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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.1


    Blackout (Williams 1980) SBR34 Complete rebuild from scratch! Bord managed to get a complete set of scans including the playfield (thanks Chris)! The table dimensions and layout are as accurate as possible thanks to those scans. All posts were positioned on the corresponding holes in the PF scan. A big thanks goes to Bord! I could not have done this without him! He made working on this really easy for me! Thanks my friend! I also want to thank UnclePaulie for making this table VR-Ready! Options are in the script! I love that BG! Also a big thanks to Chris, iaakki, rothbauer and Rik for the help! I know all of you guys are busy! Thanks to 32assassin for bringing this table to VPX! I used my mod of his table as a base for this one! You can change the LUT's by pressing the magna save buttons! Credits: bord – scripting, DT background image and scores, prim animations, texture swaps, physics and countless other things...... Chris - playfield scan UnclePaulie - VR implementation, LUT selector iaakki - scripting assist, physics fixes rothbauerw - scripting assist, physics fixes hauntfreaks - plastics colour correction Rik - play testing Schlabber34 – new table layout, renderings, Youtube gameplay analysis, physics
  2. Version 2.0.2


    Victory from Gottlieb (1987) I had the idea to bring this table over here and i contacted Sindbad if he wants to upload it. He told me that he is busy at the moment and he wanted me to do this for him. So i'm uploading this one here in the name of Sindbad. I took the chance and fixed some gameplay/physics issues before uploading. Original release text by Sindbad: Guys, I can't stop it. Here's the rebuild-from-the-scratch version of Victory, that (hopefully) also fixes the known bugs. Rebuilding this table was only possible because of massive help from Schreibi34. He invested a tremendous amount of time, and created fascinating objects in Blender with kick ass 3D lighting effects. When the table was playable and nearly ready for release, WED21 joined the team, and he implemented his awesome sourround sound modifications. Some of you guys know, that I'm not as fast any more as I was prior to my rheumatism. My fingers are very slow now, so I'm full of gratitude to Schreibi34. He helped me a lot, so this table is also his table. This table has been developed and tested during the build under several VPX versions. Last version tested was 10.5.0 (Revision 3455). We developed the table under the ROM "victory", we didn't test any other roms. But not everything was done by me, so it's time to present the real stars behind this table: Schreibi34: Thanks for everything you've done, this table is also yours... WED21: - Thanks for the kick ass surround sound modification! Flupper: Thanks a million times for the Cycles insert material and environment! Thanks for the free to use flasher domes. Awesome stuff! The Loafer: Thanks for all the testing JPSalas: ball rolling sound script, flasher images Zany: primitives Noah: nudging routines Hauntfreaks: background image Ninuzzu: ball shadow routines The VP and VPM development teams: Thanks for the awesome software Ah, I forgot: No permission required to mod, enhance, or maybe delete, you can use all resources which came from me for whatever - but not for crime. What's New in Version 2.0.1 (See full changelog) Version 2.0: Initial Rebuild-from-scratch release Version 2.0.1: Fixed missing balls and dome screws Version 2.0.2: Gameplay and physics fixes! Thanks to scutters and MikeDASpike for the Flex-DMD version!!
  3. Version 1.2.2


    When i asked Sindbad for permission to use his Vector resources he told me that he was already working on a version of this table. Both versions were in their final stage so i thought that this was it and this baby will stay on my cab. But he didn't hesitate and almost completely gave up his own table to team up with me. Thanks man! You don't find guys like him very often! He was also a motivation at the end when i lost my patience. I was ready to release the table as is but he had a couple of good ideas and he made them possible with his Photoshop and scripting knowledge! So this also Sindbad's table. OK,turn down the lights in your mancave and we hope you enjoy this one! Credits: v1.2 - Big thanks to DJRobX for making the fast flips work on this table with some incredible script vodoo. So this is basicly a DJRobX fast flip mod. This is all beyond my knowledge. I couldn't even find the lines he was changing! - Removed Walls 19 and 20 below the flippers. They had a hight of 50 and caused strange behaviour in the drain area (Thanks Sliderpoint!) v1.1 WED21: - Killer sound files and script v1.0 Sindbad: - Redraws, graphics, images. Especially the PF redraw is awesome! - Scripting - Photoshoping whenever i needed it! - Thanks for giving up your own table just to finish this one! Schlabber34: - Ramps and other primitives all over the table - Renderings all over the table - Lighting - Gameplay - Layout changes - Insert lights randr: - Kicker primitives including the two way kicker on the UPF Arngrim: - Thanks for checking the DOF stuff! TheLoafer: - Thanks for checking the gameplay. He owned the real table. I guess he's still playing. If he finds something that makes gameplay more realistic, we will add this in an update! jpsalas: - JP's fading lamps and flashers script - JP's ballrolling sound script ninuzzu: - Ballshadow
  4. View File Victory (Gottlieb 1987) Victory from Gottlieb (1987) I had the idea to bring this table over here and i contacted Sindbad if he wants to upload it. He told me that he is busy at the moment and he wanted me to do this for him. So i'm uploading this one here in the name of Sindbad. I took the chance and fixed some gameplay/physics issues before uploading. Original release text by Sindbad: Guys, I can't stop it. Here's the rebuild-from-the-scratch version of Victory, that (hopefully) also fixes the known bugs. Rebuilding this table was only possible because of massive help from Schreibi34. He invested a tremendous amount of time, and created fascinating objects in Blender with kick ass 3D lighting effects. When the table was playable and nearly ready for release, WED21 joined the team, and he implemented his awesome sourround sound modifications. Some of you guys know, that I'm not as fast any more as I was prior to my rheumatism. My fingers are very slow now, so I'm full of gratitude to Schreibi34. He helped me a lot, so this table is also his table. This table has been developed and tested during the build under several VPX versions. Last version tested was 10.5.0 (Revision 3455). We developed the table under the ROM "victory", we didn't test any other roms. But not everything was done by me, so it's time to present the real stars behind this table: Schreibi34: Thanks for everything you've done, this table is also yours... WED21: - Thanks for the kick ass surround sound modification! Flupper: Thanks a million times for the Cycles insert material and environment! Thanks for the free to use flasher domes. Awesome stuff! The Loafer: Thanks for all the testing JPSalas: ball rolling sound script, flasher images Zany: primitives Noah: nudging routines Hauntfreaks: background image Ninuzzu: ball shadow routines The VP and VPM development teams: Thanks for the awesome software Ah, I forgot: No permission required to mod, enhance, or maybe delete, you can use all resources which came from me for whatever - but not for crime. What's New in Version 2.0.1 (See full changelog) Version 2.0: Initial Rebuild-from-scratch release Version 2.0.1: Fixed missing balls and dome screws Version 2.0.2: Gameplay and physics fixes! Submitter Schlabber34 Submitted 05/31/2022 Category Solid State (SS) Recreations Link to B2S https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/4547-victory-premier-1987/  
  5. View File Blackout (Williams 1980) - Schlabber34 Blackout (Williams 1980) SBR34 Complete rebuild from scratch! Bord managed to get a complete set of scans including the playfield (thanks Chris)! The table dimensions and layout are as accurate as possible thanks to those scans. All posts were positioned on the corresponding holes in the PF scan. A big thanks goes to Bord! I could not have done this without him! He made working on this really easy for me! Thanks my friend! I also want to thank UnclePaulie for making this table VR-Ready! Options are in the script! I love that BG! Also a big thanks to Chris, iaakki, rothbauer and Rik for the help! I know all of you guys are busy! Thanks to 32assassin for bringing this table to VPX! I used my mod of his table as a base for this one! You can change the LUT's by pressing the magna save buttons! Credits: bord – scripting, DT background image and scores, prim animations, texture swaps, physics and countless other things...... Chris - playfield scan UnclePaulie - VR implementation, LUT selector iaakki - scripting assist, physics fixes rothbauerw - scripting assist, physics fixes hauntfreaks - plastics colour correction Rik - play testing Schlabber34 – new table layout, renderings, Youtube gameplay analysis, physics Submitter Schlabber34 Submitted 02/11/2022 Category Solid State (SS) Recreations Link to B2S  
  6. View File Vector (Bally 1982) When i asked Sindbad for permission to use his Vector resources he told me that he was already working on a version of this table. Both versions were in their final stage so i thought that this was it and this baby will stay on my cab. But he didn't hesitate and almost completely gave up his own table to team up with me. Thanks man! You don't find guys like him very often! He was also a motivation at the end when i lost my patience. I was ready to release the table as is but he had a couple of good ideas and he made them possible with his Photoshop and scripting knowledge! So this also Sindbad's table. OK,turn down the lights in your mancave and we hope you enjoy this one! Credits: v1.2 - Big thanks to DJRobX for making the fast flips work on this table with some incredible script vodoo. So this is basicly a DJRobX fast flip mod. This is all beyond my knowledge. I couldn't even find the lines he was changing! - Removed Walls 19 and 20 below the flippers. They had a hight of 50 and caused strange behaviour in the drain area (Thanks Sliderpoint!) v1.1 WED21: - Killer sound files and script v1.0 Sindbad: - Redraws, graphics, images. Especially the PF redraw is awesome! - Scripting - Photoshoping whenever i needed it! - Thanks for giving up your own table just to finish this one! Schlabber34: - Ramps and other primitives all over the table - Renderings all over the table - Lighting - Gameplay - Layout changes - Insert lights randr: - Kicker primitives including the two way kicker on the UPF Arngrim: - Thanks for checking the DOF stuff! TheLoafer: - Thanks for checking the gameplay. He owned the real table. I guess he's still playing. If he finds something that makes gameplay more realistic, we will add this in an update! jpsalas: - JP's fading lamps and flashers script - JP's ballrolling sound script ninuzzu: - Ballshadow Submitter Schlabber34 Submitted 05/13/2021 Category Solid State (SS) Recreations ROM Name Link to B2S Permission to Mod No VP Version v10  
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