Version 2.0 Additional instruction:
- This needs VPX 10.7.3 or later and for VR it is optimized for 10.8 #814. Lighting works a bit differently per revision
Scorbit uses 3 extra EXE files that should be but into VPX tables folder. Same place where you put the VPX file and BloodMachinesDMD-folder.
- Notice that some of these EXE files may need to be unblocked
- 2 of the EXE's are same than previous Scorbit tables, but this time they are just stored in tables folder.
3rd one is QRView which is made to enable QR code to be seen in VPX table. VPX doesn't normally support loading of external image files.
- Sources: https://github.com/iaakki/VPXQRView
- By default it runs still with FlexDMD. You must enable PUP from script and also remember to use options batch files under pup folder.
Alright, let’s do this old school…
VPinWorkshop are proud to present our very first original table, “Blood Machines”, based on the movie from Seth Ickerman with music by Carpenter Brut.
After watching Blood Machines iaakki thought that it would make a great theme for a pinball table, so we started talking about it in VPW and decided that if we were going to do it as our first completely original VPW table, that we wanted to do it properly.
With this in mind we contacted Seth Ickerman to see if they would be interested in the project and to see if there was any chance they would be able to provide any assets that we could use. Thankfully Not only were they amazed at what we were doing, but they supplied us with 70gig of 3D models and textures which were used in the film!
The only issue now was that these were so high detail that a huge amount of work was needed to optimize them so they would even load in VPX, but thankfully Flupper came to the rescue and did a fantastic job optimising the models and textures so we could put them in the table without setting your PC on fire (for example the ship went down from 8 million polygons to 130,000!)
At the time of writing this the table was at revision 335 (release candidate 1.5) with *well* over 1000 man-hours sunken into it, the amount of work has been staggering but we hope that you’ll agree that it was worth it.
The table itself has loads of features that have never been seen before in other VPX tables and we have tried our best to keep most/all of it secret as we want everyone to experience it for themselves firsthand, which is why until very recently we’ve kept details very close to our chest.
In order to fully enjoy the table and play it as it was designed to be played, you will need to purchase the awesome soundtrack by Carpenter Brut (about £5/$5/5e) and place the MP3s in your vpinball music directory:
C:\Visual Pinball\Music\BLOOD MACHINES OST
We really hope people do support the artist and purchase it from;
VPW Blood Machines
- Project Lead – iaakki
- Table Layout Design – iaakki, Dapheni
- Art Lead & 2D Graphics – Astronasty
- 3D Objects & Textures – Tomate, Flupper, iaakki, Sixtoe, D.J.
- Scripting & Coding – iaakki, Apophis, oqqsan, Wylte, Lumigado, fluffhead35
- DMD – Oqqsan, eMBee, Astronasty, Lumigado.
- Pupdmd - Frank H, HeartbeatMD
- VR – Sixtoe, leojreimroc, iaakki
- Table Rules – Apophis, iaakki, VPW Team.
- Shot Tester – gtxjoe
- Testing – Rik, PinStratsDan, VPW Team
Installation Instructions
VPX 10.7
VPVR 10.7.3
FlexDMD v1.8.0
Windows 11 Crashing with oPlayer1 error?
Go into windows11 apps>optional features>more windows features and check "media features"
Riks Cabinet WIP Video
PinStratsDan Desktop Video
Rawds VR video:
You can watch the film on Shudder, AMC’s streaming service;
User Feedback
You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.