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Showing results for tags 'dmd'.
Version 1.0.0
I created this backglass and full DMD combo to compliment the great Space Cadet table created by JP Salas and the innovative, amazing Space Cadet Family table version created by @balutito. Both of their tables are based upon the Space Cadet table that was part of the Full Tilt! Pinball software created by Cinematronics and published by Maxis in 1995. A version of Space Cadet was also included with Windows 2000, Me, and XP. Both the backglass and DMD have static back-lighting to enhance the images, but are not animated at this time. Enjoy! -
Version 1.1
Hi, this is dtatane, bringing you a new colorization file : Champion Pub, Bally (1998) The Internet Pinball Machine Database (ipdb.org) Initial release - v1.0 - 30th dec. 2021 for Virtual Pin & Real Pin Final release - v1.1 - 1st Feb. 2022 for Virtual Pin & Real Pin Watch DEMO on YouTube : Requirements : Pin2DMD with firmware v4.25+ (64 colors support) ROM v1.6 with ENGLISH language selected in ROM parameters For VPIN users : the 64 colors requires PIN2DMD from Lucky1 + dmddevice.dll from Lucky1 to work. Please download it and install it in your VPINMAME folder. Alternatively, you can use Freezy DMD v1.10 (not the previous versions!) For RPIN users : You can download this file for free -> if you like my work and want to remove the "Tip me" screens, well I will appreciate a tip here with your VPU account name or e-mail adress, so I can send back updated files. You only need to do it once to receive also the next updates. Tip Me Thanks for supporting me, @dtatane- 36 comments
- 4 reviews
- 175
Version 1.3.0
Last Action Hero ROM v1.12 / v1.13 Language : english, basic support for French ROM Donations are appreciated : https://paypal.me/pools/c/8svZ533BA4 64 colors version (file v1.3) --- PIN2DMD v4.16+ required for v1.3 ----- --- Virtual DMD please use Freezy DMD v1.10 (not the previous versions !) 16 colors version (file v1.1) --- PIN2DMD v3.x, or previous versions of Freezy DMD, please use file v1.1 ---- Thanks to all contributors for testing :- 39 comments
- 16 reviews
- 247
- lah
- last action hero
(and 6 more)
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Version 1.0.0
I decided to make some new visuals for the popper media and the really nice PuP Pack that already exists (link below). The Pup Pack Add-On Mod is plug-n-play and will not change any existing files. The PuP add-on is designed for a 3 or 4 screen setup (you will need to enable the separate Topper in the .pup file if you want it on - it off right now) instructions... Download and install the base PuP Pack here (link below) Copy the Add-ON's 'drac_l1' folder to PUPVideos folder -- no original PuP files will be overwritte, only new files added open the 'drac_l1' folder, run the BAT file -
Version 1.6
Virtual Pinball Media Files Folders on MEGA: VPX Attract Backglass-Over 250 for mostly original Visual Pinball X tables. A good substitute for the normal b2s backglass video file in your front end. Launch Audio is included in the folder for each table. Includes special Holiday tables. Future Pinball Attract Backglass-Actual Backglass image with added animations or video. Add a little flair to your Future Pinball collection. Future Pinball Playfield Videos-.mp4 video of playfield for use in your front end. Pinball FX3 Animated Backglass-All 99 2 screen versions with DMD/Speakergrille. 69 3 screen versions with and without FX3 logo. Best used with Pin Up Popper but they can be used with Pinball X/Y. Add these as your backglass file in Media Manager. Info here for keeping FX3 animated backglass playing when you load the table:https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=managing_games Full DMD-Over 690 Full DMD .mp4's. Lots of Full DMD's for Originals, EM tables and Future Pinball. GAGPin Future Pinball-Attract Backglass, Full DMD, Wheel, and Launch Audio for all GAGPin's current and upcoming future releases. Classic movie based Future Pinball tables. Only a few of these were ever released publicly. https://gagpin.wixsite.com/gagpin?fbclid=IwAR25BbbWd-yyKeifCzv6nnIYgJ2VnabI9bK2JpArbJRmuJNK3J39fv7Tpf0 Star Wars Popper Theme-My personal Star Wars Popper theme. I use this on my Star Wars themed cabinet. Phenom VPX 2 Screen Backglass-Video backglass for 2 screen users of Phenom's Kid tables. These allow your backglass video not to be blocked by your DMD for the table. Resize your DMD into the cutout. Table Wheel-Table Audio-Wheels and table audio Loading Videos-I made these for some of the Pup Packs I have in my lineup NFL Tables (Xenonph)-Full DMD for all tables. Popper playlist media for NFL tables Toppers-Topper Videos I have made Instruction Cards-Over 950 Instruction Cards for use in your front end. Mostly EM and Original Tables. A big thank you to Inkochnito for his EM database (https://www.pinballrebel.com/pinball/cards/). Be sure to check out other instruction cards made by authors like @cheese3075@buffdriver @Kongedam @eddiemonsta @Frank_Enstein @CarnyPriest and others visit https://vpuniverse.com/files/category/91-instruction-cards/ or https://vpuniverse.com/files/category/9-hyperpin-media-packs/ (Authors - if you see anything in my MEGA belonging to you just drop me a PM and I will remove. I think I got them all out 😊) See the video from The Way of the Wrench (who inspired me to do this on my cabinet) for a tutorial on how to add to Popper https://youtu.be/RZTwHQNNqDc?si=l4nS24MQaMU9WAKP A big thank you to the original table authors, artists, and others who allowed me to use their artwork. Big thank you to vogliadicane, IvanTBA, HiRez00, Cocothetrain, hauntfreaks, godisnothere, scutters, STAT, Rajo Joey, and Nick D for their work.- 12 comments
- 2 reviews
- 65
- future pinball
- animated backglass
(and 26 more)
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Version 1.0.0
This B2S for the Deep Purple table created by @balutito was made using selected screenshots of the artwork from the official animated Smoke on the Water video from Deep Purple. The artwork was cleaned up, modified in color and contrast, animated with lighting for the respective ROM callouts for the Williams Fire! table, and converted to 1440p resolution. You can also use the DMD as-is with the original reels type of setup, or you can use it as a frame for a DMD if you'd rather use that. Enjoy! -
Version 20220331.01
This table is being released in response to the requests received and to give back to a community that has provided hundreds of fun tables that my family has enjoyed. This is a modified version of what was uploaded to VPinball. All the changes and hopefully most of the credits are detailed in the table script prolog. One obvious change is a playfield screen option menu (F6) offering changes to the game rules to help less experienced players reach the more difficult modes (e.g. Somewhere Over the Rainbow). Installation Note Included in this release package are: vpx table, backglass, ultraDMD directory, and a PUPpack. There are also DOF Configtool entries for this table. The backglass file is large and loading may require applying the 4G patch to the backglass server. The backglass provides information on game progress. Removing the backglass is not recommended even when the PUPpack is installed. There is an option in the table script under GAME OPTIONS to turn off the PUPpack triggers if you don't install the PUPpack. Images, animations and sound files will replace the PUPpack videos. However, the PUPpack videos significantly enhance the gameplay experience. Whether the PUPpack is installed or not, the backglass should still be left in the table directory. This table is available to be modified without permission. However, as detailed in the table script, this table is for private use only. Its use for any commercial purposes is NOT in anyway sanctioned or supported. Thank you. -
Version 1.0.0
I created this high resolution 2K Backglass and HD full DMD combo to compliment the excellent original Star Wars Bounty Hunter table created by @tartzani My goal was to focus upon Star Wars bounty hunters in general, much like the table, and to avoid the over saturated focus on the Mandalorian and Grogu characters. All of the lighting on the backglass has been configured to work with the triggers in the table. The full DMD artwork looks great holding the FlexDMD (if you enabled it) or by itself if you prefer, since the table has a DMD built into the playfield too. You can grab the amazing Star Wars Bounty Hunter table here on VPUniverse: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/6450-starwars-bountyhunter/ -
3d Printable ZeDMD HD Wall Mountable Frame for P2 Panels (256mm x 128mm) (128x64 pixel) First.. Thanks to the folks that created and support the Serum format and ZeDMD. It's a fun group to interact with and have made my experiences pleasant. I'll point to @zedrummer ZeDMD instructions page for ZeDMD https://www.pincabpassion.net/t14796-zedmd-installation-english I wanted a wall mounted DMD to keep buddies from lurching over my shoulder when we are playing.. I personally can't stand being crowded when I'm at the pinball helm ( especially when we are all drinking).. So.. Get that score up high where everybody can see it! Allow others to continue darts/billards/fooseball and see the player score without coming over and bumping into said player on the machine. In my colorization work of "Elvis" that I have been doing, I decided I wanted/needed to update from my Pixelcade (that I have currently wall mounted above my Pinball Cabinet) to a ZeDMD, since I have been implementing some of Serum features that the Pixelcade could not display. While all is good and well in the virtual DMD seeing the features, I really needed the LED to as well, to make sure things would look good displayed LED wise as well. (My older Pixelcade really lacks the ability to differ shades of white/grey/black and most of Elvis display him in White/Black jumpsuits). Color portions look fine/great on the Pixelcade, Elvis in his jumpsuits really was losing details I was putting in.. That being said, I decided to put my X1 Carbon to use and design/print a wall mount for the ZeDMD project. This is a compression fit type frame with screws to secure the hardware to the frame, so it is very much tailored to P2 panel(s) size 256x128mm panel (128x64 pixel).. I will likely do mount designs for P2.5 and P3 as well or can release OBJ files for others if they want to tackle the increase in size to fit the larger panels. My P2 ZeDMDHD "frame" design is 25 x 5.5 inches, The Pixelcade I have is 21 x 7 inches for size comparison It is designed to use a DMD shield [Arnoz's ZeDMD shield / Benoit's DMD shield] that can be purchased through their stores, and has through buttons in the frame to access the Dim/RGB buttons on said shield as well as access hole for the Mean Well power supply voltage adjuster.. Basically can adjust stuff without having to take it off the wall.. There are quite a few parts, as I designed around the thought of the average user's home 3d printer probably having a 200x200 or 250x250 print bed. So I kept the pieces small and assembly will be required. I've included and additional Left side Electronics Box in the files (this was actually the original design, but I found my ZeDMD was upside down), in case they are needed.. But you will want to print "Right" side control box more then likely. The daisy chaining of the Panels makes them directional. I'm printing on a Bambu X1 Carbon with (2) AMS and the Wall mount will utilize 5 colors/filaments: Black/White/Red/Blue/Green, but you can tailor how you print to your own liking. Print Time & filament usage below: **(That's on Carbon X1...slower printers will take longer.. My Ender3v2 would probably take about 40+ Hours to print)** You can expect/plan to use about half a spool likely ~500g.. Again, all comes down to how you print, multi-color, infill settings used..etc. 📂Files: ZeDMD HD wall mount as Bambu Studio 3MF - ZeDMDHD.3mf ZeDMD HD wall mount as OBJ(s) - ZeDMDHD_OBJ.zip ZeDMD HD wall mount as STL - ZeDMDHD.stl The Bambu Studio 3mf is laid out in 15 plates.. Plates 1-3 are Arnoz Plates 10-11 are Arnoz Plates 12-15 Benoit Plates 4-9 Common If people are unable to print their own, I MAY be willing to create some "kits" (3d printed parts and the screws used to hold the panels to the frame), but I will not source other items.. You would still need to obtain those.. My purchase list below. If kits are wanted.. I would probably sell them for $20/25 PLA, $25/30 ABS/PTEG $40 Carbon Fiber (these are rough guesstimates right now as I haven't been looking at current filament prices).. Basically I will charge cost of filament used + $10 for printer usage time (~15hours to print). 🛒Parts list: This wall mount is designed to use @arnoz ZeDMD shield so that you can access the DIM/RGB buttons through the frame itself. I also purchased the ESP32 through the same site since ESP32 come with various pin arrangements, I wanted to make sure what I was getting would be compatible with the shield. -A ZeDMD shield -ESP 32 ******Arnoz ZeDMD shield: https://shop.arnoz.com/en/dmd/87-esp-dmd-shield.html ******Arnoz ESP32: https://shop.arnoz.com/en/dmd/86-esp32-wroom32.html ******Benoit ZeDMD shield/ESP32: http://benfactory.fr/produit/zedmd-shield/ -[Qty 2] Panel P2(Important) at 256x128mm (128x64mm pixel): https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801645705137.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.3.2591f19cCKSwPm&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa -[Qty 14] M4*10 screw: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KRTK7SP/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1MDC9YLETZE7Z&psc=1 -[Qty 2] M4*20 screw: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KRFQJK1/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A1MDC9YLETZE7Z&psc=1 -[Qty 2] M3*4 screw: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089KP9PZG/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?smid=A1ZRRCZIF57JQ9&psc=1 -MeanWell 323282 RS-25-5 Power Supply: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DECXUD0?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details -#4 M3 fork terminals: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B5WG71Q?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details -Micro USB cable ( I did 15 ft as its hanging on the wall and all.. adjust accordingly for your setup of course): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DJ3XC4S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 -CA Glue (Or any glue for that matter) it's used for the logo Studs and very little will be needed, I used: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PHQG24V?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details *Either* (Power cable of course should be adjusted for your country Electrical standards) -6 ft Power Cable Pigtail 3 Prong 18AWG NEMA 5-15P Male Plug https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0829Q8DL9?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details -12ft https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0829QG69V?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details OPTIONAL part(s): I've included a recess in my design to allow protection and/or light diffusion to be placed into the frame.. It is not necessary and optional. -Smoked Acrylic Plexiglass 6x24: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859KDVZW?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details -Clear Acrlyic Plexiglass 6x24: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084VVNG55?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details (what I installed for protection of the LEDs) -Plexiglass cutter (we will be trimming above to the correct size of 518/520mm x 132mm)https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Y7RZ1WD?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details -There are various methods to cutting plexiglass.. but with thin 3mm plexiglass I find scoring simple enough... can google "scoring plexiglass" to learn how using above tool. 🛠️Assembly Instructions: Sorry for poor quality pictures.. using phone camera and the Prototype 3d print quality for speed of printing not quality of print.. 1)Print Parts 2) You will want to assemble the Top and Bottom edges by connecting the letters (A matching A) basically and using 3 medium (of the 18) alignment ribs between each section. The Bottom will consist of 4 parts - A, AB, BC, C and 9 "ribs" The Top will consist of 4 parts - D,DE,EF,F and 9 "ribs" 🚨Take note of the recessed slot (for plexiglass (optional)) they should all be aligned You should end up with: (yea, I see it, I have a C backwards in my design..grrrr LOL, I will fix that) Repeat the process for the TOP D,DE,EF,F 2) Using 8 x M4*10 secure the frames to the panels (Note the panel JIN/JOUT direction) 🚨Plexiglass recession in frame should be on the side of the LED, not the back of the panels, the panels should end up sitting on a shelf/lip, ** I wouldn't completely tighten/snug and screw quite yet , start them and tighten them so panels are secure, but wait till assembly is complete to snug all screws** 3) connect ribbon cable from Panel1 to Panel 2 using the middle JIN/JOUT terminals in the middle of the DMD 4) Secure the ribbon cable and 2 panels together with the U shaped bracket and 4 x M4*10 screws 5) Plug in Power cable for the 2 panels and feed the end through the cable management loops to the right 6) You can add the LED end piece to the left side of the frame now.. It has six ribs built into it with the "Design by Boroka" (*Design mark is not visible when hanging on the wall*) and secure with last 2 x M4*10 screws (if your adding PLexiglass to the frame, you may want to do this as a last step). Again take note of the recessed portion and make sure it lines up with the TOP/BOTTOM recessed section for the Plexiglass. 7) Connect ESP32 and Ribbon cable to ZeDMD shield 😎 Lay ZeDMD shield onto the Electics Box base 4 mounts with the DIM/RGB buttons facing the Box mount holes (Do not force it to fit.. It is compression fitted and will be snug, but you should be able to work the shield down onto the posts (the power supply is shown in picture to show how things will be laid out) Side view showing the DMD shield all the way down on the support posts 9) Feed USB cable through access hole (rectangular) on bottom of control box and up around the cable tension post and into micro USB slot 10) Place the End Cover piece on the Control Box and Secure with the 6 Long Alignment/Support Ribs. 11) Attach control Box to Led Frame aligning the ribs and using the 2 x M4*20 Screws (Again make sure the plexiglass recess aligns with the others) At this point you may want to shift/adjust and make sure everything is aligning correctly and tighten all M4 screws SNUG.. Do not over tighten. 12) Secure Ribbon cable in JIN on the Panel 13) Now we will mount the Mean Well Power Supply, we have left a channel in which we will run the power cables through between the power supply and the control box frame Flip the DMD over so LEDs are facing upward and your Panel power cables are coming into the Electronics Box I found it easiest to put the Power supply on its end work the cables to the bottom as you lay the power supply down Then pinching the power supply in place, rotate the DMD on its end and secure the power supply with the 2 M3*4 Screws 🚨Make sure the cables are not pinched between the frame and the Power supply.. you should be able to slide the cables in and out! 14) connect cables to the V+/V- terminals (Don't assume my pictures are correct, always check to make sure you connected to the correct terminals) Red-Positive / Black-Negative 15) Next we will run the power for the Power supply. Again check the terminals to verify which is Live/Neutral/Ground (Don't assume my pictures are correct) 🚨With the limited space we are working with, you may want to trim the cables staggered to better fit Feed power cable through Bottom 8mm hole.. It should be a snug fit Attach terminal ends to the 3 wires ( crimp/soldier/heat shrink).. Your house.. make them good. I found it easiest to remove the terminal screws and the screw them back in after placing the wire/terminal in correct location, but when all said and done should have something like And all wires should not be above the edge of the Control Box, you might need to finesse it a little, but they all should be below the edge of the frame and secured snugly. the wires themselves should not be pinched. 16) Now we need to glue the logo studs to the logo 17) After the glue has dried you should be able to snap the Logo onto the control Box ** Yes the pictures show my control box detached from the frame, It is so I can get better side view pictures for Step 20.. Yours should be attached to the frame) 18) Place control top cover on control base.. Make sure the USB cable is tucked inside.. I usually do the Top (by the ESP3s) snap before I do the Bottom (snap) The cover should slide down the channel and again slight pressure to secure the "snap"- Don't force it 19) Verify you can see access to the ZeDMD shield buttons through the button hole and everything is secured, not forced or broken or anything 20) Insert buttons into the "Button hole" and secure with the 2 short Ribs. (1 per button) You should be able to press the button and feel the retraction and pop-back from the DMD shield buttons freely moving.. 21) (Optional Step) Cut/Add plexiglass into the recessed slot covering the LEDs and attach the LED end ("Designed by Boroka") if your adding plexiglass to frame. **Note to self - capture scoring/cutting plexiglass for frame** Frame is complete I'll hang it again shortly and add a video of it in action for those that may want to "see it in action" on the wall as an example. -B
In the last few days I have rebuilt my computer and also completely reinstalled VP. Since I have only used a few colored ROMs so far, I thought it was about time to completely install them once as well. And since I have used almost 80 colored ROMs, I also wrote a manual for new or older users how to do this installation. It was written in German and then translated into English. I hope that everything is reasonably understandable. I would be pleased about reactions. Enjoy it. v1.1 Only a few little changes in description and actualized downloads English https://mega.nz/file/YUkxRDBA#YWB5eUcxXv2ExOFq5lm-MgP1apmsJsGQ1CBuHzHtH_0 German https://mega.nz/file/9cFiXDCS#43DWZmN13SnxQIx6PCBDjf9HZhnrKzJBadE3-vJtTp0 Anleitung zur Einrichtung von DMD-Erweiterungen und farbigen ROMs.pdf Instructions for setting up the DMD extensions and colored ROMs.pdf
- 16
View File Bram Stokers Dracula PuP-Pack Add-On Mod and Pinup Popper Media - LTek I decided to make some new visuals for the popper media and the really nice PuP Pack that already exists (link below). The Pup Pack Add-On Mod is plug-n-play and will not change any existing files. The PuP add-on is designed for a 3 or 4 screen setup (you will need to enable the separate Topper in the .pup file if you want it on - it off right now) instructions... Download and install the base PuP Pack here (link below) Copy the Add-ON's 'drac_l1' folder to PUPVideos folder -- no original PuP files will be overwritte, only new files added open the 'drac_l1' folder, run the BAT file Submitter LTek Submitted 10/21/24 Category PuP Packs