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Found 20 results

  1. Version nFozzy


    I want to share a VR Room Conversion of Elvira's "Party House of Horror" with you today. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Rawd, Hauntfreaks and me. This table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the redesign of the segmented display and some Playfield corrections. He was able to build on the fantastic preparatory work of Walter Whitmer and sixtoe. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -some little Tweaks Left Magna for Lut Change '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link to original Elvira's "Party House of Horror" Table: A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials!
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Peace Y'all, "Come on Crew!" Unzip and place the atlantis folder in your pup folder. This pup pack is designed for a three screen setup and it works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to move the score around. I'd like to give a shout out to @hauntfreaks for allowing me to use his backglass. When playing you might forget this isn't a real b2s. This is not a static Pup Backglass. The jackpot lights work, are accurate and the backglass lights go out during multiball just like the real b2s. The more I messed around with making this, the more I liked how it turned out. I went through several movies before I settled on the ones I used. Can you guess what they are? What I thought going in to making this Pup Pack and what I ended up with were two different things completely. I learned more making this pup pack than all the other before this, combined. This was a labor of love, very frustrating at times but very rewarding now that it's done. Most of these Alpha Numeric tables were the pinballs I played in college. They bring back fond memories. This is why I plan to do pups and mini-pups for them. I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. Otherwise....... Enjoy! Precise All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    "Big Brave (Gottlieb 1974)" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way. All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Ramones (HauntFreaks 2021) b2s Disclaimer: Please do not redistribute, repost, repurpose or use the content for public or commercial purposes, images, or software code is prohibited without prior permission from author... in other words "dont be a POS" Reason for disclaimer: do to the total disrespect of the VP builders (tables, b2s, frontend , backend, etc.) and its community, certon talentless, low self esteem, trying to compensate individuals have taken it upon themselves to redistribute our work as if it is there god given right to do so.... the statements expressed are my personal opinions and not of VPU or its other members
  5. Version v1.5


    Spy Hunter (Bally 1984) B2S with full dmd image was remastered,color corrected and relit display areas were removed from the BG Custom dmd I COULD NOT find a good enough resolution image of the side art so I used art from the video game (for now) need help? download Full DMD Read Me.txt I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business
  6. Version 2.0.0


    The Dude v2.0 (Big Lebowski) 10.7 only!! (310 - 334 tested and working) based on Strikes and Spares (Bally 1978) originally created by 32assassin (2017) "the Dude" mod and concept by idigstuff PUP conversion by hawkeyez88 if you want to play this table with the video Callouts you MUST have the puppack Table Updated by HauntFreaks (2021) Testers: Hawkeyez88, FriscoPinball, Scampa123 *this can be played with ot without the the pup pack BUT... without the PUP there will be NO movie callouts so whats new? HauntFreaks - complete graphical makeover FluffHead35 - full physics treatment Wylte - script controlled PIN toys so you think it just strikes and spares? I've moved some of the elements of the layout around to be more aesthetically pleasing but maintaining its form and function if your going to play this in DeskTop mode , in the GUI you must check this box so you will see the scoring displays ^^^^^above setting for DT^^^^^^ VVVVVVVVVVV here is the link to the PUP PACK below VVVVVVVV
  7. Version 1.2


    Disclaimer: Please do not redistribute, repost, repurpose or use the content for public or commercial purposes, images, or software code is prohibited without prior permission from author Reason for disclaimer: do to the total disrespect of the VP builders (tables, b2s, frontend , backend, etc.) and its community, certon talentless, low self esteem, trying to compensate individuals have taken it upon themselves to redistribute our work as if it is there god given right to do so.... the statements expressed are my personal opinions and not of VPU or its other members
  8. Version 1.0.0


    King Of Diamonds (Gottlieb 1967) b2s awesome high-res, high-detail 3k image by: @HiRez00 exact light mask accurate bulb and bloom placement logo light animation cab art on the dmd you don't get much better than this!!! need help? download Full DMD Read Me.txt I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business
  9. Version 3.1


    This is a VR Conversion Mash-Up Table with Prims and Images from HauntFreaks and Marty02. Thanks guys for permission!!! Special Thanks to Rascal for the nice VR Backglass!!! VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -Pup Events -New Mash-Up (Prims and Images) Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe.txt but use the Link in this Description, the Link in my ReadMe doesnt work. Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for Room Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link I would recommend you to use this Altsound! Link I would recommend you to use this DMD Altcolor! Link to PupPack from Gman77: Link to original "Godzilla (Sega-Stern mash-up) v3.0" Table by HauntFreaks: Link to original "godzilla limited edition" Table by Marty02: A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Just a simple frontend backglass video for the excellent Young Frankenstein (Original) table by HauntFreaks. It has an "old film" effect. There are no flashing lights. 1080p 30fps. Enjoy!
  11. View File The Dude v2.0 (Strikes And Spares) (Bally 1978) The Dude v2.0 (Big Lebowski) 10.7 only!! (310 - 334 tested and working) based on Strikes and Spares (Bally 1978) originally created by 32assassin (2017) "the Dude" mod and concept by idigstuff PUP conversion by hawkeyez88 if you want to play this table with the video Callouts you MUST have the puppack Table Updated by HauntFreaks (2021) Testers: Hawkeyez88, FriscoPinball, Scampa123 *this can be played with ot without the the pup pack BUT... without the PUP there will be NO movie callouts so whats new? HauntFreaks - complete graphical makeover FluffHead35 - full physics treatment Wylte - script controlled PIN toys so you think it just strikes and spares? I've moved some of the elements of the layout around to be more aesthetically pleasing but maintaining its form and function if your going to play this in DeskTop mode , in the GUI you must check this box so you will see the scoring displays ^^^^^above setting for DT^^^^^^ Here is the link for the B2S and B2Sdmd files this page doesn't supply hawkeyez88 PUP PACK Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 11/08/2021 Category PuP-Pack Original (PuP-Original) Game Creations Modified by HauntFreaks and gang Permission to Mod Yes  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    "Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 1973) " vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.
  13. View File Atlantis (Bally) Pup Pack Peace Y'all, "Come on Crew!" Unzip and place the atlantis folder in your pup folder. This pup pack is designed for a three screen setup and it works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to move the score around. I'd like to give a shout out to @hauntfreaks for allowing me to use his backglass. When playing you might forget this isn't a real b2s. This is not a static Pup Backglass. The jackpot lights work, are accurate and the backglass lights go out during multiball just like the real b2s. The more I messed around with making this, the more I liked how it turned out. I went through several movies before I settled on the ones I used. Can you guess what they are? What I thought going in to making this Pup Pack and what I ended up with were two different things completely. I learned more making this pup pack than all the other before this, combined. This was a labor of love, very frustrating at times but very rewarding now that it's done. Most of these Alpha Numeric tables were the pinballs I played in college. They bring back fond memories. This is why I plan to do pups and mini-pups for them. I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. Otherwise....... Enjoy! Precise All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter PIPAllah Submitted 12/12/23 Category PuP Packs  
  14. Version 1.1


    Strike! A perfect score! Presenting Gottlieb’s “300” Team-Scampa123 Mod 1.0 This is a major update to Loserman76’s (and team!) recreation of Gottlieb’s 300 Bowling Themed Table This table is a hybrid containing the cabinet, desktop, and VR all in one. This mod was a true team effort, and the number of enhancements wouldn’t have been possible without the help of some great folks!! I’ve learned so much in working with them and reviewing their contributions to this release! Huge thanks to: - @Loserman76 for permission to enhance the table! - @HauntFreaks for all the graphical work on the playfield and the traditional b2s, guidance and collaboration - @Rawd for the VR backglass animation work and for the VR coaching, guidance, and tweaking! - @Leojreimroc for the amazing VR reels and VR backglass lighting work - @Pritch33 for his wonderful animated wheel work - @Apophis for the coaching on nFozzy and Fleep… and extra eyes on my work - @VR Community for all the resources VR Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In1j-V3s4YU/ The team hopes you enjoy it!! Table Instructions: * Changing LUT: To rotate and select between the 16 LUT files press the Left MagnaSave * Changing VR Carpets: To select one of 5 different VR carpets press the Right MagnaSave * Game settings: Hold the Left Flipper for 3+ seconds to launch the game changes menu (left flipper to change and right to select) What's New in Version 1.0 * Physics and Sounds: * Added nFozzy physics (scampa123) * Added nFozzy flippers (scampa123) * Added Fleep sounds (scampa123) * Playfield, Desktop and Traditional Backglass: * Complete redraw of playfield (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Complete redraw of plastics (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * New Backdrop image for DT users (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Enhanced Lighting and shadows (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Cleaned up Backglass a bit (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Game Enhancements: * Added missing triggers on the left side for additional scoring to match the real table (scampa123) * Added JP's LUT code * VR Room and Enhancements * Added Minimal VR Room (scampa123, thanks @Rawd) * VR Animated backglass created from scratch (thanks @Rawd and @Leojreimroc) * New Gottlieb VR Coin Door model (scampa123 and George H.) * New Gottlieb 300 VR backbox model (scampa123) * Customize your VR Room's Carpet!! 5 carpets to choose from! * Included Animated Wheels: * Animated Wheels for Front ends (thanks @Pritch33) * …And so much more!! This is for personal use only. DO NOT include this in any pre-packaged ZIP of tables for commercial/non-commercial products.
  15. View File Godzilla (Sega-Stern mash-up 2021) v3.1 (VR Room) This is a VR Conversion Mash-Up Table with Prims and Images from HauntFreaks and Marty02. Thanks guys for permission!!! Special Thanks to Rascal for the nice VR Backglass!!! VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -Pup Events -New Mash-Up (Prims and Images) Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe.txt but use the Link in this Description, the Link in my ReadMe doesnt work. Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for Room Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link I would recommend you to use this Altsound! Link I would recommend you to use this DMD Altcolor! Link to PupPack from Gman77: Link to original "Godzilla (Sega-Stern mash-up) v3.0" Table by HauntFreaks: Link to original "godzilla limited edition" Table by Marty02: A big thanks to HauntFreaks, Marty02 & 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd and Steely for his VR toys and Basti for the nice VR Room, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT & Room switch Template and of course Rascal, and Studlygoorite for beta testing. A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials! Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 01/13/23 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Rascal & Ahr1man  
  16. View File Elvira House of Horror mash-up (original 2021)(VR ROOM ) I want to share a VR Room Conversion of Elvira's "Party House of Horror" with you today. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Rawd, Hauntfreaks and me. This table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the redesign of the segmented display and some Playfield corrections. He was able to build on the fantastic preparatory work of Walter Whitmer and sixtoe. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -some little Tweaks Left Magna for Lut Change '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing . Link to original Elvira's "Party House of Horror" Table: Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 12/27/22 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Ahr1man, Rascal, Rawd  
  17. View File Gottlieb's "300" Team Scampa123 Mod Strike! A perfect score! Presenting Gottlieb’s “300” Team-Scampa123 Mod 1.0 This is a major update to Loserman76’s (and team!) recreation of Gottlieb’s 300 Bowling Themed Table This table is a hybrid containing the cabinet, desktop, and VR all in one. This mod was a true team effort, and the number of enhancements wouldn’t have been possible without the help of some great folks!! I’ve learned so much in working with them and reviewing their contributions to this release! Huge thanks to: - @Loserman76 for permission to enhance the table! - @HauntFreaks for all the graphical work on the playfield and the traditional b2s, guidance and collaboration - @Rawd for the VR backglass animation work and for the VR coaching, guidance, and tweaking! - @Leojreimroc for the amazing VR reels and VR backglass lighting work - @Pritch33 for his wonderful animated wheel work - @Apophis for the coaching on nFozzy and Fleep… and extra eyes on my work - @VR Community for all the resources VR Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In1j-V3s4YU/ The team hopes you enjoy it!! Table Instructions: * Changing LUT: To rotate and select between the 16 LUT files press the Left MagnaSave * Changing VR Carpets: To select one of 5 different VR carpets press the Right MagnaSave * Game settings: Hold the Left Flipper for 3+ seconds to launch the game changes menu (left flipper to change and right to select) What's New in Version 1.0 * Physics and Sounds: * Added nFozzy physics (scampa123) * Added nFozzy flippers (scampa123) * Added Fleep sounds (scampa123) * Playfield, Desktop and Traditional Backglass: * Complete redraw of playfield (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Complete redraw of plastics (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * New Backdrop image for DT users (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Enhanced Lighting and shadows (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Cleaned up Backglass a bit (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Game Enhancements: * Added missing triggers on the left side for additional scoring to match the real table (scampa123) * Added JP's LUT code * VR Room and Enhancements * Added Minimal VR Room (scampa123, thanks @Rawd) * VR Animated backglass created from scratch (thanks @Rawd and @Leojreimroc) * New Gottlieb VR Coin Door model (scampa123 and George H.) * New Gottlieb 300 VR backbox model (scampa123) * Customize your VR Room's Carpet!! 5 carpets to choose from! * Included Animated Wheels: * Animated Wheels for Front ends (thanks @Pritch33) * …And so much more!! This is for personal use only. DO NOT include this in any pre-packaged ZIP of tables for commercial/non-commercial products. Submitter scampa123 Submitted 08/20/2021 Category VPX - Pinball Tables ROM Name Link to B2S Included Link to Media Pack Permission to Mod Contact Author First.  
  18. View File Ramones (HauntFreaks 2021) b2s Ramones (HauntFreaks 2021) b2s Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 08/28/2021 Category B2S Backglasses  
  19. View File Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993) b2s Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993) b2s nice 2K image authentic bulb placement Disclaimer: Please do not redistribute, repost, repurpose or use the content for public or commercial purposes, images, or software code is prohibited without prior permission from author Reason for disclaimer: do to the total disrespect of the VP builders (tables, b2s, frontend , backend, etc.) and its community, certon talentless, low self esteem, trying to compensate individuals have taken it upon themselves to redistribute our work as if it is there god given right to do so.... the statements expressed are my personal opinions and not of VPU or its other members Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 06/16/2021 Category B2S Backglasses  
  20. Version 1


    directb2s for a rare game. Credit for image goes to Pinballmike217 on pinside, and what a lucky find https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/kingpin-8 Credit to hauntfreaks for touching up the image real nice and coming up with the grill image
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