Welcome To The Future! (v2.0!)
VPW are very proud to present Total Nuclear Annihilation V2.0! This project started in April '21 when EBisLit obtained a full set of new plastics for TNA for scanning, and gtxjoe started updating the script of the original v1.0 release with numerous fixes and rolling in both nfozzy physics and fleep audio, supported by Scott Danesi who provided the original DMD media, TNA light animations and sound effects. Over the next 2 years the table was worked on by a number of people in the community changing and updating nearly everything, bringing it as close in line with the real table as possible, including programming the light shows and now using the original machines video. What you see is the culmination of thousands of man hours of development, we're super happy with it, and hope you will be too! (and yes it's meant to be that hard!)
This VPX table **does not** come with the TNA soundtrack.
For the full music experience, you will need to BUY the TNA Album and possibly convert the songs from FLAC format to mp3 format with a tool like this: https://www.freac.org/
It is available here:
After buying them rename all mp3 files to TNA1.mp3 through TNA10.mp3 (Scarlet.mp3 is not used)
Place the tracks in the
\Visual Pinball\Music\TNA
folder, then you must find and set bMusicOn to true in the script like this:
Const bMusicOn = True
and then you can disable the TNA message by setting
Disable_TNA_Message = True
Please show Scott Danesi your support and thanks for creating an awesome pinball game and for making the music available for us to buy.
This release is fully compatible with the old release for anyone who purchased the soundtrack for that.
PinUp Player *Now Required*
** Download the Pup Pack from the Download button on this page! ***
Pinup Player 1.44 or higher is required. Install files and setup guide can be found here:
● PuP-Pack folder "tna" needs to be copied to your PUPVideos folder.
● Windows "Text and Scaling" / DPI must be set to 100 for ALL your screens!
● your "PuP Backglass" display needs to be a proper 16:9 ratio (such as 1920x1080)
● if you have a dedicated 3rd LCD screen that is 16:9 ratio or full size (similar to the real TNA cabinet),
● then your Pup "FullDMD" display must be positioned on that 3rd screen and at 16:9 ratio (1920x1080, 1366x768, 1280x720,etc)
● it's VERY important to have the PuP Backglass and PuP Music displays at proper 16:9 ratio, or the text will NOT display correctly
● the pup displays can be configured with the PinUpPlayerConfigDisplays.bat
There are 4 PuP-Pack options (depending on your cabinet / setup):
Navigate to the;
Directory and double click on the option you will be using to set up PuP properly.
Option 1 - PUPDMD on the Backglass. For those who don't have a dedicated fullsize 3rd monitor / TV for the PUPDMD text and videos.
Option 2 - PUPDMD on the Backglass with B2S. Same as above, but setup to allow the 4 player score from the directb2s to show on the bottom.
Option 3 - PUPDMD on a Fullscreen (similar to a modern Stern or TNA cabinet). Display the PUPDMD and Text on a 3rd dedicated 16:9 fullscreen.
This option allows you to also view the entire TNA Backglass at the same time.
Option 4 - VR or Desktop. This is to display everything on one screen for both desktop and VR users.
If you use DOF in your cab, be sure to download and update to the latest config files.
GTXJOE: VPX Table Lead
Pinballfan2018: PUPDMD
iaakki: Scorbit, Lighting, Scripting, and more
Fleep: Mechanical sound engineering, processing and scripting, drop target animations
hawkeyez88: Pup help
RetroG33K: Pup help
daphishbowl: Pup and Gif animations help
leojreimroc: VR room and backglass
apophis: Physics updates, script help
Sixtoe: VR Cab, VPX layout, Acrylics, Playfield Redraw, Apron and More.
Astronasty: Graphics help
BorgDog: Apron photos, checking gameplay against his real machine
Stat: DirectB2S backglass
EBisLIt: TNA plastic scans
Arelyel: Pup screen support
redbone: Plastic and Playfield adjustments
WildDogAracde: Mechanical sound effects recordings
Morttis: TNA MOD V1.6 update (Graphic updates)
trochjochel: PuP Media Help
Joey Beaulieu: PuP Media Help
HiRez00: PuP Media Help
NailBuster: Pinup Player, PUPDMD
Thalamus: RBG light data help
VPW and VPC beta testers
VPX Dev Team: Visual Pinball
SCOTT DANESI: Providing all the genuine DMD media and table sound effects from the amazing Total Nuclear Annihilation "real" Pinball game. And the kick ass music!
Edited by VPinWorkshop
Updated to ver 2.3. Revised description text.
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