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4 files

  1. Dune Puppack & Table

    2024-05-25 14-15-39.mp4  
    First , i would like to Thanks Zandy's Arcade for given Us permission to share is awesome Table with this Puppack
    THANKS JO  and all the People involved in this Creation !!
    *Run the Bat file You want for Your Setup - Theres 6 Options available - 2 , 3 , 4 screens and Puppack playing in the Fulldmd !!!!
       NOTE - If You choose the Puppack in the Fulldmd YOu will need a B2S or a Video playing in the BAckglass !!! Just Find one You Like (Youtube is Your Friend)
    *At the top of the Table script You have options for the Apron screens Videos ( by default they are On ) and  options for Slow and fast Pcs FPS ( by default its OFF )  **** choose the one YOu want 

    * There s only   3 balls  at the Multiball in this Table ,  You want more BAlls just change it in the script !!!!!
    *Set the Puppack volume to whatever You want ( In my Cab sounds Good )
        and Yes Table music stops when a Mode or Multiball starts ( iTs not a BUG )
     Note - Skillshot is now fixed for this table ( Thanks to Zandys Arcade )
                   *******NO OTHER TABLE WILL WORK WITH THIS PUPPACK**********
     There s to much videos to discover in this Table .. 
     And Before some  Dune lovers or HAters start Talking ,we did our best with the videos , some video modes are not for the character in question ( to much talking scene ) so You are warning !!!
     Jopati Kolona Mode is the only one with short videos !! sorry we didnt find a long one
     So If You have  a better option im  all ears !!!!
    Thanks To my Tugas : 
    MArio Joao Paulo
    Pedro Peres 
    Enjoy it


       (8 reviews)



  2. Demolitionman PuPPack

    And another reupload : Demolitionman PupPack
    i added a full DMD version choose one of the batch files that match your setup.
    use the muted altsoundfile that comes with this pack, have fun with it and leave a comment or thank you.
    as example how it works and the different between the PupPacksound and normal rom sound watch this videos:


       (3 reviews)



  3. Dirty Harry PuPPack

    Do you feel lucky punk? Place the dh_lx2 folder in your pupvideos folder and choose the bat file that you like for your setup!


       (5 reviews)



  4. Dungeons & Dragons VPX Pup Pack

    Reuploading this as VPinball is no longer....
    This is for Fun DO NOT SELL or Redistribute or reupload as your own.


       (0 reviews)



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