This is the old version 1.0... linked under is the Newest one 2.3!
'* Unreal Tournament 99 Capture The Flag Pinball 2021
'* OK, OK, OK! take two !
'* Sometimes Leo Getz more than he asked for !
'* Based on Lethal Weapon 3 VPW mod v1.02
'* no ROM is needed nor used for this table
'* db2s included
'* FlexDMD is needed so go get it along with Freezy :
'* Download the installer and run it.
'* copy files to vpinmame dir and run the flexDMDUI to register dlls
'* Oqqsan First King Of Morpheus ! Full Script, new ramps, inserts, a finger on most things
'* Major Frenchy Playfield flippers and laneguides gfx
'* SiXtoe VR-room
'* Tomate, iaakki Nfozzy physics
'* Apophis DOF + FleepPackage
'* Testing: Hard to manage without !
'* Apophis
'* fluffhead35
'* RIK
'* VPW team
'* Features:
'* 1-4 Players
'* 900 Different Sound Files
'* FlexDMD
'* FlupperDomes 2
'* Nfozzy phsics
'* FleepSounds
'* OrbitalScoreBoard
'* press "R" Will magnify Instructions
'* left magnasave - select player TEAM color
'* right magnesave - select player main taunt voice
'* Playd alot on LW3 vpw mod and saw the potential, this table is very good !
'* If you havent still playd that one go get it, you will not be disapointed !
'* OK, OK, OK!
'* Lethal Weapon 3 table Tune-Up by VPin Workshop.
'* It all started by again by just thinking about adding nFozzy’s physics and some missing textures in the original table,
'* then we started replacing some primitives and reworking the existing ones, then the apron, cabinet, metal ramp, bats and a few other things were replaced.
'* Totally new 3d inserts. Then different lamps were added to have a better lighting of all the new baked textures and finally adding a built in VR room...
'* - New/reworked primitives: tomate
'* - Baked ON/OFF textures: tomate
'* - Inserts: Sheltemke, oqqsan
'* - Scripting: oqqsan
'* - nFozzys physics:
'* - Fleep sounds: apophis
'* - Flashes & Lighting Overhaul: tomate, Sixtoe
'* - VR Room and fixes: Sixtoe, 360 Room by pattyg234.
'* - Miscellaneous tweaks: Sixtoe, tomate, oqqsan
'* - Testing: Bord, Rik, oqqsan, VPW team
'* This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us, including most notably, Javier for the original vpx table, EBisLit for the new playfield image and 32Assassin for the rework. Thank you.
'* Thanks to Flupper for his beautiful domes and Bumpers caps, Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics and Fleep for sounds.
'* Enjoy! x2
Edited by tartzani
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