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  1. Version 1.0.2


    **This table is available for anyone to improve and Itchigo and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.** ******** Marble Queen ************* ' Gottlieb 1953 ' VPX Conversion 1/9/2025 by Polsonator2 I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors painstaking made from photos and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated a lot of the script, especially regarding the lighting events of the bumpers, marble balls, etc, Completely redid bumper lighting in VPX format. Added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created a lot of the new images used in the plastics as well. I also did this conversion for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, a pov file for cabinet view, a written commentary about the game by original vp9 author PBecker1946, and a dmd image. Here is a link to a wheel that already exists for this table so I did not need to make one so there is not one included in the zip: Hope everyone enjoys this
  2. Version 1.0.2


    ******** Dragonette ************* Gottlieb 1954 VPX Conversion 1/2/2025 by Polsonator2 Thanks go to original author Leo_Wanker for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken his original VP9 table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image and I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created and scripted in a working backglass which is also included. This conversion was made for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. After you insert a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button to release the ball.
  3. Version


    You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) this is an unofficial celebration of the artist Shag and his christmas art it is also loosely based on the movie "A Christmas Story" (some art and callouts) this was originally Whoa Nellie by Allknowing and HauntFreaks (Me) built manny years ago the layout has been modded to be more cohesive with the art Credits: HauntFreaks: modded layout, graphics, lighting, shadows, sounds and callouts Cliffy: testing, trim, apron mods Teisen: testing, new posts, materials, post lighting Abhcoide: scripting mods DGrimmReaper: ALL the VR stuff Apophis: physics for best results please us these software updates: VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 <---- this one is required for the b2s to run correctly
  4. Version 1.0.1


    VPX Conversion 1/6/2025 by Polsonator2 I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome 1954 table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors made and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I also did this conversion for cabinet play (I only play on a 3 screen cabinet) so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, (lighting may look different) etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, with lighting updates added by me, a wheel picture I made, and a dmd image.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    **This table is available for anyone to improve and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.** Arborelia had posted on his modified version of Loserman76's table that he would like a high resolution playfield to upgrade the table. I reached out to Arborelia and showed him the upgraded playfield and other visuals that I did on this. He gave me permission to go ahead and upload a new version of what I came up with. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Here are my updates: 1/15/24 Updates by Polsonator2 I have taken PBecker's image that Loserman76 used for the playfield and upscaled it, and I also did a ton of manual work to it cleaning it up and painting, fixing details to make it look as nice as I could. I also incorporated into the table, as well as upscaled plastics, cleaned up the plastic, apron, some screws, physics that I think match how I like on 50's woodrails I have played, materials changes, and I changed the wood to higher res different textures. I also raised the side gates up as the correct way would be for it to sit on top of the upper plastic. Lastly, I fixed the Tilt not working right in the script, it wasn't resting the game and dropping the balls back down. I also did my edits for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. I have also included a pov file for the cabinet view I use. Here is a link to Loserman76's original table: Here is a link to Arborelia's modification of that table:
  6. Version 1.3


    My first Vpin table! Yee-haw!! An all original design, this table is an homage to the sooner state in the form of a modern EM table. Featuring nfozzy physics, fleep sounds, and a custom-themed VR room for those well equipped. The b2s is necessary for scorekeeping in VR, so make sure that is setup and working properly if that's how you like to play. Gameplay goal is simple--> Hit the ramps and the targets and feed the whale to spell out OKIES and release the multi-ball! NOTE: If the score rolls over 9999 an indicator star light will appear below the score! (up to 4 stars earnable) Special thanks to Apophis for his in-depth VPW tutorials and the whole VPW community for advice and testing, and a very extra special thanks to @hauntfreaks for his killer lighting design on the backglass! Don't forget to head on over and grab it! >>Grab the B2S backglass here!<< >>Wheel by DGrimmReaper<<
  7. Version 1.1.3


    Remember 1973? Pink Floyd’s, Dark Side of the Moon, Wings album, Band on the Run, William’s Star Action pinball machine…. No, not that last one? Here’s your chance to enjoy this table from over 50 years ago. Star Action features a unique turntable (in playfield-center) that spins when you hit one of two posts (remind anyone of the lamp from Tales of the Arabian Nights?). Spin it to advance through the ten lights around its circumference to get Double, then Triple scoring. Wide flippers are a little more forgiving than the sometimes shorter variant you often see in older tables. This version, 1.1, features beautiful plastics, playfield, apron — and when combined with a masterclass backglass by @hauntfreaks hopefully it makes for a top-notch EM (electro-mechanical) table worthy as an update to @loserman76’s VPX contribution. Hold left flipper (shift) before game start for options menu. Options include: 5 ball or 3 ball play Reset high scores Change scoring values Enable/disable add a ball star mode Contributors include @Cliffy, @teisen, @hauntfreaks and @JCalhoun. The original table from @loserman76: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/7246-star-action-williams-1973/
  8. Version 1.2


    Tornado Rally (Original 2024) b2s. Art/design by @eric3dee Lighting design by @hauntfreaks Original table and art with a Classic EM table look and feel Table can be downloaded here!
  9. Version 1.0.2


    VPX Conversion 1/1/2025 by Polsonator2 Itchigo had posted in October the VP9 version with a request for someone to try and convert it to VPX. I love playing woodrails and decided to try to convert this in VPX. Reached out to Itchigo and got his permission to upload my full conversion. Here it is now for everyone to enjoy. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button. Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome 1948 table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors painstaking made from photos and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I also did this conversion for cabinet play (I only play on a 3 screen cabinet) so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, with some small updates added by me, a wheel picture I made, and a dmd image. Here is a link to Itchigo and PBecker1946's original VP9 table:
  10. Version 1.1.3


    As a Happy Thanksgiving to *ALL* our VPU friends around the world EM Underdogs is very proud to present Gottlieb's 1970 Snow Derby! Just in time for the winter sports season, Snow Derby brings great fun in the form of a skiing and snowmobile race around the pylons. Slalom your way through the spinners and rack up the laps to increase your bonus! Snow Derby is the 2 player version of Snow Queen. A specially commissioned version is Bristol Hills which was made to promote New York state's winter sports. EM Underdogs actually started this massive update in July 2024! Fleep sounds were added along with all the spectacular visual work. It's truly a beautiful and evocative pinball. @Silversurfer vectorized the plastics and cleaned up the playfield art @teisen Did much of the color correction, metals and lighting. He also modified JP Salas lighted numbers for the ball in play instruction card! @hauntfreaks made the shadows and extra lighting. Of course he updated his fabulous B2S linked above as well! @Cliffy Made sure everything was as accurate to the real thing as possible and created much of the fine detailed visuals. Correct spinner brackets with animated rods- Check the period correct custom made lockdown bar! Cliffy also created the log cabin backdrop with skiing motif and used Hauntfreaks b2s elements to make nice crisp desktop scoring. There is also a backdrop in image manage for use with Haunts B2S. We hope everyone enjoys playing this beautiful rendition of a fabulous Gottlieb pinball. Time to hit the slopes!
  11. View File Snow Derby (Gottlieb 1970) As a Happy Thanksgiving to *ALL* our VPU friends around the world EM Underdogs is very proud to present Gottlieb's 1970 Snow Derby! Just in time for the winter sports season, Snow Derby brings great fun in the form of a skiing and snowmobile race around the pylons. Slalom your way through the spinners and rack up the laps to increase your bonus! Snow Derby is the 2 player version of Snow Queen. A specially commissioned version is Bristol Hills which was made to promote New York state's winter sports. EM Underdogs actually started this massive update in July 2024! Fleep sounds were added along with all the spectacular visual work. It's truly a beautiful and evocative pinball. @Silversurfer vectorized the plastics and cleaned up the playfield art @teisen Did much of the color correction, metals and lighting. He also modified JP Salas lighted numbers for the ball in play instruction card! @hauntfreaks made the shadows and extra lighting. Of course he updated his fabulous B2S linked above as well! @Cliffy Made sure everything was as accurate to the real thing as possible and created much of the fine detailed visuals. Correct spinner brackets with animated rods- Check the period correct custom made lockdown bar! Cliffy also created the log cabin backdrop with skiing motif and used Hauntfreaks b2s elements to make nice crisp desktop scoring. There is also a backdrop in image manage for use with Haunts B2S. We hope everyone enjoys playing this beautiful rendition of a fabulous Gottlieb pinball. Time to hit the slopes! Submitter EMUnderdogs Submitted 11/28/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Totally imaginary fan made flyer for Gottlieb's final wedgehead, 1979 T.K.O.! No factory flyer was ever made since only about 125 machines were made It took 35 layers of objects to create this flyer from bits and pieces of artwork scoured from the interwebs. Useful for frontends Like the Launchbox I use as well as many others. Hope ya like it!
  13. Version 1.6


    Joker Poker EM (Gottlieb 1978) - 'Smokey Blues Edition' - - - - - - - - - - - - UPDATE: 1.6 I accidentally uploaded the 'wrong /older' version of the table. This newer version has a BRAND NEW Alternate Plastics set that can be assigned permanently with a variable at the top of the script OR can be changed on the fly by pressing the '2' (Buy-In Key) on your keyboard. - - - - - - - - - - - - This is the original version of the Joker Poker table (with all the original artwork) I used for the 'Strip Joker Poker' table with a couple extra new add on. 29 'blues' music tracks have been added to the table. This feature can be turned off completely if desired. Place the FOLDER 'jokerpokerEM' in your Visual Pinball/Music folder. Do not put the individual tracks in there - you must place the whole folder. If turned ON - the Music will automatically start when the ball enters the plunger lane and you can skip tracks by pressing the RIGHT MAGNA SAVE button. Options for table setup are at the top of the script, and an additional options menu can be turned on by holding down the LEFT FLIPPER button before you start a game. Here you can turn the music feature on and off, set the apron color, select the number of balls, freeplay, etc. Download includes: table, BRAND NEW backglass, music files, topper, lcd dmd, wheel files. A new - original LCD 'HIGH SCORE SAVER' has also be added to this table. CREDITS: - - - - - - - - - - - - HiRez00 - All Graphics, Lighting, Cleanup, Backglass, Additional Features. Apophis - Physics, Dynamic Shadows, Scripting, General Update BorgDog - Original VPX table - - - - - - - - - - - - These tables, videos, backglass, etc are made for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. They are NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON! If you DO that, then you are a loser! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first. All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE.
  14. View File You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) this is an unofficial celebration of the artist Shag and his christmas art it is also loosely based on the movie "A Christmas Story" (some art and callouts) this was originally Whoa Nellie by Allknowing and HauntFreaks (Me) built manny years ago the layout has been modded to be more cohesive with the art Credits: HauntFreaks: modded layout, graphics, lighting, shadows, sounds and callouts Cliffy: testing, trim, apron mods Teisen: testing, new posts, materials, post lighting Abhcoide: scripting mods DGrimmReaper: ALL the VR stuff Apophis: physics for best results please us these software updates: VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 <---- this one is required for the b2s to run correctly Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 12/16/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is my single player wedgehead version of the pretend Gottlieb table from 1978 (yes not really a Gottlieb). I created this to go with my Star Wars themed wedgehead design virtual cabinet. Much help from hauntfreaks and sliderpoint, and I'm sure others. Hold down left flipper button while not in a game to bring up the options menu. NOTE: this was made in 2016 for whatever version of VPX was out at the time, I have NOT gone through and retested everything to see if it still works correctly in 10.6 or 10.7beta. Description pulled from wayback archive of vpinball: This is a recreation of Gottlieb's 1978 Star Wars Wedgehead. See below the instructions for the story behind this machine. Big thanks to hauntfreaks and sliderpoint for graphics, primitives, testing and gameplay ideas. Graphics for the table predominately come from the 1977 Marvel comic series rendition of the Star Wars movie. As usual several options are available through the options menu (hold left flipper before starting game). A few more options are available in the script near the top. directb2s included in download FS settings for my cab which has playfield in portrait orientation, you may need to adjust. Instructions: Complete three missions to activate the tractor beam. 1. Advance Lukes Jedi training by hitting the labeled targets. 2. Retrieve the Death Star plans by clearing the top rollovers. 3. Rescue the princess by blasting down the drop targets. Once the tractor beam is active complete a trench run to lock a ball in the Death Star. Release the tractor beam by hitting the labeled hole in R2-D2, starting Death Star multi-ball, opening the portal access, and resetting the missions. Hit the portal within the multiballs lives to earn extra ball, or the portal closes again. The Story of Gottlieb's 1978 STAR WARS (fan FICTION) What was that? You haven’t heard of one of Gottlieb’s last wedgehead pinball machines called Star Wars? Well, not many have. Let me take you back to a more innocent time and tell you all about it. It was the spring of 1977, a teenage DorgBog, mild mannered alter ego to the more famous and notorious BorgDog, had just gotten home from his favorite comic store. In his hands was Marvel’s newest release ahead of the much anticipated motion picture Star Wars. This was the first of what was to be a 6 issue comic rendition of the movie. DorgBog was very enthralled by this comic, and the following month by the epic space fantasy movie of the same name. Luke, Han, R2-D2 and the rest occupied every waking moment of the young man’s mind. This was of course before he discovered girls were more than annoyances, but I digress. DorgBog, unknown to all but his closest confidants, was also a pinball junkie. His meager allowance and pay from his paper route invariably wound up feeding the silver balled gods and goddesses of his favorite Gottliebs. And in young DorgBog’s mind was churning the maelstrom of a the most awesome collaboration of epic forces to ever grace the pinball world! DorgBog was on a mission to combine the might of Marvel’s comics, Gottlieb’s pinball prowess, and Lucas’ Star Wars empire (pun intended into the greatest wedgehead known to man! DorgBog was consumed by this idea. Spending countless hours writing letters, on paper no less this was after all before the age of the internet and email, and begging stamps from his parents, entreating the 3 parties to consider his idea. Young DorgBog began including sketches of his ideas for the machine including things such as a giant Death Star complete with trench run, and multiple balls in play at the same time; unheard of in Gottlieb’s vast arsenal of pinball wizardry! Finally when DorgBog had almost given up hope after weeks and weeks of writing (that’s a long time in a young boys life). DorgBog received an envelope marked with a return address of the D. Gottlieb & Company in Northlake, Illinois. DorgBog raced with his treasure to his tiny closet of a room, and into the closest of the tiny closet of a room, this was after all top-secret type stuff. Upon opening the envelope young DorgBog’s heart fell, his dreams crushed with a cease and desist letter telling him to stop harassing the company, that there was no way a license deal could be arranged, and no way the pinball machine would be built. Multiball?! Scandalous! A few weeks later, when DorgBog was finally coming to grips with his lost dream, another letter arrived in the mail. This one in a plain envelope and with no return address. What he found inside rekindled his faith in humanity and restored joy to the young man. An engineer at Gottlieb had found the discards of Dorgbog’s plans and thought them a grand idea. So without knowledge of his supervisors this young, and also Star Wars crazed engineer, begin building a prototype table to present to his bosses and convince them it was the best idea ever! Buying numerous copies of the comics and cutting out panels to adorn his secret project, the Star Wars wedgehead was born! Well one was birthed, a prototype, that never did see production as Gottlieb had changed directions and was on its way to the future with computer chips and processing units, and all those other fancy terms and the single player wedgehead was to be no more. Eventually when the young disgruntled engineer abandoned Gottlieb, he took his prototype with him, smuggled out piece by piece as there were trademark and copy write issues you know. Feeling bad for having raised the hopes of a young pinhead, he drove through the dark and gloomy night to the home of young DorgBog and bestowed upon him the gift of the Star Wars wedgehead prototype, with the strict admonishment that it never, EVER, be seen by the general public. DorgBog kept his promise to that engineer and kept Star Wars carefully hidden from all eyes. Unfortunately for the mild mannered DorgBog, he was taken over by the nefarious BorgDog alter ego, who subsequently proceeded to rampage the countryside, oh and turned to the dark side of video games because by then, Asteroids, Defender, Pac Man and too many glorious glowing gems of greatness had burst upon the scene and pinball began a long decline. DorgBog’s beloved Star Wars was lost to the annals of time, until recently when a fine aged BorgDog finally discovered the silver balled gods for himself and recalled that now decrepit machine languishing in storage. So here, finally, after many long lost years is the long lost prototype edition of Gottlieb’s 1978 Star Wars wedgehead. Just don’t tell Marvel or Lucas (Disney, whatever) as I’m sure they’d want in on the action. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real or imagined characters is entirely coincidental.
  16. View File Tornado Rally (Original 2024) My first Vpin table! Yee-haw!! An all original design, this table is an homage to the sooner state in the form of a modern EM table. Featuring nfozzy physics, fleep sounds, and a custom-themed VR room for those well equipped. The b2s is necessary for scorekeeping in VR, so make sure that is setup and working properly if that's how you like to play. Gameplay goal is simple--> Hit the ramps and the targets and feed the whale to spell out OKIES and release the multi-ball! NOTE: If the score rolls over 9999 an indicator star light will appear below the score! (up to 4 stars earnable) Special thanks to Apophis for his in-depth VPW tutorials and the whole VPW community for advice and testing, and a very extra special thanks to @hauntfreaks for his killer lighting design on the backglass! Don't forget to head on over and grab it! >>Grab the B2S backglass here!<< >>Wheel by DGrimmReaper<< Submitter eric3dee Submitted 12/14/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Wizard! (Bally 1975) Wizard!, released in May 1975, was Bally's highest-production flipper game to that date with over 10,000 units produced. The game comes at the tail end of Bally's electromechanical production schedule and sets the stage for the company's solid-state success in the years to follow. Widely regarded as one of the first proper licensed games in pinball history, Wizard! features the likenesses of Ann Margret and Roger Daltrey, stars of the 1976 Ken Russell film Tommy (a screen adaptation of the Who's rock opera of the same name). Other than its classic theme, Wizard! is notable as being the first game to showcase playfield “flip flags”, a feature used on only a handful of other Bally games. This table is one of my favorite EM tables, so I had to add DOF to it to complete the illusion. Big thanks to @pinball58 for creating an amazing recreation of this machine. Also, big thanks to @hauntfreaks for the amazing backglass available. Here is a link to that backglass: All Artwork, Logos, Music, Copyrights, and Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  18. Version 1.6


    Virtual Pinball Media Files Folders on MEGA: VPX Attract Backglass-Over 250 for mostly original Visual Pinball X tables. A good substitute for the normal b2s backglass video file in your front end. Launch Audio is included in the folder for each table. Includes special Holiday tables. Future Pinball Attract Backglass-Actual Backglass image with added animations or video. Add a little flair to your Future Pinball collection. Future Pinball Playfield Videos-.mp4 video of playfield for use in your front end. Pinball FX3 Animated Backglass-All 99 2 screen versions with DMD/Speakergrille. 69 3 screen versions with and without FX3 logo. Best used with Pin Up Popper but they can be used with Pinball X/Y. Add these as your backglass file in Media Manager. Info here for keeping FX3 animated backglass playing when you load the table:https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=managing_games Full DMD-Over 690 Full DMD .mp4's. Lots of Full DMD's for Originals, EM tables and Future Pinball. GAGPin Future Pinball-Attract Backglass, Full DMD, Wheel, and Launch Audio for all GAGPin's current and upcoming future releases. Classic movie based Future Pinball tables. Only a few of these were ever released publicly. https://gagpin.wixsite.com/gagpin?fbclid=IwAR25BbbWd-yyKeifCzv6nnIYgJ2VnabI9bK2JpArbJRmuJNK3J39fv7Tpf0 Star Wars Popper Theme-My personal Star Wars Popper theme. I use this on my Star Wars themed cabinet. Phenom VPX 2 Screen Backglass-Video backglass for 2 screen users of Phenom's Kid tables. These allow your backglass video not to be blocked by your DMD for the table. Resize your DMD into the cutout. Table Wheel-Table Audio-Wheels and table audio Loading Videos-I made these for some of the Pup Packs I have in my lineup NFL Tables (Xenonph)-Full DMD for all tables. Popper playlist media for NFL tables Toppers-Topper Videos I have made Instruction Cards-Over 950 Instruction Cards for use in your front end. Mostly EM and Original Tables. A big thank you to Inkochnito for his EM database (https://www.pinballrebel.com/pinball/cards/). Be sure to check out other instruction cards made by authors like @cheese3075@buffdriver @Kongedam @eddiemonsta @Frank_Enstein @CarnyPriest and others visit https://vpuniverse.com/files/category/91-instruction-cards/ or https://vpuniverse.com/files/category/9-hyperpin-media-packs/ (Authors - if you see anything in my MEGA belonging to you just drop me a PM and I will remove. I think I got them all out 😊) See the video from The Way of the Wrench (who inspired me to do this on my cabinet) for a tutorial on how to add to Popper https://youtu.be/RZTwHQNNqDc?si=l4nS24MQaMU9WAKP A big thank you to the original table authors, artists, and others who allowed me to use their artwork. Big thank you to vogliadicane, IvanTBA, HiRez00, Cocothetrain, hauntfreaks, godisnothere, scutters, STAT, Rajo Joey, and Nick D for their work.
  19. Version 1.1


    Super Spin is the 2 player version of Jet Spin. Yes, one of the EM Underdogs has a fascination with Gottlieb 2 players Gottlieb was starting to close development of electro-mechanical pinballs by this time and designer Ed Krynski really threw his favorite features into it. This table features a roto-target, a vari-target, two pop bumpers and a kickout saucer. Art by the fabulous Gordon Morison brings the space surfing comic style characters to life. EM Underdogs decided it was certainly a worthy project and gave it our usual, loving treatment with all thanks and respect to Loserman76 (rip) and @GNance who made the first release for vpx. @Silversurfer vectorized and retouched the plastics for fantastic sharpness and color @teisen took on the inserts, rototarget and new cover and much of the lighting including the pops @JCalhoun lent his help with playfield shadows and helped Cliffy add Fleep sounds @hauntfreaks gave it his fine tuned magic lighting work and made a new, brilliant, directb2s (see link above!) @Cliffy dived into the details resizing and positioning everything to make it look as accurate as possible A full list of everything done is at the top of the table script This table was made using vpx 10.8.0 RC5 but should work in 10.7.4, although some visual elements will not show. As with many of Loserman/Gnance tables there is an option menu available by holding the left flipper before starting a game There are also desktop scoring or b2s backdrops available by changing in the editor/toggle backglass view / DT Image dropdown. We hope you enjoy another classic EM release by the team at EM Underdogs!
  20. Version 1.1.1


    Blue Note is among the grooviest tables you're going to find. Okay, maybe they missed the Summer of Love by about a decade but this table is all about music and bell-bottoms. The asymmetric bumpers and the staggered flippers make this table too cool for school. Targets for Do, Re Mi, etc. line the left wall. It’s when you hit them all that the points on the table really start to skyrocket. Keeping with the asymmetry, a pair of spinners hang out just to the right of center playfield — a blast to rocket through. One of the two has a kind of clever visual trick with a musical staff depicted on one side, musical notes on the other — spin it up for the magic. This was a table brought to the VPX community by the late @loserman76. A handful of us fans worked on 1.1 to punch up the sound, redo the playfield and plastics, add shadows, a new apron, new kick-out hole, lights, colors... Can you dig it? If using Desktop scoring please do not have the Apply Day/Night Cycle box checked. If day/night cycle is desired please use a b2s and use the included b2s backdrop. This is selectable in Edit mode, Toggle Backglass view in the DT Image dropdown. Thanks to @GordonJames for playtesting. Be sure to grab @hauntfreaks new backglass file for this table. Loserman76’s original: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/8857-blue-note-gottlieb-1979/
  21. View File Super Spin (Gottlieb 1977) 1.1 Super Spin is the 2 player version of Jet Spin. Yes, one of the EM Underdogs has a fascination with Gottlieb 2 players Gottlieb was starting to close development of electro-mechanical pinballs by this time and designer Ed Krynski really threw his favorite features into it. This table features a roto-target, a vari-target, two pop bumpers and a kickout saucer. Art by the fabulous Gordon Morison brings the space surfing comic style characters to life. EM Underdogs decided it was certainly a worthy project and gave it our usual, loving treatment with all thanks and respect to Loserman76 (rip) and @GNance who made the first release for vpx. @Silversurfer vectorized and retouched the plastics for fantastic sharpness and color @teisen took on the inserts, rototarget and new cover and much of the lighting including the pops @JCalhoun lent his help with playfield shadows and helped Cliffy add Fleep sounds @hauntfreaks gave it his fine tuned magic lighting work and made a new, brilliant, directb2s (see link above!) @Cliffy dived into the details resizing and positioning everything to make it look as accurate as possible A full list of everything done is at the top of the table script This table was made using vpx 10.8.0 RC5 but should work in 10.7.4, although some visual elements will not show. As with many of Loserman/Gnance tables there is an option menu available by holding the left flipper before starting a game There are also desktop scoring or b2s backdrops available by changing in the editor/toggle backglass view / DT Image dropdown. We hope you enjoy another classic EM release by the team at EM Underdogs! Submitter EMUnderdogs Submitted 11/09/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Clear logo wheel for Bally's 1969 King Tut Created by @Silversurfer from his own vector artwork Perfect for use with Launchbox/Bigbox, PinballY and others
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Ramones (HauntFreaks 2021) b2s Disclaimer: Please do not redistribute, repost, repurpose or use the content for public or commercial purposes, images, or software code is prohibited without prior permission from author... in other words "dont be a POS" Reason for disclaimer: do to the total disrespect of the VP builders (tables, b2s, frontend , backend, etc.) and its community, certon talentless, low self esteem, trying to compensate individuals have taken it upon themselves to redistribute our work as if it is there god given right to do so.... the statements expressed are my personal opinions and not of VPU or its other members
  24. Version 1.1


    re-upload of table from vpinball, no changes. This one is quite old and I have not tested it in newer vpx versions. Gottlieb's 1977 Jungle Princess, the 2 player version of Jungle Queen (4 player). Most of the graphics was given me by Starman from his vp9 Jungle Queen table. Much of the play logic comes from him as well. thanks to hauntfreaks as usual for graphics, lighting, and primitive updates thanks to sliderpoint for play testing and bug catching (mostly by letting me play on his vp cab where I could actually see things, gotta get my fullsize done soon) like all my tables hold down left flipper before starting a game to bring up options menu. This is the first one I've done with a freeplay option as well.
  25. Version 1.0.1


    My first attempt at a Visual Pinball X release/mod, this is a quick and dirty VR room mod of the 1976 Williams table "Aztec" I made mostly for myself (as someone who plays almost exclusively in VR). It's pretty rough around the edges and I unfortunately wasn't able to preserve the ability to play the table in desktop mode properly, but I'm still reasonably happy with the end result. Huge thanks to @Ext2k for their various EM table VR mods, which is where I grabbed the bulk of the cabinet from, as well as the folks at @VPinWorkshop for their Hang Glider conversion which I referenced to make the backglass work in-engine, and Rawd and Basti for the VR room I'm using! And of course, thanks to Team PP (JPJ, Chucky, Arngrim) over on VP Forums for the original conversion of this table. If I missed anyone that needs crediting here, my apologies! Table does NOT requires a B2S, and frankly I haven't tested them so no clue if they're even gonna work with this table LOL Created and tested in the VPX nightly builds, but should work just fine in the 10.8 prereleases. I hope some of you out there will enjoy this mod! 💙
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