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  1. Medieval Castle (Original) (FizX 3.3)

    Note: I was unable to reduce the file size of this download to less than 47 MB so I posted it at the following site:
    This table is a little-known gem.  I know that some of you avoid original tables like the plague but Roney Pinball created something here that is really special.  This is one of the first tables I found when I first started playing Future Pinball more years ago that I care to mention.  I played it for many hours.  Everything about it just feels right for medieval knights and castles.  It is very immersive and transports you to a bygone era of chivalry, castles, and epic battles.  The sound effects are particularly good.  The dynamic soundtrack includes the sounds of swords clashing, horses galloping, and dungeon echoes.  When I replayed it before creating this modification, I could not hear the flipper sounds because they were overpowered by other sounds so I knew I had my work cut out for me. 
    Note: Be sure you read the "Must Read" sections below and all the text in bold print. 
    The following video demonstrates the unique features of Medieval Castle and has a short bit of game play:
    BAM – Must Read
    This table requires BAM version 1.5-373 or later for it to perform as intended and to not crash or generate error messages.  This version was released on 1/28/24 and you must have it installed for FizX 3.3 to work.  You can download it here:
    Zip File – Must Read
    There is a zip file included in the download.  It contains the model of a ball with 1K polygons.  Do not unzip the zip file.  Just save it with the same name as the table and place it in the same folder as the table.  If you don't use it, the physics won't be correct.  Some end users have added the zip file to their BAM folder so it works on all tables.  If you have done this, you can delete the zip file in the download.
    DOF and PUP SSF
    I decided to add PinMechSound which is a first for me.  If you are not aware of what it is, it is a way for pinball cabinet users to add DOF and surround sound feedback (SSF) to their cabinets.  I think there is a way to add it to a desktop but I don't think it produces much benefit for my setup.  Debo26 was nice enough to test this table on his cabinet.  To make SSF work, you must add the PUP-Pack that is included in the download.  Copy "FP_PUP_SSF_GEORGE" to your PUPVideos folder.
    Just adding PinMechSound wasn't enough for the sound, however.  The sound was not balanced so I added what I call a "Sound Level Control Panel" where I balanced each of the 6 groups of all sounds used on the table and then balanced the 6 groups together so they sounded right.  You can adjust the 6 groups in the script yourself if you wish but I think I got it right. 
    FizX and Tweaker
    I added FizX 3.3 with the latest version of the FizX menu system that we call a "tweaker".  Press the Special 1 key to open the FizX tweaker and read the directions on the overlay that appears on your screen for navigating the system.  I moved the options on the tweaker so the parameters I use the most are displayed first on the list with the lesser-used parameters at the bottom.  If you are not familiar with FizX, you might find the parameters on the tweaker intimidating.  You will however be able to understand the option for "Bounce Choices" which is the very first option.  The option refers to the bounce of the ball off the flippers.  The "Bounce Choices" option allows you to make selections that anyone can understand.  For example, you can select "Low Bounce" or "Medium Bounce".  I recommend you try making changes to this option.  I have already made adjustments on the tweaker but everyone knows I like the flippers to have a very low bounce.  From what I have seen, most folks prefer higher bounce.
    I added lighting modes for Day, Dusk, Night, Dark Night, and FP Original.  I went a bit further than I usually do by adjusting over 50 parameters for each lighting mode that you can see near the beginning of the script.  Press the Special 2 key to toggle through the lighting modes.  FP Original doesn't look quite as good as the other lighting modes but it helps those that have lower-end PCs. 
    Camera Views
    This table has a large segmented display on the backbox that cannot be seen with the popular "Full Table 2" view.  If you can't see the display, you can't play the game very effectively.  I created three camera view profiles that show the segmented display.  I set one of them, to be the default in the script so the segmented display should be visible when you first play the table.  You can change the default camera view by pressing the "V" key repeatedly to toggle through the three options.   
    Plunger Modification
    Popotte developed a plunger mod that added a new feature to the code I had been using.  The code that I used in the past makes the plunger pull back more slowly, making it easier to hone in on just the right power to hit certain skill shots on most tables.  This table does not have a skill shot but it does have a hidden kicker in the back of the castle where this modification makes it easier to hit. 
    The plunger that Popotte created has two modes of operation.  The slow plunger pullback is the same as previous versions I used and works like a normal plunger would by pressing the plunger key.  The second method is where you can use the up and down arrow keys to position the plunger exactly before it is released.  Then you press the plunger key to release the ball.  Popotte had been using this mod for a long time but it required setting a switch to either use the slow pullback or the arrow keys.  He and I worked together to figure out a way to code it so it does not require a switch.  ...So you can either press the plunger key and release it at the point where you want it to let go or you can very precisely adjust the plunger with the up and down arrow keys and then press the plunger key to let go of the plunger.  
    Easy Game Play
    There is an option in the script for easy gameplay.  The option is set to false by default.  You can change it to true if you want easier gameplay.  The comments in the script identify all the changes it makes. 
    I wrote a set of rules that I added to the instruction cards on the apron.  I had written rules which included what happens when the kicker is hit that is inside the castle on the left side.  Then I decided that Roney Pinball might have wanted this to be unknown to the end user because he calls it a "Mystery" in the game.  I decided to add that content exclusively to a PDF file that is in the download.  The content of the PDF is identical to the rules added to the instruction cards except for what happens inside the castle.  If you want the castle rules to remain a "Mystery", you should delete the PDF file. 
    The Spinner
    I had some trouble with the spinner on this table from the start.  It would only spin once or twice when it was hit and would stop.  I tried adding some code that Ravarcade created but it didn't perform any better.  Wecoc developed a method where the spinner object on the table is converted to a toy with some special code that operates it.  It makes the spinner on this table work perfectly.  It also helps your score quite a bit when you complete the mode that adds 1000 points to your score for each spin. 
    Table Loading Screen
    There are two table-loading textures as listed below.  The first landscape texture is the default and is intended to be used on desktop PCs.  The portrait texture is intended to be used on pinball cabinets and is used on the "rotated display" version of the table described below. 
    Rotated Display
    Finally, I added a version of the table for those of us who have desktop PCs with a single monitor that can swivel so it is oriented in an upright position.  I call it a rotated display.  To play the table, you need to change the "Rotation" option to 270 degrees on the "Preferences" > "Video / Rendering Options" screen of the FP editor.  You can try it on a standard monitor to see what it looks like but it will be oriented sideways.  The popular Full Table 2 view only uses about 50% of the screen for the playfield whereas this option uses about 90% of the screen.  It produces a more immersive gaming experience. 
    I hope you give this table a chance.  It is truly one of the best original tables.  You would think the castle uses a model but it uses 80+ Future Pinball standard walls and surfaces.  It must have taken Roney Pinball some time to create.  I added everything I could think of to improve the gameplay of this table.  I hope you like it. 
    Table Developers
    Roney Pinball
    Contributions by:
    Gimli – Codeveloper of the FizX Tweaker
    JLou5641 - Creator of FizX
    Fleep - Created recordings for mechanical sounds
    TerryRed – developed the "All in One" template of FizX
    Popotte - Developer of the plunger modification
    Wecoc - Developer of the spinner
    Debo26 – Tester of DOF and PUP SSF on this table
    List of Changes:
    1) Upscaled most of the textures on the table except for the castle.
    2) Made the castle textures darker.
    3) The segmented display was not visible on the Full Table 2 view so 3 switchable camera views were added which can be changed by pressing the letter "V" repeatedly.
    4) Added model for game room with texture.
    5) Added new rock texture to the ramp and new shingle texture for the castle roof.
    6) Added Hud toggle key that saves setting to fpRam.
    7) Added plunger pull special script to slow down pull-back, making it easier to hone in on a shot to the hidden kicker.  
    😎 Added a ball stop surface above the ramp to keep the ball from flying and added an invisible approach ramp.
    9) Fixed bug that displays M1Count not defined. 
    10) Added more time to display the text on the segmented display on the backwall so you have time to read it. 
    11) Moved the lens for the "Jackpot 100,000" light on the playfield texture up higher on the playfield so the light for it could be moved so it does not cover the text.
    12) Added Fleep recordings for mechanical sounds. 
    13) Aligned the left wall of the table that has a break in it and made the ball bounce to the right.  
    14) Adjusted the color of all the light inserts on the playfield.
    15) Changed the displays on the long segmented display 1) to include baseline point values (without bonuses) 2) added displays for when the hidden kicker is hit 3) made displays last longer so you have time to read them.
    16) Added custom flipper texture.
    17) Added black side rail caps and lock down bar.
    18) Added BAM code that allows the score to exceed 2 billion points and made some code changes to support it.
    19) After upscaling the lenses for the 2x to 6x bonus multiplier lights, the text was centered, and the background lightened to make the numbers more prominent.
    20) When all lights were illuminated on the 2-bank stationary targets and the 3-bank drop targets they never displayed long enough to see it.  Added more time to allow end users to see the light before turning off.
    21) There were 2 extra ball lights on the playfield where the coding was never finished.  Added extra ball awards completing the sequences for 2-bank stationary targets and the 3-bank drop targets (see the rules). 
    22) Fixed the display so it does not say multiball when no prisoner lights are lit and only the original ball returned.
    23) Wrote rule sheet and added it to instruction cards on the apron and included a PDF in the download with the rules. 
    24) Added portrait loading texture for cabinet users. 
    25) Added a new feature by Popotte to the plunger mod.  You can now use the up and down arrow keys to position the plunger exactly where you want then press the plunger key to let go of the plunger.  If you don't want to use the arrow keys, press and hold the plunger key.
    26) Added Sound Level Control Panel that adjusts every sound used on the table. 
    27) Added music to the attract mode. 
    28) Added Pin Mech Sound. 
    29) Changed 3 modes that could only be completed one time so they can be repeated.
    30) Corrected a problem with the trigger below the left gate in the middle of the table.  This trigger did not consistently turn on the green lights in front of the ramp in the correct sequence.  This was fixed. 
    31) Created a version of the table for Rotated Display for those that have single monitor PCs and can tilt their monitor 90 degrees.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Metal Slug v3.5 (BAM) (FizX)

    -Update by AnonTet (aka rkader on VPUniverse).  Code was added to allow HUD DMD on my behalf (and to turn it on and off ) as AnonTet didn't have time to add it as is on leave until September with blessings for updates in absence. 
    -Special thanks to Brendan for the personal blessing and hats off to all for amazing updates to this game.
    -All files included and where they belong (i.e. PuP folder, BAM cfg file depending on your use and table with associated zip file)
    'Wolfanoz - v3.5
    '-- Fixed HUD DMD and DMD to Display warning when nudging game, subsequent display when tilting the game as well on top of sound alert.
    '-- Corrected last score and top score displays.  Was running into other text when displayed on DMD.
    '-- Added Graphics to backglass (games typically have the title on the back glass), changed up the background a bit to the ambiance
    '-- Further DOF tweaks (doesn't sound as loud for some aspects of the table (aka flipper noise))
    'AnonTet - v3.0 - FizX Mod
    ' - Thanks go to (in no particular order):
    ' -- Brendan Bailey for the table and the already good update from Dominique
    ' -- JLou for FizX and the code to separate DMDExt dmddevice.ini from the VP DMDdevice.ini
    ' -- Ravarcade for BAM
    ' -- TerryRed for the instructions on how to apply the new inserts
    ' -- JLou for redoing the plastics and apron
    ' -- HUD DMD code added / tested by Wolfanoz

    ' - added FizX
    ' - new inserts
    ' - new Lighting
    ' - small tweaks
    ' - added SSF
    ' - added PUP pack with Options for Backglass
    ' - added a DMD (now dmd extensions can be used)
    ' - added DMD animations for a few actions
    ' - is now possible to choose between DMD or original alphanumeric DispSegs'
    ' - added new voice for plunger
    ' - added sideblades and backwall + textures
    ' - added 2 spinners
    ' - Added a new (side) mission: "Expel the Rebel Army". Hit spinners 100x and win extra ammo... i mean ball.
    ' - added some hintlights to METAL|SLUG|WEAPON targets for better visibility in darker settings
    ' - added general music volume. default is 0.75 but it can be changed with variable MusicVolume
    ' - translite lighting changes
    ' - removed *.fpl dependencies
    ' - sound related changes
    ' - added 3/4 new weapon voices and randomized the calls to them
    ' Press N key to change ball looks
    ' Press StartGameKey +
    ' - Letter G: enables/disables old gameroom
    ' - Letter R: rotates new gameroom
    ' - Special2Key: increases brightness
    ' - Special1Key: decreases brightness


       (2 reviews)



  3. Megaman 2.0 Future Pinball (FizX, DOF, SSF)

    PinWizKid created this amazingly fun table back in the early days of Future Pinball and gave me permission to update this table for the more modern day.
    I've followed the "How to add FizX, DOF, and SSF to any FP table" from TerryRed and this is what I came up with. Better physics, better audio, and lots of DOF tweaks. When starting the game you can choose to play as Megaman or Protoman (this effects the difficulty of the game). I've submitted DOF for this table that will give you Blue effects when playing as Megaman and Red effects when playing as Protoman. I've included some media files as well.
    Since this is using the new DOF method for Future Pinball make sure that you don't have DOFLinx trying to connect to this table at the same time - otherwise the DOF effects might not act right.


       (0 reviews)



  4. Maisie (Gottlieb '47)v1.2

    Manufacturer: David Gottlieb & Co.
     Date: March, 1947
     Design: Harry Mabs
     Art: Roy Parker
    Original Table: Fpozo45
    Modifications: Okobojimusky
    Backglass now functional.
    Ball tray trigger tank adjusted to prevent next ball being generated too soon by balls moving around in tray.
    Tilt adjusted.
    Scoring and other bugs fixed.


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  5. Marjorie (Gottlieb '47) v1.1

    Manufacturer: David Gottlieb & Co.
    Date: July 1947
    Design: Harry Mabs
    Art: Roy Parker

    Original Table: Fpozo45
    Modifications: Okobojimusky

    Backglass fully functional.
    Ball tray enlarged to prevent next ball being generated too soon by balls moving in tray.
    High scores enabled.
    Tilt adjusted.
    Scoring and other bugs fixed.


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  6. Metro

    Metro / IPD No. 1582 / October, 1940 / 1 Player
    Manufacturer:Genco Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1931-1958)
    Date Of Manufacture:October, 1940
    Type:Electro-mechanical (EM) 
    Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net)  (External site)
    Theme:Automobiles - City Skyline - Travel
    Notable Features:Passive bumpers (17). Hitting numbered purple bumpers 1 through 5 in sequence lights each one. When all five are lit, each subsequent hit of a purple bumper awards a free play. The purple bumper in center of playfield is always lit and scores 1000 points. Hitting any lit bumper advances lit car on backglass and advances the backglass Bonus ladder up to 15 steps. The lit car steps twelve times on the backglass to award 1000 points at the twelfth step, and each step alternates the yellow and green rollovers for 1000 points when lit. Scoring either yellow or green rollover when lit lights correspondingly colored bumpers for 1000 points which can then also advance car. The white bumper at bottom of playfield sits between two rollovers and not only advances the car when hit but alternately lights these rollovers to score the backglass Bonus value of 1000 to 15000 points depending on Bonus ladder position, then the Bonus resets. If A-B-C were already made in sequence, scoring a lit bottom rollover awards free plays instead of points.
    Design by:Harvey Heiss


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  7. Marjorie (Gottlieb 1947)

    Marjorie / IPD No. 1548 / July, 1947 / 1 Player
    Manufacturer:D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
    Date Of Manufacture:July, 1947
    Model Number:G
    Type:Electro-mechanical (EM) 
    Production:1,200 units   (confirmed)
    Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net)  (External site)
    Theme:Girls - Women
    Notable Features:5 balls for 5 cents. Passive bumpers (9), Trap holes (6).
    Design by:Harry Mabs
    Art by:Roy Parker


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  8. Maisie - Gottlieb 1947

    Maisie / IPD No. 1520 / March, 1947 / 1 Player
    Manufacturer:D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb]
    Date Of Manufacture:March, 1947
    Model Number:E
    Type:Electro-mechanical (EM) 
    Production:3,500 units   (confirmed)
    Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net)  (External site)
    Theme:Beach - Boating - High Diving - Recreation - Swimming - Water - Women
    Notable Features:Passive bumpers (14), Kick-out holes (4). Backglass light animation.

    In the backglass light animation, Maisie climbs the ladder as the player hits the "Advance" rollovers or drops a ball into a kickout hole. When Maisie is at the top of the ladder, the two white bumpers at bottom-center will light. Rolling through the rollover between these bumpers steps Maisie down into the pool, awards a replay and 10,000 points, and lights all four kickout holes for replays.
    Design by:Harry Mabs
    Art by:Roy Parker


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  9. Masters of the Universe: Mastered, DOFLinx MX Cabinet Edition

    Masters of the Universe: Mastered. DOFLinx MX Cabinet Edition
    You have the power of the ultimate light show in a pinball cabinet! This is the first Future Pinball table to use addressable leds thanks to the new DOF led MX support in DOFLinx 5.20!
    You have never seen a light show quite like this in a pinball cabinet! Amazing effects and animation that surround the playfield!
    A video demonstration can be seen here in my cabinet:

    This table has the complete cabinet feedback and lighting support for the following:
    - 10 solenoids for flipper, slingshots, bumpers, etc..
    - 5 RGB flashers
    - Blower Fan
    - Shaker
    - Gear motor
    - Strobe
    - Beacon
    - Start button
    - Coin button
    - Launch Ball button
    - RGB Undercab Lighting
    - Addressable leds
    - DOF R3 installed (for DOFLinx cabinet feedback and lighting) and addressable leds already setup and working (for MX led effects).
    - DOFlinx 5.20 or higher is REQUIRED, even if you don't have addressable leds.
    - addressable leds are NOT required to play this table, but they are HIGHLY recommended.
    - to use the addressable leds with this table you must have your DOF "config" files updated by using DOF Config Tool! (just like you would for Visual Pinball)
    To play a Future Pinball table with addressable leds support (DOFLinx MX):
    - update DOFLinx as per normal (must be 5.20 or higher). Make sure you copy over the new DOFLinx.vbs to "Future Pinball \ Scripts". 
    - add DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBAL=c:\DirectOuput\Config\GLobalConfig_b2sServer.xml   (assuming you have it there)  to your DOFLinx.ini file.
    - download the awesomeness of a Future Pinball DOFLinx MX table
    - check DOF Config Tool to see if support for that table has been added to it yet  (you will see FP tables start with "FP:") If there are no DOF commands showing for that table, its not supported yet.
    - "Generate" a new Config File (containing directoutputconfig30.ini in the zip)  and copy the new files to your "DirectOutput \ Configs"  folder.
    - play the epicness that is Future Pinball with DOFLinx cabinet feedback and addressable leds!
    DOFLinx 5.20+ download link:


       (0 reviews)



  10. Masters of the Universe: MASTERED Edition (DOFLinx Cabinet Edition)

    You Have the POWER!!!  with my MASTERED Edition update to "Rom's" excellent "Masters of the Universe" Future Pinball table. I've also created an "all-new" DOFLinx cabinet mod as well. This table mod is inspired by SLAMT1LT's tables as well as the newer pinball machines (from JJP, Stern, Heighway Pinball) that now use monitors instead of DMDs.
    A video demonstration that shows off all the features of the MASTERED Edition as well as the DOFLinx mod can be seen here:

    MASTERED Edition:
    - new backglass with various fanart. Formatted specifically to work with 16:9, and 4:3 screens.
    - new full motion video sequences for almost all table actions and modes. These are NEW hi-resolution video clips that now appear on the backglass (and display HUD for desktop users)
    - new info display shown on backglass
    - new sound clips
    Watch Prince Adam dance to the beat (and the animated matching flashers) of Castle Multi-Ball!
    Experience the woosh of blower-fan air from Ripper Multi-Ball.
    FEEL the POWER (and shaker motor) when you become HE-MAN and see your power emanate from the flashers.
    FEAR Skeletor as he launches his devastating 9-Ball Multi-Ball and watch him laugh at you on the backglass.
    Go beyond the days of DMDs and see full hi resolution videos and info displays on the new animated backglass.
    Don't be a cheap skate, or Skeletor will get angry!
    With 1000's of images, and new sounds...this makes for a MOTU experience like no other, and a Pinball experience found nowhere else!
    DOFLinx Cabinet Edition:
    -10 solenoid feedback for flippers, bumpers, slings, kickers, etc
    -gear motor for Castle Grayskull, Ripper, and He-Man
    -shaker motor feedback to feel the power and action
    -blower fan feedback for Ripper ramp
    -5 RGB flasher animated effects
    -RGB under cabinet lighting
    -beacon and strobe effects
    -coin, start, and launch button leds


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  11. Masters of the Universe: MASTERED Edition (Desktop Only)

    You Have the POWER!!!  with my MASTERED Edition update to "Rom's" excellent "Masters of the Universe" Future Pinball table. This table mod is inspired by SLAMT1LT's tables as well as the newer pinball machines (from JJP, Stern, Heighway Pinball) that now use monitors instead of DMDs.
    A video demonstration that shows off all the features of the MASTERED Edition can be seen here:
    MASTERED Edition:
    - new backglass with various fanart. Formatted specifically to work with 16:9, and 4:3 screens.
    - new full motion video sequences for almost all table actions and modes. These are NEW hi-resolution video clips that now appear on the backglass (and display HUD for desktop users)
    - new info display shown on backglass
    - new sound clips
    Watch Prince Adam dance to the beat (and the animated matching flashers) of Castle Multi-Ball!
    Experience the thrill of Ripper Multi-Ball.
    FEEL the POWER  when you become HE-MAN in He-Man multi-ball.
    FEAR Skeletor as he launches his devastating 9-Ball Multi-Ball and watch him laugh at you on the backglass.
    Go beyond the days of DMDs and see full hi resolution videos and info displays on the new animated backglass.
    Don't be a cheap skate, or Skeletor will get angry!
    With 1000's of images, and new sounds...this makes for a MOTU experience like no other, and a Pinball experience found nowhere else!


       (0 reviews)



  12. Magic Girl

    Magic Girl 1.0 for future pinball. table by shawna. plastic, scripts, and sounds by ghost.
    Free for upgrades. Version 1.0 includes green magic ball for double score. 2 ramps. DMD, Hologram and lighting.
    Soundtrack from Soundcloud. Enjoy the game.


       (0 reviews)



  13. Mad Race

    Mad Race pinball from playmatic, ghostmachine. Music soundtrack obtained legally from http://www.italo-disco.net/
    Free to modify. Enjoy the Game.


       (3 reviews)



  14. Mars God of War

    Mars God of War. Pinball game looks nice this is version 1.0 Free to update for anyone.


       (3 reviews)



  15. Maverick

    Re created from Data East Maverick pinball based on the movie. No updates will be made for this. If anyone wants to add to it and re upload any improvements are welcome.


       (4 reviews)



  16. Mystery Castle

    You have been invited to the Mystery Castle. For a scavenger hunt. This is a 1.0. If anyone wants to update this. Go ahead.

    The Vp version plays a little smoother. But it needs all types of roms so playing this one is just easier.


       (3 reviews)



  17. Medieval Madness

    Recreation based on Medieval Madness table of Williams 1997
    by Francisco666
    (Mod by SLAMT1LT)


       (3 reviews)



  18. Moon Patrol

    Moon Patrol (the pinball game)
    original creation by Tii (the other guy)


       (3 reviews)



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