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Visual Pinball X Official Releases

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Visual Pinball

An open source pinball table editor and simulator.

This project was started by Randy Davis, open sourced in 2010 and continued by the Visual Pinball development team. This is the official repository.


  • Simulates pinball table physics and renders the table with DirectX
  • Simple editor to (re-)create any kind of pinball table
  • Table logic (and game rules) can be controlled via Visual Basic Script
  • Over 1000 real/unique pinball machines, plus over 400 original creations were rebuilt/designed using the Visual Pinball X editor (over 2500 if one counts all released tables, incl. MODs and different variants), and even more when including its predecessor versions (Visual Pinball 9.X)
  • Emulation of real pinball machines via Visual PinMAME is possible via Visual Basic Script
  • Supports configurable camera views (for example for correct display in virtual cabinets)
  • Support for Stereo3D output and Tablet/Touch input

This download will take you to the official repository on Github for the Visual Pinball project.

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

What can I say ? The best emulator there is.

Still updating with newer versions and features.

Big community with lot of free tables.


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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Been using vp since 2006-07 , it sure has come a long way since then. The visual quality of many tables is even nicer than mainstream games like pinball fx3, and at times real enough you'd swear you were looking at a real table. The shadowing, reflections, lighting (and sound) are superb, and with a good rig, even better with graphics to max. 

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Best Pinball Simulator  

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Bonjour, je note l'idée........je viens de télécharger tout cela et maintenant  à moi de découvrir et de passer du temps pour apprendre, mais merci déjà pour cette action.


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Just wanted to take the time and express my gratitude for such an amazing piece of software. I'm late to the party, but I absolutely love what the devs have done for the community. Seriously, I'm playing pinball at home, eight year old me would have never imagined. Good times!

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