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  1. Version 1.3


    "The Meanest, Greenest Game on the Street" The Godzilla pinball machine was released in August 1998 by SEGA. The game is based on the Godzilla movie released earlier that year by TriStar Pictures. Godzilla was the last pinball machine manufactured by SEGA before shutting down their pinball operations. This virtual project started out with incredibly detailed specifications of the physical and visual dimensions of the SEGA machine from EBisLit. Of course, who can turn those specifications into gold? Mr. Sixtoe himself, the grandmaster of blueprints, schematics and more. Next some initial scripting / foundation objects were added by TastyWasps and Apophis which leads into the STUNNING blender toolkit 3D renders from Tomate which highlights the massive Godzilla sculpt in this table that may be one of the largest sculpts ever made in pinball history. The tail end of the project (no pun intended) consists of laborious detail into each aspect of the machine to play as close to the real thing as possible with help from EBisLit's experience and other play testers' input. The collaboration of so many passionate authors, creators, scripters, artists, testers, etc. have truly made this project come to life in the digital medium. VPW TEAM TastyWasps - Project Lead, nFozzy, Fleep, toolkit script-side integration, VR room Apophis - Project Lead, toolkit script-side integration, various scripting tweaks, mentoring Tomate - Graphics modeling and rendering Sixtoe - Table full scratch build and various scripting, VR support Iaakki - Scripting tweaks EBisLit - Playfield, plastics, inserts & 3d scans with measurements ClarkKent - Playfield Stitch Niwak - Blender Toolkit HauntFreaks – Backglass image Testing - PinStratsDan, BountyBob, Bietekwiet, Studlygoorite, Smaug, Bord, VPW Team Toxie - VPX and pushing out the newest 10.8 as a beta so we could release. Also, a big thanks to the original SEGA team for the original Godzilla pinball machine. Version 1.3 Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.1 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.1
  2. Version 1.0.0


    I am happy to share my GoldenEye ROM colorization in SERUM format. This was a relatively quick one with around 115 hours put into it, 2450 frames and around 115 sprites. A huge thanks goes out to @PastorLUL for importing the few movie sequences and also to the fine folks on the Serum Discord. 😘 This is a Serum v2 colorization, so you need DMDEXT 2.3.0 at a minimum. I've seen two or three early testers report that Defender was detecting a virus but I've run the file through the 60+ online antivirus scanners and the file is clean, so it's a false positive. As always, if you see that I missed anything, please let me know and if you can dump the missing frames, that is a HUGE help. Enjoy! Kraken 🍻
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Didn't see many options for full dmd videos to go with Space Jam. The nicest one bugged me a litte due to its layout being unbalanced. So I made this for my cabinet and anyone else who wants it can feel free to.
  4. Version 1.12


    Special Thanks to: Goldchicco & 32assassin : VPX Conversion edizzle and batch: VP9 table VPW: Tutorials, example table and its constant innovation and improvements to visual pinball frezzy and team for their magic in VPX and VPE Last game produced by Sega, production continued by Stern . Fred Young said that he did voice characterizations for this Sega version I tried to recreate the table after Goldchicco authorized me to play with his conversion, the first attempt was the mod with a different art, now I bring you this one where the existing playfield was repositioned and reworked in a more correct way according to the real one It's what I could do with the few images I got of plastics and playfield, recreated trying to match the originals And remember this is not a business if you want to make money look for another way do not harm this incredible community of good people
  5. Version 1.0.0


    "Viper Night Drivin (SEGA 1998)" vpx wheel "Viper Night Drivin (SEGA 1998)" DMD picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way. All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  6. View File Harley Davidson (Sega 1999) Special Thanks to: Goldchicco & 32assassin : VPX Conversion edizzle and batch: VP9 table VPW: Tutorials, example table and its constant innovation and improvements to visual pinball frezzy and team for their magic in VPX and VPE Last game produced by Sega, production continued by Stern . Fred Young said that he did voice characterizations for this Sega version I tried to recreate the table after Goldchicco authorized me to play with his conversion, the first attempt was the mod with a different art, now I bring you this one where the existing playfield was repositioned and reworked in a more correct way according to the real one It's what I could do with the few images I got of plastics and playfield, recreated trying to match the originals And remember this is not a business if you want to make money look for another way do not harm this incredible community of good people Submitter nestorgian Submitted 07/29/22 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  7. Version 1.0


    South Park(Sega)(1999)
  8. View File Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (Sega 1995) VPX version by Schreibi34 and Herweh Version 1.0: Initial release Schreibi34: Visuals and gameplay "It's simply amazing what you do in Blender. So thrilling, so inspiring, so extraordinary. I'm overwhelmed every time when I see what you have created. You are the man. And a very relaxed, cool guy too. And for sure an awesome drummer ;-). Once again it was a pleasure and an honor to work with you" (this was written by Herweh) Herweh: Scripting, VP development and gameplay "Everything you see below in this script! Without him Mr. Basic v2.0 Schreibi34 would have been totally lost! What he has done on this table goes beyond my imagination. From animating Frank to implementing RothbauerW's physics to the texture swaps to all sorts of extras. Please check out all the stuff that the script Voodoo Master has provided for you below! Thanks for being such a cool guy! It was a pleasure!" (this was written by Schreibi34) Special thanks to: - Dark: We all know what he did! Frank is just jawdropping!! - Dids666: For starting all of this and his awesome meshes. Thanks for letting us finish this!! - Sheltemke: For stitching together the PF image and playtesting - Mlager8: For PS help on the sling plastics - RothbauerW: For his awesome physics' guide at vpinball.com and some more help on the physics - Mark70, Bord, Thalamus: For beta testing and some good hints - Batch: For the DT background image (Sorry for making it a bit darker! Batch's original is in the image manager for those who like more pop) Magna save selects LUT filters! Changelog: Version 1.0.1 - Herweh: Fix for the trapped balls and the post left of the Geneva hole. Fix for LUT filters resetting after restart - Skitso: Alligning the GI-ON and OFF better so they don't "jump" when swaping - Schreibi34: Minor gameplay/physics adjustments Submitter Schlabber34 Submitted 04/18/2020 Category Dot Matrix Display (DMD) Recreations Link to B2S  
  9. Version 1.0.1


    Godzilla Pin2DMD Readme Colorization of Sega’s Godzilla.Feel free to alter my work however you want. I would prefer you release the source files for any changes but I can’t make you. Post any bugs in the pinside thread: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/pin2dmd-colorization-of-godzilla Release Change Log: 1.01 the "DMDMK66 Stole my work" edition. Rappel added and fixed some triggers. Alterted some palettes and color masks No source code update for this release until dmdmk66 either admit he stole my work or stops Missile Bonus recolored and remasked, Buildings remasked/color, bonus numbers redone New York Sonor scene redone, brown haired army guy is now a blonde haired navy guy triple helicopter missile scene recolored and remasked. Buildings are grey instead of blue to contrast with the sky better missile also had white area removed and turned red. 1.00 Initial Release Everything below plus some additional palette changes 0.90 Initial Beta Release Most(All?) Sequences color masked and keyframes linked Finaled color choices 0.50 Redid bridge animations Inital palette choices attract mode scenes colormasked and keyframed 0.10 Palette Jump Testing Thanks to Lucky1 for helping with keyframe triggers and thanks to Rappelbox for support ; and to both for the recordings.
  10. Version 3.0


    Independence Day(Sega 1996) Hi Rez
  11. View File Godzilla (Sega 1998) VPW "The Meanest, Greenest Game on the Street" The Godzilla pinball machine was released in August 1998 by SEGA. The game is based on the Godzilla movie released earlier that year by TriStar Pictures. Godzilla was the last pinball machine manufactured by SEGA before shutting down their pinball operations. This virtual project started out with incredibly detailed specifications of the physical and visual dimensions of the SEGA machine from EBisLit. Of course, who can turn those specifications into gold? Mr. Sixtoe himself, the grandmaster of blueprints, schematics and more. Next some initial scripting / foundation objects were added by TastyWasps and Apophis which leads into the STUNNING blender toolkit 3D renders from Tomate which highlights the massive Godzilla sculpt in this table that may be one of the largest sculpts ever made in pinball history. The tail end of the project (no pun intended) consists of laborious detail into each aspect of the machine to play as close to the real thing as possible with help from EBisLit's experience and other play testers' input. The collaboration of so many passionate authors, creators, scripters, artists, testers, etc. have truly made this project come to life in the digital medium. VPW TEAM -------- TastyWasps - Project Lead, nFozzy, Fleep, toolkit script-side integration, VR room Apophis - Project Lead, toolkit script-side integration, various scripting tweaks, mentoring Tomate - Graphics modeling and rendering Sixtoe - Table full scratch build and various scripting, VR support Iaakki - Scripting tweaks EBisLit - Playfield, plastics, inserts & 3d scans with measurements ClarkKent - Playfield Stitch Niwak - Blender Toolkit HauntFreaks – Backglass image Testing - PinStratsDan, BountyBob, Bietekwiet, Studlygoorite, Smaug, Bord, VPW Team Toxie - VPX and pushing out the newest 10.8 as a beta so we could release. Also, a big thanks to the original SEGA team for the original Godzilla pinball machine. Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 09/16/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  12. Version 3.0


    Twister( Sega 1996)
  13. Version 1.0.0


    "Godzilla (Sega 1998) VPW" vpx wheels and DMD picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  14. Version 1.0


    Godzilla FullDMD (Sega 1998)
  15. Version 1.2.2


    VPX version by Schreibi34 and Herweh Version 1.0: Initial release Schreibi34: Visuals and gameplay "It's simply amazing what you do in Blender. So thrilling, so inspiring, so extraordinary. I'm overwhelmed every time when I see what you have created. You are the man. And a very relaxed, cool guy too. And for sure an awesome drummer ;-). Once again it was a pleasure and an honor to work with you" (this was written by Herweh) Herweh: Scripting, VP development and gameplay "Everything you see below in this script! Without him Mr. Basic v2.0 Schreibi34 would have been totally lost! What he has done on this table goes beyond my imagination. From animating Frank to implementing RothbauerW's physics to the texture swaps to all sorts of extras. Please check out all the stuff that the script Voodoo Master has provided for you below! Thanks for being such a cool guy! It was a pleasure!" (this was written by Schreibi34) Special thanks to: - Dark: We all know what he did! Frank is just jawdropping!! - Dids666: For starting all of this and his awesome meshes. Thanks for letting us finish this!! - Sheltemke: For stitching together the PF image and playtesting - Mlager8: For PS help on the sling plastics - RothbauerW: For his awesome physics' guide at vpinball.com and some more help on the physics - Mark70, Bord, Thalamus: For beta testing and some good hints - Batch: For the DT background image (Sorry for making it a bit darker! Batch's original is in the image manager for those who like more pop) Magna save selects LUT filters! Changelog: Version 1.0.1 - Herweh: Fix for the trapped balls and the post left of the Geneva hole. Fix for LUT filters resetting after restart - Skitso: Alligning the GI-ON and OFF better so they don't "jump" when swaping - Schreibi34: Minor gameplay/physics adjustments
  16. Version 1.0.0


    "Baywatch (Sega 1995)" vpx wheels and dmd pictures if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.
  17. Version 1.72


    Harley Davidson (Sega 1999)MOD Special Thanks to: Goldchicco & 32assassin : VPX Conversion edizzle and batch: VP9 table this table was created from the example table of vpw, after failing with blender and the ramps (they were horrible), I decided to make them out of wire and since the art of the playfield and the plastics were not in good condition and I did not achieve the visual that I wanted, I decided vectorize a playfield inspired by the art of B. Allen but to avoid infringing copyright I base myself on free license vectorizations most of Vecteezy, the table is 100% vectorized I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy doing it There is a b2s made by trino7 that fits perfectly with the art of this table use the a40 rom although the conversion was done with the a30 any is functional Rules and game modes inside the zip I will work with the original playfield and ramps for the original recreation, I haven't given up yet
  18. Version 1.0.0


    "Starship Troopers (Sega 1997) VPW Mod" vpx wheel and DMD picture. if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice!
  19. Version 2.0


    Godzilla (SEGA 1998)
  20. Version 1.0


    Baywatch (Sega 1995) Topper Video + Wheels Topper video created from 9 seasons worth of intros - only using the best shots and "girls". A lot of vertical pan-and-scan to obscure the titles, etc. Rendered in .mp4 1280x390 px from the original HD masters. Audio is included on the .mp4 video file for Pinup users. For PinballX and PinballY users - I have included the audio as an additional .mp3 file you can load as "Table Audio" so you have the theme playing in your front end. This can also be used as an over or under on your LCD DMD if you do not have a dedicated topper screen. - Enjoy! Please DO NOT host / post this download on another server, Facebook group or website. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This project took considerable time ... so "thanks" or comments in the support topic would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE NOTE: I create these videos for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first. All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE.
  21. Version 3.0


    Goldeneye (Sega 1996) 2 screen and 3 screen version Hi Rez
  22. Version 3.0


    Apollo 13(Sega 1995) 2 and 3 screen
  23. Version 1.0.0


    "Batman Forever (Sega 1995)" vpx wheels and dmd picture Artwork from freelance artist Chuck ART, https://www.artstation.com/chuckart if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice!
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Baywatch Rescue Wheel for you Baywatch Table It is one of my favorite tables and for many I hope so too. Marketing Slogans for table were: ""Baywatch! It's Summer year round when this pinball's in town!" "Bigger than the Rest!" "A machine that's gonna resuscitate your pinball collections!" "We've got something that's gonna make some waves... Baywatch" https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=2848 Thanks God Bless. Sister .apng Wheel is available here:
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