New WPC Build With All the Toys
- Album created by boardhead
- Updated
- 7 images
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- 7 images
- 4 image comments
Iron Maiden 3/4 Scale Pinball Machine & Hot Swappable Arcade Controller
Here is my Iron Maiden theme Virtual Pinball Machine with an hot swappable arcade controller and exciters. The arcade controller can be removed and added with no mounting hardware.
A video of the cabinet can be seen here
- Album created by BillJong
- Updated
- 20 images
- 20 images
my Images
- Album created by stefanaustria
- Updated
- 9 images
- 1 image comment
- 9 images
- 1 image comment
Avengers Flasher Update
Work in progress
- Album created by Hanibal2001
- Updated
- 2 images
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- 2 images
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GhostMachine pinball photos
Some pinball photos- Album created by theGhost787
- Updated
- 142 images
- 17 image comments
- 142 images
- 17 image comments
UncleSash Pin2DMD
Pin2DMD RGB DMD- Album created by UncleSash
- Updated
- 111 images
- 3 image comments
- 111 images
- 3 image comments
PIN2DMD / GO-DMD V3 Shield
This is the new PIN2DMD V3 shield supporting all features of current PIN2DMD and GO- DMD firmware release like wifi, serial connection dmd keyframe event driven control of sub devices and side channel information, real time clock, sensors etc.
- Album created by lucky1
- Updated
- 6 images
- 1 image comment
- 6 images
- 1 image comment
LED Wiz Clone - Leonardo Shield
LWClone2U Output-Shield for an Arduino Leonardo- Album created by UncleSash
- Updated
- 6 images
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- 6 images
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Flyback Diode Shield
Flyback PCB to protect your Pinball Machine!- Album created by UncleSash
- Updated
- 4 images
- 4 images
UncleSash´s LED Wiz Clone Shield
shield for the Arduino Mega2560 LED Wiz clone!
- 24 Outputs with 500mA each channel (different Voltage for each ULN2803 IC)
- 8 MOS FETs for High Current ouput
- 32 Digital Inputs (Keyboard Keys)
- 3 of the DIn are for a 2nd Joystick option
- ADXL335 Triple Axis Accelerometer- Album created by UncleSash
- Updated
- 26 images
- 1 album comment
- 26 images
- 1 album comment
Old Retro Art
Old retro art good for themes or for wallpaper.
Hard to find stuff not found on google images.- Album created by theGhost787
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- 2 images
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- 2 images
- 1 image comment
Arcade Timewarp - dfwArcade artwork
A client in the UK wanted to pay homage to the classic arcade games of the 70's & 80's. We started with a retro logo for a stand up cabinet incorporating charcater's shooting out a vortex to help sell the drama. We've since worked on a matching virtual pinball decal set.- Album created by dfwArcade
- Updated
- 7 images
- 7 images
Cabinet Builds
various pictures of my previous build and in progress build of my current one.- Album created by mattfl
- Updated
- 32 images
- 32 images
all mame arcade
All ArcadeMAME build for me.- Album created by zonaarcade
- Updated
- 54 images
- 54 images