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Metallica Premium Monsters (Stern 2013) VPW Mod

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5 From 109 reviews
381.1 MB File Size
mtl_180h ROM Name
VPW Created by
VPW Scripting by
Stern Manufacturer
2013 Year

2 Screenshots



Version 2.0 Update Team: Tomate, Sixtoe, Iaakki, Niwak, Rawd, Apophis, HauntFreaks, Cliffy, Wylte, Fluffhead, Major Drain
Version 1.0 Update Team: Iaakki, Benji, EBisLit, Sixtoe, Skitso, Thal, Apophis

This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, most notably, HauntFreaks, Freneticamnesic, Sliderpoint, Byancey, Dark, Peter Docker. This is a mod of a mod of a mod, so thanks to all before us.
Thank you to Flupper for 3D insert techniques. Thank you to Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics.

Required Software (64-bit versions):

Permission from ORIGINAL Author(s)?

written permission received.
This is my own creation.

Allow file to be included on a VPUniverse downloader app?


VPX Standalone

Contact Author First.
10.8 required

What's New in Version 2.0.2   See changelog


' 2.0.1 - apophis - Fixed flipper dampening issue. Removed hacks for VPM issues now that VPM is fixed (Removed GIScale. RGB insert LM opacity back to normal).
' 2.0.2 - DGrimmReaper - Animated UpPost and added coin-in sounds




User Feedback

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· Edited by Burglecut

   14 of 14 members found this review helpful 14 / 14 members


Awesome update, very nice job from the VPW team ! Thx a lot.



Lights are off, the GI is off and the Snake's mouth is closed.

Everythings is update yet i don't understand... Do i miss something ? 


(SOLVED : I reupload the rom "mtl_180h", the one i have wasn't good. Now it's all good mtl_180h.zip )






   9 of 9 members found this review helpful 9 / 9 members

What an incredible v. 2.0 update! The lighting, the 3D, all the details, the physics!

Thank you so much!




   7 of 7 members found this review helpful 7 / 7 members

Thank you guys. I love your version. Don't mind having it playing a bit harder than the previous.


   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

This table just keeps getting better and better! Another high quality mod from VPW - thank you guys as always for your quality work!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

This is a table that's part of my "everybody else does really well on this table, but I stink on it" list - until this update. I'd like to think my skill has improved, but it's probably the physics and updates of this newest version. I'll be coming back to this a lot more!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Véritable petit bijou 🥰


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thanks for this beauty, I'm going to pop it into my pincab just before my metal friends arrive for the aperitif :)


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Regarding the 2.- version:

Just as Hetfield says on the skill shot… “Amazing”!


This is by far the most realistic best looking VPW table ever released.


The light map blender rendering on the newly modeled playfield pieces are absolutely incredible.


it plays as good as it looks and you can tell it took a hell of a lot of work to pull off.


Don’t  miss this one!


Thank  you VPW!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Thank you sooooo much for this update !

I was not fond of this table until I tested your VP vesrion.

What a result !

It's perfect, stunning, incredible !

Thank youuuuu !


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

thanks to vpinworkshop team  for this masterpiece


· Edited by DomiKamu

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Cette table est un pur bijou ! Merci VPW.

This table is a pure jewel! Thanks VPW.



A bit modded (custom backdrop with fake backglass & flyer, red DMD, right apron card for 25c = 1 credit), modified camera... For personal usage. Desktop mode 1920x1080, without B2S :




   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I once had the opportunity to play this table IRL. I think it might have been a slightly different version with extremely bright white LEDs in a brightly lit room so it didn't look very good. It was a noisy mall and the volume was really low. The table (the only pinball at the venue) was removed soon after. So for me, this recreation is better than real life :D


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Of course an easy 5 stars.
However I really miss those incandescent fuel lights which were replaced by colored leds.
Those tubular bulbs were spot on.

Thank you so much all involved!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

VPW the BEST. your works remain a state of the art, I smell all the tables you have reproduced 5 stars only because i can't put more. Big guys.

We love you.

I'm waiting Terminator 3 by Vpw.... please.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Awesome update to one of the very best VPX tables! nfozzy physics have  refined so much over the past couple of years. The feel of the table was always incredibly real and solid, but so much more so in this update. Thanks for the awesome 2022, VPW!


   11 of 12 members found this review helpful 11 / 12 members

I have personally owned a real Metallica Machine and this plays so close to one, its amazing.  I don't feel I have lost too much having sold it now. 

This version plays very close to the real machine. 



   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members



had the same runtime error

Line: 589
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'ReflectionProbe'


As a workaround commented lines 581 to 596.


   3 of 5 members found this review helpful 3 / 5 members

Looks Fantastic will download tomorrow


   2 of 4 members found this review helpful 2 / 4 members

Looks awesome.


   3 of 13 members found this review helpful 3 / 13 members

im sure it would be awesome but this requires the 180 rom and not the 170H AS STATED.


   0 of 5 members found this review helpful 0 / 5 members

Great job but have to knock a star for the difficulty.

Its really really hard to play versus others releases.

It seems like the snakes mouth doesn't open and almost impossible to spell SNAKE unlike Bigus's table where I have much better luck.

Still amazing work!


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Amazing work as usual! Thankyou to all involved!


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Thank you !



This. Is. The Sexiest. Thing. I. Have. Ever. Seen.


My god...where do I even begin...? The lighting is GORGEOUS and the reflections are incredible. The plastics, the metal ramps...the LIGHTNING...


This is a work of art. Thank you for this.


· Edited by onedevotee


fantastic update, thank you

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