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Found 13 results

  1. View File Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Sega 1995) VPX version by Schreibi34 and Herweh Version 1.0: Initial release Schreibi34: Visuals and gameplay "It's simply amazing what you do in Blender. So thrilling, so inspiring, so extraordinary. I'm overwhelmed every time when I see what you have created. You are the man. And a very relaxed, cool guy too. And for sure an awesome drummer ;-). Once again it was a pleasure and an honor to work with you" (this was written by Herweh) Herweh: Scripting, VP development and gameplay "Everything you see below in this script! Without him Mr. Basic v2.0 Schreibi34 would have been totally lost! What he has done on this table goes beyond my imagination. From animating Frank to implementing RothbauerW's physics to the texture swaps to all sorts of extras. Please check out all the stuff that the script Voodoo Master has provided for you below! Thanks for being such a cool guy! It was a pleasure!" (this was written by Schreibi34) Special thanks to: - Dark: We all know what he did! Frank is just jawdropping!! - Dids666: For starting all of this and his awesome meshes. Thanks for letting us finish this!! - Sheltemke: For stitching together the PF image and playtesting - Mlager8: For PS help on the sling plastics - RothbauerW: For his awesome physics' guide at vpinball.com and some more help on the physics - Mark70, Bord, Thalamus: For beta testing and some good hints - Batch: For the DT background image (Sorry for making it a bit darker! Batch's original is in the image manager for those who like more pop) Magna save selects LUT filters! Changelog: Version 1.0.1 - Herweh: Fix for the trapped balls and the post left of the Geneva hole. Fix for LUT filters resetting after restart - Skitso: Alligning the GI-ON and OFF better so they don't "jump" when swaping - Schreibi34: Minor gameplay/physics adjustments Submitter Schlabber34 Submitted 04/18/2020 Category Dot Matrix Display (DMD) Recreations Link to B2S  
  2. View File Iron Maiden Virtual Time (Original 2020)(VR Room) Today i want to share a new VR conversion of Iron Maiden-Virtual Time with you guys. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Solters and me. This awesome table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the included Backglass with segmented Display, flashing Speakers, some Playfield corrections. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -FuLLDMD PupPack for VR Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe!!!.txt Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for GI Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link to original "Iron Maiden Virtual Time [IMVT]" Table and the needed Music Files if you play without PupPack!!!: You have to copy just the Songs to the "Music" Folder! Link to PupPack A big thanks to Mussinger & Herweh for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd and Steely for his VR toys and Basti for the nice VR Room, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials! Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 01/12/23 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Rascal & Ahr1man  
  3. Version nFozzy


    Today i want to share a new VR conversion of Iron Maiden-Virtual Time with you guys. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Solters and me. This awesome table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the included Backglass with segmented Display, flashing Speakers, some Playfield corrections. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -FuLLDMD PupPack for VR Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe!!!.txt Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for GI Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link to original "Iron Maiden Virtual Time [IMVT]" Table and the needed Music Files if you play without PupPack!!!: You have to copy just the Songs to the "Music" Folder! Link to PupPack A big thanks to Mussinger & Herweh for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd and Steely for his VR toys and Basti for the nice VR Room, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials!
  4. Version 1.2.2


    VPX version by Schreibi34 and Herweh Version 1.0: Initial release Schreibi34: Visuals and gameplay "It's simply amazing what you do in Blender. So thrilling, so inspiring, so extraordinary. I'm overwhelmed every time when I see what you have created. You are the man. And a very relaxed, cool guy too. And for sure an awesome drummer ;-). Once again it was a pleasure and an honor to work with you" (this was written by Herweh) Herweh: Scripting, VP development and gameplay "Everything you see below in this script! Without him Mr. Basic v2.0 Schreibi34 would have been totally lost! What he has done on this table goes beyond my imagination. From animating Frank to implementing RothbauerW's physics to the texture swaps to all sorts of extras. Please check out all the stuff that the script Voodoo Master has provided for you below! Thanks for being such a cool guy! It was a pleasure!" (this was written by Schreibi34) Special thanks to: - Dark: We all know what he did! Frank is just jawdropping!! - Dids666: For starting all of this and his awesome meshes. Thanks for letting us finish this!! - Sheltemke: For stitching together the PF image and playtesting - Mlager8: For PS help on the sling plastics - RothbauerW: For his awesome physics' guide at vpinball.com and some more help on the physics - Mark70, Bord, Thalamus: For beta testing and some good hints - Batch: For the DT background image (Sorry for making it a bit darker! Batch's original is in the image manager for those who like more pop) Magna save selects LUT filters! Changelog: Version 1.0.1 - Herweh: Fix for the trapped balls and the post left of the Geneva hole. Fix for LUT filters resetting after restart - Skitso: Alligning the GI-ON and OFF better so they don't "jump" when swaping - Schreibi34: Minor gameplay/physics adjustments
  5. Version 1.0.0 LR


    An almost from scratch build of my first ever upload! Big thanks to Herweh for his incredible stuff, and another special thanks to 32assassin for bringing this table to VPX!! Credits: - Herweh for the incredible saucer physics, scripting all moving parts, SSF sounds and reworking the rest of the script! Thanks, man! - 32assassin for bringing this table to VPX! I used his table as a base for all of this. - Mlager8 for his incredible Apron redraw!! - Poppote for his ultraclean original artwork. Made the 8k upscale alot easier! - Bord for the shooterlane image and playtesting! - BorgDog for the wood image! - Thalamus for playtesting and kicking everybodys ass in the forums!
  6. View File Hot Tip (Williams 1977) – v1.0 – S34 An almost from scratch build of my first ever upload! Big thanks to Herweh for his incredible stuff, and another special thanks to 32assassin for bringing this table to VPX!! Credits: - Herweh for the incredible saucer physics, scripting all moving parts, SSF sounds and reworking the rest of the script! Thanks, man! - 32assassin for bringing this table to VPX! I used his table as a base for all of this. - Mlager8 for his incredible Apron redraw!! - Poppote for his ultraclean original artwork. Made the 8k upscale alot easier! - Bord for the shooterlane image and playtesting! - BorgDog for the wood image! - Thalamus for playtesting and kicking everybodys ass in the forums! Submitter Schlabber34 Submitted 12/01/2019 Category Solid State (SS) Recreations ROM Name Link to B2S Permission to Mod Yes  
  7. Version 1.01


    Safe Cracker for VP9.15+ by ICPjuggla, OldSkoolGamer and Herweh All Artwork/Lighting/GI by OldSkoolGamer Please check out the 'Pretty important' part at the end of this release notes. This was a 'from scratch' rebuild. Table is saved with layer infos so for the best experience (and for pretty cool looking flasher) use a VP9.16 beta build or higher. Special thanks to Unclewilly, Destruk and JPSalas for help with the spinning wheel coding. More thanks to Unclewilly for hints and great "Safe Cracker token" scans. Another special thanks to Luvthatapex for helping with some very special Safe Cracker script settings Thanks for and to: - Alpha Ramp Plunger code by Koadic - Fading Lamps code, flasher images and much more from JPSalas - Some sound files and ideas from JimmyFingers - Ball rolling code by JimmyFingers and/or Rascal - B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken and Koadic and to all I've forgotten here maybe. The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script. You may select VPinMAME, UVP or B2S, DMD rotation, GI and/or Flashers on/off, Cabinet Sounds or Ball Size. Check out the awesome dB2S backglass from Dozer316. You can download it here. Pretty important: First of all you should configure the "insert a won token into the machine" button. To do this check the script options and set "Token_Key_Test" to 1. Start the table and press the button on your cab that should be used as this special insert button (i.e. use your "extra ball" button). You should get a message box with the keycode of that button. Now stop the table, set "Token_Key_Test" back to 0 and enter the received numeric keycode at "Token_Keycode". That's it. Have a lot fun.
  8. Version 1.0


    Mousin' Around for VP9.15+ by Epthegeek, ICPjuggla, OldSkoolGamer and Herweh Playfield and plastics illumination by ClarkKent This was a 'from scratch' rebuild. Table is saved with layer infos so for the best experience (and for the best flashers) use a VP9.16 beta build or higher. Thanks for and to: - Physics tweaks by thewool - Flasher images and more from JP - Ball rolling code, some sound files and the single ramp refresh idea by JimmyFingers - Ball rolling code by Rascal - Alpha Ramp Plunger code by Koadic - B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken - great help with the illumination and details by luvthatapex and Kiwi and to all I've forgotten here (maybe). Here is a pretty cool dB2S backglass from R-DuB. The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script. You may easily select VPinMAME, UVP or B2S, DMD rotation, GI and/or Flashers on/off, Cabinet Sounds or Ball Size.
  9. Version 1.0


    WHIRLWIND for VP9.2+ by ICPjuggla, Cosmic80 and Herweh Playfield by ClarkKent Very, very special thanks to Blackmoor for providing us awesome scans and images of his pin, for play-testing a lot to get the gameplay feeling as accurate as possible and to always be there to answer all our questions. This is a 'from scratch' rebuild. Check out the options in the table script. You are able to select the plunger lane direction, the apron's cards color and the option to rotate the Williams logo on the apron like Whirlwind's fan. Thanks for and to: - Fading lamps code, flasher images and a lot inspiration from JPSalas - Bumper's meshes and a lot inspiration from UncleWilly - Some sound files, flipper tap and saucer code from JimmyFingers - Alpha Ramp Plunger code by Koadic - Ball rolling code by JimmyFingers and/or Rascal - B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken and Koadic - Play testing by Blackmoor and Lobotomy. Hopefully we haven't forgotten anybody. The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script. You may select VPinMAME, UVP or B2S, DMD rotation, GI and/or Flashers on/off, Cabinet Sounds or Ball Size. There are some more settings to affect the gameplay. Have a lot fun.
  10. Version 1.0.2


    APOLLO 13 for VP9.2+ by ICPjuggla and Herweh Very special thanks to Francisco666 and ROM for allowing us to use playfield and plastics images and models from their FP build. And very special thanks to Fuzzel for porting models from FP to VP and teaching me how to do this. This is a 'from scratch' rebuild. More thanks for and to: - Plastics image by Cosmic80 - Fading Lamps code, flasher images and a lot inspiration by JPSalas - Some sound files and saucer code by JimmyFingers - Ball rolling code by JimmyFingers and/or Rascal - B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken and Koadic - DOF script changes by Arngrim - Play testing by Toxie, Fuzzel, TedB, Luvthatapex, Dozer316 and Bolt and to all we've forgotten to mention. The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script. You may select VPinMAME, UVP or B2S, DMD rotation, GI and/or Flashers on/off, Cabinet Sounds or Ball Size. Have a lot fun.
  11. Version 1.0


    LADY LUCK (Recel, 1976) for VP9.15+ by Lucasbuck and Herweh This is a 'from scratch' rebuild of table and backglass. The backglass needs the B2S backglass server 1.3 or higher. Very, very special thanks to Pinuck for allowing me to use his awesome highscore-post-it idea and his post-it artwork Special thanks to EalaDubhSidhe for his version of the table as I learned a lot bout the ruleset of the table from his version. And special thanks to the one and only JPSalas as I used his "Big Brave" table as my startup and of course took some stuff from his table. More thanks for and to: - Arngrim for adding some cool DOF commands - Alpha Ramp Plunger code by Koadic - Fading Lamps code and much more from JPSalas - Some sound files and ideas from JimmyFingers - Ball rolling code by JimmyFingers and/or Rascal - B2B Collision code by Steely & Pinball Ken and Koadic and to all I've forgotten here maybe. The table features 'Customizable Options' at the top of the table script.
  12. Version v1.0


    This is a directB2S mod of JPSalas' Grateful Dead 1.0.0 mod of destruk's music template. Grizz provided the wonderful backglass and grill images. Rosve helped a lot coding the LED part in the VP script. Thanks a lot for the kind permission to release this mod to JP, Grizz and Rosve. You'll need the B2S backglass server v1.0 or higher to run the backglass. For installation please check the 'readme.txt' file in the ZIP.
  13. Version v1.0


    This is a directB2S mod of JPSalas' ACDC 1.0.2 mod of destruk's music template. Grizz provided the wonderful backglass and grill images. Rosve helped a lot coding the LED part in the VP script. Thanks a lot for the kind permission to release this mod to JP, Grizz and Rosve. You'll need the B2S backglass server v1.0 or higher to run the backglass. For installation please check the 'readme.txt' file in the ZIP.
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