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Future Pinball and BAM Essentials - All in One

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About This File





by TerryRed


v2.7 - Dec 2024


BAM version: 1.5-380

BAM-OpenVR version: 1.5-380


AIO Example Table and Tutorial: 3.30.03




The FP and BAM Essentials AIO package includes a complete install of Future Pinball, the latest BAM update, the latest BAM Open-VR update, and a collection of essential files. This covers desktop, cabinet, and VR players.


Installing this package makes setting up Future Pinball and BAM easy at any time with everything you need, ready to go in one folder.


This can be used for a new install or an update. If you already have a working Future Pinball and BAM setup, then this package will get you updated with everything you need to play the latest and greatest Future Pinball tables!


No need to use installers or download files and guides from different locations. No need to patch files. It’s all here ready to go in one zip file!




What does "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" include?




  • Visual C Runtime updates
  • DirectX


Future Pinball and BAM files


  • the entire install of Future Pinball (Future Pinball.exe patched for 4 GB ram access)
  • the latest BAM update (FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB ram access)
  • the latest BAM Open-VR update (FPLoader.exe patched for 4 GB ram access)
  • BAM Settings files for desktop, cabinet, vr
  • Future Pinball Settings files
  • FizX 1K Ball model (default.zip)
  • PinEvent_V2_Settings.txt file (for PinEvent tables)
  • DOFLinx.vbs (for any tables that require this file)
  • ZBRrollingballsoundslib.vbs (for tables that use smoke ball rolling code)
  • "Start FP" BAT files that will automatically change FP settings for desktop, cabinet, vr, PinEvent, run DMDExt, and more before launching Future Pinball




I have included all my updated guides (now in PDF) to give you info and help for FP, BAM, BAM OpenVR and many other apps and extra features.


  • Future Pinball and BAM - Install Guide
  • Future Pinball and BAM - Info Guide
  • BAM OpenVR Guide
  • DMDExt Guide
  • PinEvent V2 Guide
  • Popper and Baller Installer Tips
  • Single Screen and PuP-Packs Guides
  • FAQ and Help Guide


Tutorials and Examples


  • All In One Example Table and Tutorial (FizX, FLEEP, PUP SSF, Ball Rolling, DOF)


Tools and other Apps


  • DMDExt (to mirror the FP DMD to another display / real DMD)
  • FP Companion (extract contents from Future Pinball tables and Libraries)
  • FP to Borderless Windowed (force FP from windowed mode to borderless windowed mode)
  • FPM Editor (create and edit Future Pinball models)
  • fpRAM Editor (edit fpRAM files)

  • Reset Monitor IDs (to try to correct problems with FP displaying on the wrong monitors)
  • 4 GB patcher app (if needed for future use)






Can I install "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files if I installed Baller Installer or have my own existing Install of Future Pinball?


- yes, the "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files will work with any setup of FP. It will get you completely up to date!


I've already installed the "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files... but I'm not sure if my other files are correct now. Can I just reinstall the "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files again?


- yes, the "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files can be installed at anytime as often as you like. They will not replace any of your settings files from FP, BAM, or DMDExt. Just be sure to install the latest version.


Does it take long to Install FP and BAM, the "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files... and get everything setup?


- you can have a complete setup of everything all done in minutes, or at your own speed

- the included FP and BAM Install Guide shows you how to do everything easily Step by Step








BACKUP a few things first!


If you already have a previous install of FP and BAM, then before installing "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files, you should backup the following (if they are installed)


  • the entire BAM folder
  • the entire BAM-OpenVR folder
  • Scripts\PinEvent_V2_Settings.txt



HOW TO INSTALL "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files


  • read the included "READ ME! How to Install.txt"
  • install the contents from the zip file (make sure the zip file is not blocked by Windows first)
  • follow the included FP and BAM Install Guide
  • install the included Visual C updates and DirectX
  • install my BAM settings files
  • use the Future Pinball settings I show that are REQUIRED!
  • you are ready to play all the newest FP tables! Easy!






- DMDExt by freezy

- BAM by Ravarcade

- Future Pinball by Chris Leathley

- Pinup Player by Nailbuster

- All in One Example Table by JLou and TerryRed

- FizX physics by JLou

- all Guides and videos by TerryRed




Future Pinball and BAM Essentials AIO video series



Part 1 - Intro, Install and Setup





Part 2 - Info Guide





Part 3 - Bam OpenVR





Part 4 - DMDExt Guide





Part 5 - PinEvent Guide





Part 6 - Popper and Baller Installer Tips





Part 7 - Single Screen and PuP-Packs Guides





Part 8 - FAQ and Help Guide





Edited by TerryRed
2.21 - AIO Example table and tutorial updated to 3.30.01

What's New in Version 2.7   See changelog


VR Settings fixes!


- new updated Install txt file (to act as a quick install - text only guide)

- new "BAM Settings for VR" to replace the files from 2.6 that had an incorrect DEV setting (that caused graphics glitches, missing items in VR only)


I highly recommend everyone install this update, to ensure you have proper updated BAM VR settings files!


If you have a working install from a previous version of this AIO package:


- then simply install the new files over your current install

- run the "BAM Settings - VR - Reset and Install.bat"

- run the "BAM Settings - Cabinet - Reset and Install.bat" or "BAM Settings - Desktop - Reset and Install.bat" for your setup

- use a "Start FP" bat file (that matches your setup) to run FP at least once with the proper settings applied


Read my included updated Guides as needed for whatever info you need!

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   4 of 4 members found this review helpful 4 / 4 members

Works great - thanks!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I have been getting load times of 12-13 min plus on some of the PinEvent & PE Lite tables. I have no idea why. I saw this release today and figured "What could it hurt to try a wipe and restart as long as I back up first." 9 min after starting the process I had this fresh install complete with my tables, scripts, and libraries restored. Now my longest load time is 2 min on Death Star Assault. I really appreciate how easy to use this was and how much better a clean install is over a 3yo manual update build. Thank you.


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

All set and ready for He-Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much Terry!




Merci !!! 😍


J'avais la fameuse erreur : Pinball Mediation Error--variable is undefined FF_Init


Mais avec cette nouvelle installation, tout fonctionne parfaitement ! 😎



Simple and easy are not words that generally belong in the world of virtual pinball, at least not in my experience.  Having said that, this is as simple and straight forward as it gets, when it comes to Future Pinball.

Terry has combined the necessary software along with highly detailed and comprehensive instructions to make the process relatively painless.   

There are even bat files, preconfigured to load Future Pinball with the necessary configuration for tables that are either PinEvent Pup-Packs or backbox, saving you having to change the settings manually.

Thank you!



Me encanta todas las mesas pero no sé dónde está el problema tengo la instalación completa baller bonanza anda todo perfecto salvo las mesas de future pinball se cierran solas al cabo de 10 minutos. No puedo encontrar donde está el error. Por favor si alguien sabe q sucede q me explique estare muy agradecido.


· Edited by Demolisher


Thanks ! i found a false positive in this file that triggered my antivirus, but otherwise it works well !, afterwards i watched your YouTube video about it and says to put zip file before to unzip into antivirus exclusion.




Thank you again for all your hard timeless work. truly amazing



Thank you Terry. With last update, we can now fully enjoy FP in VR 🔥



Thanks for making this so quick and painless to update much appreciated.



ich bin gerade beim download,ich hoffe das ich das hinbekomme.

vielen dank



just upgraded my GPU and can now play future pinball tables without reducing the effects, shadows etc.and they are great! this update is easy to install but you really do have to follow ALL steps.





I can't tell you how happy I am for this! Your FP tables are amazing (the best, actually), but I never had the time or patience to read through all the guides and tutorials to get your tables to work correctly.


Thank you so much!



Super terry c'est le premier pack complet pour FP merci pour ton travail magnifique et bravo pour tes superbes table FP merci



AMAZING! TerryRed you are awesome! THANK YOU!



Super easy to follow.  We all really appreciate the hard work and dedication 



Amazing and detailed work. Keep it up. pinball community greatly appreciates all your hard work. 



Thank  you

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