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  1. Version 1.1


    HADOUKEN !!!! Gedankekojote97 and Apophis battled through the development to bring you the most beautiful and accurate SF2 virtual pinball yet! If you have VR, check out the trashed arcade room and the totally custom topper design. We hope you enjoy this labor of love from the team. VPW Team Gedankekojote97 - Blender, VR rooms, table build Apophis - Scripts, physics, animations, table work CainArg - Graphics cleanup Sixtoe - Table support Special Thanks to Onevox for providing many photos of his real SF2 for reference Niwak for everything he does, and for testing this table Bandito79 for the playfield scan Jpsalas for his table used as a reference VPW testers: guus_8005, somatic, Studlygoorite, Kemurro, hauntfreaks, MetaTed, Primetime5k NOTE: To get the ROM to work, you will need to use the NVRAM file provided in the downloaded ZIP. Or you can download it here: sfight2.nv Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  2. Version 1.5.4


    Keep your eyes on the road! Red & Teds Road Show Tune-Up by VPin Workshop based on Knorr and Clark Kents version. Loads of new stuff including new physics, lighting, flashers, inserts, sounds, shadows and other things. VPW Road Crew ************ Sixtoe - Project Lead Skitso - Lighting Clark Kent - Physics Tweaking, real table comparison Additional Script Work - apophis, fluffhead, Wylte Testing - Rik, Pinstratsdan, VPW Team Uses code from; Flashers & Bumper Code - Flupper Physics - nfozzy & rothbauerw Audio - Fleep Original Table Thanks; Knorr and Clark Kent '************* 'VPW Changelog '************* 'v0.001 - Sixtoe - Script butchery, physical trough and blast zone (save the balls!) 'v0.002 - Sixtoe - Continued script butchery, nfozzy physics, fleep sound calls (but no sounds) 'v0.003 - Sixtoe - Implemented physical ted lock, well, I say that, but it doesn't work. Locks if you hold a ball above sw52. 'v0.004 - apophis - Got the multiball lock mech working 'v0.005 - Sixtoe - Lighting! Flupper Flashers, Lampz, GI, Flupper Bumpers, Light Shaping, Blooms, Cab Lockdown & Rails, loads of other tweaks. 'v0.006 - Sixtoe - Fixed bumpers (thanks Oqqsan), Added VR cabinet and minimal room, fixed some VR issues, fluppers flippers added, flipper shadows added. 'v0.007 - Skitso - Full GI remake. Color / brightness corrected textures, replaced PF texture to one without ramp shadows, improved over pf bulbs, fixed red bulbs over ramp entrances, improved spots, rotated bumper caps to correct position, new ball, new lut, tons of DL tweaking. 'v0.008 - Sixtoe - Primitive Inserts added and hooked up (need tuning), new playfield cutout & insert text layer, city kicker tuned down, hooked up blast zone playfield flasher. 'v0.009 - Skitso - Tuned primitive inserts. Reverted map edge inserts back to original white (instead of red/blue/white, should maybe add this as a mod?) Reverted banana insert/flasher as a skitso style. Further improvements to GI, added a bit more oooph to flashers 'v0.010 - Skitso - Improved flashers 'v0.011 - fluffhead35 - Wiring up Fleep Sounds, Ball Roll Sounds, and Wire Ramp Sounds. Removed Duplicate function lampfilter 'v0.012 - Sixtoe - Removed duplicate bumpers, changed some physics materials, adjusted flipper physics surrounds, adjusted right vuk kicker, turned up the bumpers, increased the table slope to 6.5, added delay script to drain, changed a few post settings, 'v0.013 - Sixtoe - Messed around with the subways again, changed head materials, underplayfield wall installed, rectangle spotlight hoods installed, moved ball lock exit wall blocker, adjusted spinner sound, set physics to mid 90's onwards, flipper and physics tweaks as per nfozzy and clark kents suggestions, 'v0.013a - ClarkKent - Tweaked physics 'v0.014 - Sixtoe - Reinforced the entire table to try and prevent wall gaps, hooked up sound for scoops, added dynamic shadows, tidied up and removed unused resources 'v0.015 - Sixtoe - Re-added missing inlane walls. 'v0.016 - Sixtoe - Fixed broken playfield material 'v0.017 - N/A 'v0.018 - Sixtoe - Redid playfield mesh (twice), spent ages trying to tweak city start hole, replaced metal walls, added wigwag flashing lights for ramps (thanks nfozzy & iaakki), added flipper bounces (thanks apophis), changed wall entrance profile on left uturn (thanks clarkkent), fixed dynamic shadow depth bias (thanks apophis), fixed right wire ramp exit, changed tedtrig, changed left plunger strength, adjusted outlane rubbers 'v0.019 - Sixtoe - Tweaked lower small flipper area (thanks ClarkKent), adjusted blastzone sounds (thanks wytle), added hit sounds to Red and Ted's mouth plastics, fixed some other sounds, changed depth bias for upper flipper shadows, blastzone wall cutout added, updated VR cabinet images (thanks ClarkKent). 'v0.020 - fluffhead35 - Removed VolumeDial from the BallRoll and RampRoll sound math to make the sound louder. Uncommented shadow code from RollingUpdate. Added optoin to use Alternate WireRamp sounds from original table. 'v0.021 - Sixtoe - Fixed lower stubby flipper ball trap, fixed apron sound ' Clark Kent - tweaked flippers, adjusted rubbers, adjusted position of the left slingshot rubber bands, moved pegs, tweaked bumpers, reduced elasticity of gates, 'v0.022/23 - Clark Kent 'v0.024 - apophis - Updated flasher code to support modulated flasher levels 'v0.025/26 - Clark Kent 'v0.027 - apophis - Updated sw78 kick strength. Fixed Lampz Update1 to work with -1 timer. Modified fading speeds per as necessary. Implemented some performance improvements when flashers stack. 'v0.027a - apophis - Fixed Bumper and flasher initialization conflict. Fixed some insert bloom falloff sizes. 'v0.032 - Sixtoe - Fixed flashers, fixed bumpers, fixed bumper central flasher, added aftermarket target decals, add delay to dropsound, 'v0.033 - Clark Kent - Wall002 adjusted 'v0.034 - Wylte - Adjusted clear post material, added arch sounds to BlockerWall1, enabled hit sounds for metal walls, set FS pov 'v0.034a - apophis - Fixed bumpers. 'v1.02 - Fleep - Added support for shaker motor sounds: added a cheap version of cartridges use just for the shaker sounds and added new shaker configuration selection 'v1.05 - Fleep - Added replaced fleep mechanical sounds cartridge used for the shaker motor sounds with new REV02 'v1.06 - Fleep - Fixed fleep REV02 sounds not being played back 'v1.07 - Wylte - Fix BlockerWall1 sound/collection, eliminate getballs, wrapped FrameTimer plunger animation to fix VR plunger y overflow when VR=0 'v1.1 - Release 'v1.2.0 - Sixtoe - Adjusted lock mech geometry, changed where narnia code drops ball. 'v1.2.1 - apophis - Added blockerwall near Ted's right cheek to prevent stuck ball. Added wall in subway lock to prevent sticky kicker. 'v1.2.3 - Sixtoe - Rebuilt subway lock, again. 'v1.2.4 - apophis - Updated the shaker code. 'v1.2.5 - ClarkKent - removed primitive ball guides inside the heads from MetalWallP primitive, added new scoops with bent corners and springs inside the heads, improved the Löcher texture for the mounting plates of the heads with correct wood type. 'v1.2.6 - apophis - Converted sw54 from a kicker to a switch-based VUK. Made some subway objects invisible. 'v1.2.7 - ClarkKent - added plunger lane groove, corrected orientation of the mounting plate of Red a little bit including repositioning Red‘s head and all corresponding primitives, adjusted desktop POV to maximize view size 'v1.3.0 - ClarkKent - small randomization of the strength of the Start City Event scoop kicker, new collidable Start City Event scoop to fix rebounces of the ball, slight reposition of the bumper caps, fixed position of some screws and bolts, corrected size, shape and position of the blue plastics in the lower back right in front of the backboard 'v1.3.1 - Retro27 - VR Room reworks, New Metal works, tweets to cabinet, New plungers, added Start button, extra ball button. Adjusted PlungerR to 90 strenght 'v1.3.2 - ClarkKent - Plastics improved, higher resolution, more details, color corrected. Flasher dome color corrected. 'v1.3.3 - ClarkKent - Primitive ball guides adjusted, some plastics adjusted 'v1.3.4 - ClarkKent - Custom Target Decals color correction, Ramp Decals higher resolution, Apron Decals higher resolution 'v1.3.5 - Primetime5k - Added staged flipper scripting 'v1.3.6 - apophis - Added the flipper coillide subs back in. Now using GetBalls in Cor.Update. Fixed flasher code so they completely turn off. Automated VRRoom and CabinetMode 'v1.3.7 - ClarkKent - left ramp exit improved, apron improved at the plungers 'v1.3.8 - apophis - VolumeDial fix. Added FlipperCradleCollision. 'v1.4 - Release 'v1.4.1 - ClarkKent - replaced small flipper primitive and corrected colors, new accurate spinner and bracket primitive, adjusted BlastZoneDrop sound volume, adjusted bumpers, adjusted scoop, adjusted textures screws and bolts 'v1.4.2 - ClarkKent - added cables to the spinner bracket, added rules card to the table options 'v1.4.3 - ClarkKent - added switchable flipper bat decals and plunger gate decal 'v1.4.4 - ClarkKent - adjusted eyelids 'v1.4.5 - ClarkKent - adjusted some primitive material settings 'v1.4.6 - apophis - made left plunger only active when ball is in left plunger lane, otherwise right plunger is active. 'v1.4.7 - ClarkKent - adjusted fully open eyelids angle, made head primitives collidable 'v1.4.8 - ClarkKent - adjusted Desktop and Cabinet view, replaced left and right adjusting posts with correct metal posts primitives 'v1.4.9 - ClarkKent - adding table options, rules card brighter in table options 'v1.4.10 - apophis - Merged in Nestorgian's option updates. Moved animations from frametimer to _animate subs. 'v1.4.11 - apophis - Reduced reflection of PF on ball. Added options for playfield reflections and flasher brightness. Changed some timer intervals from 1 to 20 (with associated changes so they still work correctly). 'v1.4.12 - apophis - Fixed VR room option. 'v1.5 Release 'v1.5.1 - apophis - fixed lighting on plastics and ramp textures. 'v1.5.2 - DGrimmReaper - Animated VR buttons
  3. Version 2.1


    Hey, pal, there’s a cover charge here! Welcome to the Big Bang Bar, the bangin’est place in the galaxy. We wondered, what table would be a good showpiece for some of the new lighting techniques that have been developed lately and BBB was a clear choice with amazing light shows. Plus, it’s just really fun. Have a drink, hit the mosh pit, and try not to get bounced! Your VPW Big Bang Bartenders Gedankekojote97: 3D rebuild and rendering with light mapper, nFozzy physics and Fleep sounds Apophis: Light mapper script integration, tons of script updates, table rebuild #savetheballs Rawd: New RGB VR room and VR cab setup Leojreimroc: VR backglass (image by HauntFreaks) ClarkKent: 2D and 3D assets, physics tweaks Jsm174: VPX standalone support Toxie: VPinMAME support Sixtoe: Table cleanup nFozzy: Improved alien animation VPW Testers: bietekwiet, Primetime5k, PinStratsDan, HauntFreaks, Wylte, H3RBSKIx, RetroG33k, Lukpcn, Colvert, TastyWasps, Smaug Special Thanks To Niwak for creating the amazing blender toolkit! Steely for the VR backbox hinge model and lava lamp code UncleWilly, Jimmyfingers, Grizz, and Rom, the original team that made BBB in VP9 and FP Ninuzzu and ClarkKent for their VPX conversion The VPX and VPinMAME developers. Without them the party would have never started Installation Notes: The download zip file includes the VPX file and a NV ram file. Place the VPX file in your Tables folder and place the NV file in your >VPinMAME>nvram folder. Version 2.0 Required Software: VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e
  4. Version 1.1


    I AM THE LAW! - V-Pin Workshop proudly presents Judge Dredd from Bally. This table has been a long time coming! It was started in December 2020 when Sixtoe decided to bring one of his favorite tables up to date (after having converting Dozer's version earlier in the year to VR and discovering it was still an old, albeit well made, vp9 table at heart). It was decided that due to the complexity of the table, rather than modify an existing table we'd start from scratch using all new assets and rendering the table out, so here were are 11 months later (there were coffee breaks) and we're really happy with the way it turned out and hope you enjoy it! V-Pin Workshop Judge Dredd Team Sixtoe - Project Lead, VPX Monkey, lives on gin, jack of all trades, master of none. Tomate - Primitives, Baron of Blender, helping Sixtoe to not suck (as much) at 3D stuff. iaakki - Scripting, Physics, Insert lighting, Complicated Stuff. Benji - Physics, Deadworld & Banana insert primitives. Daphishbowl & iaakki - Deadworld & Crane code (here be dragons). Flupper - Flipper & Insert primitives, ramp tutorial, general rendering assistance. Cyberpez - Opto's and VUK prims, aftermarket crane models, general assistance. RothebauerW - Physics tutorial, drop and standup target bug fixing, general assistance. Fluffhead, Apophis and Wylte - RTX Ball Shadows, general assistance. gtxjoe - Ball trough tweaking assistance. 3rdaxis - VR cabinet improvements, Working coin door and manual. Embee & Kingdids - Original crane primitive and texture redraw. EBisLit - Playfield photos. DJRobX - Still answering Sixtoes coding questions... Rik & VPW Team - Testing Everyone in VPW for their support and encouragement! Notes Only use JD-L1 Rom! Lots of options in the script, including VR and Cabinet modes. Table designed on and for VPX 10.6.2 (Rev 8678), tested OK on VPX 10.7.0 Final (Rev 310) Do not use 10.7 328 as it's broken and breaks this and other tables How To Play Start Button - Start normal Game Plunger - Launch Ball (note: real machine does not have a plunger, right firebutton launches balls) Right Magnasave - Start "Super Game" (instant multiball - needs 2 credits) Left Magnasave - Change LUT until game starts, then launches ball from left plunger lane in Air Raid / Missile mode. How to activate DeadWorld - Hit J-U-D-G-E drop targets in order (ball in judge subway lights a letter) How to start DW multiball - Get 3 balls into deadworld using left pursuit ramp after lighting J-U-D-G-E. How to get Ultimate Challenge - Defeat all 4 dark judges or light all chain missions.
  5. Version 2.0.0


    Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom (Bally 1979) is a fun, fast table that Bally only produced 365 machines. A weird, fun theme with some challenging shots, and a very hungry drain and outlane play. Hauntfreaks reached out to me some time ago about updating Voltan. It ended up being behind in my queue of other tables I was doing, and I finally got to doing this table. What a cool, fun table! @redbone utilized playfield images off the web to come up with a properly sized playfield that looks amazing after all the updates he did! I then built the table from scratch, using a few primitives that Bord had from some work he did years ago on this. I've done my best to get all the physics and shots to match videos off the web. As usual, all the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, roth standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target, and spinner images. Lot of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. Thanks to hauntfreaks for also providing the backglass images, as well as some initial VR cabinet images. Also... redbone was toying with SSF and noticed that sounds were right for SSF, so Apophis and I were able to successfully find that there's a small bug in the VPW script for audiopan and audiofade routines. Now for those of you with SSF, it should sound great! As usual, there are plenty of options in the F12 menu, and redbone also made an ambiance background sound file to play if you choose. Other options include colors for balls, flippers, screws, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM Dip Switch options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls and harder play. If you want to change the ROM Dip Switch settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 Final or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2051-28dd6c3 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases The updated b2s file can be found here: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/23841-voltan-escapes-cosmic-doom-bally-1979-b2s/
  6. Version 1.2.2


    This mod was originally supposed to be a small one, with just adding updated physics, sound and a VR room, then everyone got carried away and the table ended up being rendered and redone and tweaked to infinity Big thanks to ICPJuggla, Mfuegemann, Dark & Ben Logan for the original table. VR and other options are all in the script. Enjoy! *** V-Pin Workshop Taxi Drivers *** Tomate - Project Manager, including new primitives, textures. Bord - nFozzy flippers and physics apophis - Fleep sound, rtx shadows, general tweaks. Sixtoe - VR Stuff, lots of fiddling about. oqqsan - Playfield inserts and fading GI. UnclePaulie - VR backbox improvements & fixes. iaakki & fluffhead35 - misc tweaks and debugging Rik - Testing and feedback VPW Crew - Playtesting and suggestions **CHANGE LOG ** ' 001 - bord - Added nFozzy flippers and physics ' 002 - apophis - Added Fleep sound package ' 003 - apophis - Added missing knockerposition prim ' 004 - tomate - New flippers prims added ' 005 - tomate - Shadows flippers size fixed ' 006 - Sixtoe - VR stuff, fully operational built in backbox / dmd / backglass, fixed loads of light and glow weirdness, unified timers, added cabinet mode. ' 007 - tomate - upper left VUK direction corrected, exits of collidable wireRamps fixed, metal wall near express lane2 fixed, cab POV corrected ' 009 - tomate - new giOn baked textures added, warm lut added, plastic Ramps textures retouched with a warm photo filter to match ' 010 - tomate - some giOff textures aded, slingshots missing sounds fixed, deformed slings rubbers replaced by prims ' 011 - oqqsan - inserts and 4step sidewalls and pf .. needs adjustments ' 012 - tomate - rest of giOff textures added, plastics textures added to 4 steps fade, some GI lights repositioned, textures size optimized ' 013 - Sixtoe - Removed one set of GI, hooked it all back up and dropped under playfield, tidied up assets, set old walls to non-visible to stop clashes, played with loads of lights, removed redundant scripts and images. ' 014 - iaakki - fiddled with GI steps and PF flasher. Fixed flip shadow DP and Z issues. tied some prims to gi steps ' 015 - apophis - Replaced the ringing_bell sound effect. Increased alpha mask on PF images to get rid of insert jaggies. Increased inserts DL. Fixed BS DB. ' 016 - apophis - Added RTX BS. Fixed GI lights so that ball reflection work now. ' 017 - UnclePaulie - Animated the VR backglass flasher Lights. Fixed the jackpot displays. Hid the desktop / cabinet mode backbox lights. Moved ball shadow primatives. Added a VRCab bottom so you can't see the floor through cab. ' 018 - apophis - Updated RTX BS. Added target bouncer, flipper rubberizer, and flipper coil ramp up options. Fixed ball bouncing out left outlane after ramp drop. ' 019 - Sixtoe - Fixed playfield rendering weirdly, numerous other tweaks and adjustments, adjusted some lights, put the roof back on the spinout ' 020 - apophis - Fixed RTX shadow DB issue. Chnaged rampsDecals DL from below to 0 and DB to -100. Added a differnt ball HDR. Messed with the DT mode backglass. ' 021 - fluffhead35 - Updated Flipper Physics to be inline with nfozzy ' 022 - Sixtoe - Added physical wires under flippers and outlanes, hooked up bumpers to GI system, adjust shooter lane gate, messed around the table lights again including materials, set height walls to non-collidable. ' 023 - Sixtoe - Fixed GI, added bumper bulbs to GI system, some small tweaks and fixes here and there. ' 024 - apophis - Revered the DT backglass object positions. Force GI on at table initialization. Changed flipper DB. Increased plunger strength/speed. Increased target hit volume. ' 025 - iaakki - flip trigger areas reworked, rdampen 10ms timer added, rubberizer options added, catapult timer improved, tied drop target DL to GI, fixed insert fading for few inserts ' 026 - apophis - finished up fixing inserts fading ' 027 - Sixtoe - Target bounce set to 1.5
  7. Version 1.4.3


    "Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here." The VPin Workshop members present The Goonies: Never Say Die Pinball! This project started out by adding physics and fleep sound to Hawkeyez88 pup-pack release. In doing so many scripting issues were found in the original table. We decided to not only fix the current table, but have added support for FlexDMD, new modes, ramps, shadows, playfield, sounds, ect. Pretty much every piece of this table has been touched, enhanced, and tested. This table is setup to work with the FlexDMD out of the box. You can disable the FlexDMD and enable the pupPack created by Hawkeyez88 by changing the options in the script. * Main table overhaul: fluffhead35, oqqsan * nfozzy and fleep: fluffhead35 * DOF: apophis * New playfield design: HauntFreaks * Playfield, image and lighting updates: HauntFreaks * Backglass: HauntFreaks * Droptarget Shadows: HauntFreaks * Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks: Entire VPW team inc. Sixtoe, apophis, wylte, fluffhead35, oqqsan, Nailbuster * 3d Inserts: oqqsan * flupperdomes : oqqsan * FlexDMD : oqqsan * Apron Primitives: oqqsan and Tomate * Ramp Primitives: tomate * New Toy Primitives Chester,coins,key: oqqsan * Scoring and game play enhancements: Rik, apophis, oqqsan * Testing: Rik, apophis, VPW team * Bone Organ Primitives: Tomate * Bone Organ Animations: oqqsan * wylte: Flasher shadows on ramp * Original pupdmd code: Nailbuster * Previous DMD animations: VPFiends This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, in this case, Javiers VPX version. Thank you to Rothbauerw and nFozzy for the physics. Thanks to Fleep for sounds.
  8. Version 2.3


    The park is now open! Feast your eyes on this marvel of a table. After modding older version of this table Gedankekojote97 finally decided to buy the real machine, and then he meticulously 3D modeled and recreated this table from scratch. Apophis brought it to life by scripting together the lighting and mechanisms. And Rawd developed another totally immersive VR environment for us all to enjoy. Do you have what it takes to be a Tycoon? VPW TYCOONS Gedankekojote97 - Scratch table build, 3D modeling and rendering, Sound effects, Rollercoaster operator Apophis - Scripting, physics, Ride mechanic and janitor Rawd - VR Room and scripting, Cotton candy and funnel cake maker Testing - Bietekwiet, Eighties8, Benji, JLou, PinStratsDan, Studlygoorite, DGrimmReaper, AstroNasty, TastyWasps, iDigStuff, HauntFreaks, Wylte, ClarkKent, Primetime5k, Somatik Version 2.0 Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  9. View File ACDC LUCI (Stern 2013) VPW Mod It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll! This mod started out as a simple collaboration between Hauntfreaks and Fluffhead35 to add new physics and VR room ended up as so much more. This table has had the bell code completely reworked by Apophis to work more like the real table. The playfield has been tweaked by none other than nFozzy himself to be more in line with the blueprint. He also fixed the right and left ramps to be true to the real table. nFozzy has graced this table with his experience to make it table amazing to play. This table was a mod of Sixtoe's AC/DC VR Room, where we made it a hybrid table. Fluffhead35 - Fleep, nFozzy physics, dynamic shadows, drop target code and new drop targets, 3d inserts, added new flipper bats, lighting tweaks, added Lampz code, adjusted nudge HauntFreak - Added new VR Room, Lighting Adjustments, Playfield Shadows Sixtoe - Original VR, Lighting, separated out horns on the train, many more he could not remember. Fixed right ramp, fixed bumper flashers. Realignment and prettying up rubbers and stuff. Apophis - New Bell Physics, scripting, guidance nFozzy - new collidable ramps to fix the shapes of them, moved top hole variance, bell metal/orbit metal tweaks, playfield reshape to correct dimensions. implemented ramp protectors, blank sidewalls, ramp stickers, adjusted bell position. Tomate - New visual ramps Retro27 - VR Room / Cabinet Reworked, New DMD Decals, Start button, tournament mode lights added. Adjustment to Instructions cards, added new render mode for VR Schlabber34 – reworked drop targets and other objects in blender for use in table. Bietekwiet, PinStratsDan, BountyBob, VPW Team - Beta testing! Many thanks to the original team who built this table from the ground up: ninuzzu, DJRobX, dark, tom tower, knorr, rysr, Peter J and Javier. And thanks to the VPDevTeam for the freaking amazing VPX. Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 12/21/22 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  10. Version 1.02


    It's Dine Time!!!!! The VPin Workshop presents an update to Flupper's amazing Diner Table. Fluffhead35 - Project Lead, Scripting, Roth/nFozzy physics, Fleep sound effects, Flupper Domes, Dynamic Shadows, insert lighting, Roth DropTargets, apophis slings Leojreimroc - VR Room, Animated Backglass, Desktop DMD Skitso - Update GI, LUT, Textures, Inserts, and Ramp materials Apophis - Various Lighting suggests, fixed insert alignment and DINER Inserts Sixtoe - Ramp Adjustments and VR Adjustments Iaakki - Flipper Primitive and Angle Adjustments and Solved ball getting stuck on Left Ramp Rawd - VR Testing and added that amazing Burger and Fries object Rik - Testing and gameplay knowledge PinStratsDan, VPW Team - Testing If you are using Blacksad's great backglass (see below) then you can enable its cool feature by going into the vpx script and setting EnableBlacksadBackglass to 1. A big thanks goes out to Flupper for allowing us to update this beautiful table and to all that came before us... Diner by Flupper Based on VP9 version by Tamoore which was based on Pac-Dude's version Playfield redraw by Bodydump Plastics redraws by Ben Logan Several plastics photos from George standup target by Dark many sounds from Knorr's sound package testing by Clark Kent and Ben Logan Shadow ball code by Ninuzzu RIK's Video
  11. Version 2.1


    We are ugly and we are proud. Introducing VPW's latest creation, SpongeBob's Bikini Bottom Pinball by the original table author, Skillshot! Dive into the deep sea fun with your favorite sponge and friends in this exciting new table. Immerse yourself in Bikini Bottom's quirky world with innovative gameplay and stunning graphics. Get ready for a pinball adventure like no other! Gedank hit up Astro and was like, "Hey update this playfield." Astro was like "Aight." Then Gedank demanded, "Apophis, do some random script stuff" and Apophis said, "Flux haallp!" Flux said (British accent), "With pleasure." Then they all begged Rawd to build an awesome VR room and Rawd was like, "It shall be done." And it was. It was working great then they thought, "This table needs a better DMD"… TWELVE EONS LATER … Oqqsan comes out of the shadows and DROPPED THE F&%KING HAMMER on the code!!!--like he always does. Then other people (Friscopinball, Leojreimroc, MrGrynch, Sixtoe) did some awesome stuff and then they all released it to everyone else. Enjoy! Original author: Skillshot Modded from JPSalas' AFM Blender work: Gedankekojote 2d art: Astronasty Coding: Oqqsan Vr room: Rawd Whatever flux did: Flux Sound update: Friscopinball Audio fixes: MrGrynch Backglass stuff: Leojreimroc, Remdwaas Apophis did lots of random essential stuff Sixtoe did some stuff too and wanted everyone to know. PinStratsDan made the game harder Testing: VPW jellyfish Special thanks to Niwak. NOTE: Update your DOF config to use new DOF enhancements provided in version 2.1 REQUIRED! VPX 10.8 beta 5 or later, FlexDMD 1.9, Freezy external DMD 2.0 or later, Instrument Mayonnaise Tip to prevent progressive stuttering: Locate flexdmd.log.config and in a text editor change minlevel="info" to minlevel="error"
  12. View File Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom (Bally 1979) Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom (Bally 1979) is a fun, fast table that Bally only produced 365 machines. A weird, fun theme with some challenging shots, and a very hungry drain and outlane play. Hauntfreaks reached out to me some time ago about updating Voltan. It ended up being behind in my queue of other tables I was doing, and I finally got to doing this table. What a cool, fun table! @redbone utilized playfield images off the web to come up with a properly sized playfield that looks amazing after all the updates he did! I then built the table from scratch, using a few primitives that Bord had from some work he did years ago on this. I've done my best to get all the physics and shots to match videos off the web. As usual, all the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, roth standup targets, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target, and spinner images. Lot of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. Thanks to hauntfreaks for also providing the backglass images, as well as some initial VR cabinet images. Also... redbone was toying with SSF and noticed that sounds were right for SSF, so Apophis and I were able to successfully find that there's a small bug in the VPW script for audiopan and audiofade routines. Now for those of you with SSF, it should sound great! As usual, there are plenty of options in the F12 menu, and redbone also made an ambiance background sound file to play if you choose. Other options include colors for balls, flippers, screws, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM Dip Switch options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls and harder play. If you want to change the ROM Dip Switch settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 Final or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2051-28dd6c3 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases The updated b2s file can be found here: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/23841-voltan-escapes-cosmic-doom-bally-1979-b2s/ Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 02/06/25 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  13. Version 1.0


    Love Never Dies They say you are a man of good... eh... taste.... (you must be because you are here). We very proudly present this killer of a table. It was built from the ground up, with new scans of the playfield, plastics, and sculpts. The ramps are based on numerous measurements from the real table. If you are feeling brave, check out the original VR room. Includes the latest and greatest of everything VPW has to offer. Enjoy! VPW TEAM FrankEnstein - 3D modeling and rendering. Blood sucking. Apophis - Scripting, physics, VR rooms and associated trickery. Blood bathing. Sixtoe - Table building and research. Bloody hell. Stavcas - Initial table build and coding. Blood donating. Schlabber34 - 3D models of the ramps. Blood chilling. Kevv - 3D scans of the sculpts, numerous measurements and photos of real machine. Bleeder. DGrimmReaper - Initial VR minimal room work. Blood letting. HauntFreaks - Backglass image and supporting b2s. Blood tasting. Testers: BountyBob, Darth Vito, guus_8005, DaRdog, Studlygoorite, Primetime5k, mcarter78, wrd1972, Kemurro, somatic, RIK, Smaug, MetaTed, cl4ve, Colvert, redbone, Mecha_Enron Special thanks to Landers and Dorsola for their Mist magnet script (it was used with minor modifications) and to ClarkKent for the playfield scan. Thanks to all the previous authors that worked on this title: JPSalas, ICPjuggla, Dozer316, Thalamus Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c VPinMame 3.6.0-998 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-998-a77c2d2 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  14. Version 1.1


    "Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name!" This incredible tribute to the legendary MF DOOM was originally created by GoIll773. When he brought it into VPW back in 2021 for some support we all thought it was amazing. GoIll773 continued working on it for months but then suddenly development stopped and GoIll773 was nowhere to be found. We let the project sit for years hoping GoIll773 would resurface. We tried contacting him multiple times through various channels of communication, but with no luck. Eventually, Shaggysrsg (a big fan of the table) pulled together a team to push forward with wrapping up the development in GoIll773’s absence. MerlinRTP, Iaakki, Oqqsan, RobbyKingPin, DGrimmReaper, Kemurro and others put in a great effort to deliver GoIll773’s brainchild. We hope you are well, GoIll773! Respect to you and to the man himself, MF DOOM. GoIll773 - Original Table Design, Coding and Artwork MerlinRTP - Pup conversion from Orbital to PupDMD/PupEvents, Audio conversion, highscore system, variety of table code, audio and video bug fixes Iaakki - Reworking of inserts, variety of fixes to GI, Slings, callout volume option Oqqsan - FlexDMD Assistance RobbyKingPin - Updated nFozzy/Rothbauerw physics and Fleep sounds, Rothbauerw Targets, VR Hybrid codes Kemurro - Artwork for pup overlays, Cabinet art and backgrounds Somatik - Linux standalone proofing/testing JoePicaso - Artwork for additional overlays Shaggysrsg - Brought table to VPW help shop so that the game could be completed DGrimmReaper - VR flipper animations Apophis - Autoplunger bug fix, VR tweaking Testers - Passion4pins, Studlygooright, PinStratsDan Notes: Please read and follow the "Install-README" instructions in the download package. All user options can be edited in the script.
  15. Version 2.1.0


    So you wanna mouse around! This table was originally done by Herwey, and he gave me the permission to add all the latest physics, sounds, etc. to this fun table. Thank you very much, Herwey! On his version 1.1 he had help from several others including Schreibi, OldSkoolGamer, ICPjuggla, Cosmic80, Flupper, JPSalas, 32assassin, Sliderpoint, Ninuzzu, Dark, DJRobX, TTTTTWii, Bork and Thalamus. I did quite a few updates in version 2.0 mentioned below (and detailed in the vpx script), essentially getting up to the latest VPW physics and sounds, and other corrections. Also thanks to Rothbauerw, PinStratsDan, Bord, Tomate, Sixtoe, Thalamus, and Benji for improvements, testing, and feedback on the 2.0 version! If you are playing in VR... you MUST select VR_Room = 1 in the script!! There are several options to select in the script, including ball brightness, color mods, GI and Flasher options, VR Room, VR clock, VR posters, VR topper. Color mods and flippers can be changed by clicking the right and left magna save buttons. (You can turn that off in the script as well) IF YOU experience performance issues... there are options to change that. First of all, you can uncheck "Reflect Elements on Playfield in the table options window. Also, you can turn dynamic shadows off for additional performance if needed. Version 2.0 Updates include: - Implemented the table to a hybrid (desktop, cab, and VR), and has options for ball brightness. - Added VR to include an animated backglass (image from Wildman), and several VR options (room, poster, clock, topper). - The table and flipper physics have been updated to the latest VPW standards, as well as dynamic shadows, drop targets, ramprolling sounds, and several other tweaks. - Fleep sounds added, as well as relay sounds. - Added Flupper dome and Flupper bumpers. - Adjusted the flippers to be actual size, and tweaked the flipper physics. - Corrected a couple errors in the table, as the million lights didn't light up correctly, and a few other things. - Adjusted the lighting levels some. - Rothbauerw corrected some code to control the motorbank correctly, as there were cases it wouldn't move or impact nvram. He also helped correct some other trap code issues. - Tomate added new plastic ramps and textures. - Enhanced performance as much as I could by removing all getballs calls and no longer destroy and recreate balls. I implemented only the gBOT global call. - Updated the trough code to manage all balls on the table. - Updated some images to implement see through holes in the apron and back wall. - And several other updates, all documented in the script. Once again thank you to Herwey, Rothbauerw, PinStratsDan, Bord, Tomate, Sixtoe, Thalamus, and Benji for improvements, testing, and feedback!!
  16. Version 2.0.1


    The legend known as Black Pyramid lives again through the far corners of Bally's 1984 pinball machine! This is a great play and challenging table. The main goal is to achieve 10,000,000 points to get a free game according to several reviews of game play. A good overview of the rules can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEZIFjQppR4 This was a definite challenge to create as there wasn't a good playfield available, however thanks to @redbone for spending countless hours creating a playfield from various images on the web. And thanks to Apophis for helping me with various Blender techniques to obtain a solid VLM GI bake, as well as physics testing. I was able to utilize various images, videos, and Redbone's playfield to get accurate placement of everything, and then implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, Roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. Significant time was also spent on implementing a center swinger target solution to be a combination of Roth standup targets and the swinger target approach done by Loserman on Space Oddesy. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". I recommend doing immediately when you first launch the game. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3
  17. Version 1.1


    GIMME SHELTER! Prepare to shake, rattle, and roll your way through the epicenter of VPW's latest masterpiece, Earthshaker! Created by Bally/Williams in 1989 and designed by the seismic duo of Pat Lawlor and Larry Demar, this System 11 pin is a timeless classic. Break out your Richter scale of fun as VPW is ready to rock your world. The main objective of Earthshaker is to complete the Earthquake Institute's prediction for today. The predicted zones are lit in the windows of the building toy and to complete each prediction you must visit the lit earthquake zones; -Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the standup targets -Zone 5 is the eject hole -Zone 6 is the loop under the Fault Zone (CA/NV) -Zones 7 and 8 are the right and left return lanes -Zone 9 is the captive ball Once you complete all the predicted zones, a lock is enabled and the bonus multiplier increases! Lock your first ball up the right ramp or in the drop hole. Then lock your second ball up the right ramp, plunge your third ball, and your MULTIBALL will begin! This tribute to one of pinball's best machines wouldn't exist without the immense talent from VPW and its support. I may be listed as the project lead, but the true credits go to "tremor-ific" expertise of Apophis, Tomate, Sixtoe, UnclePaulie, TastyWasps, Bord, Benji, Oqqsan, rothbauerw, Fliptronic, Niwak and our quake-tested testers PinStratsDan, Cliffy, Lumi, Darth Vito, Studlygoorite, jarr3, somatic, DGrimmReaper, and Bietekwiet. Building upon the original works of 32Assassin, I hope you look at the names above and realize how much hard work was done here. Truly, thank you everyone. - Friscopinball So, get your flippers warmed up and get ready to feel like you're right in the middle of a fault line, Earthshaker is the aftershock you've been waiting for. *Secret Bonus: Check out the amazing Sinking Institute mod that even original owners didn't get with their pin 🙂 VPW Seismologists Friscopinball - Project Lead, asset scans Tomate - 3D Modeling and Rendering Sixtoe - Building Physical Table, Lots of VR Stuff Apophis - Blender toolkit scripting, physics updates, animations, options UnclePaulie - VR backglass and alphanumeric DMD TastyWasps - Additional physics, Fleep updates, Deluxe VR Room Bord, Benji & Oqqsan - merged WIP versions, physics updates Primetime5k - Staged flipper functionality, testing Niwak - VPX Blender Toolkit, VPX Part Library VPW Testers - PinStratsDan, Cliffy, Bietekwiet, Lumi, Darth Vito, Studlygoorite, jarr3, somatic, DGrimmReaper Fliptronic - Playfield assets, research Based on works by 32Assassin Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.1 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.1
  18. Version 2.0.7


    A version of Elektra VPX was originally done by 32assassin and artwork by Fancisco666. However in this release, images of the playfields and plastics were obtained off the web, and upscaled and cleaned up by redbone. Since the hole placements were different, there was lots of effort to move, resize, and edit most of all the elements. This is a really fun table to play... as it was the first pinball machine that had three different levels to it. Included in this Version 2.0 is Hybrid VR/desktop/cabinet modes, new upscaled playfields, VPW physics, flipper tricks, dynamic shadows, Fleep sounds, Lampz, 3D inserts, new baked general illumination lighting, sling corrections, drop and stand-up targets, saucers, playfield meshes, various primitives, etc. Significant time was spent on researching online videos, to ensure accuracy of shots, ball drops, kickouts, and overall playability. I also created a desktop backglass with a cool lighting effect, as well as the VR backglass and other VR options. There are also some performance improvements, and I added a playfield mesh for the playfield, so there's a realistic bevel in the saucers. I would like to thank redbone for the graphics help, and Tomate for working the 4 ramps into blender with collision and textures. He also baked them in as well. And thank you to iaakki for baking in all the GI lighting and shadows. It looks so relistic!! And I would additional like to thank the VPW team for testing and feedback, especially Apophis, PinStratsDan, Sixtoe, BountyBob, TastyWasps, leojreimroc, and Bord. There are several options in the script. Including VR, ball brightness, and LUT lighting options. The LUT changes are done by holding cntl (or left mangasave) and then while holding, scroll through the options with the right magnasave. The Dip Switch settings are done in the script and are hardcoded. IF... you want to change them, there's a setting in the script to manually override that, and then use F6 during gameplay to bring up the Dip Switch setting. This is a hybrid table done in VPX 10.74, and I have code in here to automatically choose between VR, desktop, and cabinet. Additional VR options in the script include two VR environments, a VR clock, a topper, posters, and settings for dynamic shadows if you experience a performance hit. Thanks again to Redbone, Tomate, iaakki, and the VPW team! There are two great b2s's out there... one by Wildman (https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/4963-elektra-bally-1981/), and one by Hauntfreaks if you would like the full dmd version (https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/12470-elektra-bally-1981-prototype-b2s-with-full-dmd/). I used Wildman's image in the VR backglass.
  19. Version 2.0.0


    This table was originally done by Herwey, and he gave me the permission to add all the latest physics, sounds, etc. to this fun table. Thank you very much, Herwey! On his version 1.1 he had help from several others including Schreibi, 32assassin, OldSkoolGamer, Cosmic80, Bord, Rosve, Batch, Vogliadicane, Flupper, Ninuzzu, Dark, DJRobX, and Thalamus. I did quite a few updates in version 2.0 mentioned below (and detailed in the vpx script), essentially getting up to the latest VPW physics, lights, and sounds, and other corrections. This was the first table I put the 3D inserts in (Thanks to apophis for his tutorial, feedback, and advice!). Also thank you to all the testers on the VPW team for testing, feedback, and suggestions for improvement: nFozzy, apophis, Aubrel, Wylte, Rik, Rajo Joey, iaaki, BountyBob, rothbauerw, tomate, PinStratsDan, and Lumi! Note: If you are playing in VR... you MUST select VR_Room = 1 in the script!! There are several options to select in the script, including ball brightness, color mods, GI and Flasher options, VR Room, VR clock, VR posters, VR topper. Sub mods and flippers can be changed by clicking the right and left magna save buttons. (You can turn that option off in the script as well) IF YOU experience performance issues... there are options to change that. First of all, you can uncheck "Reflect Elements on Playfield in the table options window. Also, you can turn dynamic shadows off for additional performance if needed. Version 2.0 Updates include: - Implemented the table to a hybrid (desktop, cab, and VR), and has options for ball brightness. - Added VR to include an animated backglass (image from Wildman), and several VR options (room, poster, clock, topper). (Thanks to Sixtoe's VR templates). Also animated all the flippers, plunger, etc. - The table and flipper physics have been updated to the latest VPW standards, as well as dynamic shadows, drop targets, standup targets, ramprolling sounds, and several other tweaks. - Fleep sounds added, as well as relay sounds. - Added Flupper domes. - Adjusted the flippers to be actual size, and tweaked the flipper physics. - Added 3D insert primitives and tuned the lighting significantly for those. Lots of work on the playfield cutouts, and associated text layer. - Changed lamp control to VPW Lampz. - Corrected some errors in the table, including spinner movement, rebounder action, some ramp lift code, timing on saucer entry, and a few other things. - Adjusted the lighting levels, and GI overhead. - Tomate added new Bally Flipper primitives, wall textures, and fixed an issue with the ramp lift primitive... as it wasn't built correctly in blender. - Enhanced performance as much as I could by removing all getballs calls and no longer destroy and recreate balls. I implemented only the gBOT global call. - Updated the trough code to manage all balls on the table. - Updated some images to implement see through holes in the apron and sub. - Created new background for desktop mode, with animated lighting. - Added updated center drain post dome from Bord's space shuttle (done by Rothbauerw). - And so many other updates, all documented in the script. Once again thank you to Herwey, nFozzy, apophis, Aubrel, Wylte, Rik, Rajo Joey, iaaki, BountyBob, rothbauerw, tomate, PinStratsDan, and Lumi for testing, and feedback!!
  20. Version 1.13


    It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll! This mod started out as a simple collaboration between Hauntfreaks and Fluffhead35 to add new physics and VR room ended up as so much more. This table has had the bell code completely reworked by Apophis to work more like the real table. The playfield has been tweaked by none other than nFozzy himself to be more in line with the blueprint. He also fixed the right and left ramps to be true to the real table. nFozzy has graced this table with his experience to make it table amazing to play. This table was a mod of Sixtoe's AC/DC VR Room, where we made it a hybrid table. Fluffhead35 - Fleep, nFozzy physics, dynamic shadows, drop target code and new drop targets, 3d inserts, added new flipper bats, lighting tweaks, added Lampz code, adjusted nudge HauntFreak - Added new VR Room, Lighting Adjustments, Playfield Shadows Sixtoe - Original VR, Lighting, separated out horns on the train, many more he could not remember. Fixed right ramp, fixed bumper flashers. Realignment and prettying up rubbers and stuff. Apophis - New Bell Physics, scripting, guidance nFozzy - new collidable ramps to fix the shapes of them, moved top hole variance, bell metal/orbit metal tweaks, playfield reshape to correct dimensions. implemented ramp protectors, blank sidewalls, ramp stickers, adjusted bell position. Tomate - New visual ramps Retro27 - VR Room / Cabinet Reworked, New DMD Decals, Start button, tournament mode lights added. Adjustment to Instructions cards, added new render mode for VR Schlabber34 – reworked drop targets and other objects in blender for use in table. Bietekwiet, PinStratsDan, BountyBob, VPW Team - Beta testing! Many thanks to the original team who built this table from the ground up: ninuzzu, DJRobX, dark, tom tower, knorr, rysr, Peter J and Javier. And thanks to the VPDevTeam for the freaking amazing VPX. THIS UPDATE NEEDS THE LATEST VPINMAME, AT LEAST v3.6.0-1209 https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases
  21. Version 2.0.0


    Bally's Safe Cracker combines pinball and board games! The goal is to advance to the board game for a chance to break into the safe while avoiding obstacles along the way. Players spin and stop the safe dial to determine how many spaces to advance. The player can collect winnings and resume playing pinball after each dial spin, or spin again and risk losing it all. Players must risk it all for a chance to break into the bank vault and win the token award. The original 1.0 version was done by fuzzel, flupper1, rothbauerw; with the VR room originally being done by b4ast1. Apophis requested that I update the table with an updated playfield scan from EBisLit, and include all the new VPW code, 3D inserts, hybrid mode, physics, drop, standup, and vari-targets, bumpers, flashers, playfield mesh, fleep sounds, etc. Redbone further cleaned the playfield up, as well as some other images. I was able to bake the GI lights using blender light maps to make it look as real as possible (thanks for teaching me, apophis!), as well as implementing a pwm approach to the fading. I've also included other VR rooms, a topper, a flasher/siren, and F12 options. I reused the ramps and other prims from fuzzel's table, as well several pieces of code from rothbauerw. Other options in the script include a constant called, "useownb2s". If you set this to 1, you will turn off the desktop built in backglass. This is for desktop users that want to use a b2s backglass, not the built in one. MAGIC TOKENs... if you win the board game, the table will issue you a magic token (you'll see the coin roll down). How the ROM works... is the next game played will force you to use the magic token/s that you've won, and you play a 4 ball multiball for 90 seconds. Awesome! But you need to earn the tokens... REQUIREMENTS: ROMs: You will need two ROMs: A percentaging version is for the number of tokens issued is limited based on the game's earnings, and in a home environment you want to be able to obtain tokens. They are located here: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5161-safe-cracker-18-no-percentaging-s11/ https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5162-safe-cracker-18-s11/ VPX: version 10.8.0 RC3 or higher: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPM: version 3.6.0 or higher: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/actions/runs/8893510521 B2S: version 2.1.1 or higher (if using b2s) https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases Two versions of the b2s are available... one for 2 screens from wildman, and one that is 3 screens by ryguy417. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/6999-safe-cracker-bally-1996/ https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13623-safe-cracker-bally-1996-b2s-with-full-dmd/ Thanks to apophis, rothbauerw, ebislit, fuzzle, flupper1, redbone, and many others from the VPW team for testing and feedback.
  22. Version 2.0.0


    Laser War! This table was originally done by Herwey (with help from others noted in the script), and he gave me the permission to add all the latest physics, sounds, etc. to this fun table. Thank you very much, Herwey! It's a fun yet challenging table. Testers have indicated that the balls falling to the drain is tough, but acts identical to a real table. So, you might need to work on your nudging technique to save the ball from draining. I did quite a few updates in version 2.0 mentioned below (and detailed in the vpx script), essentially getting up to the latest VPW physics and sounds, 3D inserts, and other corrections, and making it a hybrid table (desktop, cabinet, and VR). Also thank you to all the testers on the VPW team for testing, feedback, and suggestions for improvement: Tomate (fixed ramp and wall primitives), Sixtoe (upper right wall placement), leojreimroc (VR backglass enhancements), and then AstroNasty, PinStratsDan, Smaug, and Rajo Joey for testing and feedback! If you are playing in VR... you MUST select VR_Room = 1 in the script!! Desktop and Cabinet mode should be automatic. There are several options to select in the script, including ball brightness, sidewalls and blades, color mods, GI and Flasher options, VR Room, VR clock, VR posters, VR topper. GI mods and ramp color can be changed by clicking the right and left magna save buttons if you have that option on in the script as well. IF YOU experience performance issues... there are options you can try to change that. First of all, you can uncheck "Reflect Elements on Playfield in the table options window. Also, you can turn dynamic shadows off for additional performance if needed. Also, you can turn off In-Game AO, Post-proc AA, and 4xAA on the table options. Version 2.0 Updates include: - Implemented the table to a hybrid (desktop, cab, and VR), and has options for ball brightness. - Added VR to include an animated backglass (image from Wildman), and several VR options (room, poster, clock, topper). (Thanks to Sixtoe's VR templates). Also animated all the flippers, plunger, etc. And thanks to leojreimroc for backglass enhancements. - The table and flipper physics have been updated to the latest VPW standards, as well as dynamic shadows, standup targets, ramprolling sounds, sling corrections, and several other tweaks. - Fleep sounds added, as well as relay sounds. - Added Flupper domes. - Adjusted the flippers to be actual size, and tweaked the flipper physics. - Added 3D insert primitives and tuned the lighting significantly for those. Lots of work on the playfield cutouts, and associated text layer. - Changed lamp control to VPW Lampz. - Corrected some errors in the table. - Adjusted the lighting levels, and GI overhead. - Tomate fixed an issue with the ramp and wall primitive... as it wasn't built correctly in blender. - Enhanced performance as much as I could by removing all getballs calls and no longer destroy and recreate balls. I implemented only the gBOT global call. - Updated the trough code to manage all balls on the table. - Created new background for desktop mode, with animated lighting. - And so many other updates, all documented in the script. Once again thank you to Herwey, the VPW team, especially Tomate, AstroNasty, Sixtoe, PinStratsDan, Smaug, leojreimroc, and Rajo Joey for testing, feedback, and some updates!
  23. Version 1.1


    Greetings Program! Tron Legacy LE Tune-Up by members of VPin Workshop . This one was supposed to, again, be just a fast physics update; "Yeah, we'll just do a quick 'add nfozzy physics to this' and get it out the door..." *a month later after everyone's tweaked every part of the table* "doh..." Turns out everyone is very fond of the table and wanted to join in, it might well get updated again in the future... especially if we can find a proper playfield scan (especially of the LE!) Loads of new stuff including new physics, ramps, acrylic protectors, flashers, lighting, inserts, sound and shadows, Enjoy! - nFozzy physics: Astro, Fluffhead35, iaakki, Sixtoe - Physical Re-alignment: Sixtoe - Playfield and Inserts: Sixtoe, Astronasty, iaakki - Ramp & Ropelight Primitive Update: Tomate - Fleep Sounds: Fluffhead - Flashers and Lighting: Sixtoe, iaakki, Hauntfreaks - Shadows: Wylte - Acrylics and Plastics: Sixtoe - VRRoom: Sixtoe (Minimal Room), Rawd (Fancy Room), leojreimroc (3D Backglass) - Misc Tweaks: VPW Team - Advice / Real Machine Comparison: G5k - Testing: Rik & VPW Team '0.00 - Astronasty - Added nfozzy physics, rubberizer aand target bouncer code. '0.01 - Sixtoe - Physical object table rebuild including missing rubbers and objects, flupper flashers added, nfozzy physics table objects added on layer 9, realigned some visual table objects, some other tweaks, cut lights to VR cabinet dimensions. '0.02 - Sixtoe - Significantly adjusted all collidable objects, filled holes, added missing rubbers in shooter lane and above pop bumpers and removed certain things. '0.03 - Fluffhead35 - Completed Nfozzy Physics. Added new targetbouncer logic, added 2nd rummberizer function for flippers, added coil rampup, fleep sound '0.04 - Fluffhead35 - Fixed typo in Class_Initialize in myTurnTable class '0.05 - Wylte - Dynamic Ball Shadows, Spotlight tweaks '0.06 - iaakki - Ball image update, FastFlips changed, Alternative TargetBouncer added as option 2, Left orb return fixed '0.07 - Wylte - Fixed spotlights not being in GI -_-" '0.08 - iaakki - Right outlane fix, all lights moved to use NF Lampz, GI redone, some insert prims, textures and materials imported, TargetBouncer values tuned '0.09 - Scrapped '0.10 - Sixtoe - Insert prims set up (still WIP, need some new textures), slings redone (still WIP), disc texture touched up, some table prims edited, maybe other tweaks. '0.11 - iaakki - added one missing insert texture. Fixed some other insert textures. '0.12 - iaakki - new PF and insert text images added, positions fine tuned, adding lights to lit the texts properly. Adding fXXTOP flashers to inserts to light the text properly '0.13 - iaakki - saved insert text layer on PSP and it fixed the edges, now all insert Z's are at zero '0.14 - Astronasty - Added new PF/inserts images with recognizer cutout. Shifted end of ramp stop to make ball bounce back more. '0.15 - Sixtoe - Added disc overlays to their inserts and changed insert primitives, redid most of the ambient insert lighting, added text flasher overlay to most inserts, messed around with light colours, added optional aftermarket acrylics, tweaked some stuff, probably other things... '0.16 - tomate - Added plastic ramps prims with some fixes and new textures, POV fixed, night/day cycle reduced a bit '0.17 - Astronasty - Actually changed the POV, commented out blue flippers and added white one, added new PF with yellow top lanes. '0.18 - iaakki - reworked some GI areas so they don't affect inserts that much. Adjusted Tron inserts and some other inserts. '0.19 - Astronasty - New PF and insert PNGs to try to reduce jaggies. '0.20 - tomate - Right ramp beginning fixed, ramps metal plates fixed, left VPX ramp cap fixed, LED strip prim and VPX fixed to match the new ramp shape, Astronasty's improved playfield placed '0.21 - Fluffhead35 - Added in option for original target bouncer alongside new one '0.22 - Messed with GI more, split out lighting so that's easier to mess with now, added missing rubber. '0.23 - iaakki - fixed some lights and code. Made that top flip shot possible. Targetbouncer fiddled once more. '0.24 - iaakki - cabinet mode improved, flipper strength to 2900, FlipperCoilRampupMode default to 1, Wall54 fixed so orb feels better. Green insert off materials done, inserts 51-53 done '0.25 - Sixtoe - Added discs back on playfield, added color corrected slings, adjusted flynn kicker, adjusted height of acrylic walls, fixed VR depth bias issues (argh!), added LE rubbers (White) with switch, hooked up flynn sign to GI, flasherbases adjusted so they're rotated correctly. '0.26 - HauntFreaks - GI tweaks '0.27 - Wylte - Added fading materials to spotlight shadows, tweaks to cutoff. Attempted to add a toggle, but I don't know Lampz well enough yet '0.28 - iaakki - Adjusted SW7 and SW8 collidables, adjusted Wall61, double checked default options '0.29 - Sixtoe - Hooked up acrylics to GI, fixed f129a floating, fixed primitive32 sunken plastic, fixed rear flasher flares so they're correctly aligned, moved spotlight shadow prims so they're hidden in vr, set some solid prims to disable light from below, fixed some metals material & texture issues, changed height of shadows to stop z clashing, fixed rear right vr cabinet foot normals, tweaked GI on left inlane to better match right side and stop blowing out left sling plastic as much. '0.30 - apophis - Fixed spotlight shadow error. 'v1.0 - Sixtoe - Tidied up for release, changed VR backbox shape. ' ' We thank the previous friends of TRON (Apologies if we have missed anyone) ' G5k: Playfield, plastics, ramps and other graphical improvements, new arcade primitive, modified ramp primitives, Lighting, material and physics adjustments and general trial and error adjustments. ' DJRobX: Updated physics and code to bring table inline with VPX 10.4 routines, ROM-controlled GI and PWM flasher support. Merging changes between existing tables. Fastflips hardcoded.. ' Sixtoe: VR conversion, table mods and tweaking. ' ICPjuggla, freneticamnesic: Original VPX Table (V1.3f) ' 85Vette: Original VP9 table ' Rom: Original FP table ' TerryRed: PinUp Player original mod removed (to work with Pinup proper May 2018 onward) Table is a standard VPX table now. Ball Controller Mod added. ' Dozer: Fixed recognizer and disc turntable movement (not all light mods moved to this version) ' RustyCardores: Surround sound mod, new sounds added (where there were none) ' Hannibal: Lighting and graphical improvements ' Draifet: Physics and graphical improvements ' HauntFreaks: Graphical and material improvements. -- End Of Line.
  24. Version 1.2.1


    The less you see, the more you feel. Never having heard of it, Wylte played the real machine in the wild and was instantly enamored. It happened to come up a couple months later in a discussion with Lumigado and Dapheni and that very night Wylte added nFozzy’s flipper tricks to Ninuzzu’s excellent recreation. From there it was supposed to be a very lite upgrade, but Skitso made the lighting look so good that Wylte had to learn every VPW trick (short of a full scan and render) to be worthy of it! Luckily he took his sweet time and other members were able to hop in and add even more (and fix his rookie mistakes). After releasing 1.0, Wylte bought the real machine! And then kept tweaking the VPX for a year... This VPW Table Tune-Up features: nFozzy physics, Lampz, Flupper flashers, Fleep sounds, Skitso lighting overhaul, 3D inserts, Roth targets, Apophis sling corrections, Rawd & Leojreimroc VR Room and functioning VR backglass, new art assets, new ramp models, physical table mesh, staged flippers, Dynamic Ball Shadows, Fluffhead35 RampRolling sound code. Project Lead The Specialist – Wylte Lighting See Me - Skitso, Wylte Physics Feel Me - Wylte, Apophis VR Touch Me - Leojreimroc, Rawd, Sixtoe Fixes Heal Me - Apophis, Sixtoe, Bord, Wylte Testing Pinball Wizards - Rik, Pinstratsdan, Darkstar, Smaug, BountyBob, nFozzy, Bietekwiet, PrimeTime5k, Rajo Joey, VPW Team Some specific contributions: Apophis – Flupper flasher domes, physical trough, new slingshot physics, teaching and fixing Wylte’s mistakes Tomate – New ramps, wood rails Sheltemke – Playfield and insert cutouts Sixtoe – Visual holes for targets and rollovers, VR stuff, Lots of fixes Darkstar – New apron texture HauntFreaks – New blinder texture, desktop background Thanks to the original author Ninuzzu The Champ, and contributors: Franzleo, Freneticamnesiac, Dark, Zany, Javier1515, JPSalas, GTXJoe, Shoopity, and Arngrim. And thank you to the VPX and pinmame devs!
  25. Version 1.0.1


    The table is made by @ARMYAVIATION I would like to thank the following people: @ARMYAVIATION for the permission to put his tables in a VR-room. @leojreimroc for the flasher in the backglass and all his help. If I forget someone, please tell me. Info It's a hybrid-table. So you can play in desktop-, cabinet- or VR-mode. To change the mode, open the script and edit the lines 33/34 at the beginning of the script. I can't remember all of the changes, unfortunately, since I created the table a few months ago. I remember, I adjusted a few objects like the apron, which is floating in the air in VR. The lower field wasn't seeable in VR. Also I change the text and inserts on the playfield. This is a very unusual table. Particularly striking is the bridge, which is without sides and requires an accurate shot. Test it yourself and if you notice anything negative, let me know. There are two rooms: the minimal room and a sphere. You also changed this at the beginning of the script. There are also different LUT-files in the table. So you can change the lightning. For me it looks best with the original LUT file from @ARMYAVIATION (LUT 17). Click the left magna save-button to change the LUT-file.
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