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  1. Version nFozzy


    I want to share a VR Room Conversion of Elvira's "Party House of Horror" with you today. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Rawd, Hauntfreaks and me. This table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the redesign of the segmented display and some Playfield corrections. He was able to build on the fantastic preparatory work of Walter Whitmer and sixtoe. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -some little Tweaks Left Magna for Lut Change '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link to original Elvira's "Party House of Horror" Table: A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials!
  2. View File Playboy (Stern 2002) This is a re-upload from VPinball.com from 2020 - nothing has been updated or changed, but I wanted it hosted here on VPUniverse.com - - - - - - - - - - - Playboy (Stern 2002) UPDATES: 1.1 - Done in 2020 - Adjusted plunger to hit the ball on soft releases - Fixed Multi-Ball Error - Lighting Fixes / Adjustments - Raised Flippers Height - Adjusted Flipper Angle to match real table - New Ball Rolling Sounds - Additional New Sounds FX added - General Additional Tweaks - Additional DOF and SFF enhancements added by Thalamus & ArnGrim What we thought was going to be a fairly straight forward conversion of a previous VP8 + VP9 version of Playboy (Stern 2002) turned out to basically need a complete rebuild and recreation from scratch. Using an original playfield blueprint, Rascal meticulously rebuilt the entire table with every detail put in the correct places. All toys and special features were rebuilt from scratch to function properly as well. Using high-resolution photos taken by a friend of mine the real table, all playfield and plastics images were redrawn / recreated to match as close as possible to the original with minor exceptions of areas that couldn't be photographed without completely stripping the playfield - which was not an option. Due to some of the real images / graphics used on the original table, such as the centerfold faces in the center of the playfield and all the swappable / interchangeable inserts, that were very low print quality and filled with print DOTS, all real images of the centerfolds and inserts were cobbled together from MUCH BETTER quality PLAYBOY images form the internet. Many of the insert images were from actual PLAYBOY pictorials published in the magazine, and alternate images that were never published, but were used for this game only. I was able to find 90% of the actual images used, but had to substitute other PLAYBOY images from the same era / year for any we were missing. That being said - because this table is "all digital" we were able to build in EXTRA images for all the inserts. If you have the script option set to "nudity" - the table will automatically / randomly pick from 5 different nudity sets of inserts that were created for this table. That means you will see different "girls" every time you play the table ... and who doesn't like seeing MORE naked and beautiful woman while playing pinball? You can change the ALL the insert images for the Peek A Boo, opening Centerfold, Magazine Inside, Spinning Splash Triangle, Tease Door, and Mirror during gameplay by using the LEFT MAGNASAVE button. See below for more info. Rascal went above and beyond making this table as great as it could be. His skill set and attention to making everything look, work, and play properly (including the GROTTO mirror reflection that never worked on any other prior release) and he deserves all the thanks and credit. Our collaboration was very smooth, easy, and most importantly, fun, especially during this tough time our country (and the world for that matter) is going through at the moment. We hope you enjoy the hard work we put in to making this table for the VPX community! Download includes: New Wheel Image and BMP AVI for Real DMD + RealColorDMD front end users. INTERESTING FACT: - - - - - - - - - Bally / Williams original started development of this table to be part of the Pinball 2000 lineup ... using the same holographic imaging as Revenge from Mars and Star Wars Episode I. That would have been amazing! After the fall of the company, the pinball's basic design / theme was picked up and released by Stern Pinball. This is why most of the actual PLAYBOY images used in this pinball are from 1998, 1990, and 2000 issues of the Playboy Magazine and NOT from 2001 or 2002 when the table was released by Stern. NOTES: - - - - - - - - - You can adjust the Day / Night Cycle slider if you want to make the table appear brighter or darker than how it has been released. FEATURES: - - - - - - - - - - Complete Rebuild of Table - Brand New 4k Playfield and Plastics Scan + Recreation - Brand New 2k Backglass / Translate Scan + New B2S - Complete Toys Rebuild, Features, and Functions - 1 Non-Nude Set of Inserts, and 5 Nude Sets of Inserts - New Lighting FX to match original table SCRIPT OPTIONS: - - - - - - - - - - Script Option: Centerfold Playfield Lighting: Light Centerfold+Month, Month Only (Default = Centerfold+Month) - Script Option: Nudity, Non-Nudity for all Inserts (Default = Non-Nudity) - Script Option: Alternate Flipper Appearance / Texture (Default: False ie: Original) ADD ONS: - - - - - - - - - - Use LEFT MAGNASAVE to change Opening Centerfold, Peek A Boo, Playboy Magazine Inside, Splash Spinning Triangle, Tease Door, and Mirror Panel inserts from nude to non-nude and visa versa. There are 5 nude sets of inserts and 1 non-nude. Every time you press the LEFT MAGNASAVE, the table will swap from non-nude to 1 of 5 different sets of nude versions. This feature works during gameplay and when table is in attract mode. Perfect way to immediately hide the nudity from people who might be offended. - Use RIGHT MAGNASAVE to turn ON / OFF the main playfield Centerfold Lights. This option is for the centerfolds image + month to illuminate, or just the month. In the original table, it was only the month that illuminated. SPECIAL THANKS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rascal - for original conversion to VPX and complete rebuild of table, all functions, and features - GothGloom + Mary - for all the photos of the real pinball machine - Bigus - for lighting and other enhancements - Siggi - for some light elements from his previous redraw - TAB and Destruk - for the VP8 starting point table - Dark - for the spotlight model - Zany - for the flasher domes - nFozzy - for all the screws and bolts - All the wonderful developers who made VPX what it is today - - - - - - - - - This project took considerable time and we wanted to share it with everyone ... so "thanks" or comments in the support topic would be greatly appreciated. DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking / getting permission first. All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! Submitter HiRez00 Submitted 12/10/2021 Category Solid State (SS) Recreations Link to B2S https://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/5760-playboy-stern-2002-dual-mode-backglass/ Permission to Mod Yes  
  3. View File Iron Maiden Virtual Time (Original 2020)(VR Room) Today i want to share a new VR conversion of Iron Maiden-Virtual Time with you guys. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Solters and me. This awesome table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the included Backglass with segmented Display, flashing Speakers, some Playfield corrections. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -FuLLDMD PupPack for VR Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe!!!.txt Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for GI Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link to original "Iron Maiden Virtual Time [IMVT]" Table and the needed Music Files if you play without PupPack!!!: You have to copy just the Songs to the "Music" Folder! Link to PupPack A big thanks to Mussinger & Herweh for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd and Steely for his VR toys and Basti for the nice VR Room, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials! Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 01/12/23 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Rascal & Ahr1man  
  4. Version nFozzy


    Today i want to share a new VR conversion of Iron Maiden-Virtual Time with you guys. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Solters and me. This awesome table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the included Backglass with segmented Display, flashing Speakers, some Playfield corrections. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -FuLLDMD PupPack for VR Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe!!!.txt Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for GI Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link to original "Iron Maiden Virtual Time [IMVT]" Table and the needed Music Files if you play without PupPack!!!: You have to copy just the Songs to the "Music" Folder! Link to PupPack A big thanks to Mussinger & Herweh for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd and Steely for his VR toys and Basti for the nice VR Room, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials!
  5. Version 1.1


    This is a re-upload from VPinball.com from 2020 - nothing has been updated or changed, but I wanted it hosted here on VPUniverse.com - - - - - - - - - - - Playboy (Stern 2002) UPDATES: 1.1 - Done in 2020 - Adjusted plunger to hit the ball on soft releases - Fixed Multi-Ball Error - Lighting Fixes / Adjustments - Raised Flippers Height - Adjusted Flipper Angle to match real table - New Ball Rolling Sounds - Additional New Sounds FX added - General Additional Tweaks - Additional DOF and SFF enhancements added by Thalamus & ArnGrim What we thought was going to be a fairly straight forward conversion of a previous VP8 + VP9 version of Playboy (Stern 2002) turned out to basically need a complete rebuild and recreation from scratch. Using an original playfield blueprint, Rascal meticulously rebuilt the entire table with every detail put in the correct places. All toys and special features were rebuilt from scratch to function properly as well. Using high-resolution photos taken by a friend of mine the real table, all playfield and plastics images were redrawn / recreated to match as close as possible to the original with minor exceptions of areas that couldn't be photographed without completely stripping the playfield - which was not an option. Due to some of the real images / graphics used on the original table, such as the centerfold faces in the center of the playfield and all the swappable / interchangeable inserts, that were very low print quality and filled with print DOTS, all real images of the centerfolds and inserts were cobbled together from MUCH BETTER quality PLAYBOY images form the internet. Many of the insert images were from actual PLAYBOY pictorials published in the magazine, and alternate images that were never published, but were used for this game only. I was able to find 90% of the actual images used, but had to substitute other PLAYBOY images from the same era / year for any we were missing. That being said - because this table is "all digital" we were able to build in EXTRA images for all the inserts. If you have the script option set to "nudity" - the table will automatically / randomly pick from 5 different nudity sets of inserts that were created for this table. That means you will see different "girls" every time you play the table ... and who doesn't like seeing MORE naked and beautiful woman while playing pinball? You can change the ALL the insert images for the Peek A Boo, opening Centerfold, Magazine Inside, Spinning Splash Triangle, Tease Door, and Mirror during gameplay by using the LEFT MAGNASAVE button. See below for more info. Rascal went above and beyond making this table as great as it could be. His skill set and attention to making everything look, work, and play properly (including the GROTTO mirror reflection that never worked on any other prior release) and he deserves all the thanks and credit. Our collaboration was very smooth, easy, and most importantly, fun, especially during this tough time our country (and the world for that matter) is going through at the moment. We hope you enjoy the hard work we put in to making this table for the VPX community! Download includes: New Wheel Image and BMP AVI for Real DMD + RealColorDMD front end users. INTERESTING FACT: - - - - - - - - - Bally / Williams original started development of this table to be part of the Pinball 2000 lineup ... using the same holographic imaging as Revenge from Mars and Star Wars Episode I. That would have been amazing! After the fall of the company, the pinball's basic design / theme was picked up and released by Stern Pinball. This is why most of the actual PLAYBOY images used in this pinball are from 1998, 1990, and 2000 issues of the Playboy Magazine and NOT from 2001 or 2002 when the table was released by Stern. NOTES: - - - - - - - - - You can adjust the Day / Night Cycle slider if you want to make the table appear brighter or darker than how it has been released. FEATURES: - - - - - - - - - - Complete Rebuild of Table - Brand New 4k Playfield and Plastics Scan + Recreation - Brand New 2k Backglass / Translate Scan + New B2S - Complete Toys Rebuild, Features, and Functions - 1 Non-Nude Set of Inserts, and 5 Nude Sets of Inserts - New Lighting FX to match original table SCRIPT OPTIONS: - - - - - - - - - - Script Option: Centerfold Playfield Lighting: Light Centerfold+Month, Month Only (Default = Centerfold+Month) - Script Option: Nudity, Non-Nudity for all Inserts (Default = Non-Nudity) - Script Option: Alternate Flipper Appearance / Texture (Default: False ie: Original) ADD ONS: - - - - - - - - - - Use LEFT MAGNASAVE to change Opening Centerfold, Peek A Boo, Playboy Magazine Inside, Splash Spinning Triangle, Tease Door, and Mirror Panel inserts from nude to non-nude and visa versa. There are 5 nude sets of inserts and 1 non-nude. Every time you press the LEFT MAGNASAVE, the table will swap from non-nude to 1 of 5 different sets of nude versions. This feature works during gameplay and when table is in attract mode. Perfect way to immediately hide the nudity from people who might be offended. - Use RIGHT MAGNASAVE to turn ON / OFF the main playfield Centerfold Lights. This option is for the centerfolds image + month to illuminate, or just the month. In the original table, it was only the month that illuminated. SPECIAL THANKS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rascal - for original conversion to VPX and complete rebuild of table, all functions, and features - GothGloom + Mary - for all the photos of the real pinball machine - Bigus - for lighting and other enhancements - Siggi - for some light elements from his previous redraw - TAB and Destruk - for the VP8 starting point table - Dark - for the spotlight model - Zany - for the flasher domes - nFozzy - for all the screws and bolts - All the wonderful developers who made VPX what it is today - - - - - - - - - This project took considerable time and we wanted to share it with everyone ... so "thanks" or comments in the support topic would be greatly appreciated. DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking / getting permission first. All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  6. Version 3.1


    This is a VR Conversion Mash-Up Table with Prims and Images from HauntFreaks and Marty02. Thanks guys for permission!!! Special Thanks to Rascal for the nice VR Backglass!!! VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -Pup Events -New Mash-Up (Prims and Images) Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe.txt but use the Link in this Description, the Link in my ReadMe doesnt work. Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for Room Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link I would recommend you to use this Altsound! Link I would recommend you to use this DMD Altcolor! Link to PupPack from Gman77: Link to original "Godzilla (Sega-Stern mash-up) v3.0" Table by HauntFreaks: Link to original "godzilla limited edition" Table by Marty02: A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials!
  7. View File Godzilla (Sega-Stern mash-up 2021) v3.1 (VR Room) This is a VR Conversion Mash-Up Table with Prims and Images from HauntFreaks and Marty02. Thanks guys for permission!!! Special Thanks to Rascal for the nice VR Backglass!!! VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -Pup Events -New Mash-Up (Prims and Images) Attention!!! For VR-PupPack Users read the ReadMe.txt but use the Link in this Description, the Link in my ReadMe doesnt work. Left Magna for Lut Change and Right Magna for Room Switch '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** Link I would recommend you to use this Altsound! Link I would recommend you to use this DMD Altcolor! Link to PupPack from Gman77: Link to original "Godzilla (Sega-Stern mash-up) v3.0" Table by HauntFreaks: Link to original "godzilla limited edition" Table by Marty02: A big thanks to HauntFreaks, Marty02 & 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd and Steely for his VR toys and Basti for the nice VR Room, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT & Room switch Template and of course Rascal, and Studlygoorite for beta testing. A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing. And a big THANKS to Apophis for his nice tutorials! Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 01/13/23 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Rascal & Ahr1man  
  8. View File Elvira House of Horror mash-up (original 2021)(VR ROOM ) I want to share a VR Room Conversion of Elvira's "Party House of Horror" with you today. This is a cooperation of Rascal, Rawd, Hauntfreaks and me. This table should not be missing in any VR collection, I hope you have as much fun with it as I do. A special thanks goes to my friend Rascal, who is responsible for the redesign of the segmented display and some Playfield corrections. He was able to build on the fantastic preparatory work of Walter Whitmer and sixtoe. VR user meeting point: https://discord.gg/8CRnkssmbh New in this Version: -nFozzy Physics -Fleep Sounds -some little Tweaks Left Magna for Lut Change '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 '*********************************************************************************** A big thanks to Hauntfreaks, Marty02 and 32assassin for creating such a beautyfull table and give me permission to convert it to VR. I also want to thank Rawd for his VR toys and his help, Sixtoe for his great templates, Rajo Joey for the LUT Template and of course Rascal, Hauntfreaks, Solters and Studlygoorite for beta testing . Link to original Elvira's "Party House of Horror" Table: Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 12/27/22 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Ahr1man, Rascal, Rawd  
  9. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert jpsalas's 1990 Williams Funhouse to the hybrid view. A big thank you to jpsalas for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  10. Version 1.1


    This is a conversion of StevOz's Original 2011 TMNT. Thank you StevOz for allowing me to make this conversion and allowing me the freedom to change some things. Also, thank you for your input on what you liked and what you thought should be changed. This is a VP 9.9.0. version, it will not play right in anything below that version. Thanks to unclewilly for the mesh library that I used for the posts and rubbers.
  11. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert gtxjoe's 2012 Stern Avengers to the hybrid view. A big thank you to gtxjoe for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  12. Version 1.2


    This is a patch to convert freneticamnesic's 2000 Stern Sharkey's Shootout to the hybrid view. A big thank you to freneticamnesic for letting me convert this fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  13. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert mfuegemann's 1987 Bally Dungeons & Dragons to the hybrid view. A big thank you to mfuegemann for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  14. Version 1.2


    This is a conversion of shiva's Original 2004 Trigon which was created using shivaEngine 2. This is one of the greatest original tables ever made in VP and has lasted through the test of time. Big Thank you to shiva for allowing the release of this conversion of his awesome table. Thank you to Shadowsclassic for his work on the backglass clean up. Thank you to Itchigo for his WIP thread and motivation to make this conversion and for his project management. Nice whip cracking dude.
  15. Version 1.0.1


    Table Top Soccer without the rods It’s a crazy foosball game without the rods. Automatic row switching and the players move forwards and backwards rather than spin. It has a built in artificial intelligence for playing against the computer, or you can play against another player. Press R when the game starts for rules and controls.
  16. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert Melon's 1992 Williams The Getaway to the hybrid view. A big thank you to Melon for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  17. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert 85vett's 2012 Stern X-Men to the hybrid view. A big thank you to 85vett for letting me convert this fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  18. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert jpsalas's 1997 Bally Cirqus Voltiare to the hybrid view. A big thank you to jpsalas for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  19. Version 1.0


    This is a patch to convert freneticamnesic's 1975 Gottlieb Fast Draw reflection mod to the hybrid view. A big thank you to freneticamnesic for letting me convert this fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here. Both VP 9.9.0 and VP Physmod5 can be downloaded.
  20. Version 1.0


    This is a patch to convert freneticamnesic's 2008 Stern Indiana Jones to the hybrid view. A big thank you to freneticamnesic for letting me convert this fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here. THIIS IS A PHYSMOD5 TABLE!!!
  21. Version 2.0


    This is Rascal's Flying Turns for Cabinets. Done with Rascal's blessing, thanks Rascal. This is an unmodifed version- nothing was changed, except to make it work with a backglass. The table and all images are from Rascal, I only assembled and coded the backglass. Directb2s is in the zip. Feel free to change any layback or angle settings.
  22. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert mfuegemann's 1996 Williams Junk Yard to the hybrid view. A big thank you to mfuegemann for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  23. Version 1.0


    This is a patch to convert freneticamnesic's 1975 Gottlieb Fast Draw reflection mod to the hybrid view. A big thank you to freneticamnesic for letting me convert this fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  24. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert jpsalas's 1995 Williams No Fear: Dangerous Sports to the hybrid view. A big thank you to jpsalas for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  25. Version 1.4


    Ten Strike Classic, Benchmark Games, 2003, two players. This is a reissue and copy of the 1957 Williams Ten Strike. This new 10 Strike uses identical cabinet and art as the original, but has solidstate guts and LED style score displays (instead of score reels). Has two bells (one and ten points) for sound. Scores like regulation bowling, or with a flip of a switch, scores like the original 1957 Williams Ten Strike. Made in Korea specifically for Benchmark, and available only in the five foot length (unlike the original 1957 Williams Ten Strike, which came in both five and seven foot lengths). Thanks go out to the following people: Wizards_Hat (Dan) for helping me by doing the scoring script. Noah Fentz (Paul) for getting me video and pictures from Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum. Marvin for his useful information about the machine on the web. Benchmark Games for a copy of the manual. richg (Rich) for putting me on to the challenge and getting me some pictures. YouTube for video and sounds. Beta Testers and Support are: KEG, Pinball Buzz (Jon), Rawd (Rod), Sabbat (Freddie), gaminglord (Brad), yogiholzer (Jörg), NateD (Nate), and Bob5453 (Bob). Version 1.3 Added alpha glass to the box around the bowler, thanks for the suggestion Monk. Version 1.2 Added music to bowl by. Version 1.1 Fixed a graphic issue with the bowler man being cut in half.
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