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Sonic Pinball Mania (PinEvent V2, FizX 3.3)

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5 From 42 reviews
TerryRed, Brendan Bailey, SLAMT1LT Created by
TerryRed Artwork by
TerryRed, Brendan Bailey, SLAMT1LT, JLou Scripting by
Original Manufacturer
2024 Year

6 Screenshots

Sonic Pinball Mania (PinEvent V2 - FizX)


Created by: TerryRed


Version 2.0 (Feb 2024)


Get ready for the most EPIC Sonic pinball table ever created... and a pinball game like you've never seen before!


This has everything a Sonic fan could want in one table. Green Hill zone scenery, Sonic Loop ramp, animated bumpers, springs, item box, checkpoint, chaos emerald flashers, red star spinner, launch tunnel, rotating goal sign, moving robots, animated characters such as Sonic / Knuckles / Shadow... and even Dr Robotnik and his eggmobile which will follow your ball with it's spotlight... and much more!


This table takes full advantage of BAM's latest features with full dynamic lighting and ray cast shadows and shadowmaps to create a stunning visual pinball showcase!


What started as a quick BAM mod to update Brendan Bailey's classic Sonic table of 2005 (which was updated by SLAMT1LT in 2014), evolved into a complete overhaul to the entire table. Everything in the table has either been updated or changed, and I've added so many new things (new layout, art, models, lighting, modes, code, fixes, etc) that it's like a new table. Hence... Sonic Pinball Mania.



This table has been fully updated with FizX physics for game changing new physics on Future Pinball. FizX uses techniques similar to nFozzy physics on VPX to completely change the physics for the flippers, slings, rubbers, targets, ball behavior and more that allows this table play much more realistically than anyone ever thought was possible on Future Pinball. You will be amazed at the difference!







PinEvent V2


This table is also updated to fully support PinEvent V2 features (DOF, PUP SSF, PUP DMD). It has modern PUP DMD display options that can work with all setups. With it's crisp HD text and dazzling videos, it's sure to wow everyone who sees it.







I'm really proud of what I pulled off with this, and I really hope you enjoy it!



For an EPIC video preview of this table in action with PinEvent V2 features, check out this video:






Thanks of course to these awesome contributors:


TerryRed - Sonic Pinball Mania

Brendan Bailey (PinWizKid) - created the original Sonic the Hedgehog table in 2005

SLAMT1LT - sounds, music, code, DMD, etc from his Ultimate mod in 2014


Schlabber34 - new pre-rendered insert images

FLEEP - new mechanical sounds

JLou - for FizX and support

All the FP lads at Pinball Nirvanna for ideas, examples, and support

Nailbuster - Pinup Player and SSF support

Ravarcade - for creating the awesome BAM and providing assistance with BAM features

Chris Leathley - creator of Future Pinball





This table is a fan-made work of passion, and is NOT intended for commercial usage or to be included in any part of a commercial sale!






This table is single player only.






Static Camera Views (desktop mode only)


  • during attract mode only, you can press plunger to toggle integrated static desktop camera views

  • if you want to use your own BAM camera settings, or a FP camera view, then you must disable this feature in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script



  • right flipper button will toggle between Sonic and Chrome ball texture (only in attract mode). This can be set in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script

Plunger and Action Buttons (digital plunger, special 1, special 2)


  • all buttons/keys will activate Sonic Spin Dash and Magna-Spinner
  • all buttons/keys will act as an autoplunger during gameplay

Second Stage Flippers


  • this table supports second stage flippers for cabinet players with this setup
  • this needs to be enabled in TABLE OPTIONS in the table script
  • ensure that your Second Flippers are setup in FP Control Settings
  • ensure that your Special 1 and Special 2 keys / buttons are NOT the same keys / buttons as Second Flippers! (they are by default)





BAM Ray Cast Ball Shadows:


  • this table was created to look best with the new BAM Ray Cast Ball shadows
  • this feature is ENABLED on the table script by default
  • this feature requires a fast video card, and will use much more of your GPU
  • if the table doesn’t run smooth, then your PC may not be fast enough to handle this feature (and you should disable it)


To disable this feature, you MUST disable it in TABLE OPTIONS (in the table script)


BAM Menu - Light and Post Processing settings:


  • BAM Lighting and Post Processing settings are set by the table script and will ALWAYS override the user's settings
  • this is required to ensure that all lighting is set correctly at all times
  • on this table, you can make changes to the Ambient and Diffusion Lighting in the table script in TABLE OPTIONS


Physics: FizX v3.3


Game not running smooth? Try the following:


  • run FP in Fullscreen, not Windowed
  • disable RayCast Ball Shadows in TABLE OPTIONS (in table script)
  • disable Reflections options in FP's Video / Rendering settings
  • reduce / disable Antialiasing in FP's Video / Rendering settings
  • disable any SSAO options in BAM plugins menu (disabled by default)



TABLE REQUIREMENTS (very important!)


  • all Visual C Runtime updates
  • DirectX
  • Future Pinball
  • the latest BAM update
  • FuturePinball.exe and FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB access
  • BAM Settings files installed
  • FizX 1K ball model (for more accurate physics, default.zip in BAM folder)
  • the REQUIRED “Video / Rendering Options” and “Editor Options” in Future Pinball video settings


All of the above is included with the latest FP and BAM Essentials AIO package!

Super easy to use for a new install, or just to update your existing install. I recommend everyone install this package to ensure you have the latest required BAM updates.





  • PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file)
  • it shows you how to check what version of BAM you have installed
  • it shows you how to install all the REQUIRED items above
  • it shows you how to easily setup FP and BAM with the REQUIRED settings
  • It's super easy, and only takes minutes to do!



How to run Future Pinball to play the table


PLEASE read the Install Instructions (included with the table's zip file) to know how to properly use FP and BAM





Read the Install Instructions included in the table's zip file. It tells you everything you need to know!


Table MODS


  • please read the Disclaimer in the Install Instructions included with the table
  • please ask me first, as I am still updating this table



Edited by TerryRed

Contact Author First.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


- updated FizX physics code (includes some fixes) and physics xml settings
- removed flipper nudge commands that are no longer needed
- updated table to reflect changes in new physics code and settings


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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thank you for your work Terry :) This one reminds me of my childhood, I love it a lot!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

beautiful and epic!!!!!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

At the time of this review, this is easily the best Future Pinball Table EVER, for one single reason: you can aim! The new FizX are truely a giant leap for Future Pinball. No more being annoyed by strange ball, flippers and slingshot behaviour. I am so happy for future pinball and Terry and everyone else involved in getting to this point!

Yes, yes, installation was still a hassle. Update this, update that, install this, install that, edit this, copy that there... However, Terry is with you all the way with his installation guide. You just need a little patience. And I'm sure, that once you've set everything up for this table, the next one (Terry's Star Wars DSA?) is just gonna work right off the bat.

Back to the table, since there is so much more to love here. Terry's love for this table shows in every detail. I don't even know where to start. So let me sum this up for you: yes, it is worth your time! If you're coming from visual pinball and deleted future pinball tables after trying them out, give this one a try. You will love it.


Let's hope we find enough creators/modders to get all those beautiful future pinball tables up to speed with this, especially the original ones.




   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Big time game changer with the new physics. Didn't really expect it to be that big of a difference but wow. Very very very well done! 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is one hell of an update! Table plays better than ever, Pinevent 2 is incredible. Wonderful work, and sincerely appreciated Terry, thank you!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Words will never be enough to praise your achievements, the quality of your work and the talent you show is amazing, thank you


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is one of my favorite Pin Event Tables by far. The Pup DMD is so clean and smooth. My brother came over today to play some pinball and I showed him this table and he was blown away. Thanks Terry for all of your hard work and thanks a million for sharing it. You don't have to do any of this for the community but you do and I thank you and all of the table authors and contributors in this hobby. 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

You already know my opinion and I don't want to repeat myself so i'll say 2 things:

- wow

- Even fans of Mario will want to play this :)



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Absolute gem of a table - thank you Terry!  This looks, feels and sounds incredible.  It's a very playful and fun pinball experience that I am ecstatic to share with my kids. 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is an awesome release.

I was already a fan of Future Pinball and of course Pin Event.


Dare i say it.....Best ever FP Table?


Thanks Terry for this instant classic, a true masterpiece.

Nostalgia level went through the roof when i played it last night. I was 15 again 😀


· Edited by TallmanBrad

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Great looking table, beautifully animated. The lighting works really well and the sounds are perfectly matched to the game. 

I get a slight slowdown when I become 'invincible', but this may be a feature of invincibility? 

Running this on a single screen desktop (i7, 1660ti) and had no need to adjust any settings to get it to work. 

Fantastic job Terry! Please keep the tables coming when you are able!

EDIT: Discovered the 'slow down' is deliberate. The game intentionally slows to 75 percent when you are invincible. Happier now I know that!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Amazing table. So much naustalgia crahmmed in every pixel. Gorgeous visuals and audio. nothing short of a pure passion project. and it shows. Thank you so much Terry! This will be great to play for years to come.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is just utterly out of this world- really set the bar high!! Every little detail from the music, to the power-ups is so tastefully done. 

Thanks for this masterpiece!



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

What a joy to play this table. It is terrific!

It is the first Future Pinball/BAM table I got working (Thanks for the support, Terry!) and it is a super pleasant experience.

All the clever 3D animations, the superb lighting effects, the music and sound. It all works well together.

The table captures the Sonic game very well.


Physics , coming from VPX, is different and it is hard to get consistent direction to the ball, but not a biggie, I play it more as an arcade experience than a fully realistic pinball physics experience.


Thank you so much for making this and all the hard work that went into it!



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This is truly amazing work by a highly talented individual with a passion to push virtual pinball to its limits.

Slick presentation, fast fluid gameplay, great complimentary audio package and out of this world visuals!

You have to see hear and play this table to believe just how good, so good it is.  I could go on and on about the insane lighting, shadows, the animated toys, ball movement but I'd rather go and play it some more instead!

Its good to see Future Pinball is still alive and kicking ass.

Thank you Terry for sharing this masterpiece with the community.  More of the same please.



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I give this 100 gold rings!  Amazing work on this table!



LOVE THIS TABLE! Brings back many memories of playing sonic on the megadrive when it came out. Feels like Sonic 2 casino zone.


Thankyou very much for all your hard work! These tables have been a breath of fresh air after learning how to run VPX tables. 



Just fell in love with future pinball, i have been playing vpx tables all the time. But after a system crash i started all over. And man for me this is one of the tables that put fp above vpx.


Thnx for all the great work that the creators of this hobby give us.


· Edited by NerdLoftGaming


When I dipped my toes in vpin only a couple of years ago, the first table I played was an old Aliens table. It looked dated, the physics felt ancient, and it played like it belonged in another era - because of that I dismissed FP and went straight to VPX.


Flash forward to last week, I decide to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11, beginning from a fresh install, and run the latest Baller Installer to ensure my setup was up to date - I start migrating my old setup. The performance gains from a fresh install was noticeable right off the bat, and my VPX tables never looked or played as good as they have - awesome. I figured, it’s time I give FP another shot! The setup process is a little different from your typical VP table but I wanted to get Sonic Pinball Mania running and I finally have! This table is so amazing - the nostalgia is real, the music hits home, and sound of the rings bring a lot of joy.


Thank you so much for this. It’s a sight to behold and to play! My only gripe, and it has nothing to do with the table but actually FP, I wish you could assign nudge to a button and not rely on my ALP dpad 😭




Beautifully done and very fun. Thank you 



Great looking table, beautifully animated. The lighting works really well and the sounds are perfectly matched to the game.  

I want to thank you what a beautiful pinball keep up the nice work



beautiful playfield and game, well done!



Terry Red tables are the ONLY tables worth playing in Future Pinball IMO.  These are the best tables - period.  Truly a euphoric experience to play.  Thanks to EVERYONE INVOLVED in making these happen.  If you are on the fence on whether or not to install Future Pinball, Terry Red tables are a good reason to take the leap.  You will not be disappointed.  Well worth the effort. 





Simply amazing how far this table has come.... Great Work Terry Red.... Thanks for your time and efforts developing this table and all the tables as well as pushing the envelop for Future Pinball.

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