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Files From Subcategories

  1. Visual Pinball X Official Releases

    Visual Pinball
    An open source pinball table editor and simulator.
    This project was started by Randy Davis, open sourced in 2010 and continued by the Visual Pinball development team. This is the official repository.

    Simulates pinball table physics and renders the table with DirectX Simple editor to (re-)create any kind of pinball table Table logic (and game rules) can be controlled via Visual Basic Script Over 1000 real/unique pinball machines, plus over 400 original creations were rebuilt/designed using the Visual Pinball X editor (over 2500 if one counts all released tables, incl. MODs and different variants), and even more when including its predecessor versions (Visual Pinball 9.X) Emulation of real pinball machines via Visual PinMAME is possible via Visual Basic Script Supports configurable camera views (for example for correct display in virtual cabinets) Support for Stereo3D output and Tablet/Touch input
    This download will take you to the official repository on Github for the Visual Pinball project.


       (7 reviews)



  2. VPX-LAUNCHER (64bit)

    VPX-Launcher (64bit)
    Based on  VPX 10.8.0 rev. 1953
    Imagine you're standing at your pinball simulator or VR pinball simulator and you want to select a new table using the buttons you use to control the pinball. This is now possible by calling up the tweak menu in the overlay of the current table while playing. There, in addition to the usual tweak pages, there is another page with my Vpx-Launcher.
    There you can scroll through your table collection. Custom filters make it easier for you to sort and select the next table. Once you've selected the next table, VPX and all its currently running windows will be closed, and my little monitoring program ensures that the next table is loaded and started. Then it starts all over again...
    Visual Pinball 10 (VPX) is not made by me!!! 
    I only coded the launcher into it.
    I only coded the trayicon launcher app. 
    You can find the original VPX here:  
    Many thanks to all these geniuses who have been developing VPX for years.
    Thanks to A. Rubin for his support making 90% of the tablepreviews!
    How it works:

    How it looks in VR (with Virtual Desktop):
    Installation / Setup:
    install to your prefered destination (vpx-folder) launch VPX-Launcher.exe there is a new green vpx-ixon at your taskbar. rightclick to see menu settings setup your tables-folder set "Autostart last table" (for next start) click on apply changes click on "Launch VPX"
    launcher will pup up you will see doubled overlays hit AddCredit-Key to open launcher-settings adjust exeDistance:
    +/- :  magnaSave-Keys
    up/down : flipper-Keys addCredit-Key to save and close settings.  
    If you need to go with steamvr (not recommend):
    rename openvr_api64.dll to openvr_api64_openxr.dll rename openvr_api64_steam.dll to openvr_api64.dll  
    Anyone knows why my overlay is horizontal most of the time but not always?
    You have to change from cabinet to desktop view in VPX graphics options.

    If you have loaded a non working table you can click trayicon-menu "remove starttable".
    How to use:
    key-mapping of each function is displayed
    at the bottom of launcher overlay
    Infos about xrChecker (Trayicon Menu - Settings)
    This option allows you to check if your VR headset is ready before starting VPX. You have several options to respond to the availability. xrChecker communicates with openvr_api64.dll used by VPX. It is developed for openXR / OpenComposite and is currently not compatible with steamVR (more info below).

    For me - playing only in VR and setting up everything in 2D - this is a gemechanger!!!
    If i attach my VR-device, i play in VR and if not, i play/edit in 2D.
    I don't have to toggle anything. my settings to achieve this:
    active xrChecker VR-device not ready ... launch VPX in 2D VR-device is ready ... force VR.
      For the VR user, this changes many things, but your ini files and VPX settings remain untouched. All it changes are the responses of my modifications inside VPX. My special version of VPX_Launcher listens to the configuration sent by the tray icon app. The config-central is the tray icon app. To handle VR device availability, it uses my little helper app (located in the subfolder /vpxlauncher/xrchecker/). The screenshot of the new settings dialog shows what can now be configured.

    However, keep in mind that if you start the original (non-launcher modified) VPX, everything will be as it was before. Additionally, there is the option "Let VPX decide," which allows you to start VPX_Launcher as it used to (with ini settings). You can also completely disable the xrchecker, and VPX_Launcher will behave exactly as it did before this new version.
    Hint for steamVR-players:
    Version 0.29 (autoupdate) adds steamVR support for xrChecker.

    If you don't want to wait days ...
    .. ask them in our VR Pinball Discord Channel:

    This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. In no event shall the author(s) be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
    By using this software, you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms.
    have fun!


       (9 reviews)



  3. Vulcan (Gottlieb 1977) VRROOM MR Ext2k Conversion 1.0

    The original table was created by BorgDog,hauntfreaks,sliderpoint, and hmueck, but I used part of Vulcan IV table made by Halen for make this conversion.
    I only added The VRROOM and Mixed Reality too.
    You can change VR Room to MR with right magnasave.
    Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey:
    Color RGB = 255,255,255
    Similarity: 2
    Smoothness: 2
    You can enable ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit.
    This table requires B2S. I used Wildman Backglass


       (1 review)



  4. VPin Workshop Example & Resource Table

    WARNING: This is not a typical playable table!
    Download this if you are interested in learning about some of the table-building techniques used at VPW. Some of the content was developed at VPW, but most content is curated from already existing examples provided by our great gurus. Pick and choose which enhancement you want to use on your own VP project. Hope you all find this to be a helpful resource!
    Dynamic Ball Shadows: iaakki, apophis, Wylte, fluffhead35
    Rubberizer: iaakki
    Target Bouncer: iaakki, wrd1972, apophis
    Flipper and physics corrections: nFozzy, Rothbauerw
    Sound effects package: Fleep
    Lampz & Ramp Rolling Sounds: nFozzy
    Flasher Domes & Bumpers: Flupper
    3D inserts: Flupper, Benji
    Drop Targets & Targets: Rothbauerw
    VR Cabinet & Room: Sixtoe, Flupper, 3rdaxis
    Advanced Queuing System: Arelyel
    FlexDMD: oqqsan


       (4 reviews)



  5. VPinballX.starter

    Small tool to start the right VPinballX version depending on the selected table file.
    To all who ask:
    Should I really try out the new VPX release with all the new tables coming for 10.8? How can I use different versions of VPinballX for different tables?  
    This is my answer to those questions!  The tool VPinballX.starter can be put as replacement for VPinballX.exe in the default folder....
    It will start the right VPinballX version depending on the table file. It is meant to be a "set and forget" tool.
    Please do not forget to like and review..., what is important for content creators (tables, backglasses, DMD colorization?) is as important for us writing the tool-set!
    It uses a small ini file similar to this one:
    ;A Configuration file for VPinballX.starter [VPinballX.starter] ;DefaultVersion when started without any table param. DefaultVersion=10.80 LogVersions=1 [TableNameExceptions] ;If left string is found in the Table filename we will use the right string to add to the version number search CASE sensitive... Table Name=x32 Another Table=GL x32=x32 GL=GL X74=.RevertX7 old table=.RevertX7 [VPinballX] ;Default value used when not found in the table below. Default=VPinballX64.8-1786.exe Default.RevertX7=VPinballX.7.4.exe ;File versions converted to the right VPinballXxx.exe 10.72=VPinballX72.exe 10.80=VPinballX64.8-1786.exe 10.80GL=VPinballX_GL64.exe 10.80x32=VPinballX.8-1786.exe  
    It works like this:
    VPinballX.starter is started with exactly the same parameters as VPinballX.exe. First it loads the table file and finds out what version it was saved with (using the same technique as VPX). It takes this information and looks in the ini file above to find out which version of VPinballX.xxx.exe YOU want to run.
    It will then run the VPinballXxx.exe that you have configured with exactly the same parameters that were given to the starter. If you simply double-click the VPinballX.starter without a table, the default entry under [VPinballX.starter] will be used or if it cannot find a version stored in the table, it will use the default in [VPinballX].
    In this way, the correct table version or the version you have selected will be used. Each time you start VPinballX.starter, a log entry will be added to VPinballX.starter.log stating which version was used. This can be disabled by setting LogVersions=0.

    Table Name Exceptions
    A new feature called Table Name Exceptions allows to configure exceptions to the automated finding the right executable. The Exceptions are either that a string is added to the table filename hinting that this table should use the x32 version instead, or can be parts of a table filename pointing to the same string. This string will be added when searched for the executable. 
    So either you name the table with an exception string like (x32, x64, GL) or you enter parts of the table names into the ini, where you know they only want certain versions (like x32, x64 or even GL)
    What you decide here is all up to you!
    E.g starting a table needing 10.80 and having an exception "GL" will look for 10.80GL in the [VPinballX] section in the ini. This is made using pure string handling, there is NO logic behind the strings in the ini file. You can define your own standard here.
    How to set it up
    Copy VPinballX.starter.exe next to your VPinballX.exe files. Double click on VPinballX.starter.exe and follow the instructions. It will create a template VPinballX.starter.ini that you will need to edit to your liking. The values 10.72, 10.80 (10.74 has no specific version saved) and so on all come from the pinball tables saved in different versions by VPinballX.exe.
    Once you are happy with VPinballX.starter.exe, you can rename it to VPinballX.exe; it will take care of starting the right version independent if you are using Windows Explorer, PinballX, PinballY or Pinup Popper...

    Have fun! 


       (4 reviews)



  6. Vernes World (Spinball 1996) JP VR ROOM Ext2k Conversion

    Hi, This file is based from JP Salas Table, and I only added the VR ROOM.
    Special Thanks to Akiles for his amazing pictures
    I created a new image for backglass but I take the ilumination from Wildman Backglass


       (3 reviews)



  7. Victory (Gottlieb 1987) _VR ROOM

    VR Room added to table by Sinbad and @Schlabber34

    Previously I credited another tablre author, but I realized I made an error in my file names. I had multiple 2d versions downloaded and got confused! First time VR Room pains lol  


       (1 review)



  8. vpxOnTop

    My small trayicon tool that gives "Visual Pinball Player" the focus.
    Visual Pinball Player ist the player-instance window of VPX.
    This useful tool ensures that the VPX player instance maintains focus. It checks every second to see if the focus is on the player and resets it to the window if necessary. This ensures that keyboard inputs always reach VPX. This is especially helpful when looking through the VR headset and can't see what the windows on the desktop are doing.
    32bit & 64bit version included (i know, this makes no sense - but before someone is asking for 64bit version...)


       (0 reviews)



  9. Viking Music Mod (Bord)

    Music mod for Bords Viking table. Rename the vbs script the same as your table and add it to the tables folder and the Viking music folder to your Music folder. You will need Bords table for this to work. With this process you can return the table to non-music by just removing the custom script from the tables folder. 


       (1 review)



  10. Volkan Steel and Metal (Original 2023)

    An Original by onevox & oqqsan
    onevox: Game Concept, Layout & Graphic Design, 3D Modeling, Sound Design
    oqqsan:  Programming, Lighting Design, Special Effects, Animations, Game & Rules Improvements 
    apophis: Fleep sounds, nFozzy physics, DOF, Consulting
    leojreimroc & sixtoe: VR Implementation

    Testing by VpinWorkshop: Bietekwiet, PinStratsDan, H3RBSKIx, leojreimroc, JoePicasso, Smaug, porggy, sixtoe, bord, iaakki, Thalamus, fluffhead, tyson171, Wylte, Arelyel Krele, Primetime5k, Robby King Pin
    Special thanks to Joe Picasso, the VPX dev team, and DJRobX & Rusty Cardores for SSF 
    Attract Music: Industrial Elegance by Gooseworx 
    Volkan Steel & Metal is a unique game with toggled scoring where some strategically placed targets change scoring to Player 2 (Robert Baron), and others change it back to Player 1 (Capt. Tweed). In a one player game, your goal is retain as much of the "money" as possible. Once a score is awarded, it is retained by the player.
    Hold Left MagnaSave button to display game info, Right MagnaSave to flip pages

    The backstory will help understand the rules and concept:
    Volkan Steel & Metal is an original game design based on a late 1800s Steampunk metal factory founded by Capt. Augustus Tweed in the town of Irongate. The Company found massive success with Tweed's discovery that Strontium, when used in alloys, makes metals stronger and lighter. This proved valuable in the development of Steampunk airships, devices and prosthetics. Competitors were unsuccessful in re-creating Tweed's formulas, so their tactics turned ruthless. Tweed's sister, Abigail, naively met and married Mr. Robert Baron while in college, and convinced her brother to hire Baron at Volkan to improve their standing in the community. But Tweed suspects Baron is trying to take control of the Company, or is a spy trying to steal the formulas. Robert and Abigail think Tweed is paranoid. 
    Your goal is to complete orders for metals and alloys while retaining as much of the Volkan’s profits. To complete an order, you will need Coal (saucer) to stoke the Blast Furnace (upper left VUK) and raise the temperature. You will also need a certain amount of Steam and Electricity for each order to run the factory. And, of course, the necessary ores needed for each order: Iron, Copper, Tin, and Zinc bumpers & Carbon standup. Plus, Volkan’s secret element: Strontium drop targerts. Once everything is collected for each order, the Blast Furnace door opens in the upper center. A successful shot completes the order.
    Build your fortune by running Volkan Steel  & Metal. Your money is collected in Tweed’s bank account. But your scheming brother-in-law, Robert Baron, will STEAL your money and MEDDLE in your affairs if you’re not careful. Two Baron Blue standups switch scoring from Tweed's Player 1 score to Baron's Player 2 score.  Two Tweed Green targets switch scoring from Baron’s score back to Tweed’s  score. Play as Baron! Use flippers to choose if you want to play as Tweed or Baron before launching Ball 1.
    Must be selected before first ball is launched. In a two player game where Tweed is Player 1 and Baron is Player 2, both players can add to their own score and switch scoring to their opponent with the Blue and Green targets. So keep an eye on the center console (apron) light, playfield lights or backbox to see who has control. Player with the most money at the end of the game takes control of Volkan.
    Hold Left MagnaSave button for game info, Right MagnaSave to flip pages


       (70 reviews)



  11. VPX Table Faith George Michael ver. 1.01

    A tous les passionnés de pincab,
    J'ai réalisé cette table en modifiant la table ici https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14884
    Celle ci est une modification de la table VPX Charlies's Angels
    Tous les fichiers sont présents dans le pack. Installez vos fichiers dans Vpinball
    Amusez-vous bien.


       (4 reviews)



  12. VP_Cooks-THE MATRIX

    For all the fans of The Matrix saga, we've created a full experience for all of you, with hours and hours of hard work, for you to enjoy!
    Special mention to the mission Killing the Sentinel, triggered by the left target (indicated with an arrow). You'll have to discover how and when to activate it!
    Mission are activated in 2 phases, the first one, Entering the Matrix through the phone booth, and then, starting it in the right scoop (also indicated).
    In the end, you'll have to choose... RED PILL OR BLUE PILL???
    Special thanks to JP Salas for all his unbelievable help and the wonderful script, that we used to create this table.


       (21 reviews)



  13. VR ROOM The Munsters (PRO)(Original 2020) v1.06b.vpx

    This is a small update to Munsters to add Scorbit score tracking. I have also address the bug where you got your bonus multiple times by hitting the flipper buttons.
    I have re-based this on the VR release rather than the original V1.05 I released previously.
    Please note the README-Scorbit.txt file enclosed as you WILL need to move a couple files to the Pup locations (rather than reissuing a pup pack).
    Stay tuned for Aerosmith - coming real soon and now Rush is a WIP.
    (PS. I lost access to allknowing2012 so now I am allknowing2013 🙂 )


       (11 reviews)



  14. Volley (Gottlieb 1976)

    The table is made by the great Jeff Whitehead (Loserman76).
    May he rest in peace. 😞 I hope, there are pinballs where you are, Jeff.
    I would like to thank Jeff, for allowing me, to convert his tables to VR.
    It is a hybrid table. So you can play in VR, desktop or cabinet mode, but you need the external backglass.
    There is no need to change the script. A VR headset is automatically detected.
    I added the following things:
    VR room, artwork for cabinet, backbox and flyer, animations for buttons and plungers, LUT files (change with magnasave buttons).
    '*        Table build/scripted by Loserman76
    '*        Images/Plastics by Popotte
    '*        Redraw by Bodydump
    '*        VR update by Rajo Joey
    Works in 10.7.2, best to play in VPinball_GL 10.8: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions/workflows/vpinball.yml
    These are quick conversions, as I don't like playing in a dark room and don't want to spend more days or weeks to convert a table.
    If you want to do your own conversions, I wrote two tutorials for EM tables like Loserman76's and make templates of the tables, pictures and materials.
    Also there are some .psd files, to change the artwork in an easy way for example.
    In the template tables there are generic artwork for the cabinet and the backbox. Some people may be happy with that and don't need the real artwork.
    There is a short tutorial for people, who know the editor and a longer one for newbies. Both instructions are in English and German.


       (0 reviews)



  15. Viking (Bally 1980)

    A brutal game from Bally's classic era. Rip the spinner, build your multiplier, pray you hit the saucer.
    I first worked on this game years ago. Since then it has been updated a few times. This [final] version has big script, sound, physics and VR overhaul all thanks to the work of nestorgian, fluffhead35, apophis, leojreimroc.
    B2S included. Use the nvram or F6 into the menu before crying about not being able to see credits on the backglass.


       (14 reviews)



  16. Victory (Gottlieb 1987)

    Victory from Gottlieb (1987) 
    I had the idea to bring this table over here and i contacted Sindbad if he wants to upload it. He told me that he is busy at the moment and he wanted me to do this for him. So i'm uploading this one here in the name of Sindbad. I took the chance and fixed some gameplay/physics issues before uploading.
    Original release text by Sindbad: 

    Guys, I can't stop it. Here's the rebuild-from-the-scratch version of Victory, that (hopefully) also fixes the known bugs. Rebuilding this table was only possible because of massive help from Schreibi34. He invested a tremendous amount of time, and created fascinating objects in Blender with kick ass 3D lighting effects. When the table was playable and nearly ready for release, WED21 joined the team, and he implemented his awesome sourround sound modifications. Some of you guys know, that I'm not as fast any more as I was prior to my rheumatism. My fingers are very slow now, so I'm full of gratitude to Schreibi34. He helped me a lot, so this table is also his table.
    This table has been developed and tested during the build under several VPX versions. Last version tested was 10.5.0 (Revision 3455). We developed the table under the ROM "victory", we didn't test any other roms. 
    But not everything was done by me, so it's time to present the real stars behind this table:
    Schreibi34: Thanks for everything you've done, this table is also yours...
    WED21: - Thanks for the kick ass surround sound modification!
    Flupper: Thanks a million times for the Cycles insert material and environment! Thanks for the free to use flasher domes. Awesome stuff!
    The Loafer: Thanks for all the testing
    JPSalas: ball rolling sound script, flasher images
    Zany: primitives
    Noah: nudging routines
    Hauntfreaks: background image
    Ninuzzu: ball shadow routines
    The VP and VPM development teams: Thanks for the awesome software
    Ah, I forgot: No permission required to mod, enhance, or maybe delete, you can use all resources which came from me for whatever - but not for crime. 
    What's New in Version 2.0.1 (See full changelog)
    Version 2.0: Initial Rebuild-from-scratch release
    Version 2.0.1: Fixed missing balls and dome screws
    Version 2.0.2: Gameplay and physics fixes!
    Thanks to scutters and MikeDASpike for the Flex-DMD version!!


       (8 reviews)



  17. Vector Pinball (Field One)

    VPX (10.7 required) conversion of Vector Pinball by Sophira, a VP9 recreation of the first table "field" in the "Vector Pinball" mobile game by Dozing Cat Software.  Updated and uploaded with permission from both.
    I tried to keep it as true to the android version as possible, from bigger things like physics and timing down to little weird quirks like the flippers killing the ball momentum.  Compared to the mobile version, it’s just a little bit less floaty and has very minor adjustments to where the ball goes when not in player control.  The ball is still wild, just a little less likely to drain without giving the player a chance.
    Options for various things are in the script, with explanations.
    dB2S files with 16:9 and 4:3 setups included in the .zip. If somebody wants to improve the script for a better backglass, let me know and I will update the original and credit you!
    Unfortunately necessary disclaimer:
    Distribution of this table to sites other than where I myself have uploaded it is explicitly NOT allowed.
    Modding IS allowed and permission given in advance by me, but you must get permission from Dozing Cat Software before uploading (it was their table, after all).
    Thanks to Brian Nenninger of Dozing Cat Software for the original and giving permission to make this;  Sophira for permission to use her VP9 table, its code, and the resources she gathered;  Outhere and Wildman for their info and tutorials on the B2S Designer and code hooks;  JPSalas for his materials data;  HauntFreaks for the ShinyEnvironment lighting environment;  and Toxie and Fuzzel for VPX.


       (7 reviews)



  18. VooDoo's Carnival pinball

    This has been A long time coming! I have worked on this table for over 2 years ( learning to script ,gimp and video editing), and is my first Original table. This table would still be sitting on my desktop had I not had the help of a few people, to many for me to list here...which is why I put the thanks in the "attract mode" of the table!  So, as I mentioned this is my first creation, if you find "bugs" feel free to comment here and I will try to fix them as time permits. I hope you enjoy the game! 
    Voodoo started as A table about voodoo, then I thought about doing "killer clowns from outer space". Not being able to make my mind up , I combined the ideas to what it is now.
    A carnival run by an evil clown 😁
    this version has no wizard mode...yet. it is also a difficult game (shot wise) .
    check the script for options!
    this is a "pup" required table so you will need to have pinup player working. It was created in 10.6 but plays fine in 10.7
    Orbital pin framework was the base of this table 
    All DOF ( for those lucky enough to have it set up) scripting was done by Apophis
    rules write up by Wylte
    NOTE: for people without default keys,  open the script and comment out or delete line 1357.  If you havent had a problem, no need to worry.


       (28 reviews)



  19. Vikings + PuPPack (Original Mod)

    Who wants to be king ?!
    Here is my new table based on one of my favorite TV Show ... Vikings !
    You'll need vpx 10.7 to make it work.
    A big thank you to Ivantab and Lodger for the work on Terminator 1 TBA (Strawman wip) table, which my table is based on. Thank you also to Balutito for the helpful tips ! 
    Table is delivered with a Pup-Pack. Warning, it contains blood, violence and spoilers, so keep your children away !
    As always, you can choose between different options with bat files in the pup pack folder.
    You must use the PuPPack because table is not made to be used whitout.
    You can use magnasaves to change music.
    Table is not perfect, it may need some lights modifications, but i'm not an expert so ... 😅
    Enjoy !
    Voici ma nouvelle table sur le thème d'une de mes séries préférées ... Vikings !
    Vous aurez besoin de vpx en version 10.7 pour la faire fonctionner.
    Un grand merci à Ivantab et Lodger pour leur travail sur la table Terminator 1 TBA (un WIP de Strawman), qui m'ont permis de l'utiliser et la modifier. Merci également à Balutito pour ses précieux conseils !
    La table est délivrée avec un PupPack. Attention, il y a du sang, de la violence et des spoilers, donc éloignez les enfants !
    Comme d'habitude, vous pouvez choisir entre différentes configurations dans le dossier du PuPPack (options .bat).
    Le PuPPack est obligatoire car la table n'est pas faite pour fonctionner sans .
    Vous pouvez utiliser les magnasaves pour changer les musiques.
    La table n'est pas parfaite, et il faudrait sûrement améliorer certaines lumières, mais je ne suis pas un expert ... 😅
    Amusez-vous bien !
    All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.


       (4 reviews)



  20. Van Halen Pinball with Music Video Puppack

    This table was originally done by Goldchicco (thank you again for letting me mod this table), I updated the art and turned it into a video puppack table. Hope you enjoy! Oh and good luck on the 13 minute Eruption Multiball video! 
    Download includes vpx table, Ultradmd files, dummy music files (goes in music folder), puppack and wheel image.
    - Ultradmd options are at the bottom of the script to suit your color taste and dmd size.

    Special shout out to Hawkeyez88 for letting me use your Mega account!
    Please rate and give a like if you download anything from vpuniverse!
    NOTE: This table is not meant for sharing with others outside this community. If someone asks you if you can share this table with them, you tell them you can download it ONLY here on vpuniverse,  If you download it anywhere else like VPD its not approved by me or anyone else who knows better. Lets come together on this and stop this guys stealing bullshit.
    Thank you!


       (2 reviews)



  21. Volley (Gottlieb 1976)

    Volley (Gottlieb 1976) by the late loserman76.


       (0 reviews)



  22. V.1 (IDSA 1986)

    Special Thanks to :
    32assassin for starting this project and pass it over to me.
    mfuegemann for the vp9 version.

     Ver 2.0
    * New table physics
    * Added Fleep Sound package
    * Few adjustments around the table
    * New backdrop image for DT users (Thanks @batch)
    * Added JP's LUT
    * New light, lighting, environmental image
    * Images reworked and upscaled
    ROM included in the zip
    vbs files also included (use it only if needed)

    After launching the table for the first time press F6 to setup the DIP Switches (coins, ball per game and ROM sound).
    Hope you enjoy it and please leave constructive feedback or comments in the support topic and will try to make it better.
    All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
    Permission to Mod: Yes with approval


       (0 reviews)



  23. Viper Night Drivin' (Sega 1998)

    VPX table by: Goldchicco, 32assassin & Andrei Miraklov

    vp9 base table by: Ruqlem & Destruk
    Special Thanks to :
    32assassin for helping me with this release.
    Andrei Miraklov for the 3D toys and his AMAZING talent.
    Chucky87 for the Apron Image
    Batch for the backdrop image for Desktop users.
    Movieguru for working on the plastics images
    The Communities of Visual Pinball Addicts and VP Nation on Facebook to step forward and offer their help
    Also built into the table is the JP Salas LUT selector. Hold down the LEFT MAGNASAVE and then press the RIGHT MAGNASAVE to cycle through the 10 different LUT brightness's, do this before starting a game since this table use the magnasave buttons.
    LUT files thanks to Vogliadicane
    Hope you enjoy it and please leave constructive feedback or comments in the support topic and will try to make it better.
    All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
    Permission to Mod: Yes with approval


       (6 reviews)



  24. Vector (Bally 1982)

    When i asked Sindbad for permission to use his Vector resources he told me that he was already working on a version of this table. Both versions were in their final stage so i thought that this was it and this baby will stay on my cab. But he didn't hesitate and almost completely gave up his own table to team up with me. Thanks man! You don't find guys like him very often! He was also a motivation at the end when i lost my patience. I was ready to release the table as is but he had a couple of good ideas and he made them possible with his Photoshop and scripting knowledge! So this also Sindbad's table.
    OK,turn down the lights in your mancave and we hope you enjoy this one!
    - Big thanks to DJRobX for making the fast flips work on this table with some incredible script vodoo. So this is basicly a DJRobX fast flip mod. This is all beyond my knowledge. I couldn't even find the lines he was changing!
    - Removed Walls 19 and 20 below the flippers. They had a hight of 50 and caused strange behaviour in the drain area (Thanks Sliderpoint!)

    - Killer sound files and script


    - Redraws, graphics, images. Especially the PF redraw is awesome!
    - Scripting
    - Photoshoping whenever i needed it!
    - Thanks for giving up your own table just to finish this one!
    - Ramps and other primitives all over the table
    - Renderings all over the table
    - Lighting
    - Gameplay
    - Layout changes
    - Insert lights
    - Kicker primitives including the two way kicker on the UPF

    - Thanks for checking the DOF stuff!

    - Thanks for checking the gameplay. He owned the real table. I guess he's still playing. If he finds something that makes gameplay more realistic, we will add this in an update!

    - JP's fading lamps and flashers script
    - JP's ballrolling sound script

    - Ballshadow


       (5 reviews)



  25. Vasco da Gama (Mad Buffalo 2020)

    Version 1.0       Special thanks to J. P Salas for authorizing the use of the Mod "Straight Flush (Williams 1970)" table that I used as a base.       A tribute to Vasco da Gama best soccer team in the world.


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