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Showing results for tags 'Hook'.
View File Hook (Data East 1992) Based on the Data East Hook table. Credits: Dark, Akilles, Zani, Cesar Emanuel, Dev Team, JPSalas, sorry for not remembering all those who contribute to the game and the community. Enjoy the game !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeAHMg8_hR0 Submitter Javier15 Submitted 09/05/2017 Category Visual Pinball 10 - Tables ROM Name Link to B2S Link to Media Pack Permission to Mod VP Version
Version 1.0
**************\/*************** ************************************** ******************* HOOK DATA EAST 1992 FS PM5 Ver. 1.0 ********************* ****************** Javier15 20/05/15 ********************* /***********************************\ | **************/\*************** Credits: Thanks Noah Fentz for the Playfield HD The new plunger script by Koadic's New and optimized B2B / BMPR / Rolling sounds integration fron Koadic's and JimmyFingers Kiwi for the decals textures Sound FX Script to many Tables from JPSalas Destruk's recent iprovements and the original Pinball Ken and Steely for the first B2B. DedRok_V for the grate pic the plastic Cesar Emanuel by pictures for models and plastics Dark by Super 3D models Zany domes and some things more gtxJoe by the code of the LEDs DevTeam all the efforts made to improve vp in all aspects. mjr for the new plunger-mods Code authors reference copy to a few things: JPsalas, ICPjuggla, freneticamnesic, UncleWilly, gtxJoe etc.. '***************** I apologize if I forget to mention someone **************** The table runs VP_PHYSMOD5. Download latest version VP: Physmod5 To add the table Hyperpin should follow this tutorial. Launch different version of VPinball fron Hyperpin Español La mesa corre en VP_PHYSMOD5. Para descargar la version VP con las fisicas: Physmod5 Para agregar la mesa a Hyperpin, deben seguir este tutorial. Launch different version of VPinball fron Hyperpin -
Version 1.3b
Based on the table Hook by Data East from 1992 Credits: Noah Fentz: Playfield HR JPSalas: Textures, sounds etc. JimmyFingers : Code and sound BMPR Koadic: New Plunger code oooPLAYER1ooo: New Primitive Target DedRok_V: Plastics photos Kiwi: decals (apron) Destruk's recent improvements and the original Pinball Ken and Steely for the first B2B.- 3 reviews
- Hook
- Data East 1992
(and 2 more)
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