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  1. View File You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) this is an unofficial celebration of the artist Shag and his christmas art it is also loosely based on the movie "A Christmas Story" (some art and callouts) this was originally Whoa Nellie by Allknowing and HauntFreaks (Me) built manny years ago the layout has been modded to be more cohesive with the art Credits: HauntFreaks: modded layout, graphics, lighting, shadows, sounds and callouts Cliffy: testing, trim, apron mods Teisen: testing, new posts, materials, post lighting Abhcoide: scripting mods DGrimmReaper: ALL the VR stuff Apophis: physics for best results please us these software updates: VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 <---- this one is required for the b2s to run correctly Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 12/16/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  2. Version


    You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) this is an unofficial celebration of the artist Shag and his christmas art it is also loosely based on the movie "A Christmas Story" (some art and callouts) this was originally Whoa Nellie by Allknowing and HauntFreaks (Me) built manny years ago the layout has been modded to be more cohesive with the art Credits: HauntFreaks: modded layout, graphics, lighting, shadows, sounds and callouts Cliffy: testing, trim, apron mods Teisen: testing, new posts, materials, post lighting Abhcoide: scripting mods DGrimmReaper: ALL the VR stuff Apophis: physics for best results please us these software updates: VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 <---- this one is required for the b2s to run correctly
  3. Version 1.2


    "It's a jungle out there" My version of the Williams machine "Grand Lizard" from 1986.
  4. Version 1.0


    Gottlieb Premier Car Hop 1991 another street level game includes Hyperpin media pack download Wildman's directB2S to go with it. Special thanks to: Joep and Destruk for the original table from which I got the solenoid, switch and light numbers from as I could never locate a manual JimmyFingers for sounds and sound routines, positional slingshot routines, flipper routines, saucer routines and for tons of help and support UncleWilly for his starter table and inspiration over the years Eala for some stuff off his parts table Bent98 for support and for force feedback config
  5. Version 1.0


    Williams World Cup 1978 Includes Hyperpin media pack and directB2S Special thanks to: Eala for his VP8 version which I studied, played and borrowed solenoid/switch info and some scripting from UncleWilly for his starter table, borrowed objects, and inspiration JimmyFingers for sounds and sound routines, flipper routines, saucer code, BMPR physics which I've tried to implement as best as I could and for educating me on many things. Itchigo for asking me to do a redraw of this and then allowing me to hijack the whole thing Rob046 for some great resource images
  6. Version 1.0


    This table was a from scratch build recreating the Stern Playboy machine. It was co built by myself (85vett) and Luvthatapex. Special thanks goes out to him for all the scripting work. I spent most of the time on redrawing the images. I think we paired up nicely and built a fun table. Fair warning that this is a resource hog table due to the number of animations (6 total) in the machine. Plus we added a PG and a mature version all in the same table. I have no issues on my cab running it with my ledwiz while in hyperpin. Outside of hyperpin I do get some stutters when the ledwiz is active. For weaker machines you may want to export the images and resize them to be a lower resolution. In order to change this table from the PG version to the mature version you need to change the "0" to a "1" on line number 8. ****Warning, the mature version contains nudity. Due not make this script change if this is offensive to you or others that will be able to play/watch the game.**** Their is a direct BS2 backglass for this table that luvthatapex made at - http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2377-playboy-stern-2002/ In the media pack I added an alternative translite and a couple different wheel images. The alternative backglass is not a DB2S backglass so keep that in mind if you want to use it. I think it goes well with the mature version of the table. Media pack can be found here - http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2378-playboy-stern-2002/ This table was built under the 9.16 version 608 build. I've played it under the released 9.1.5 release and haven't noticed any glitches. Hope you enjoy! *** Update 7/21 - Vesion 1.02 *** Thanks to the assistance of Aaron James I am launching an update to this table. Aaron tweak some setting to make the table more efficient which should help with PC performance. Some of the things updated are: - Alpha Plunger was updated - X/Y coordiantes updated to make the table less wide looking - physics of the game updated : flippers/rubbers by outlanes /some walls/etc. Table is a bit more bouncy now. - all alpha ramp flashers updated to "additive bi" which makes them look more like The flashers on JP's tables - Updated wall on the left side of skill shot. This should prevent balls from rolling in behind the Skill shot animation when you shoot the ball just to the edge of the lane. - Round Walls added above each sling shot to prevent the ball from stopping on them. Played several games and haven't had it happen again yet. - Added a cover to the whole next to the left ramp. This should prevent the ball from flying into that gap and sticking. Never could get it to happen so hopefully this fixes that issue - Other minor changes to help with table performance Most of the above was completed by Aaron (thanks again for the help). Lastly, in an effort to make sure everyone whom wants to be able to play this table can (hopefully). I created 3 versions. Which are: - High res - Same images as the previous release. Only for those with pretty strong systems. - Low Res - Playfield images and plastic images have been had the resolution reduced. This should help those that have a good system but were getting some studder or texture issues. On my 46 inch LED (now you know why I go with high res images :-)) it's a bit blurry but smaller monitors or TV's should be OK. - Low Res and No GI Flashers - I took the low res one step further and removed all the GI alpha ramp flashers. They weren't animated but these are the things that made the lights glow (outside of the basic GI tweaks on the table images). For all 3 versions I did not touch the Girl animations. If you still have issues I would recommend reducing the resolution on them. I couldn't bring myself to do that as I think that's the best part of the table, so hopefully one of the three table version will work for most of you. *** Update 9/23 - Version 1.03 *** - Script changes made to fix the centerfold bug with MB. - Script changes made to allow the splash triangle to stop on triple jackpot and splash when appropriate. Bonus here is you can now see the girls better :-) - left ramp adjusted to allow the ball to roll under it. Switch 23 it now hit-able and this should prevent ball hangups there. - added wall to the left of the left ramp in the void space to help prevent balls being hung up their as well. - script change to the tease frame animation so it moves more inline with the real table. Big thanks to dupe3d for the scripting changes. I also resized the images so hopefully the full version is playable on everyone's system. If it is not playable for you then you may want to try and resize the images more. What I've uploaded is the lowest res I want to go as lower than that it starts to impact clarity on the playfield. the resize cut most playfield and plastic images in half. *** Update 9/24 - Version 1.04 *** Fixing the bugs that were introduced with 1.03. - Changed the top lane screw to non-colideable so it wont impede the ball from rolling down the wire gate. - added another one way gate that is not visible in the shooter lane which will help prevent ball hang ups - fixed Switches 25, 41 and 42 so they now register properly - watched some more videos of the real table and have corrected the grotto kicker to now kick the ball into the pops as it does on the real table. - removed the dark black from around the switch wires. Now looks more natural - added back the high res version by request ***High res version is only for high power systems. IT WILL crash your Visual Pinball application if you can't run the images needed. If this happens use the low res version. If it still crashes you will need to resize them smaller. Going small then what is in the low res really messes with the clarity so I'm not uploading a table of that nature.****
  7. Version 1.1b


    Cherry Bell FS Table by Sonic It is my first Recreation, so please be easy with me I was very busy with the Script, there was no Rules avaiable. Please read the Rules.pdf inside the Downloadfile. Thanks to zany for Test and Bumpercabs Primitives Thanks to dark für some Informations about it Thanks to arngrim for Test and the DOF I am working on a 1.1., should be release next Days ... If anyone have the real RULES, please contact me !! I hope you like it, thanks for Playing, have Fun !
  8. Version 2.0


    Recreation based on capcom's Big Bang Bar Best if played on the most recent VP daily build Built and coded by unclewilly and jimmy fingers art by Grizz
  9. Version 1.3


  10. Version 1.0


    Gottlieb/Premier "Street Level" game from 1990. Thanks to: TheWool for physics tweaking JimmyFingers for Flipper ans Sound Routines Destruk for general help UncleWilly, JP, Eala for some table objects and inspiration
  11. Version 1.0


    Gottlieb/Premier "Street Level" game from 1990. Thanks to: TheWool for physics tweaking JimmyFingers for Flipper ans Sound Routines Destruk for general help UncleWilly, JP, Eala for some table objects and inspiration
  12. Version 1.2


    This is a mod of Bmiki75's World Cup Soccer table. About a year and a half ago, I did a redraw of WCS for a future pinball version that never materialized. Bent98 then got permission from Bmiki75 to mod his VP table. I changed out the PF and apron and redrew some decals and then forgot about it. Then Bent98 got the ball rolling again by getting in touch with Koadic and we all got motivated. Koadic adjusted the table to accurate aspect and added the primitive soccer ball. Every time we fixed one thing it made 3 other things look worse. Eventually almost everything got updated. Koadic changed all the pegs, rubbers, wireforms, flasher domes and goalie to primitives. Flashers were all redone, sounds were swapped and added. Decals and ramp edges were redrawn. GI was added (not the most exciting GI - only flashes with tilt warning and goes out with tilt). Special thanks to: Bmiki75 for the original table Bent98 for being project manager Koadic for all his coding genius and primitive blinging and putting up with my dumb questions JimmyFingers for sounds, sound routines, refresh routine and also putting up with my dumb questions UncleWilly + JPSalas for being my table building inspirations Kiwi for the redrawn "trap" decal and for play testing Arngrim for DOF and play testing Koadic also added a great F6 menu where you can change backglass server, B2S settings, soccer ball color and pattern, goalie speed, mechanical sounds off for feedback, etc. Requires VP 9.20
  13. Version 1.3b


    Based on the table Hook by Data East from 1992 Credits: Noah Fentz: Playfield HR JPSalas: Textures, sounds etc. JimmyFingers : Code and sound BMPR Koadic: New Plunger code oooPLAYER1ooo: New Primitive Target DedRok_V: Plastics photos Kiwi: decals (apron) Destruk's recent improvements and the original Pinball Ken and Steely for the first B2B.
  14. Version 1.0


    New version of the 1979 Roger Sharpe table, Sharpshooter by Game Plan. Thanks to Eala for his original vp8 table and his object table which I borrowed from Thanks to JimmyFingers for physics tweaks and BMPR modding and improved sound/sound routines. Thanks to Rob046, Uncle Willy and Destruk for help, question answering and opinions. HyperPin XML <game name="Sharpshooter (Game Plan) (1979) (Bodydump) (1.0) (FS)"> <description>Sharpshooter (Game Plan 1979)</description> <manufacturer>Game Plan</manufacturer> <year>1979</year> <type>SS</type>
  15. Version 1.1


    Original creation by Rosve based on his original Gyruss hybrid cabinet build. The rule set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Skill Shot, 50000p - Spell F-I-R-E to inc bonus multiplier. - Complete sequence 1->2->3 to destroy red attack wave. - Complete G-Y-R to destroy green attack wave. - Complete U-S-S to destroy blue attack wave. - SUPER COMBO, C-R-C-R ramp sequence. 50000 pts 2 SUPER COMBOS in a row makes a MEGA COMBO 3 SUPER COMBOS in a row makes COMBO MADNESS - hit all S-H-I-P targets to lit bumpers, Bumper values are increased 1000p each time. - Completing SHIP also activates the ball stop ('2' flashing) for random award. AWARDS, X-BALL SHIELD HOLD BONUS FIRE LIGHT 1000pts 10000pts 100000pts FINISH BLUE ATTACK WAVE FINISH GREEN ATTACK WAVE FINISH RED ATTACK WAVE - Spinner increases the SHIELD power. - The SHIELD is activated when the shield power is at 100%. The shield power is constantly decreasing. - Making the center ramp while x-ball is flashing rewards a X_BALL (constantly lit). - Destroying an attack wave increases the bonus value. - Every target and rollover and ramp increases the bonus value. - A LEVEL is completed after destroying a set number of attack waves (example: R=2, G=3, B=3) When the level is completed the '2' light starts flashing, Making the R ramp stops the ball and the APPROCHING NEW PLANET Sequence is run. Then the ball is released and one of the special modes is started, - ALIEN CHASE, A random target is lit. When it is hit the next target is lit. Hit as many lit targets as possible during 30 sec. - ALIEN MADNESS, All lit targets score 10000 for 30 sec. - DESTROY THE MOTHERSHIP, Hit the S-H-I-P targets 10 times in 30 sec to destroy the mother ship. - When all planets are completed, the WIZARD mode is started, All targets rewards 10000 pts.
  16. Version 1.0


    This is a mod of JPSalas original table, now using B2SServer to display a backglass using Reels, looking like an EM table. A big thanks to JPSalas for the table and his approval to publish the mod. Table informations: The original table was enhanced to support the Nanotech Plunger, using Layback for enhanced 3D impression and all score values on the playfield was modified, to follow the scores of the original pinball machine (such as 1000 points instead of 10000 points). Backglass informations: The Backglass is following the design of the original EM backglass, using 5 digit reals. In addition to the original backglass, it includes lamps showing 100 000, 200 000...500 000 scores as overflow, per player. The backglass also has a not original animation (the pistol shot) and some additional illuminations, such as the girl on the right side. See installation instructions about how to enable/disable this enhancements, allowing to have the original look. Background informations about table/backglass design: The original pinball machine was an EM machine, not using ROM. The table author (JPSalas) has created the table using a ROM from a SS machine (Amazon Hunt) to control all the play rules and logic, as this was one very similar. To have a more real virtual pinball, I've used reels and to do that many table script modifications was required. The script detects high score display and hides them (as reels never displayed high scores), it detects blinking of player score (used in SS machines to show current player), suppress the blinking but illuminate current player lamps and so on. The table uses two controllers simultaneity, the standard VPinMame Controller for the game and rules and in parallel the B2SServer to display the backglass. Special Thanks to Pharaoh, Flying Dutchman and Grizz for the Backglass Image Installation: ------------- - Copy both table and backglass into your tables folder. - Make sure the ROM "amazonh" (from Amazon Hunt) is installed. - The backglass requires - .NET Framework 4 installed on your computer. If it is not installed, it can be downloaded from www.microsoft.com: Download link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=0a391abd-25c1-4fc0-919f-b21f31ab88b7&displaylang=en - 'B2S.Server' version 1.0 or higher, installed and configured Download link: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7426 - The B2S screen settings file "ScreenRes.txt". Download link for a configuration tool 'B2S ScreenRes Editor': http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6268 Settings: ------------- in the table script, look for: ' ****** SETTINGS **** PistolShot=false ' true: pistol shot sound for both Eject holes, false to disable RunAnimation=true 'true: animation on backglass on, lamp on right side on, false off If you prefer more sounds, enable the PistolShot. If you don't like the animation and want the original backglass look, disable RunAnimation. If you prefer background music, you can add mp3 files to your Music folder, the author the table, JPSalas, has a nice set on his web site: http://www.gethome.no/jpsalas/
  17. Version 1.3


    My version of the classic Williams machine Fish Tales.
  18. Version 3.0


    Updated version for VP 9.1.4 improved GI and flashers.
  19. Version 1.00


    CREDITS AND THANKS DStruct: Textures Redraw(FP VERCION FRANSISCO666) JPSalas: Textures, sounds etc. JimmyFingers : Code and sound BMPR Koadic: New Plunger code Destruk: old vercion and rum Herweh: New B2S Backglass Server and creation B2S Backglass For Big Guns Grizz: Release HR BackGlass oooPLAYER1ooo: New Primitive Target AND ALL THIS BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY Note:For the B2S backglass need the latest version of Backglass Server v1.25 that was updated for this particular table. (Thanks Herweh)
  20. Version v1.0


    This is a directB2S mod of JPSalas' Grateful Dead 1.0.0 mod of destruk's music template. Grizz provided the wonderful backglass and grill images. Rosve helped a lot coding the LED part in the VP script. Thanks a lot for the kind permission to release this mod to JP, Grizz and Rosve. You'll need the B2S backglass server v1.0 or higher to run the backglass. For installation please check the 'readme.txt' file in the ZIP.
  21. Version v1.0


    This is a directB2S mod of JPSalas' ACDC 1.0.2 mod of destruk's music template. Grizz provided the wonderful backglass and grill images. Rosve helped a lot coding the LED part in the VP script. Thanks a lot for the kind permission to release this mod to JP, Grizz and Rosve. You'll need the B2S backglass server v1.0 or higher to run the backglass. For installation please check the 'readme.txt' file in the ZIP.
  22. Version 1.0


    This is a mod of Lord Hiryu original table, now using B2SServer to display a backglass using Reels, looking like an EM table. A big thanks to Lord Hiryu for the table and his approval to publish the mod. A big thanks to Grizz for the backglass image Table informations: The original table was enhanced to support the Nanotech Plunger, using Layback for enhanced 3D impression. Background informations about table/backglass design: The Backglass is following the design of the original SS backglass, using 6 digit LEDs. The pinball machine was available as EM and SS version, the virtual table emulates the SS version, but is not using a ROM.
  23. From the album: Centigrade 37

    Backglass Detail - Barbara Bain Throws The Switch ...
  24. From the album: Centigrade 37

    Backglass Detail - Farah Fawcett Fully Energized And Ready For Action!
  25. From the album: Centigrade 37

    Playfield Detail - A Very Young Barbara Bain-looking Woman With A Very Playful Look On Her Face ... Hmmm ... Whatever Is SHE Up To??
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