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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings Jedi! Pup Dedicated to Carrie Fisher, we love you! All credit goes to @Dr.Nobody for making a wide assortment of overlays for Star Wars pups, I figured why not use ALL of them, instead of just one!! No need to switch overlays manually, it will switch automatically during gameplay!! 1. For use with Star Wars Trilogy Table (using swtril43 ROM or any table using the rom),(highly recommend using @LoadedWeapon's new cabinet mod, it has Sub controller.stop code added to it which the original table file was needing.) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/22492-star-wars-trilogy-cabinet-mod/ OR OPTIONALLY For use with 1992 Data East star wars table (using stwr_107 ROM or any table using the rom) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/7870-star-wars-data-east-1992-vpw/ I hope ya'll like the AI yoda trivia i put together for the trilogy table, made a sound only version for NON-PUP users. This pup is designed for 3 screen cabinet setups for people NOT using b2s's. There's too many clips to cram into 1 cabinet screen. These are ROM based pups. I've been wanting to do a near complete clip pull on the original star wars trilogy movies for a long time and figured why not do it right now. Most, prolly 70% of these clips took a LOT of frame and audio editing to get them worthy to put into a pup, which I expected before even tackling this project. I wanted to have a complete set of original trilogy clips for the future tho for whatever craziness the future holds, which is what started me on this project. This pup will work with any table using the corresponding ROM's. (swtril43 or stwr_107 ROM) This will/can be modifiable for any future star wars tables creators make, i wanted a near complete set of good clips that could work for any future star wars tables if using movie clips for triggers. Hit me up and i'll code it from scratch for any creator making a NEW star wars table with whatever parameters and discretion you would like! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Dr.Nobody for this amazing set of overlays, such epic work thank you!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @LoadedWeaponfor doing a new .dif cabinet mod for the trilogy table!!! Love it!!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @cl4ve for your epic star wars pinball room and ideas that served as inspiration, thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Cliffy for making desktop pupoptions!!!!! Thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @masonm for helping with some AI voice ideas and other inspiration!!! Major Thanks to All the table creators that did work on all the star wars tables past present and future, in this life and the next you are all Jedi !!! @VPinWorkshop, @Siggi, JPSalas, @marty02 @ryguy417 @xenonph @kcirrickand everyone else involved in table and media creation !!! Thank you The force will be with you, always All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    I hope someone can use the full dmd display i made for this epic tribute table. I aint no wildman or hauntfreaks but i try my best. Peace x
  3. Version 1.0.0


    I am creating topper videos (1920x1080) for my own build but sharing in the community. I will be sharing all the ones I created from scratch. All my topper videos have a color border on them, that is the style I wanted for my build. I do not have versions without the border. I have used other people's topper creations and added borders for my own build, but not sharing those on the website as I have not asked permission. Reach out to me if you ever need wheel art, dmd or topper art created.
  4. Version 2.1.0


    Pin2dmd colorization v2.1, must have pin2dmd firmware 2.58 or higher installed or running freezy's dll 1.7.1. Extract the .pal and .vni files from zip and rename each pin2dmd and place into the correct alt_color folder for the rom you are running in vpinmame. This colorization will support both 1.03 and 1.06 roms. Please message me on vpuniverse for the real pin files. Donations accepted and appreciated paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EFNCMPPZVGEFG Fixed in this version: Audits & Adjustments menu fully colorized Known bugs - AT-AT Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Jabba - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges - Sarlaac Pit - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Skill Shot - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - X-Wing Millions - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges - Tri-Ball Restart - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - Million Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Force Menu Mode - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Cantina Band - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - Free Play - not yet color supported
  5. Version 2.1


    Thank you very much @jarr3, this would not be possible without your amazing b2s designer software. All credits goes to @hauntfreaks for his tremendous amount of work. Credits also goes to @Wildman, @ryguy417, @Walterwhite, @Rickochet, @chucky87, @Manbearpig, @iDigStuff Thank you all for allowing me to use your work. Extra thanks to @Herweh, @WaRcLaWz, @Blacksad, @RajoJoey All backglass remains exactly the same as the originals, I only modified the DMDs. The leds and illumination frames as well as the snippits has been scrupulously put back in the right place, after modifying the image in Photoshop. DMDs are 1480x320.
  6. View File Star Tours Table with Pup-Pack Submitter kcirrick Submitted 06/04/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  7. View File Star Wars Multi-Table Pup Pack Greetings Jedi! Pup Dedicated to Carrie Fisher, we love you! All credit goes to @Dr.Nobody for making a wide assortment of overlays for Star Wars pups, I figured why not use ALL of them, instead of just one!! No need to switch overlays manually, it will switch automatically during gameplay!! 1. For use with Star Wars Trilogy Table (using swtril43 ROM or any table using the rom),(highly recommend using @LoadedWeapon's new cabinet mod, it has Sub controller.stop code added to it which the original table file was needing.) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/22492-star-wars-trilogy-cabinet-mod/ OR OPTIONALLY For use with 1992 Data East star wars table (using stwr_107 ROM or any table using the rom) https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/7870-star-wars-data-east-1992-vpw/ I hope ya'll like the AI yoda trivia i put together for the trilogy table, made a sound only version for NON-PUP users. This pup is designed for 3 screen cabinet setups for people NOT using b2s's. There's too many clips to cram into 1 cabinet screen. These are ROM based pups. I've been wanting to do a near complete clip pull on the original star wars trilogy movies for a long time and figured why not do it right now. Most, prolly 70% of these clips took a LOT of frame and audio editing to get them worthy to put into a pup, which I expected before even tackling this project. I wanted to have a complete set of original trilogy clips for the future tho for whatever craziness the future holds, which is what started me on this project. This pup will work with any table using the corresponding ROM's. (swtril43 or stwr_107 ROM) This will/can be modifiable for any future star wars tables creators make, i wanted a near complete set of good clips that could work for any future star wars tables if using movie clips for triggers. Hit me up and i'll code it from scratch for any creator making a NEW star wars table with whatever parameters and discretion you would like! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Dr.Nobody for this amazing set of overlays, such epic work thank you!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @LoadedWeaponfor doing a new .dif cabinet mod for the trilogy table!!! Love it!!! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @cl4ve for your epic star wars pinball room and ideas that served as inspiration, thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @Cliffy for making desktop pupoptions!!!!! Thank you my friend! Major Thanks to Jedi Master @masonm for helping with some AI voice ideas and other inspiration!!! Major Thanks to All the table creators that did work on all the star wars tables past present and future, in this life and the next you are all Jedi !!! @VPinWorkshop, @Siggi, JPSalas, @marty02 @ryguy417 @xenonph @kcirrickand everyone else involved in table and media creation !!! Thank you The force will be with you, always All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter GtecArcade Submitted 11/23/24 Category PuP Packs  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Star Wars Trilogy Alternative Pup Pack Overlay I did work on a pup pack for this a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away 😀 Anyway, work stopped me from getting deep into it and I've seen another creator has done a pup for you guys. So instead of finishing my pup I thought I would share my overlay I made. I may do a pup pack at some point but not yet... Custom screen pos is 2,6.9,12.7,86.2,74.8
  9. Version 1.2


    Peace Y'all, "Remember, the force will be with you...... always." Unzip and place the swtril43 folder in your pup folder. This Pup Pack is made for a 3 screen and desktop setup. This pup also works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to move the score around. This Pup Pack was made with a lot of love for my favorite table. It also comes with a matching FullDMD. I saw Episode IV in the theatre on it's initial release. My pops took me as a nine year old child. I was already a sci-fi geek (thanks dad) and fell in love with the franchise. I've been wanting to do this Pup Pack from the beginning of my return to to virtual pinball, ever since I learned about Pup Packs. I hope you like this as much as I do. Note* The Pup Pack (and Siggis Mod table) are based on the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition. I've used my creative license to institute 1 scene from the original movie release because.............. Han shot first. 😉 I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. Otherwise....... Enjoy! Precise All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  10. Version 1.1.0


    Fullscreen loading animation for Star Wars DE. IPD No. 2358 Enjoy!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    FullDMD for Star Wars 1920x1080 FHD. Enjoy ! 😃
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Darth Maul Animated Star Wars Wheel Ok, this is my first attempt at making one of these. Be kind, I know i can learn and get better but we have to start somewhere
  13. Version 1.0.2


    Love Star wars and wanted to make a collecltions for pinup popper but could not find a theme package out there, well, so I made it myself. Hope you like. 602042179_StarWarsPinballTheme.mp4 1049741543_StarWarsBackGlass.mp4
  14. Version 1.1


    May The Force Be With You in memory of Carrie Fisher Must Use VPMAlias or it wont't work for you, add line to your vpmalias.txt file then save. It's in your visualpinball/vpinmame folder. empsbackpup,empsback Lots of pup-options: Choose wisely youngling. I would recommend Overlay # 6 Mega Thanks to @xenonph for his epic mod to this table and everyone who helped with it's creation. Love your work Thank you!!! Mega Thanks to @JoePicasso for his 6 beautiful overlay options, which inspired me to make this in the first place, empire strikes back was a side project! Project Empire Strikes Back would not exist if it wasn't for him ! Thank you so much! Mega Thanks to @ryguy417, @classicradios, @xenonph, @DarthVito, @JoePicassofor bein united in our love of Star Wars and gettin this idea off the ground! You guys rule! Mega Thanks to @Cliffy for his desktop options, AKA desktop master thank you! Mega Thanks to @Fabouh for his magnificent Fulldmd creation..... I knew it was the one that had to be used to make this really pop, amazing and thank you!! You sir are why i will only use 1920 resolution fulldmds I'm kinda dying to do Return of the Jedi, if someone wants to make a custom Return of the Jedi Table I'll make a pup and you can release it with it. Also..... someone please make a cool backglass for episode 1 pup.... and topper backglass.... might speed things up All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  15. So, I've moved onto the next colorization while DJrobX is tweaking the keyframing on Royal Rumble.........Star Wars Data East Time! I got all of the attract mode colored and moving on to the gameplay, this DMD is not as intense as Royal Rumble (I Hope!) So I'm hoping to finish in a month maybe two...depending on the family schedule. Here are some scenes to tide everyone over, Thanks!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    I created this high resolution backglass and full DMD to compliment the fun and original "The Mandalorian" table created by @marty02. If you have not yet installed that table, then what are you waiting for?! Enjoy!
  17. Version 4.0


    Star Wars (Data East 1992) Hi Rez
  18. View File Star Wars Trilogy SE Pup Pack and Full DMD Peace Y'all, "Remember, the force will be with you...... always." Unzip and place the swtril43 folder in your pup folder. This Pup Pack is made for a 3 screen and desktop setup. This pup also works with Flex-DMD, so you'll need it to move the score around. This Pup Pack was made with a lot of love for my favorite table. It also comes with a matching FullDMD. I saw Episode IV in the theatre on it's initial release. My pops took me as a nine year old child. I was already a sci-fi geek (thanks dad) and fell in love with the franchise. I've been wanting to do this Pup Pack from the beginning of my return to to virtual pinball, ever since I learned about Pup Packs. I hope you like this as much as I do. Note* The Pup Pack (and Siggis Mod table) are based on the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition. I've used my creative license to institute 1 scene from the original movie release because.............. Han shot first. 😉 I will make upgrades to all my Pup Packs when necessary and as my understanding of this craft increases. Otherwise....... Enjoy! Precise All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter PIPAllah Submitted 12/30/23 Category PuP Packs  
  19. Version 1.1


    Here's a little Star Wars Bad Batch retheme I did of JP's Gamatron. Thanks to JP for all that he gives to the community including making his tables available for modification. He also gave me a few tips when I was trying to work a few scripting issues out. Many, many thanks. Be sure to put the theme song mp3 in your VisualPinball/music folder. BadBatchTheme.mp3
  20. View File Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Pup May The Force Be With You in memory of Carrie Fisher Must Use VPMAlias or it wont't work for you, add line to your vpmalias.txt file then save. It's in your visualpinball/vpinmame folder. empirestrikesback,empsback Lots of pup-options: Choose wisely youngling. I would recommend Overlay # 6 Mega Thanks to @xenonph for his epic mod to this table and everyone who helped with it's creation. Love your work Thank you!!! Mega Thanks to @JoePicasso for his 6 beautiful overlay options, which inspired me to make this in the first place, empire strikes back was a side project! Project Empire Strikes Back would not exist if it wasn't for him ! Thank you so much! Mega Thanks to @ryguy417, @classicradios, @xenonph, @DarthVito, @JoePicassofor bein united in our love of Star Wars and gettin this idea off the ground! You guys rule! Mega Thanks to @Cliffy for his desktop options, AKA desktop master thank you! Mega Thanks to @Fabouh for his magnificent Fulldmd creation..... I knew it was the one that had to be used to make this really pop, amazing and thank you!! You sir are why i will only use 1920 resolution fulldmds I'm kinda dying to do Return of the Jedi, if someone wants to make a custom Return of the Jedi Table I'll make a pup and you can release it with it. Also..... someone please make a cool backglass for episode 1 pup.... and topper backglass.... might speed things up All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter Gman77 Submitted 01/23/24 Category 2 Screen / 4x3 PuP-Packs  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    IPD No. 2868
  22. Version 2.0.0


    "Star Wars Episode 1 (Williams 1999)" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.
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