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  1. Version 1.0.1


    Hi, I'm very pleased to share with you this remaster of Champion Pub DMD 64 colors. I worked on the original project 2 years ago, and I felt like it was needing a shot of SERUM ! ** INSTRUCTIONS ** : ROM version 1.6 (cp_16.zip) with the language set in ENGLISH SERUM colorization format support - check the tutorial here, if you don't have it yet : Demo : Change log : - new character design for fighters - new graphics on ball lock, door prize animation - new backgrounf on spitting gallery - completed cast of opponents with all stances - completed screens - removed blurry transitions - multiplayer support - gradiant effects on text For PAL/VNI authors : It was also a test project for PAL/VNI conversion to SERUM. If you are an author and want to convert your project, have a look here :
  2. Some weeks ago I started to colorize IJPA for a friend who owns a real pin. But I thought I could maybe share the progress, so here are some first impressions. click images to watch animation:
  3. Version 1.1


    Hi, this is dtatane, bringing you a new colorization file : Champion Pub, Bally (1998) The Internet Pinball Machine Database (ipdb.org) Initial release - v1.0 - 30th dec. 2021 for Virtual Pin & Real Pin Final release - v1.1 - 1st Feb. 2022 for Virtual Pin & Real Pin Watch DEMO on YouTube : Requirements : Pin2DMD with firmware v4.25+ (64 colors support) ROM v1.6 with ENGLISH language selected in ROM parameters For VPIN users : the 64 colors requires PIN2DMD from Lucky1 + dmddevice.dll from Lucky1 to work. Please download it and install it in your VPINMAME folder. Alternatively, you can use Freezy DMD v1.10 (not the previous versions!) For RPIN users : You can download this file for free -> if you like my work and want to remove the "Tip me" screens, well I will appreciate a tip here with your VPU account name or e-mail adress, so I can send back updated files. You only need to do it once to receive also the next updates. Tip Me Thanks for supporting me, @dtatane
  4. Version 1.3.0


    Last Action Hero ROM v1.12 / v1.13 Language : english, basic support for French ROM Donations are appreciated : https://paypal.me/pools/c/8svZ533BA4 64 colors version (file v1.3) --- PIN2DMD v4.16+ required for v1.3 ----- --- Virtual DMD please use Freezy DMD v1.10 (not the previous versions !) 16 colors version (file v1.1) --- PIN2DMD v3.x, or previous versions of Freezy DMD, please use file v1.1 ---- Thanks to all contributors for testing :
  5. Version 2.1.0


    Pin2dmd colorization v2.1, must have pin2dmd firmware 2.58 or higher installed or running freezy's dll 1.7.1. Extract the .pal and .vni files from zip and rename each pin2dmd and place into the correct alt_color folder for the rom you are running in vpinmame. This colorization will support both 1.03 and 1.06 roms. Please message me on vpuniverse for the real pin files. Donations accepted and appreciated paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EFNCMPPZVGEFG Fixed in this version: Audits & Adjustments menu fully colorized Known bugs - AT-AT Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Jabba - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges - Sarlaac Pit - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Skill Shot - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - X-Wing Millions - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges - Tri-Ball Restart - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - Million Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Force Menu Mode - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Cantina Band - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - Free Play - not yet color supported
  6. Version Beta1.1.0


    Instructions: Pin2dmd colorization Beta v1.1, must have pin2dmd firmware 2.58 or higher installed or running freezy's dll 1.7.1. Extract the .pal and .vni files from zip and rename each pin2dmd and place into the correct alt_color folder for the rom you are running in vpinmame. You will also need to patch your rom with the .diff file included in the zip. You can find instructions on how to do this in the forums. Enjoy! This colorization is optimized for the LE rom 1.51. Please message me on vpuniverse for the real pin files. Donations accepted and appreciated paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EFNCMPPZVGEFG
  7. Version 1.1.0


    Hi all ! I'm very excited and pleased to share with you the first release of a serum colorization project ! As you might know, it's a new open source format for DMD colors than will be able to run on Virtual DMD and devices. I would like to special thank @zedrummer who develop the file format and the tools to use it, @ebor @peskopat @KRAKEN who are the early birds like me working on the format and spending hours debugging and improving the tools with zedrummer ! To use serum files, you can have a look here : For authors, and all the others, that might have some interest in DMD colorization, I am sharing the project files for you to review and to help you get started with these new tools and format, you can download them here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WqwoOBHlv9btdH-3EUakSqrZ4CfdpbKg?usp=share_link A discord channel is also here to help you get started, so do not hesitate to join us or look for help there : https://discord.gg/aK2dNaB6xR ROM version : ss_15 Language : ENGLISH If you like what you see, do not hesitate to beer me : https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/dtatane Here's a preview of what you see : And a more complete in-game demonstration :
  8. This is a copy pasta of the pinside thread :/ Hey kids! Malenko here again starting another Pin2DMD colorization. I figured I'd do another WIP thread to keep me motivated to actually finish it. Ive been color masking a ton of stuff, no need or desire to redraw everything like I did with SF2 , the animations in T2 are actually *REALLY* good. I cant even list all the stuff left to do, but I will attach some animations for things that are done. Done so Far: Test Screen GrandChampion Top Marksmen Shoot again words (not the elevator scene yet) Load the Gun Sequence Shoot for Jackpot Sequence HunterKiller crosshair animation HunterKiller explosion (I will probably take the time to draw the HK stuff by hand) T800 with lightning Bolt in attract mode "Color by Malenko" replacing the say no to drugs screen Free Play / Push Start (will change my machine to coins and capture that too) Arnie holding the shotgun (not firing, yet) Credits (with special shout out!)
  9. Hey all. My pin2dmd was working fine, but I needed to update the firmware to run Ultra/FullDMD games. I updated the pin2dmd firmware to Colorprisim 4.5 and updated the driver to the LIB-USB-WIN32 as driver. Now my pin2dmd will not boot on startup. It gets power, but no logo screen, just black. Once I move the USB cord to the ST-Link port... the computer sees it again and it boots up to the logo screen. Then I can move it to the regular USB port and it stays on, and works fine, but as soon as I power off, the same thing happens again, and I have to re-plug everything to get it back. Anyone have any advice to get my pin2dmd to get recognized and boot up on startup? Thanks in advance!
  10. Version .05 FINAL


    Author: Thomas Malenko Credits: Me and WOB really. We're awesome. Instructions: extract the rar file to your vpinmame\altcolor\ folder for the Gilligan's Island Make sure you set the rom language to English, other languages will likely have issues with text triggering Donations welcome and much appreciated: https://paypal.me/Malenk0 Please do not share or upload these files somewhere else, lead the people to this site instead.
  11. Version 2.7


    Welcome to my home! So i work a lot the last days and now it is playable i think. I have to fine tune some scenes, but it is fun to play already. Please test and report me any error which appears. Pin2DMD - Firmware (Colourprism) 4.49 required ROM: L1 If you want to donate :): https://paypal.me/redrum2291 Regards Sascha Changelog: Version 1.1 Some small colour changes and it should now work proberly on a vpin table. I know one scene from the coffin ramp is not colorized. Version 2.0 -colorized some missing scenes -some colour changings - worked on some sequences Changelog: Version 2.1 - Worked on the Attract Mode, so it looks better now i think. - changed altar animation - Changed some colours I think i am almost finished ....... Maybe one more update. - redesigned some scene and attract mode - dracula eyes fixed Version 2.3 I converted my Project into 64 Colour palette - So i don´t know exactly if everthing works with your vpin. As far as i know you will need Colorprism v4.10 or higher. This is the last update as 16 color palette, now i will work at the 64 colour palette. Version 2.4 Fine tuning on some scenes -Redesigend some Scenes Please test and report if there are some errors appear :). Version 2.5 - Some colour changes - Removed some glitches Regards Sascha
  12. Version 0.15 Vpin FINAL


    About This File Author: Thomas Malenko Credits: Everyone, especially JustAnotherRat, CB3, SlippiFishi, and Lucky1 Instructions: extract the rar file to your vpinmame\altcolor\ folder for the getaway. This was made using L2 and L5 so it should work on either rom on a real or vpin (real files wont be released until completion) Make sure you set the rom language to English, other languages will likely have issues with text triggering Donations welcome and much appreciated: https://paypal.me/Malenk0 Please do not share or upload these files somewhere else, lead the people to this site instead.
  13. Version 1.0.1


    Godzilla Pin2DMD Readme Colorization of Sega’s Godzilla.Feel free to alter my work however you want. I would prefer you release the source files for any changes but I can’t make you. Post any bugs in the pinside thread: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/pin2dmd-colorization-of-godzilla Release Change Log: 1.01 the "DMDMK66 Stole my work" edition. Rappel added and fixed some triggers. Alterted some palettes and color masks No source code update for this release until dmdmk66 either admit he stole my work or stops Missile Bonus recolored and remasked, Buildings remasked/color, bonus numbers redone New York Sonor scene redone, brown haired army guy is now a blonde haired navy guy triple helicopter missile scene recolored and remasked. Buildings are grey instead of blue to contrast with the sky better missile also had white area removed and turned red. 1.00 Initial Release Everything below plus some additional palette changes 0.90 Initial Beta Release Most(All?) Sequences color masked and keyframes linked Finaled color choices 0.50 Redid bridge animations Inital palette choices attract mode scenes colormasked and keyframed 0.10 Palette Jump Testing Thanks to Lucky1 for helping with keyframe triggers and thanks to Rappelbox for support ; and to both for the recordings.
  14. Version Final


    Hi, Please find enclosed the final version of Junk Yard for Realpin ! Thanks to all contributors who kept me motivated until the end to cover 100% of this project. A donation will be highly appreciaited as it really was a tough one, and I hope you will like the results ! You can use the BeerMe button on VPU or click here : Here'a a video I've made for v1.1 (the minor bugs have been corrected since then) :
  15. ok, posting here BEFORE pinside. So after finishing SFII (Gottlieb), Terminator 2 (Williams), I figured its time to tackle a Data East pin! Here is Lethal Weapon 3! Very much a work in progress, but I do have a few scenes done ( more than what is attached here). I'm trying to use color masks and palette changes exclusively, no redraws. There's also another reason for choosing this game. Randy Perlow hired me to color this for ColorDMD, sent me a contract an a W9 form, which I filled out and sent back after purchasing the machine. After I bought the machine, I emailed him for an update on when I'd get the hardware and software to color the game and he replied with this: " Thomas, I previously contacted you regarding ColorDMD’s concerns with your work on an infringing platform and potential harm to its business. At the time you responded that the work was for private use. Since then you have ignored our concerns, and taken action to promote and publicly distribute this work, counter to a ColorDMD new product introduction. As a result, ColorDMD can no longer reasonably expect to conduct business with you in good faith, or entrust you with safeguarding our proprietary information. Regretfully, our offer to work with you as an independent contractor on future titles is withdrawn. Randy Perlow ColorDMD Displays" Which put me on the hook for a machine I really cant afford to own. Im going to knock out this colorization, install the pin2DMD, and hopefully get a bunch of money in donations (spoiler: I wont ) but I'll likely end up selling the machine. Data East Logo: Grab the gun and fire! LW3 logo/shot (all 3 are done) Train shoot animation: And lastly, the shoot out. This isnt 1 sequence, its 6 with a blank red frame between. If you dont get all 6 shots off , you dont see every frame. Score is masked so it should update dynamically. This was a HUGE pain in the dickhole. This colorization is also dedicated to the memory of Nick Wade , who worked on Back to the Future, Batman, Checkpoint, King Kong, Lethal Weapon 3, and The Simpsons.
  16. Hello everybody, i like the PIN2DMD very much and in my Last Action Hero real Pin i have installed and use the colorfiles in progress by Dtatane. I also have an TOMMY real pin under rework. I would like to install an PIN2DMD also. But i don`t find colorisation for real pin here. Did anybody do this alright ? I see the collection files from Lucky1 with standard colorisation for many pins. Did anybody use it in TOMMY and can say how it looks ? I have to rename the pal file, but there is no fsq file. Where do i get an file like this for TOMMY ? Thanks in advance and kind regards from Germany Holger
  17. Version 1.0.0


    ROM File patch for Stern ACDC Premium/LE by PinballMike To create the needed ROM file you can use bspatch (http://www.daemonology.net/bsdiff/) Place the .pal file in your ..\vpinmame\altcolor\acd_170hc\ folder named pin2dmd.pal Patch needs vpinmame V3.1, latest dmddevice.dll and pin2dmd firmware >= V2.36. THIS PATCH DOES NOT WORK FOR REAL PINBALL MACHINES ! PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR IF YOU NEED IT FOR A REAL PIN !
  18. Hello, I have been on this site for a couple months now learning and listening, I am in the process of putting a plan together for my virtual cabinet and I believe the last component is the DMD display. I am very interested in the colorizations and have been playing with the PIN2DMD Editor for a couple weeks. I began coloring the Royal Rumble rom as I have a real Royal Rumble pin and my hope would be to colorize the real pin as well. I have a couple questions if you don't mind helping a newbie out? The first is are there any Royal Rumble WIP's out there? I would hate to step on anyone's toes? Secondly, as I do not have a PIN2DMD built yet I have been doing everything on the editor exclusively and I have no idea if I am doing this correctly? or how to handle the "dynamic" content? I have watched the tutorials online but they only help so much, I believe there are some things I am not comprehending. If I shared my Royal Rumble XML project, would any of the more experienced community members be willing to offer assistance to guide my efforts? Thanks in advance, this site has been extremely helpful!
  19. So, I've moved onto the next colorization while DJrobX is tweaking the keyframing on Royal Rumble.........Star Wars Data East Time! I got all of the attract mode colored and moving on to the gameplay, this DMD is not as intense as Royal Rumble (I Hope!) So I'm hoping to finish in a month maybe two...depending on the family schedule. Here are some scenes to tide everyone over, Thanks!
  20. Hello All! I hope everyone had a tremendous holiday season! I got a little time off and was able to get the batteries recharged so I thought it would be nice to get back into a little "Dot Coloring" as Malenko would say, so I present to you the next solo project I'm working on.....Stern's .........The X-Men! This will take me some time as I only have so much free time between career and family so I ask that you be patient and look at my track record of finishing projects I start. I promise it will be worth the wait and you will see the usual attention to detail as my previous works. Star Wars & Royal Rumble. P.S. If you have an X-Men project already started please do not post your work on this thread, please start your own. Thanks for you Understanding! Some previews to enjoy!
  21. Version 11-29-2015


    1st run with the Firmware on STm32F4 with or without DotMatrixDisplay (DMD)
  22. Version 2.0.0


    pin2dmd colorization v2, must have pin2dmd firmware 2.58 or higher installed or running freezy's dll 1.7.1. Extract the .pal and .vni files from zip and rename each pin2dmd and place into the correct alt_color folder for the rom you are running in vpinmame. This colorization will support both 1.03 and 1.06 roms. Please message me on vpuniverse for the real pin files. Donations accepted and appreciated paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EFNCMPPZVGEFG Known bugs - Multiball Ready - has some frame flickering due to keyframing challenges - Game Over - sometimes skips frames in game so color is effected. - Bonus Held - sometimes skips frames in game so color is effected. - Match Scene - limitations of editor causes scene not to color correctly - Sleeper Pops - limitations of editor causes scene not to color correctly
  23. Version 1.0.0


    V 1.0.0 Everything I did before, plus everything DJRobX added plus I redid some palettes , masks, etc I also redid the Bally logo screen and the extra ball scene to make them more colorful.
  24. Here is a short introduction to the coloring features of pin2dmd with the editor. There are currently three ways to color a animation. All are controlled by keyframes. The first step is to find a keyframe at the beginning of a animation scene which is unique and hits reproducible. To achieve that you can either use a plane or a combination of plane and mask. 1 of 10 masks can be defined to blank out areas which are dynamic and lead to unreproducible keyframes. To use a masked keyframe you have to activate the Mask checkbox choose or edit one of the masks and assign a keyframe with the Mask checkbox activated. If you found a usable keyframe you can use it to either 1. Simply assign a palette (Add PalSwitch) (same color depth as the original) 2. Start playback of a replacement scene (Add FrameSeq) (16 colors) 3. Add content and/or color information to the scene (Add Color Mask) (16 colors) For a PalSwitch you can assign the duration how long the palette should be active until it switches back to the default palette. You can play forward in your recording and press fetch duration at the point you want to switch back to the default palette. You can change the colors of a palette by ctrl clicking in the color you want to change. To generate a FrameSeq you can cut a existing scene using mark start / mark end / cut. Normally the starting point is equal to the picture used for the keyframe. Then you edit the scene with a 16 color palette. You can change everything here To generate a Color Mask scene you also use mark start / mark end / cut and then activate the ColMask checkbox After that you can also use the edit tools, but the content coming from the recording is not editable but you can modify the colors of areas by assigning a different color group. You have 4 groups of 4 colors here. Colors 1-2-3-4 are the standard/original colors. e.g by drawing with color 5,9 or 13 you change the color of pixels having color 0 etc. Since Color Mask needs to be frame sync to the content coming from PinMame/Real Pinball machine it is the most complicated to be used. Preferably use option 1 or 2 and use option 3 only for scenes with dynamic content like score numbers. Since Version 2.8 the recordings can be done with the official vpinmame build by creating a DmdDump folder in the folder where vpinmame.dll is located and activating both Show DMD and Use external DMD in the tables option menu. To load them as a animation in the editor you need to gzip the txt file using e.g. 7zip with gzip as compression method. 7zip can be found here http://www.7-zip.org
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Lucky1s color work is fantastic! I've been spending quite a bit of time getting all of my DMD displays optimized with your EXTDMD and palletes and wanted to share/contribute. I took his original pack and then organized them by color and found the best stern rom replacements for different color themes and added a bunch of new games. There are about 296 folders in this archive For any replacements, I copied the original pin2dmd in the rom folder as a backup. The stern DMDs, even the not color patched ones look much better I think with these. This set does assume you patched the ones with color rom versions as well. Be sure to backup your altcolor directory to revert any of your customizations.
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