. Also used EBisLit's playfield. Included in this Version 2.0 is Hybrid VR/desktop/cabinet modes, a new playfield from EBisLit, VPW physics, flipper tricks, dynamic shadows, Fleep sounds, Lampz, 3D inserts, new baked general illumination lighting and AO shadows, sling corrections, drop and stand-up targets, saucer, playfield meshes, various primitives, etc. Significant time was spent on researching online videos, to ensure accuracy of shots, ball drops, kickouts, and overall playability. I also created a desktop backglass with a cool lighting effect, as well as the VR backglass and other VR options. There are also some performance improvements, and I added a playfield mesh for the playfield, so there's a realistic bevel in the saucer. Thank you to EBisLit for the playfield image, and Redbone for upscaling and cleaning up the plastics image. Thanks to iaakki for teaching me how to bake the GI and AO shadows. Thank you to JPSalas for some of the primitives used (backwall lights, lower flippers, and bumpers). Also for some of the logic. Thanks to Hauntfreaks for the backglass images. Thank you to Bord for the upper flipper images. And thank you to the VPW team for testing, especially apophis, BountyBob, RobbyKingPin, Tastywasps, Wylte, and PinStratsDan. There are several options in the script. Including VR, ball brightness, and LUT lighting options. The LUT changes are done by holding cntl (or left mangasave) and then while holding, scroll through the options with the right magnasave. The Dip Switch settings are done in the script and are hardcoded. IF... you want to change them, there's a setting in the script to manually override that, and then use F6 during gameplay to bring up the Dip Switch setting. This is a hybrid table done in VPX 10.74, and I have code in here to automatically choose between VR, desktop, and cabinet. Additional VR options in the script include two VR environments, a VR clock, a topper, posters, and settings for dynamic shadows if you experience a performance hit. Thanks again to EBisLit, Redbone, iaakki, and the VPW team! Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 07/18/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  16. Version 3.0.21


    Early in 2021, I received permission from Bigus to update this table and add the VR conversions... originally done by Tom Tower and Ninuzzu. The VR conversion included backglass, flashers, lighting, GI, and other table issue fixes (high score initials, trough multiball and tilt issue, and others). I used the Blacksad dark image from his backglass, as it looks amazing. All the interactivity was done in the script. Sixtoe did a lot of lighting updates as well, including bloom lighting, overlay, etc. Version 2.0 includes a hybrid mode for desktop, cab, and VR. Plus all the latest updates that the VPW team has been doing lately. It includes Fleep sounds, nFozzy / Roth physics and flippers, and general table physics updates. It also has Rothbauerw drop targets, VPW Dynamics Shadows by Iakki, Apophis, and Wylte, Flupper Domes, and LUT options. Bord also added a playfield mesh so the ball goes into the center saucer more realistically. I also added a recent update by fluffhead35 for ballrolling and ramproll amplication sounds. Hauntfreaks provided a couple lighter ball images as well. I also added more VR options to include a wall clock, and additional animation. There are plenty of options in the script including LUT lighting changes, ball brightness, VR, cab, and desktop modes, dynamic shadows, rolling amplification, and other sound and shadow options. Also for VR users, you can change to different room environments. If you get 3 credits each time you add a coin, I put instructions in the script on how to modify your ROM to only add one coin. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! And thanks again to all involved!
  17. Version 2.0


    VLM rebuild based on original works by Fuzzel and subsequent mod from Gedankekojote97. So many awesome folks in the community give advice and resources etc so if I missed anyone here, I apologise and will get you added if needed. Minions of Hell: - RetroRitchie: Blender remodel, VLM implementation, additional modelling, Apron, bumper cap and cab art decal redraws, plastics decal up-scales and cleanup, V.R. cab additions, latest VPW / nFozzy / Roth Physics update implementation - Darth Vito: Hellscape V.R. room, fire animations and SFX - Niwak - VPX Blender Toolkit, VPX Part Library Thanks to the following demonic entities - Fuzzel and Gedankekojote97 - for the original table & subsequent mod that this was based on. - Apophis - for the sweet updated spinner animation code - Scampa123: for the excellent close up photos of the real machine and for measuring the flipper gap. - Hauntfreaks - Upscaled and cleaned up playfield. - HighRez200 - Backglass images used for the VR cab. - Apophis, Tomate, Sixtoe, Bord, Wylte & the entire VPW Team for the scripting help, guides, resources, videos, example table and continued support - Schlabber34 for some lighting tips. - M.Carter78 for some vids and further close up photos. - Testers: Apophis, Lumi, Cliffy, Studlygoorite, TastyWasps, DGrimmRepaer, Darth Vito, Colvert, BountyBob, PinstratsDan, M.Carter78, Somatik, Flint Beastwood, Tomate. - Special thanks to Cliffy for always keeping me on my toes. ======================================================== Options available: - GI lights strength/color, overall saturation, room brightness - VR room choice (Hellscape or Minimal) - Hide Rails & lockdown - eye lamp mod: off, always on, light with pit flasher - room brightness - ball and mech sounds ============== Built for and Tested with VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 Topper Video here for those that use 'em
  18. View File Tri Zone (Williams 1979) Tri Zone... Welcome to the next dimension in futuristic fantasy! Tri Zone integrated futuristic sounds, scoring, and visual effects for that time. This table was done by using images from the web for the playfield and plastics, allowing me to accurately place all elements. I did use some overlays from Kiwi's prior table image as well as a couple primitives. Thanks to Redbone for enhancing that playfield, target, and backwall images. Also thanks to the VPW team for feedback and testing. I updated to the latest VPW standards, physics, general illumination light mapping, shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 08/21/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  19. Version 2.0.2


    Gottlieb's 1984 Alien Star! Journey to an Alien Star for a pinball battle in space! Multiball, skill shots, and plenty of fast action! So much fun to play! Thanks to Borgdog for providing original playfield and plastic scans, cabinet stencils, and physical measurements of his actual table. He also had lots of authentic Gottlieb primitives to use, and did a tremendous amount of testing! Thanks also to Redbone who took those scans of the playfield and plastics and did a tremendous amount of work to get them to look so good! He also spent a ton of time with all the other graphics on the table as well as a ton of testing! Hauntfreaks provided the higher resolution VR backglass. DarthVito did the VR wall environment. I updated to latest VPW standards, physics, GI and shadow baking, Lampz and 3D inserts, dynamic shadows, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos (2 streams were recorded by Borgdog) to match the table skill shots and action. Thanks also to Rothbauerw for providing updated flipper physics code to help with the skillshots. That code was needed to be able to do some of the skillshots. This table is loaded with options. Various balls, ball brightness, flippers, tents, caps, plastic edge colors, LUTs, Dip settings, siderails, and plenty of other VR stuff. Redbone encouraged me to include special edge LED lighting in the plastics that iaakki originally did for another table. Looks really cool, and is included as an option. The ROM can be found at pinballnirvana.com... alienstr.zip). There's an option in the script to change the DIPS, however it will load a default set when you launch the table. NOTE: YOU HAVE TO START THE TABLE 1ST, EXIT, AND THEN RESTART FOR DIP CHANGES TO TAKE EFFECT. This is ONLY the first time you launch the table. There's also an option for "Tourney Mode". In that mode it'll play a little harder with different DIP settings, which excludes extra ball... and only allows for points on 3 balls. Tourney mode also sets colors and rainbow'ed LEDs on plastics. NOTE: you'll have to start and restart the first time in that mode for the DIP changes to take effect. If you want to change the DIPs... you will need to go into the script options and change SetDIPSwitches to 1, then open the table, hit F6 (that'll load the default DIPS and display them). You can then select various ROM options. Once entered, you can exit out, and restart. That will then set the new ROM settings. These are the default DIPS that are and set at original table launch: 1=Coin Chute same 0=3rd coin chute no effect 0=Game mode of replay for hitting threshold 1=Number of balls =3 1=Playfield Special of extra ball (However in tourney mode this is zero) 0=Novelty of normal game mode (However in tourney mode this is zero) 1=Match feature 1=Background Sound Thanks again to Borgdog and Redbone for the playfield and plastic images, the stencils, the testing, and all the feedback! Also thanks to Hauntfreaks for the updated Backglass images, and to Rothbauerw for his flipper physics code. Also thanks to pinstratsdan, and everyone else from the VPW team that provided testing and feedback!
  20. Version 2.0.0


    Gottlieb's 1984 The Games! Simple but hard to master. The goal: collect five medals in one ball and it consists of five shots. Including captive balls, Vari-target, saucer, and a spinner. The shots are really fulfilling despite the simple guidelines. The captive ball, the spinner, and the vari target are examples of critical shots that pay off if you make them, but the ultimate payout an Olympic gold medal—comes from making them properly. Thanks to Redbone who helped with the playfield and plastics from pictures off the web! He also spent a ton of time with all the other graphics on the table as well as a ton of testing! Hauntfreaks provided the higher resolution VR backglass (and an updated b2s). DarthVito did the VR wall environment, and topper. Silversurfer provided vector images from photos off the web for the VR cab. Also, look for the alternate sound pack that Redbone and Darthvito have been working on. I built the table from scratch and included the latest VPW standards, physics, GI and shadow baking, Lampz and 3D inserts, dynamic shadows, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth standup targets, standalone compatibility, optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and action. I also used Rothbauerw's updated flipper physics code to help with the skillshots. NOTE: YOU HAVE TO START THE TABLE 1ST, EXIT, AND THEN RESTART FOR DIP SETTINGS TO TAKE EFFECT. This is ONLY the first time you launch the table. This table is loaded with options. Various balls, ball brightness, flippers, tents, caps, plastic edge colors, LUTs, Dip settings, siderails, and plenty of other VR stuff. Redbone once again encouraged me to include special edge LED lighting in the plastics that iaakki originally did for another table. Looks really cool, and is included as an option. Redbone also created an alternate Gsound option. Download it here: The ROM can be found at pinballnirvana.com... thegames.zip). There's an option in the script to change the DIPS, however it will load a default set when you launch the table. NOTE: AGAIN, YOU HAVE TO START THE TABLE 1ST, EXIT, AND THEN RESTART FOR DIP CHANGES TO TAKE EFFECT. This is ONLY the first time you launch the table. There's also an option for "Tourney Mode". In that mode it'll play a little harder with different DIP settings, which excludes extra ball... and requires 3 medals to light special rather than 2. Tourney mode also sets colors and rainbow'ed LEDs on plastics. NOTE: you'll have to start and restart the first time in that mode for the DIP changes to take effect. If you want to change the DIPs... you will need to go into the script options and change SetDIPSwitches to 1, then open the table, hit F6 (that'll load the default DIPS and display them). You can then select various ROM options. Once entered, you can exit out, and restart. That will then set the new ROM settings. Once again thanks to Redbone, Hauntfreaks, Apophis, Darthvito, Silversurfer and the VPW team for testing, and everyone else that provided feedback!
  21. Version 2.0.0


    Enjoy a Test of Champions on the Playfield of Combat in Bally Midway's exciting Four-Player Pinball Kings of Steel! Thanks to Redbone for cleaning up the playfield from the original scan from TAB, as well as target, bumper, and backwall images. Also thanks to apophis and the VPW team for feedback and testing. Hauntfreaks provided the higher resolution VR backglass. DarthVito did the VR wall environment. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE 4 SELFTEST POSTIONS IN THE ROM FOR SPECIAL REPLAY/X-BALL/NOVELTY MODES!!!! Here is the procedure to set the selftest postions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to. The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings and change values in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Here are the recommended values to change to: 16: 02 - Special is extra ball (01 is 50,000, 03 is replay) 17: 02 - Special is extra ball (01 is 50,000, 03 is replay) 18: 03 19: 03 - High Score to date earns 3 credits (00 is 0; 01 is 1; 02 is 2) I updated to latest VPW standards, physics, GI VLM, and shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop and standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and action. If you want to change the DIPs... you will need to go into the script options and change SetDIPSwitches to 1, then open the table, hit F6 (that'll load the default DIPS and display them). You can then select various ROM options. Once entered, you can exit out, and restart. That will then set the new ROM settings. Required Software (64-bit versions) VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.1 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.1
  22. View File Catacomb (Stern 1981) Everyone goes to his final reward eventually. And few ever escape. Either way, their money ALWAYS remains behind in Catacomb - the thrilling pin game from Stern. Having a player controlled action-packed backglass, combined with a super fast playfield, Catacomb demands the ultimate in refined skills and cunning strategy. What numbers should be picked? What colors must be chosen? Only seconds to decide... as a simulated voice alerts the player to his options. Thanks to Hauntfreaks for providing me with a freshly scanned playfield, and thanks to Redbone for helping with various upscales and graphics cleanup, and lots of other graphic updates. The whole table was done utilizing latest VPW standards for physics, lighting, GI baking, 3D inserts, playfield mesh, shadows, drop targets, 3D inserts, etc. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. I've included default settings for the ROM options, as well as being able to change the ROM sounds in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Also, if you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Ball options are also available in the script. All other options (including VR rooms) are in the F12 menu. I reused the code from the prior HSM/lander table, as it was required to work with the B2S functionality. However it's been updated, AND if you are a VR user, I've created the backglass to be fully 3D and functional. Thanks also to the VPW team for testing and feedback! _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 09/24/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  23. Version 2.0.0


    Tri Zone... Welcome to the next dimension in futuristic fantasy! Tri Zone integrated futuristic sounds, scoring, and visual effects for that time. This table was done by using images from the web for the playfield and plastics, allowing me to accurately place all elements. I did use some overlays from Kiwi's prior table image as well as a couple primitives. Thanks to Redbone for enhancing that playfield, target, and backwall images. Also thanks to the VPW team for feedback and testing. I updated to the latest VPW standards, physics, general illumination light mapping, shadow baking, 3D inserts, Alllamps insert routines, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. _________ Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  24. Version 2.0.0


    Gottlieb's Race Thru Space! Another extended wide-body machine like Circus. Lots of fun to play, two Varitargets, a hard to hit bonus saucer, and fast loops. Redbone had been working on getting the playfield to a much better state, and reached out to me to see if I'd like to create the table from it. It was very similar to physics, style, etc. from the Circus table that I just worked on, so I got to work. Lots of hours were put in on this one, and lots of tweaking on the Varitargets to emulate a real machine. As usual, I updated to latest VPW standards, physics, GI and shadow baking, Lampz and 3D inserts, dynamic shadows, updated backglass for desktop, playfield mesh for a saucer bevel, roth drop and standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, varitargets, VR and fully hybrid modes, Flupper style bumpers and lighting, gBOT system and trough. Redbone provided the playfield and updated the plastics and apron, also provided some ambient sounds. Hauntfreaks provided the higher resolution VR backglass and cab artwork. I also added options for balls, ball brightness, LUTs, Dip settings, ambient sounds, siderails, and plenty of other VR stuff. Hauntfreaks even provided a fun space themed wallpaper VR Room walls. I've included an option for two ROMS (you can find them at pinballnirvana.com... starrac7 and starrace). The original 6 digit ROM, and a 7 digit ROM (so when you score over a million you can see it). There's an option in the script to change that, however I've defaulted to the 7 digit. Make sure to grab the correct backglass if you are in a cab environment. Hauntfreaks just released the corresponding backglasses. I've included the nvram files to initially set the Dips, as the ROM creates settings that should be adjusted. You can either grab those nvram files and put them in your nvram directory, or follow this process to do an initial setup for yourself. (When you open the table, hit F6 (that'll load the default DIPS and display them). You can then select various ROM options, and I recommend these shown below. Once entered, you can exit out, and in the script, you can set the SetDIPSwitches to zero. That will set the ROM settings and turn off the option. If you later want to change that, you can turn it back on and change the dips.) - 3 ball, Playfield special of "extra ball" - Game mode of "replay" - Novelty of "normal" - Tilt of "ball in play" - Check the Match, Credits, Sound when scoring - AND most importantly, "Scoring Sounds Only". Again note... the background sounds from this era can get kind of annoying... especially if you have a good bass speaker in your cab. Make sure to follow the above procedure for turning the sounds option to "Scoring Sounds Only". Thanks again to Redbone for the playfield and plastic images, the space sound, and Hauntfreaks for the updated Backglass, and cab art images! Also thanks to Rothbauerw for his linear target code, bietekwiet, passion4pins, and everyone else from the VPW team that provided feedback!
  25. Version 1.0.1


    My first attempt at a Visual Pinball X release/mod, this is a quick and dirty VR room mod of the 1976 Williams table "Aztec" I made mostly for myself (as someone who plays almost exclusively in VR). It's pretty rough around the edges and I unfortunately wasn't able to preserve the ability to play the table in desktop mode properly, but I'm still reasonably happy with the end result. Huge thanks to @Ext2k for their various EM table VR mods, which is where I grabbed the bulk of the cabinet from, as well as the folks at @VPinWorkshop for their Hang Glider conversion which I referenced to make the backglass work in-engine, and Rawd and Basti for the VR room I'm using! And of course, thanks to Team PP (JPJ, Chucky, Arngrim) over on VP Forums for the original conversion of this table. If I missed anyone that needs crediting here, my apologies! Table does NOT requires a B2S, and frankly I haven't tested them so no clue if they're even gonna work with this table LOL Created and tested in the VPX nightly builds, but should work just fine in the 10.8 prereleases. I hope some of you out there will enjoy this mod! 💙
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