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Sharpshooter (Game Plan) (1979) (Bodydump) (1.0) (FS)

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4 From 4 reviews
12.62 MB File Size
sshooter ROM Name
Bodydump, JimmyFingers Created by
Bodydump Artwork by
1979 Year

3 Screenshots

New version of the 1979 Roger Sharpe table, Sharpshooter by Game Plan.

Thanks to Eala for his original vp8 table and his object table which I borrowed from

Thanks to JimmyFingers for physics tweaks and BMPR modding and improved sound/sound routines.

Thanks to Rob046, Uncle Willy and Destruk for help, question answering and opinions.

HyperPin XML

<game name="Sharpshooter (Game Plan) (1979) (Bodydump) (1.0) (FS)">

<description>Sharpshooter (Game Plan 1979)</description>

<manufacturer>Game Plan</manufacturer>




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