16 files
Bram Stokers Dracula PuP-Pack Add-On Mod and Pinup Popper Media - LTek
By LTek
I decided to make some new visuals for the popper media and the really nice PuP Pack that already exists (link below). The Pup Pack Add-On Mod is plug-n-play and will not change any existing files.
The PuP add-on is designed for a 3 or 4 screen setup (you will need to enable the separate Topper in the .pup file if you want it on - it off right now)
Download and install the base PuP Pack here (link below) Copy the Add-ON's 'drac_l1' folder to PUPVideos folder -- no original PuP files will be overwritte, only new files added open the 'drac_l1' folder, run the BAT file
BudTerence English Pup Pack
By yid4lyf
This is the amazing Pup Pack that was made by Dicentim. After a very long week and a ridiculous amount of hours I have got all the English audio and changed all the French speaking audio to English so basically we now have an English version of this fantastic pup pack. There were only 2 videos that I couldn’t get the English audio for so I just put a theme from the movie over them. They were 2 of the Parker videos from trinity is still my name. The full 2 hour plus version is almost impossible to find in English. I want to say a HUGE THANKYOU to Dicentim for the amazing Bud and Terence table and Pup Pack and for also giving me permission to share this English version of his Pup Pack With you all. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
Batman the dark knight pup pack
By rburel
Bonjour à tous,
Je partage le pup-pack Batman the dark night en précisant que je ne suis pas le créateur.
Ce pup-pack est compatible avec la version que j'ai créer pour le mettre en version française dans la section dédiée ''other language''.
Bon jeu
Hello everyone,
I am sharing the Batman the dark night pup-pack, specifying that I am not the creator.
This pup-pack is compatible with the version that I created to put it in French in the dedicated ''other language'' section.
Good game
Barbarella (Talleres del Llobregat 1972) video mod
By GauGau
The Barbarella pinball machine from 1972 came with only three bells as sound effects, which is of course typical for the EM era, but a bit dull for my taste. That's why I have come up with a Barbarella video with clips from the 1968 Roger Vadim movie with Jane Fonda as well as some material from the potential 2026 remake with Sydney Sweeney. I've rolled the video into a mini pup-pack, so it will be playing on an additional third screen (full DMD or topper). If you have more videos, just add them to the MusicVideos sub-folder (e.g. C:\vPinball\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\Barbarella_1972\MusicVideos\).
There is no interaction between table and video nor improved table graphics, as I couldn't get permission from all of the original table authors to release my mod with improved playfield and plastics, so the video mod is all that I can release.
Black Belt PupPack and Table
By merlinrtp
Note: Both of these tables are designed for Single Player Mode only. Multiplayer is not supported and will break the PuPPack interactions.
I could not find a method to determine the starting number of players
Version 3.0.2 -- Update Notes
Table Script Notes:
Big Thanks to AStirling21, Pegula, Jason Schaeffer for helping me test along the way.
BlackBelt v5.33
* Reverted Middle Kicker Change - may result in kicker getting randomly stuck under very rare circumstances
* Added code to non-multiball table to minimize false updates to rank/bonus topper
Pup Pack Notes:
* Fixed belt promotion toppers
* Added more music files into PuP Pack -- Thanks Pegula
BlackBelt v5.32
* Fixed Lock1 failing after many games played without a reset -- lights would no longer change color and could not lock ball
* Added code to prevent ball from locking in kicker 2 - happened on very rare occasions
Pup Pack Notes:
* No Updates
Version 3.0 -- Update Notes
Table Script Notes:
BlackBelt v5.31
* Added scripting to turn on external DMD for pup captures, turned back off on table exit.
* Added check to prevent multiball glitch
Pup Pack Notes:
* No Updates
BlackBelt v5.31
* Added scripting to turn on external DMD for pup captures, turned back off on table exit.
Pup Pack Notes:
* No Updates
Version 2.2 -- Update Notes
Table Script Notes:
BlackBelt v5.21
* Removed bad references to ResetNumDrops Variable
Pup Pack Notes:
No Updates
Version 2.1 -- Update Notes
Table Script Notes:
BlackBelt v5.2
* Improved Table script Shoot Again mode to load from launch lane -- Thanks Bigus1 !
* Improved Kicker1 launch velocity - ball no longer rocket launches through orbit directly between flippers
Pup Pack Notes:
No Updates
Version 2.0.1 -- Update Notes
Table Script Notes:
No Updates
Pup Pack Notes:
* Fixed many of the PUP pack option files that were messed up -- ARGH!!
Version 2.0 -- Update Notes
Table Script Notes:
* Added Shoot Again Feature to this table script.
* It can be a little glitchy if you lose the second ball too fast, triggering unlimited balls, I put a hack in to try to prevent this but I am not sure it's 100% fool proof and certainly not ideal method to prevent the issue.
* Improved logic to track current multiplier and belt rank
* Integration with puppack is only designed for single player mode. GameOver & multiplier bonus will get out of whack in multiplayer mode. (Will try to resolve in verison 3 if I end up getting multiball added to the table)
* Changed default game mode to EASY ( trust post and outlane gates always enabled ) This significantly reduces the ball drains on this table.
Pup Pack Notes:
* Updated Callouts for multiplier and belt ranks. Should be much more accurate and minimize any screen flapping
* Added a new overlay for the backglass
* Added game over videos
Version 1.0
This pup pack is built off a revision of the black belt v4 table. I added some pup Events along with some mods to make the game easier as I found the original to be brutally difficult.
I added options for a trust post as well out lane gate modifier. There are a handful of options for the pup pack displays.
Change the Difficulty variable as you see fit. It's line 37 in the script, default set to medium ( no gate mod, trust post active)
If you want more music options just add files to the music folder in the pup pack, it's setup for random playlist already.
Would love to have someone like Joe Picaso create a nicer overlay. I am very unskilled so made a basic one.
Thanks to the following folks
JPSalas - v4 of the table
Destruk - original pinmame code table is based off
Fredobiwan/Dan Langlois - updated table
STATS - not sure what they did
pup pack Batman: The Dark Knight (Stern) Pup Pack in IMAX
By PIPAllah
Peace Y'all,
"Your balls drop off? Ummmmmmm?"
Unzip and place the bdk_294 folder in your pup folder.
This pack was made for a 3 screen setup. If using a 2 screen setup, this pup works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to put the score wherever you want it. Since I decided to make this a true IMAX Pup, it would have been more trouble than it's worth to do this for a 2 screen setup also. What is IMAX? Some of the videos in the IMAX version of the movie are in a full IMAX aspect ratio. I've retained them from the IMAX Blu-ray for this Pup.
I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. This Pup is currently missing one pupcapture (guess which one). Once I'm able to get it, I'll update the Pup. Otherwise....... Endure Master Wayne..... take it.
All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
- pipallah
- ipd no. 5307
- (and 1 more)
Beavis and Butt-head Pinballed (Original 2024) PUP Topper
By Migs
Beavis and Butt-head Pinballed (Original 2024) Interactive Topper
A Mini PuP Pack by @Migs
This mini Pup Pack was inspired by @watacaractr's phenomenal Beavis & Butt-head table. The topper was built using Blender and Unreal Engine 5, and responds to the characters' headbang animations on the playfield. Install this pack and you'll definitely going to score.
1) Unzip and copy the beav_butt folder to your PinUPSystem\PUPVideos folder.
Enjoy and please let me know if you have any feedback or ideas for improvement!
Big thanks to @watacaractr for creating a production-quality VPin table. Digging through the code for the animation triggers opened my eyes to the incredible amount of work that went into scripting this project. Beavis 3D model was taken from the .vpx table. Thank you to whomever modeled it. Butt-head 3D model by RTN on Sketchfab.
** FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. DO NOT RESELL. ** This fan recreation contains unlicensed art assets. All IP is property of its respective owners and rights holders. Unauthorized monetization of these assets or any other commercial use may be in violation of copyright laws.
- beavis and butthead
- puppack
- (and 1 more)
Bally Playboy Miss December Add-on
By gdycaps24680
WARNING: adult content (nudity, but nothing hardcore).
In a nutshell, this PUP-Pack is similar to the Stern Playboy PUP-Pack, except that it's for the Bally Playboy table.
(though this can be used as a booster pack for the Stern Playboy PUP-Pack as well)
This Add-on/conversion kit works with the following tables (not included with the Add-on)
Playboy (Bally 1978) v1.2 MOD (djredick, DJSpeedy, HSM) - partially supported Playboy (Bally 1978) 4.0 or 4.0a, Regular or Special Edition (HiRez00, Apophis) - fully supported
If you had picked up any of the above files when they were available, then great. As I won't distribute work that is not mine, please do not ask me (here or by private message) for any of the files above. Your requests will be ignored, sorry.
Bloodsport Pup Balutito Mod
By GtecArcade
Use this link for pup, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FuN-5jTcnO2CR6zdrz84uDHRxiwEoRuk?usp=drive_link
Major Thanks to @balutitofor this amazing reskin of a cult classic, show this man some love for making this reskin its awesome. Thank you very much for letting me make a pup for it, truly a pleasure as always.
Major Thanks to Pedro Pires from Team Tuga for stepping in and making an overlay set for this table. Thank you so much man
It took me about 20 seconds to decide to do the pup for this when @balutito mentioned it, thank you my guy. Seriously, give him a like and review on all this stuff he put together. Appreciate all of you of the VPU community.
1. Pup music is controlled by the music folder of the puppack, if you installed your own music in the visual pinball/music folder you may need to remove that or it will conflict with the pup most likely.
Add the Following to your triggers.pup file or redownload pupoptions.
This will give you a lower priority trigger on the playfield to restart the music after a multiball ball lost. Otherwise music wont start until your next ball. Can't believe I missed that, sry about that
I reuploaded pupoptions in same link, this might need to be set to loop instead of normal, need to test more
80,0,"***Restart music after multiball ball lost***",,0,,,,,,,,,0
82,1,"Restart Music",E400,8,Music,,115,2,,,,normal,0
83,1,"Restart Music",E401,8,Music,,115,2,,,,normal,0
84,1,"Restart Music",E402,8,Music,,115,2,,,,normal,0
85,1,"Restart Music",E403,8,Music,,115,2,,,,normal,0
86,1,"Restart Music",E470,8,Music,,115,2,,,,normal,0
87,1,"Restart Music",E471,8,Music,,115,2,,,,normal,0
All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Cheers VPUniverse!!!!!!!
Big Trouble in Little China
By TeamTuga
It s all in the Reflexes
Puppack Only
Just read the TXT file
Pdf with Rules
Table is here :
Thanks to Everybody
Enjoy It
Barb Wire PuPPack
By hawkeyez88
The moment you've all .. well probably not been waiting for, but hopefully this helps spruce up this table. Amazing table update from JoePicasso found here:
My first attempt at doing pupunderlays like Jim / Classicradios does, because they look so freaking cool and I've learned a ton from him!
Huge thanks to Joey, Nailbuster and Sneakily1!
Extract Barbwire into your pupvideos folder and choose the bat file that matches your system, not sure which one, try them all you won't break anything!
NSFW - there is a DELETENUDITY bat file that will remove nudity.
Don't forget to TILT!
Works with Joey's table here!
Batgirl Music Only Pup Pack with Updated Table
By kapterb
Please let me know if I forgot anyone that needs to be credited, if left off, not intentional and I will update as needed.
Thank you to cryptdoctor21 for creating the Batgirl table based off of 32Assassin Haunnted House table.
Thank you to hawkeyez88 for creating the puppack and writing the additional table script.
Thank you to springjack for providing the music tracks.
To install:
1.) Place the new Batgirl Pup.vpx in your tables folder.
2.) Place the Batgirl (do not rename) Pup Pack into your Pup Pack folder
Music will randomly generate from the Pup Pack, once the song starts there is no way to stop it or go to the next one until it has finished.
*note - don't run any of the screen option scripts in the pup pack as there are no screens and they will load configs that don't work. Just leave the pup as it in the download and it works great.
Disclaimer: If any Jerkey tries to place this file anywhere else except for vpuniverse.com then may the fates have your balls cut off and showen to you.
Thank you
Breaking Bad PuP Pack
By Nesta78
Hi guys !
Here is my contribution for the beautiful @balutito Breaking Bad table.
A big thank you to Balutito for letting me use his table, and agentEighty6 for the original work on Strange Science table.
Thank you Narvinek for letting me use one of his video in the Pup Pack.
You can choose between different options in PuP Pack folder (.bat options) depending on your setup.
If you need it, you can hit F1 and check "Use external DMD" (Green color is the best for a better experience).
PuP Pack will only work with the .vpx in the download link.
Warning : PuP Pack contains violence and spoilers !
Hope you'll enjoy it. Have fun !
All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
PupPackbyNesta78.mp41390 downloads
Bram Stoker's Dracula PuPPack
By hawkeyez88
What a way to kick off Halloween week 2021 - the DracPack!
1st link is to the PuPPack that has nudity in it. If you're familiar with the movie, you're likely familiar with the scenes clips would be pulled from.
2nd link is the more family friendly version that has the nudity removed.
Huge thanks to The Living Arcade for debuting this and testing for me! If you aren't watching him - check him out here: https://www.twitch.tv/the_living_arcade
Take the zip you downloaded and extract to pinupsystem\puvideos folder as you would any other puppack. Select 1 of the 5 options that fits your system, try them all and see what you like if you aren't sure!
This is for Fun DO NOT SELL or Redistribute.
Bugs Bunny PuPPack
By hawkeyez88
Huge thanks to Nailbuster for the help on this one. You need to keep your Bugs Bunny b2s file for this one. Goes into your pinupsystem\pupvideos folder like every other PuPPack.
Repost from Vpinball.
Black Sabbath PuPPack
By hawkeyez88
1st link is Table and music files 2nd link is the "Standard" PuPPack.
I know I know what you're thinking .. not more music related stuff. But!! What makes this table better?! Videos of course!
Thanks to Joey Beaulieu for the overlay work! Huge thanks to the discord testers too! @TCDeez for the "magic" to make the song selection function. And as always, massive thanks to "The Guru's" Opeckie, David, Peter and Terry for always lending a hand!
There's also "new" multiplayer pup options to help with the timing of song selection. If you're in single player and going through 3 balls really fast, there's a chance your next song up could be delayed. So try keeping the ball out of the drain!
This is for fun DO NOT SELL or Redistribute or reupload as your own.
1st link is the Table and music files 2nd link is the "standard" PuPPack. Place in your pupvideos folder and select the bat file that matches your screen configuration or taste!