Visual Pinball 10 - Install & Support Files
3 files
Visual Pinball X Official Releases
By Dazz
Visual Pinball
An open source pinball table editor and simulator.
This project was started by Randy Davis, open sourced in 2010 and continued by the Visual Pinball development team. This is the official repository.
Simulates pinball table physics and renders the table with DirectX Simple editor to (re-)create any kind of pinball table Table logic (and game rules) can be controlled via Visual Basic Script Over 1000 real/unique pinball machines, plus over 400 original creations were rebuilt/designed using the Visual Pinball X editor (over 2500 if one counts all released tables, incl. MODs and different variants), and even more when including its predecessor versions (Visual Pinball 9.X) Emulation of real pinball machines via Visual PinMAME is possible via Visual Basic Script Supports configurable camera views (for example for correct display in virtual cabinets) Support for Stereo3D output and Tablet/Touch input
This download will take you to the official repository on Github for the Visual Pinball project.
By jarr3
Small tool to start the right VPinballX version depending on the selected table file.
To all who ask:
Should I really try out the new VPX release with all the new tables coming for 10.8? How can I use different versions of VPinballX for different tables?
This is my answer to those questions! The tool VPinballX.starter can be put as replacement for VPinballX.exe in the default folder....
It will start the right VPinballX version depending on the table file. It is meant to be a "set and forget" tool.
Please do not forget to like and review..., what is important for content creators (tables, backglasses, DMD colorization?) is as important for us writing the tool-set!
It uses a small ini file similar to this one:
;A Configuration file for VPinballX.starter [VPinballX.starter] ;DefaultVersion when started without any table param. DefaultVersion=10.80 LogVersions=1 [TableNameExceptions] ;If left string is found in the Table filename we will use the right string to add to the version number search CASE sensitive... Table Name=x32 Another Table=GL x32=x32 GL=GL X74=.RevertX7 old table=.RevertX7 [VPinballX] ;Default value used when not found in the table below. Default=VPinballX64.8-1786.exe Default.RevertX7=VPinballX.7.4.exe ;File versions converted to the right VPinballXxx.exe 10.72=VPinballX72.exe 10.80=VPinballX64.8-1786.exe 10.80GL=VPinballX_GL64.exe 10.80x32=VPinballX.8-1786.exe
It works like this:
VPinballX.starter is started with exactly the same parameters as VPinballX.exe. First it loads the table file and finds out what version it was saved with (using the same technique as VPX). It takes this information and looks in the ini file above to find out which version of YOU want to run.
It will then run the VPinballXxx.exe that you have configured with exactly the same parameters that were given to the starter. If you simply double-click the VPinballX.starter without a table, the default entry under [VPinballX.starter] will be used or if it cannot find a version stored in the table, it will use the default in [VPinballX].
In this way, the correct table version or the version you have selected will be used. Each time you start VPinballX.starter, a log entry will be added to VPinballX.starter.log stating which version was used. This can be disabled by setting LogVersions=0.
Table Name Exceptions
A new feature called Table Name Exceptions allows to configure exceptions to the automated finding the right executable. The Exceptions are either that a string is added to the table filename hinting that this table should use the x32 version instead, or can be parts of a table filename pointing to the same string. This string will be added when searched for the executable.
So either you name the table with an exception string like (x32, x64, GL) or you enter parts of the table names into the ini, where you know they only want certain versions (like x32, x64 or even GL)
What you decide here is all up to you!
E.g starting a table needing 10.80 and having an exception "GL" will look for 10.80GL in the [VPinballX] section in the ini. This is made using pure string handling, there is NO logic behind the strings in the ini file. You can define your own standard here.
How to set it up
Copy VPinballX.starter.exe next to your VPinballX.exe files. Double click on VPinballX.starter.exe and follow the instructions. It will create a template VPinballX.starter.ini that you will need to edit to your liking. The values 10.72, 10.80 (10.74 has no specific version saved) and so on all come from the pinball tables saved in different versions by VPinballX.exe.
Once you are happy with VPinballX.starter.exe, you can rename it to VPinballX.exe; it will take care of starting the right version independent if you are using Windows Explorer, PinballX, PinballY or Pinup Popper...
Have fun!
By b4ast1
My small trayicon tool that gives "Visual Pinball Player" the focus.
Visual Pinball Player ist the player-instance window of VPX.
This useful tool ensures that the VPX player instance maintains focus. It checks every second to see if the focus is on the player and resets it to the window if necessary. This ensures that keyboard inputs always reach VPX. This is especially helpful when looking through the VR headset and can't see what the windows on the desktop are doing.
32bit & 64bit version included (i know, this makes no sense - but before someone is asking for 64bit version...)