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  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is my first Wheel uploaded
  2. Version 2.1


    Thank you very much @jarr3, this would not be possible without your amazing b2s designer software. All credits goes to @hauntfreaks for his tremendous amount of work. Credits also goes to @Wildman, @ryguy417, @Walterwhite, @Rickochet, @chucky87, @Manbearpig, @iDigStuff Thank you all for allowing me to use your work. Extra thanks to @Herweh, @WaRcLaWz, @Blacksad, @RajoJoey All backglass remains exactly the same as the originals, I only modified the DMDs. The leds and illumination frames as well as the snippits has been scrupulously put back in the right place, after modifying the image in Photoshop. DMDs are 1480x320.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The Atarians (Atari 1976) HI REZ
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This file is based on Nestorgian table. I added some new elements on VR and F12 options This table requires B2S to work. B2S File by Nestorgian and Editoy, check Link to B2S VRRoom by Ext2k and Basti's ROOM and Mixed Reality New Cabinet art redraw. Menu F12 options for music (no copyright), ambience and you can select you coin spanish/usa Added flippers/start button animation for VR Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey for Mixed Reality: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 Enjoy!
  5. View File Faces (Sonic 1976)1.4.5 DT-FS-VR-MR Ext2k Conversion This file is based on Nestorgian table. I added some new elements on VR and F12 options This table requires B2S to work. B2S File by Nestorgian and Editoy, check Link to B2S VRRoom by Ext2k and Basti's ROOM and Mixed Reality New Cabinet art redraw. Menu F12 options for music (no copyright), ambience and you can select you coin spanish/usa Added flippers/start button animation for VR Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey for Mixed Reality: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 Enjoy! Submitter Ext2k Submitted 11/29/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  6. Version 1.1.0


    Space Mission came out in the year of the U.S Bicentennial. I remember that year and can tell you that the air was heavy with patriotism and this pinball machine, featuring the U.S. Apollo spacecraft, hews closely to the zeitgeist of 1976. (Although it also features the USSR's Soyuz spacecraft - depicting an event, the Apollo-Soyuz rendezvous, that had occurred the year before in 1975). Unusual features of this four-player, EM (electro-mechanical) table include a swinging target in the center of the playfield and the two ball kickers on either side of the flippers (watch people play the real table - they let the ball roll off the flipper into these kickers for extra points). Also, a spinner in the upper-left is fun to rocket through, and see if you can orbit the Super Bonus Advance in the upper-right. The Space Mission table is (at the time of this writing) #4 in the top-10 for electro-mechanical pinball. The two-player version of this table is called Space Odyssey. This is a community, EM table, originally created by the late Loserman76. We are indebted to him for, by my count, over 200 VPX tables. My changes to Loserman76's table, this version 1.1, add Fleep sounds and new sound code. The table now plays much better on cabinets with SSF (surround-sound feedback). Original table by Loserman76: https://vpuniverse.com/profile/2798-loserman76/?tab=node_filestabprofile_filesTab&page=22
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Surfer (Gottlieb 1976) HI REZ
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Surf Champ (Gottlieb 1976) HI REZ
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Target Alpha (Gottlieb 1976) HI REZ
  10. Version v10.7 required


    I want to share my first VR Room Conversion with you today. Unfortunately, there hasn't been a VR port yet, at least none that I could find, so I had to make it myself. There are many good versions out there, but Drakkon's version was the only one that worked for me. I hope someone else has fun with it, so I'm sharing it with you now. 12/03/2024 added Original Cabinet Decals in separate .zip File Install Intructions in ReadMe.txt VR Options to change in Skript: '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 You will need this B2S: Big shoutout to Wildman for his fabulous backglasses! I would also like to thank Rawd for their VR Toys and kiwi for the support. And a very warm greeting and a big thank you for Rajo Joey, who put me on the right path and supported me with advice and action. Also thanks to Studlygoorite for beta testing and of course drakkon for allowing me to take his artwork to the next dimension. I almost forgot the good Sixtoe, thanks for your great templates!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Bank Shot (Gottlieb 1976) HI REZ
  12. View File Space Mission (Williams 1976) 1.1 Space Mission came out in the year of the U.S Bicentennial. I remember that year and can tell you that the air was heavy with patriotism and this pinball machine, featuring the U.S. Apollo spacecraft, hews closely to the zeitgeist of 1976. (Although it also features the USSR's Soyuz spacecraft - depicting an event, the Apollo-Soyuz rendezvous, that had occurred the year before in 1975). Unusual features of this four-player, EM (electro-mechanical) table include a swinging target in the center of the playfield and the two ball kickers on either side of the flippers (watch people play the real table - they let the ball roll off the flipper into these kickers for extra points). Also, a spinner in the upper-left is fun to rocket through, and see if you can orbit the Super Bonus Advance in the upper-right. The Space Mission table is (at the time of this writing) #4 in the top-10 for electro-mechanical pinball. The two-player version of this table is called Space Odyssey. This is a community, EM table, originally created by the late Loserman76. We are indebted to him for, by my count, over 200 VPX tables. My changes to Loserman76's table, this version 1.1, add Fleep sounds and new sound code. The table now plays much better on cabinets with SSF (surround-sound feedback). Original table by Loserman76: https://vpuniverse.com/profile/2798-loserman76/?tab=node_filestabprofile_filesTab&page=22 Submitter JCalhoun Submitted 02/14/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  13. Version 2.0


    Black Jack(Bally 1976)
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Friends, I just added VR ROOM from Allknowing2012 table with Bigus 3.0 MOD. Enjoy It!!
  15. View File Black Jack (Bally 1976)_Bigus(MOD)3.0 Ext2k Conversion Hi Friends, I just added VR ROOM from Allknowing2012 table with Bigus 3.0 MOD. Enjoy It!! Submitter Ext2k Submitted 12/18/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Canada Dry (Gottlieb 1976) HI REZ
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This file is a custom background meant to display behind the B2S backglass. The B2S backglass by @walterwhiteis not included in this download but can be found here. I. Purpose Most backglass art is meant to be displayed in a 4:3 aspect ratio, while most monitors are 16:9. I dislike stretching the backglass to fit my monitor, but didn't want mere black showing on the left and right. I began creating simple, custom backgrounds to thematically tie into the table while not being too visually distracting. The screenshot shows how the backglass now appears on one of my desktop monitors when the table is loaded. II. Package Included in the download: • Two 1920x1080 backgrounds for this table's backglass: one with a beveled edge and one without • Instructions III. Instructions Everyone's setup is different, so these instructions are general. Put the background .png file in the same folder as your table. I have all my tables in individual folders. Rename the file to something you find simple and helpful. All my background files are follow this convention: [tablename]-BG.png If you don't have a .res B2S file already present for this table, then generate one. Follow these steps: Double-click on the B2S file to launch it. When it opens, right-click on it to open the B2S option menu. At the bottom, click the button that says EDIT SCREEN RES. The Screen-Res Editor will now open. In the lower left, make sure GENERATE COMMENTS is checked but ENHANCED RES FILE is unchecked. Click SAVE SETTINGS. A .res file was just generated. Close the Screen-Res Editor by clicking the X in the top right. Open the .res file in a text editor such as Notepad Notepad++ (I prefer this because it has tabs & line numbers). Copy the .res settings I included below and replace the ones in your file. Changes to make: Change line 10 to match whatever the number is of your display that shows the backglass. Change line 29 to match your folder structure and name of the background file. Start the table in VPX. Right-click on the backglass to get the B2S options window. Change BACKGROUND to VISIBLE. Quit and re-launch the table. Your backglass should now show in a 4:3 aspect ration, with the background behind it. IV. Sample .res Settings Below are the my .res settings for this table. # This is a ScreenRes file for the B2SBackglassServer. # From release comment lines like this starting with a '#' are supported. # Playfield Screen resolution width/height 1920 1080 # Backglass width/height 1920 1080 # Define Backglass screen using Display Devicename screen number (\\.\DISPLAY)x or screen coordinates (@x) or screen index (=x) 1 # Backglass x/y position relative to the upper left corner of the screen selected 0 0 # width/height of the B2S (or Full) DMD area 670 346 # x/y position of the B2S (or Full) DMD area - relative to the upper left corner of the backglass window 0 0 # Y-flip, flips the LED display upside down 0 # Background x/y position - relative to the backglass screen - has to be activated in the settings 250 0 # Background width/height 1420 1080 # path to the background image (C:\path\Frame) or black if none selected C:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\VPX\Robocop (Data East 1989)\robocop-BG01.png # This line would turn off B2SWindowPunch if activated #B2SWindowPunch=off
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Volley (Gottlieb 1976) HI REZ
  19. View File Robocop (Data East 1989)_drakkon(mod_1.2)(VR ROOM) I want to share my first VR Room Conversion with you today. Unfortunately, there hasn't been a VR port yet, at least none that I could find, so I had to make it myself. There are many good versions out there, but Drakkon's version was the only one that worked for me. I hope someone else has fun with it, so I'm sharing it with you now. 12/03/2024 added Original Cabinet Decals in separate .zip File Install Intructions in ReadMe.txt VR Options to change in Skript: '********************* VR OPTIONS ************************************************** '*********************************************************************************** 'VR Logo - Set VRLogo = 0 to turn off VR Logo. VRLogo = 1 'VR Poster-Right - Set VRPosterR = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Right. VRPosterR = 1 'VR Poster-Left - Set VRPosterL = 0 to turn off VR Poster-Left. VRPosterL = 1 'VR table Glass - Set Glass = 0 to turn off VR playfield Glass. Glass = 1 'VR Playfield glass Scratches - Set to 0 if you want to turn them off. GlassScratch = 1 You will need this B2S: Big shoutout to Wildman for his fabulous backglasses! I would also like to thank Rawd for their VR Toys and kiwi for the support. And a very warm greeting and a big thank you for Rajo Joey, who put me on the right path and supported me with advice and action. Also thanks to Studlygoorite for beta testing and of course drakkon for allowing me to take his artwork to the next dimension. I almost forgot the good Sixtoe, thanks for your great templates! Submitter Ahr1man Submitted 11/29/22 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by Ahr1man  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Hi! here you have a Target Alpha (Gottlieb 1976) IPDB 2500 Wheel... Enjoy
  21. Version 1.0.0


    "Robocop (Data East 1989)" vpx wheel "Robocop (Data East 1989)" DMD picture Robocop pic is from Reilly Lohr (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/03r66y) if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice!
  22. Version 1.0.0


    This is a re-upload that was originally on Vpinball.com before it went down for good. The late, great Loserman76 really helped me a lot with this table - so out of respect for his passing - I am uploading it here so more can enjoy it. - - - - - - - - - - - Grand Prix (Williams 1976) EM A few months back, forum member aka "Shark's Mouth" found a real Grand Prix in the back of the building he was working at. He managed to take about 150 hi-resolution photos of the entire playfield, plastics and backglass (I mean just about every inch) - and he posted those photos on this site, hoping someday someone could use them to make a clean new VPX table from them. I stitched them all together and embarked on a complete redraw of the playfield, plastics and backglass - that took a couple weeks on and off. Loserman76 (being the EM guru that he is) built a brand new table using the new playfield as a guide - that looked and played great. Because the playfield and plastics were a new redraw - no matter what lighting approach I took within VPX - the lighting always looked FLAT and not realistic. Enter Bord ... Bord imported everything into Blender and "enhanced" all the lighting and rendered out a beautiful and ultra realistic output. I am a big fan of 60s and 70s EM tables and I wanted to do it justice since we started with such great resources. This final version is a example of great collaboration between all involved. Included with this download is the new VPX version of Grand Prix, new Backglass, and new wheel image. Also included is an mp3 file named: Grand Prix (Williams 1976) EM - F1 Race Ambience.mp3. This is a subtle sound effect track that you can load into your front end system (PinballX) that will play before the table is loaded. At the top of the table script you can choose if you want the ball / flipper shadows ON or OFF. I suggest you turn them OFF if you a using a slower system. Also built into the table is the JP Salas LUT selector. Hold down the LEFT MAGNASAVE and then press the RIGHT MAGNASAVE to cycle through the 9 different LUT brightnesses. Hold down LEFT FLIPPER for 3 - 4 seconds BEFORE starting a game to access the build in Game Menu to change the game options. - Enjoy. CREDITS: - - - - - - - - Loserman76 - Complete Table build + Scripting HiRez00 - Playfield, Plastics, and B2S ReDraw Bord - Blender Rendering and other Enhancements Shark's Mouth - All real table reference photos Schreibi34 - Apron and Pop Bumper Mesh MLager8 - Apron ReDraw JP Salas - LUT Selector Enhancement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This project took considerable time and I wanted to share it with everyone ... so "thanks" or comments in the support topic would be greatly appreciated. PLEASE NOTE: I create these image, videos, tables and backglass files for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON ... You have been warned! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking / getting permission first. All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  23. Version 1.0


    Evel Knievel(Bally 1976) ummm cool update all i got to say..
  24. Version 1.0


    Sound Stage (Chicago Coin 1976) for making DB2S
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