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ACDC LUCI (Stern 2013) VPW Mod

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4.9 From 56 reviews
129.64 MB File Size
acd_170h ROM Name
Ninuzzu and VPW Created by
Ninuzzu and VPW Artwork by
VPW Scripting by
Stern Manufacturer
2013 Year

2 Screenshots

It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll!


This mod started out as a simple collaboration between Hauntfreaks and Fluffhead35 to add new physics and VR room ended up as so much more.  This table has had the bell code completely reworked by Apophis to work more like the real table.  The playfield has been tweaked by none other than nFozzy himself to be more in line with the blueprint.  He also fixed the right and left ramps to be true to the real table.  nFozzy has graced this table with his experience to make it table amazing to play. This table was a mod of Sixtoe's AC/DC VR Room, where we made it a hybrid table.


  • Fluffhead35 - Fleep, nFozzy physics, dynamic shadows, drop target code and new drop targets, 3d inserts, added new flipper bats, lighting tweaks, added Lampz code, adjusted nudge
  • HauntFreak - Added new VR Room, Lighting Adjustments, Playfield Shadows
  • Sixtoe - Original VR, Lighting, separated out horns on the train, many more he could not remember.  Fixed right ramp, fixed bumper flashers.  Realignment and prettying up rubbers and stuff.
  • Apophis - New Bell Physics, scripting, guidance
  • nFozzy  - new collidable ramps to fix the shapes of them, moved top hole variance, bell metal/orbit metal tweaks, playfield reshape to correct dimensions.  implemented ramp protectors, blank sidewalls, ramp stickers, adjusted bell position.
  • Tomate - New visual ramps
  • Retro27 - VR Room / Cabinet Reworked, New DMD Decals, Start button, tournament mode lights added. Adjustment to Instructions cards, added new render mode for VR
  • Schlabber34 – reworked drop targets and other objects in blender for use in table.
  • Bietekwiet, PinStratsDan, BountyBob, VPW Team - Beta testing!


Many thanks to the original team who built this table from the ground up: ninuzzu, DJRobX, dark, tom tower, knorr, rysr, Peter J and Javier. And thanks to the VPDevTeam for the freaking amazing VPX.




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What's New in Version 1.13   See changelog




'1.1.1 - apophis - Quick patch for GI intensity issue. No visual tuning done.
'1.1.2 - Sixtoe - Added timer information to insert lamps

'1.1.3 - Sixtoe - Tuned new lighting

User Feedback

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

@fluffhead35 and the VPin Workshop team have taken an already incredible table, and kicked it up a notch to bring you to the next level of play on ACDC VPX. This is hands down one of my all time favorites, and I know how much Fluffhead enjoys this table, and it shows. You are in for one hell of a treat here!

Installation: Straight forward, no fluff. Load and play! I did notice a memory leak in my setup once, so make sure you have updated your software.

Play: This is a table I get to play quite a bit in the local pub, and it is nearly impossible not to enjoy the time I spend playing it each month. Now I can master skills even better than before at home, and the new physics/ramp work really make it feel just like it does in reality. The bell "weight" is my favorite update here, as when I hit that sucker, it just feels right, and the SSF is so satisfying.

Graphics: Lights! This is such a gorgeous table, and now it comes to life even more with new incredible new inserts, new flipper bats, and an incredible VR experience.

Conclusion: I remember interviewing Fluffhead about other work, and this table came up several times after that in conversation, and we even did a battle on an older version. During beta testing I was blown out of the water, and claimed it was hands down nearly identical to the original. I am not wrong, and I dare you to go ahead and challenge that! Make sure you leave a like on the download, and if you have time, a review with your thoughts for the team!

You won't regret updating to this version, so what are you waiting for?!?!?

Learn more about VPW and Fluffhead35 in this interview 



· Edited by rastermax

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Amazing audio visuals and physics. Seriously impressed, and this is coming from someone working pro in videogames.

Thanks to the team.


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

As real as it gets without the physical machine.




   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Ya this is what I have been waiting for for this table! Just d/l it, pretty near perfection here!


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Fluff worked his ass off on this.  It's dope.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

It´s really done,  ACDC is my Favorite Pin 😍

Thank you all for this awesome christmas gift!!! You Guys are great


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Perfect, another addition to my Super Duper, Elite, Cream Of The Crop Favorites List. Spanks, what a beauty.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Absolutely incredible!  Plays beautifully!   You guys are amazing and thank you for your hard work and sharing this masterpiece.  


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Masterpiece, thanks!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Was just heading to bed shortly after watching Smaug's stream last night (almost 4 am here in the UK) - and noticed this had dropped. I've pulled an all-nighter dammit lol!!

You already know when the VPW team release something, it's going to be quality, and this is no exception.
The table was already brilliant but holy Rosie, this mod has taken it to the next level. Feels amazing, plays amazing, looks and sounds amazing!

This definitely 'shoots to thrill' and I will be 'playing to kill' for a long time!

Great work as always chaps, thanks so much for the passion and hard work that goes in to this, and extended thanks to all those who originally had a hand in this.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

WOW A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! thanks a lot!!! 💥


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Absolutely incredible!!!  Another gem!  Thanks VPW!!!!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member





IMPECCABLE. Shut the front AND back door. we're done!


   7 of 8 members found this review helpful 7 / 8 members

This one takes Newtonian physics to a new level! It plays like g*dd*mn real!

Thank you so much for this top release. It is wonderful!



   4 of 18 members found this review helpful 4 / 18 members

LOOKS NICE   wish i could play but apparently the ROM is hard to find   googled to no avail   only a differently named rom that is colored     


not here or on vpf   or at stern       


any HELP would be appreciated          where the heck is the ROM ???lol



thanks guys 



   1 of 6 members found this review helpful 1 / 6 members

This table is awesome and everything but i get lag spikes with this table using 3060 card is there a lighter version of the same?


   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member




Looks and Plays Amazing! Thank You Very Much!!






Great update, love this table, thank you 👍



What ? I haven't posted a review yet ? Easily on my TOP 5 tables list. The total package : great music, great lighting, great gameplay. When you want a friend to try virtual pinball simply launch this table he'll be stunned.



All the VPW Mods are top quality when it comes to game play and looks! Thank you!



Petit chef-d'œuvre, c'est de toute beauté ! 🤩😍



One of the best tables ever made thank you



Awesome work and table!!! Did somebody realize that it is easy to increease score by ringing the bell with nudging table forward? 

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