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Blood Machines (VPW Original 2022)

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5 From 89 reviews
1.23 GB File Size
None ROM Name
VPW Created by
VPW Artwork by
VPW Scripting by
Original Manufacturer
2022 Year

2 Screenshots


Version 2.0 Additional instruction:

  • This needs VPX 10.7.3 or later and for VR it is optimized for 10.8 #814. Lighting works a bit differently per revision
  • Scorbit uses 3 extra EXE files that should be but into VPX tables folder. Same place where you put the VPX file and BloodMachinesDMD-folder.
    • Notice that some of these EXE files may need to be unblocked
    • 2 of the EXE's are same than previous Scorbit tables, but this time they are just stored in tables folder.
    • 3rd one is QRView which is made to enable QR code to be seen in VPX table. VPX doesn't normally support loading of external image files.
      • Sources: https://github.com/iaakki/VPXQRView
  • By default it runs still with FlexDMD. You must enable PUP from script and also remember to use options batch files under pup folder.




Alright, let’s do this old school…


VPinWorkshop are proud to present our very first original table, “Blood Machines”, based on the movie from Seth Ickerman with music by Carpenter Brut.


After watching Blood Machines iaakki thought that it would make a great theme for a pinball table, so we started talking about it in VPW and decided that if we were going to do it as our first completely original VPW table, that we wanted to do it properly.
With this in mind we contacted Seth Ickerman to see if they would be interested in the project and to see if there was any chance they would be able to provide any assets that we could use. Thankfully Not only were they amazed at what we were doing, but they supplied us with 70gig of 3D models and textures which were used in the film!
The only issue now was that these were so high detail that a huge amount of work was needed to optimize them so they would even load in VPX, but thankfully Flupper came to the rescue and did a fantastic job optimising the models and textures so we could put them in the table without setting your PC on fire (for example the ship went down from 8 million polygons to 130,000!)


At the time of writing this the table was at revision 335 (release candidate 1.5) with *well* over 1000 man-hours sunken into it, the amount of work has been staggering but we hope that you’ll agree that it was worth it.
The table itself has loads of features that have never been seen before in other VPX tables and we have tried our best to keep most/all of it secret as we want everyone to experience it for themselves firsthand, which is why until very recently we’ve kept details very close to our chest.


In order to fully enjoy the table and play it as it was designed to be played, you will need to purchase the awesome soundtrack by Carpenter Brut (about £5/$5/5e) and place the MP3s in your vpinball music directory:
C:\Visual Pinball\Music\BLOOD MACHINES OST
We really hope people do support the artist and purchase it from;


VPW Blood Machines

  • Project Lead – iaakki
  • Table Layout Design – iaakki, Dapheni
  • Art Lead & 2D Graphics – Astronasty
  • 3D Objects & Textures – Tomate, Flupper, iaakki, Sixtoe, D.J.
  • Scripting & Coding – iaakki, Apophis, oqqsan, Wylte, Lumigado, fluffhead35
  • DMD – Oqqsan, eMBee, Astronasty, Lumigado.
  • Pupdmd - Frank H, HeartbeatMD
  • VR – Sixtoe, leojreimroc, iaakki
  • Table Rules – Apophis, iaakki, VPW Team.
  • Shot Tester – gtxjoe
  • Testing – Rik, PinStratsDan, VPW Team


Installation Instructions


VPX 10.7


VPVR 10.7.3



FlexDMD v1.8.0



Windows 11 Crashing with oPlayer1 error?
Go into windows11 apps>optional features>more windows features and check "media features"


Riks Cabinet WIP Video

PinStratsDan Desktop Video


Rawds VR video:


You can watch the film on Shudder, AMC’s streaming service;



Contact Author First.
v10.7 required

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


  • Scorbit support
    • works without PUP too
    • Use script option to enable
  • PUPpack from Frank H and HeartbeatDM
    • Use script option to enable the PUP, flex is still the default
    • See puppack folder for 6 different options for the setup
  • New SSF audios from Fleep
  • New visual effects and improvements
  • Updated physics
  • New VRRoom

User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


   15 of 15 members found this review helpful 15 / 15 members

Normally I'm not very excited for originals. This one however is above and beyond all expectations. Been playing it on and off for a while, following the progress and testing new changes. This one goes straight into my top tier collection in the cab. It will be take out and play a lot, that I know already. In the last couple of weeks, after getting the simple but essential rule sheet created I really fell in love hunting for that wizard mode.


Press 'R' guys, to get to the rules, and start hunting for the end game !


A huge thank you to each and everyone that has contributed to this project and @iaakki - please, now, consider taking a well earned break. Easter is here and hopefully snow isn't going to bother us again until winter ;)


   10 of 10 members found this review helpful 10 / 10 members

An absolute masterpiece.  Objectively the most advanced VPX creation ever and, for me, the greatest VPX original of all time.


   9 of 9 members found this review helpful 9 / 9 members

Absolutely fantastic work all around. This is what VP original tables is all about. The VPW crew approached this the right way and we are all reaping the benefits of the great work the team puts forth.


So cool the team reached out to and got to work with the creators of this film and its soundtrack.


Be a supporter, buy the soundtrack, you won't regret it. Hoping this does very well and we can have more opportunities to work with the makers of our dedication projects in the future.


The Standard set by VPW is unparalleled and inspiring to all creators.


   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

EDIT March 2023: The new V2.0  is incredible with PUP pack! Congrats on a super update!:


This is a "Wait, There's More" table.

On the surface, this is a great looking, great sounding, great playing VPW Original table....but then, THEN....there is more and it is fantastic.

The hidden features in this table are to be discovered and they add such an incredible extra layer to this table.



Get it! Get it!


Thank you all involved in creating this wonderful piece of playable art!



   5 of 5 members found this review helpful 5 / 5 members

This is currently (and has been for a couple months now) my go-to original vpin to flip whenever I play. It's not only an amazing piece of creative work, showcasing the 1,000+ seemingly tireless man hours mentioned in the overview, but it's a great supplement to a movie that is sort of an extended take on a trippy sci-fi video (honestly, I'm kinda lukewarm on the source material that inspired this vpin). If you haven't seen the movie on Shudder, go watch it again. It's very short, like less than an hour and chopped into three parts.

NOTE: If you don't completely understand the bizarre sci-fi horror movie, that's OK, join the club, but what the VPW team did here is super clear, extremely playable, and award-worthy in not just virtual pinball design, but pinball in general and left me floored. From somebody playing pinball for nearly 50 years now and a ton of real and virtual games over the years, this is like the Mt. Everest of design and flow.

Great modes that are easy to get into, yet challenging to master. Subtle shots that can be made, repeated, but yet are not spammy and flows real well. This takes work to pull off this kind of play flow and they nailed it. The playfield subtlety is deceiving, there is more than meets the eye and keeps you coming back to master the different modes.

Think most here already know the care and quality the VPW team put into their creations -- HUGE PROPS and thank you all involved at VPW -- and for those who haven't yet experienced this one, what are you waiting for, get it downloaded ASAP. And you need the Carpenter Brut music. Wish I could give this 6 stars instead of 5, it's that freaking great. Wow. Stunned. And will keep playing it for who knows how long .... !!! 


   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Incredible work, so many unique features and the table itself looks amazing.  I can't stop playing and I love how the GI and music shift between modes.  There's a lot of variety and creativity here executed with impressive expertise.  


Thanks for sharing this with the community.




   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Simply the best original Table hands down! I Abselutly love it! drop dead gorgeous and super enthicing. from the hot girl in the middle to the enthralling music that draws you in and lighting that telss a story. action packed, never the same experience. a table that makes you work at geting better at your shots. Definitlyan abselute winner. Highest of praises!!!


   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

This review is based on a single screen desktop set-up. I also have a VR setup for vpx but I haven't added this table to it yet.


First Impressions.

Went in blind. Great looking table, cool ramps, amazing lighting effects, excellent DMD animations and sound effects. This is an original table?

Plays great but I have no idea what's going on. This is interesting and not what I expected.


Back to VPU to read table the description

Oh it's a movie and there's a music OST for the table.

Incredible, my pinball hobby has resulted in me watching a movie in a genre I don't typically watch.

Added the music to the table. I  love the change in the music from the louder attract music to the more subtle music when the game starts (which mixes nicely with the sound effects). I went back and played it again without the music and there is no comparison. Without the music the table now feels incomplete.


Its a very polished creation with some great toys on the playfield and lighting color changes in some of the modes which look fantastic.  Look out for cemetery mode as the change to the playfield look is amazing.



This is fantastic. Get this table.

I had no idea that original tables could be like this. I need to play more Original tables.

I now need to convince my kids to give me back my Quest2 so I can try this out in VR.


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This table has effortlessly claimed the title of my most frequented among the approximately 100 'best of' tables I've amassed in the past year, a collection that has evolved with each installation and removal of various tables over time. I love the audio of this table. The awesome music by Carpenter Brut, the sound clips from the movie and the fantastic mechanical sounds pull me in to the action and mood of the table. The shots are challenging, but not impossible for a pinball noob like me and the rules open up as you play (no need to go diving in to rulebook or tutorial videos). Table graphics look super nice and clean. Also the non real life pinball effects are tasteful (no 3D models flying or jumping around here) and fit the theme of the table perfectly.

Kudos to the VPW crew for their collaborative efforts in sculpting this incredible work of playable art!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Seeing this table is what finally made me check out the world of vpin. This table is a blast and the aesthetics are so well done. Buying the soundtrack adds so much to the game as well (for anyone who has not done so yet). 

Thanks for the great table!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Fantastic table, full of depth.    One of the best in my collection.

Normally I don't even bother with stuff themed on properties I'm not familiar with, but the quality here is so good that I'll be watching the movie. :)


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I am so glad I decided to download this one as it is now in my top 5 favorite tables.    The game plays amazing, looks amazing, and sounds amazing.  It even inspired me to watch a three-part movie I never heard of so I could be more familiar with the lore of the table.    The movie was a visual and creative masterpiece on its own.    


Well down guys.  You blew my mind.


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This game has left me speechless.


I played this game for about an hour and knew nothing about the 3 part mini series.  I then watched the Blood Machines mini series and immediately bought the OST.  I can't get enough of this brutal game.


A true masterpiece.  I'm installing a magna save button on my cabinet just for this game.


Thanks to all that made this possible.


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Absolutely amazing original Table! Congratulations for all team! The gameplay feelings are fantastic. I don't know anything about Blood Machines theme, but your table goes directly to the top 3 of original tables. 


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

It's Christmas in April!  This is a gift of a table from the VPW team!  My new favorite original and a must see/must show off to all guests.  Incredible art work, modes, lighting, just everything.  Thank you team VPW.




   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I still have to learn what's going on here but I like what I see and feel especially with the laser cannon :)  Table has a great atmosphere and ticks all of the VPW quality boxes and then some, the laser and glass affects = WOW. Both versions, once again, are fantastic and look, play and feel great. Thanks again!!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Simply amazing!

If it wasn't said that the table is original I would never know, by the perfection of construction I could swear that this table exists!

congratulations to those involved, and thank you for the hours you put into this.




   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

I had the honor to test the  table for VPW 3 days in a row and didn’t touch any other table in this time, because it got me from the first minute. 
Amazing mood, great modes, game design and special effects. It‘s near perfect.

Thank you guys, for all your work.



   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

WOW! So Good and runs so smooth. Thanx!! 


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I wasn't sure what to think about Blood Machines until version 2, to be honest. I love all that VPW does, and I went and watched the Shudder movie to better understand the modes of the table. I bought the soundtrack just to support the artist on principle and the filmmakers for being so generous to the community. However, it still somehow felt incomplete to me. 2.0, with the PuPPack, just changes all that. It's hard to believe that this isn't a commercial product with how complete and satisfying it is. Thank you, VPW, for this incredible piece of playable art.


· Edited by EASportsBIG

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

OH...MY....! 🤯
With update 2.0, this is now just stupendously good. Physics are perfect, table design/layout is at professional standards, and then there's the visuals and lighting.... just jaw dropping.
VPW never ceases to amaze.


Thank you!


Update: Still can't step away from this. The absolute gold standard! Hands down my favourite ever pin. If there was ever a need for a physical rendition of an original vpin, this is it!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Not sure how I went this long without playing this amazing table but - wow, just blown away, mainly by the very original gameplay. Amazing job as always guys, thank you!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member



Another great table from VPW. I really like the tables they releases, but this original is a outstanding table. Very smooth gameplay, very very nice graphics and a very detailed DMD. Really a "must have".

Glad VPW didn't go for a PUP pack, but stayed old school on B2S


Maybe a slight improvement to have some more sounds and DOF effects during the game ?!?


Can't wait for the future hoping more tables are released by VPW !


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thank you guys, great tables full of fluid game detail, with the music it becomes really immersive and addictive. With the superb presentation on the home page and the details of the brochure. Really 100% successful, an "EXPERIENCE". Thank you Iaakki, Dapheni, Astronasty, Tomate, Flupper, Sixtoe, DJ, Apophis, Oqqsan, Wylte, Lumigado, fluffhead35, eMBee, leojreimroc, gtxjoe, Rik, PinStratsDan and all the VPW team.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

This might be the best digital table I've ever played. It defeats the FX tables. It defeats the Zaccaria tables. Pro Pinball. I don't know if it's actually better than Demon's Tilt and Devil's Crush, but I think I prefer it. Definitely my favorite realistic pinball table that is not a real table.


It's beautiful, atmospheric, and the gameplay is designed wonderfully too.

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