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Found 20 results

  1. Version 1.0


    "Pinball Fans, Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk!" At last! Here it is! VPW are very proud to present our first blender toolkit table! This table requires at least VPX 10.7.2 and the VR version requires at least 10.8.0-514 **edit** PinMAME 3.5 is also required. (Download Links Below) Iron Man is a very hard arcade style pinball by John Borg with short brutal games and is a regular of the pinball competition circuit. Development started in September 2021, Sixtoe had talked about wanting to redo it as there was no accurate version, but the only available playfield was wrongly aligned, poor quality and there were no other decent assets for it so it was a non-starter. But whilst Sixtoe was finishing off Judge Dredd, out of the blue Bord supplied a full playfield scan including all plastics! So at this point it was all systems go, we then spent some t-shirt money on a full set of decals, Dazz got the Iron Monger toy and EBisLit got the Whiplash and Warmachine toys and Dazz 3D scanned them all in for us. A few months into development when it was playing well and being built in Blender by Sixtoe, Niwak started to make real progress with the blender toolkit, and rather than going through the process of Tomate running it through blender octane and building all the UVmaps (which takes a looong time) we decided to shift development to the toolkit version and put it on hold whilst that was developed further. A few months later when the toolkit was working well, development was picked up again on Iron Man with Sixtoe, Tomate and Niwak working together developing both the table and Niwak bugfixing the toolkit as problems arose (particularly with the Iron Monger toy!). Then just lots of testing and tweaking and here we are! Current default ROM is 1.85ve as 1.86ve does not have fastflips enabled yet. New Options Menu *WHILE IN GAME* hold the left magnasave and tap right magnasave. *Requires FlexDMD (linked below) - Light Level - Colour Saturation - Outpost Difficulty - Mech Volume - Ramp Volume - Ball Volume - Cabinet Mode (Hides Rails) - Incandescent GI (Real machine has pure white LED's, not incandescent bulbs) - Dynamic Ball Shadows - Spotlight Shadows - Ambient Ball Shadows - VR Room Choice (Minimal / Ultra Minimal) - VR Backglass (Static / Animated) - VR Sideblades (Original / Static image with no reflections) - VR Topper (On / Off) VPW Iron Man Mechanics ******************** Project Lead - Sixtoe Playfield & Plastic Scans - Bord Table Modeling - Sixtoe & Tomate Blender Toolkit Work - Tomate, Niwak & Sixtoe Lighting - Sixtoe & iaakki Fleep Sounds & Sound Scripting - Apophis & Sixtoe Iron Monger Toy - Dazz for the model & 3D scanning it, Flupper for the 3d model simplification Whiplash & Warmachine Toys - EBisLit for the models, Dazz for 3D scanning, Tomate for the 3d model simplification Iron Monger Animation Code - DJRobX, Sixtoe, iaakki, apophis, NNiwak Various fixes and script assistance - apophis, iaakki, Bord, flux, fluffhead35, Niwak Plastic Redraws - Sixtoe & Embee Iron Man Custom Topper - Rawd Backglass Image - Wildman VR Backglass - leojreimroc Desktop Background - JoePicasso Testing - Entire VPW Team VPX 10.7.2 Official Release (Required) https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.7.2-366-f94da1e VPX 10.8.0-514 Pre-Release (fixes for VR Users) https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions/runs/3405492533 Flex DMD (Required) https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd PinMAME 3.5 (Required) https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases ROM Iron Man Rules https://www.pinballnews.com/games/ironman/index5b.html
  2. View File Iron Man Vault Edition (Stern 2014) VPW Edition "Pinball Fans, Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk!" At last! Here it is! VPW are very proud to present our first blender toolkit table! This table requires at least VPX 10.7.2 and the VR version requires at least 10.8.0-514 (Download Links Below) Iron Man is a very hard arcade style pinball by John Borg with short brutal games and is a regular of the pinball competition circuit. Development started in September 2021, Sixtoe had talked about wanting to redo it as there was no accurate version, but the only available playfield was wrongly aligned, poor quality and there were no other decent assets for it so it was a non-starter. But whilst Sixtoe was finishing off Judge Dredd, out of the blue Bord supplied a full playfield scan including all plastics! So at this point it was all systems go, we then spent some t-shirt money on a full set of decals, Dazz got the Iron Monger toy and EBisLit got the Whiplash and Warmachine toys and Dazz 3D scanned them all in for us. A few months into development when it was playing well and being built in Blender by Sixtoe, Niwak started to make real progress with the blender toolkit, and rather than going through the process of Tomate running it through blender octane and building all the UVmaps (which takes a looong time) we decided to shift development to the toolkit version and put it on hold whilst that was developed further. A few months later when the toolkit was working well, development was picked up again on Iron Man with Sixtoe, Tomate and Niwak working together developing both the table and Niwak bugfixing the toolkit as problems arose (particularly with the Iron Monger toy!). Then just lots of testing and tweaking and here we are! Current default ROM is 1.85ve as 1.86ve does not have fastflips enabled yet. New Options Menu *WHILE IN GAME* hold the left magnasave and tap right magnasave. *Requires FlexDMD (linked below) - Light Level - Colour Saturation - Outpost Difficulty - Mech Volume - Ramp Volume - Ball Volume - Cabinet Mode (Hides Rails) - Incandescent GI (Real machine has pure white LED's, not incandescent bulbs) - Dynamic Ball Shadows - Spotlight Shadows - Ambient Ball Shadows - VR Room Choice (Minimal / Ultra Minimal) - VR Backglass (Static / Animated) - VR Sideblades (Original / Static image with no reflections) - VR Topper (On / Off) VPW Iron Man Mechanics ******************** Project Lead - Sixtoe Playfield & Plastic Scans - Bord Table Modeling - Sixtoe & Tomate Blender Toolkit Work - Tomate, Niwak & Sixtoe Lighting - Sixtoe & iaakki Fleep Sounds & Sound Scripting - Apophis & Sixtoe Iron Monger Toy - Dazz for the model & 3D scanning it, Flupper for the 3d model simplification Whiplash & Warmachine Toys - EBisLit for the models, Dazz for 3D scanning, Tomate for the 3d model simplification Iron Monger Animation Code - DJRobX, Sixtoe, iaakki, apophis, NNiwak Various fixes and script assistance - apophis, iaakki, Bord, flux, fluffhead35, Niwak Plastic Redraws - Sixtoe & Embee Iron Man Custom Topper - Rawd Backglass Image - Wildman VR Backglass - leojreimroc Desktop Background - JoePicasso Testing - Entire VPW Team VPX 10.7.2 Official Release; https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.7.2-366-f94da1e VPX 10.8.0-514 Pre-Release (fixes for VR Users) https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions/runs/3405492533 Flex DMD https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd ROM Iron Man Rules https://www.pinballnews.com/games/ironman/index5b.html Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 11/10/2022 Category VPX - Hybrid Releases - Desktop/Cabinet/VR single file Link to B2S https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/2440-iron-man-stern-2010/ Link to Media Pack  
  3. View File Iron Man PuPPack Iron Man PuPPack big thanks to Lianad for the help on this great PupPack. Here comes the Iron Man PupPack , works with all tables that use the im_183ve rom. This is a reupload from Vpinball but now with fulldmd Option. Copy the im_183ve folder into to your PuPVideos folder, choose one of the .bat files that match your system, and have fun. This Pack comes with a muted rom , delete or rename your old im_183ve.zip rom .And copy the im_183ve.zip from this download into your roms folder. As example how it works : Submitter trochjochel Submitted 02/03/2022 Category PuP Packs  
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Oh, what a cruel, fast table this can be. Tournament favorite...
  5. View File Iron Man (Ultimate Edition 1.06) (DOFLinx - Cabinet Edition) A video demonstrating the table in my cabinet can be seen here: Iron Man (Ultimate Edition 1.06) (DOFLinx - Cabinet Edition) -the ULTIMATE Iron Man pinball cabinet experience! -unique animated flasher effects based on what mode you’re in -animated machine gun effects during Iron Monger modes -animated electrical effects for Whiplash and Iron Monger -blower fan gives a woosh effect while flying on the ramps -shaker motor effects for Whiplash’s and Iron Monger's magnets, as well as machine gun and repulsor fire -every time the repulsor is fired off with the FIRE button (launch and Iron Monger attack), the flashers slowly charge up “white” to match the video clip and then blast. -when Iron Monger rises and lowers, the gear motor operates. -The RGB under cabinet lighting will change based on your music selection, and also what multiball or game mode you are in -Fire button, of course works...as does Launch, Coin, and Start -animated Orbits left / right. -beacon goes off during all multiball modes, bogey, jericho, do or die, and Iron Monger modes. -strobe effects -10 solenoid feedback for flippers, bumpers, kickers, etc. -and other stuff I probably forgot about… DOFLinx - "A powerful utility for cabinet owners to make the most of force feedback and lighting." - by DDH69 This Future Pinball table has DOFLinx commands added to it. This will enable support for pinball cabinet force feedback devices such as solenoids (flippers,bumpers,slingshots,drop targets,etc), RGB lighting and flashers, beacon, strobes, blower fan, shaker and more! Requirements / Installation: Regardless of using this table with force feedback (Pinball Cabinet) or without (Desktop), you MUST install the current DOFLinx.vbs script into your ‘Future Pinball\Scripts’ folder. Running the table without DOFLinx.vbs will cause an error. (FF_INIT) Copy the *.fpt and .xml files to your Future "Pinball\Tables" folder DOFLinx.vbs is included with the DOFLinx install package. This file is NOT included with this table to avoid version mismatches, and future compatibility issues with newer revisions of DOFLinx. DOFLinx install package download: The current download of DOFLinx can be found through this post at vpforums: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=35852 It is recommended to use this table with BAM (Better Arcade Mode), in order to get the most accurate version of physics intended for this table. Copy the *.fpt and *.xml within this archive to your "Future Pinball\Tables" directory. Cabinet Use: For cabinet users running DOFLinx: This table will function with the in-game sounds for mechanical devices such as flippers, slingshots, bumpers, etc muted. Instead, you will only hear your cabinets feedback devices for those actions. The rest of the games sounds will play normally as intended by the table author. Desktop Use: For desktop users: This table will still function normally without the need for DOFLinx to be running or installed. You will however require the DOFLinx.vbs file (read "Requirements / Installation"). It will play perfectly with the original in-game mechanical sounds playing through your PCs speakers. Note: Any DMDs or HudOverlays intended for desktop use were moved out of view so that they will not appear on the playfield (this table was modded for DOFLinx cabinet use). Night Mode: For cabinet users who want to play at night with their cabinet noise makers turned off, this table can be toggled between Cabinet Use (noisy), and Desktop Use (Night Mode). Please consult the DOFLinx guide (included with the DOFLinx install package) for more information on how to use Night Mode. Changelog: DOFLinx (Cabinet) Mod by TerryRed -------------------------------------------- DOFLinx devices supported in this table: Left flipper Right flipper Left slingshot Right slingshot Mid field left solenoid Mid field centre solenoid Mid field right solenoid Back left solenoid Back right solenoid Flasher, outside left Flasher, inside left Flasher, centre Flasher, outside right Flasher, inside right Blower Fan Shaker Gear Motor Strobe Beacon Start button Coin button Launch Ball button Fire Button RGB Undercab Lighting ULTIMATE Edition by SLAMT1LT IRON MAN Future Pinball Credits: Build: SLAMT1LT Script: SLAMT1LT Music and Sound Desgin: SLAMT1LT Partial Playfield redraw: SLAMT1LT Cabinet and Backglass Design: SLAMT1LT Iron Man, War Machine and Whiplash Toys: ROM Custom Ramps: ROM Plastics Artwork: ROM Iron Monger Toy: PolyGame Submitter TerryRed Submitted 11/24/2016 Category Future Pinball Tables Link to Media Pack  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Iron Man PuPPack big thanks to Lianad for the help on this great PupPack. Here comes the Iron Man PupPack , works with all tables that use the im_183ve rom. This is a reupload from Vpinball but now with fulldmd Option. Copy the im_183ve folder into to your PuPVideos folder, choose one of the .bat files that match your system, and have fun. This Pack comes with a muted rom , delete or rename your old im_183ve.zip rom .And copy the im_183ve.zip from this download into your roms folder. As example how it works :
  7. Version 1.1


    Iron Man (Stern 2010) Siggi Mod Video Backglass + Topper and Wheel Images Kit 1.1 UPDATE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Re-Uploaded HD + 2K Video Backglass due to 1 version missing from original upload. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A B2S / DIRECTB2S BACKLESS FILE. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This special VIDEO backglass was made specifically for Siggi's new Iron Man (Stern 2010) VPX table mod. Siggi did an amazing job on this graphics mod (a serious improvement over the original) and I decided to do something special for him and fellow cab owners. The original tables backglass was a single fluorescent light that just illuminated the backglass translite and I wanted a totally difference backglass for this special table. What I wanted to do with this VIDEO backglass was not possible with a b2s file (fire and spark fx) without either a huge file size or the risk of slowing down the tables gameplay - ie: ball stutter. That's why I opted to make VIDEO version that continuously loops, instead. The drastically reduced any lag or stutter that would happen with a "busy" bs2 backglass file. Backglass Videos were created in 2 formats (sizes) and colors - yellow and blue in both HD (1920 x 1080) and 2k (2200 x 1238) resolutions. I also made a couple topper videos as well - which are also included in 1280 x 390, 1280 x 540, 1280 x 720 scales / sizes. Backglass videos, wheels, and topper videos have been split into separate .zip files so you only need to download what you want / need. INCLUDED FILES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iron Man (Stern 2010) Siggi-Mod Blue - 2K.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Siggi-Mod Blue - HD.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Siggi-Mod Yellow - 2K.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Siggi-Mod Yellow - HD.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Topper - 1280x390.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Topper - 1280x540.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Topper - 1280x720.mp4 Iron Man (Stern 2010) Wheel 1.png Iron Man (Stern 2010) Wheel 2.png - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HOW TO USE VIA PINBALLX : 1.) Make sure you name / rename the VPX table a completely different name than any other version of the table you may have. So instead of naming the table Iron Man (Stern 2010).vpx - name the table IM-Siggi-Mod (Stern 2010).vpx - or something else creative. This will prevent VPX from trying to "match" the b2s file to the table when it loads. You should NOT rename any pirates b2s to that file name. It should load without any backglass present because there is no backglass named that special name. 2.) Load PinballX's game manager and select "Add New" table. Use the manager to add the IM-Siggi-Mod (Stern 2010) table as the table name. You can set the Description to whatever you want ... Using the Import pulldown menu, and select Backglass - and load the backglass .MP4 file. Load the other stuff if you want at this time, i.e.: Wheel Image, Topper, etc. 3.) IMPORTANT: Directly under the Table name and Description for this table in PinballX, there is a row of check boxes. Make sure "Hide Backglass" is UNCHECKED. This will keep the backglass video running when load the table through PinballX and keep it on the screen looping while you are playing the table. 4.) Load PinballX, scroll through to this particular table, and go ahead and load it ... and go PLAY pinball! That's it! Similar styled front ends can use "basically" the same process. - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE NOTE: I create these videos for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first. All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Sharing Wheels i made for my cab
  9. Version 1.06


    A video demonstrating the table in my cabinet can be seen here: Iron Man (Ultimate Edition 1.06) (DOFLinx - Cabinet Edition) -the ULTIMATE Iron Man pinball cabinet experience! -unique animated flasher effects based on what mode you’re in -animated machine gun effects during Iron Monger modes -animated electrical effects for Whiplash and Iron Monger -blower fan gives a woosh effect while flying on the ramps -shaker motor effects for Whiplash’s and Iron Monger's magnets, as well as machine gun and repulsor fire -every time the repulsor is fired off with the FIRE button (launch and Iron Monger attack), the flashers slowly charge up “white” to match the video clip and then blast. -when Iron Monger rises and lowers, the gear motor operates. -The RGB under cabinet lighting will change based on your music selection, and also what multiball or game mode you are in -Fire button, of course works...as does Launch, Coin, and Start -animated Orbits left / right. -beacon goes off during all multiball modes, bogey, jericho, do or die, and Iron Monger modes. -strobe effects -10 solenoid feedback for flippers, bumpers, kickers, etc. -and other stuff I probably forgot about… DOFLinx - "A powerful utility for cabinet owners to make the most of force feedback and lighting." - by DDH69 This Future Pinball table has DOFLinx commands added to it. This will enable support for pinball cabinet force feedback devices such as solenoids (flippers,bumpers,slingshots,drop targets,etc), RGB lighting and flashers, beacon, strobes, blower fan, shaker and more! Requirements / Installation: Regardless of using this table with force feedback (Pinball Cabinet) or without (Desktop), you MUST install the current DOFLinx.vbs script into your ‘Future Pinball\Scripts’ folder. Running the table without DOFLinx.vbs will cause an error. (FF_INIT) Copy the *.fpt and .xml files to your Future "Pinball\Tables" folder DOFLinx.vbs is included with the DOFLinx install package. This file is NOT included with this table to avoid version mismatches, and future compatibility issues with newer revisions of DOFLinx. DOFLinx install package download: The current download of DOFLinx can be found through this post at vpforums: http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=35852 It is recommended to use this table with BAM (Better Arcade Mode), in order to get the most accurate version of physics intended for this table. Copy the *.fpt and *.xml within this archive to your "Future Pinball\Tables" directory. Cabinet Use: For cabinet users running DOFLinx: This table will function with the in-game sounds for mechanical devices such as flippers, slingshots, bumpers, etc muted. Instead, you will only hear your cabinets feedback devices for those actions. The rest of the games sounds will play normally as intended by the table author. Desktop Use: For desktop users: This table will still function normally without the need for DOFLinx to be running or installed. You will however require the DOFLinx.vbs file (read "Requirements / Installation"). It will play perfectly with the original in-game mechanical sounds playing through your PCs speakers. Note: Any DMDs or HudOverlays intended for desktop use were moved out of view so that they will not appear on the playfield (this table was modded for DOFLinx cabinet use). Night Mode: For cabinet users who want to play at night with their cabinet noise makers turned off, this table can be toggled between Cabinet Use (noisy), and Desktop Use (Night Mode). Please consult the DOFLinx guide (included with the DOFLinx install package) for more information on how to use Night Mode. Changelog: DOFLinx (Cabinet) Mod by TerryRed -------------------------------------------- DOFLinx devices supported in this table: Left flipper Right flipper Left slingshot Right slingshot Mid field left solenoid Mid field centre solenoid Mid field right solenoid Back left solenoid Back right solenoid Flasher, outside left Flasher, inside left Flasher, centre Flasher, outside right Flasher, inside right Blower Fan Shaker Gear Motor Strobe Beacon Start button Coin button Launch Ball button Fire Button RGB Undercab Lighting ULTIMATE Edition by SLAMT1LT IRON MAN Future Pinball Credits: Build: SLAMT1LT Script: SLAMT1LT Music and Sound Desgin: SLAMT1LT Partial Playfield redraw: SLAMT1LT Cabinet and Backglass Design: SLAMT1LT Iron Man, War Machine and Whiplash Toys: ROM Custom Ramps: ROM Plastics Artwork: ROM Iron Monger Toy: PolyGame
  10. Version 1.0


    Ghost Mod of Iron Man . Note: I did not make this table. Thanks to creators of table. Mod includes: NO ROMS. Just double click and play. VPX mod created EXCLUSIVE for VPUniverse. Includes new sounds, gameplay, scoring, background, scripts. Plays on VPX 1.0 if you like this... Leave comments. This is not a CAB game. This is moded for PC play. No Roms needed. Just VPX installed.
  11. Version im_183ve


  12. Version im_120


  13. Version im_100


  14. Version im_110


  15. Version im_181


  16. Version im_182


  17. Version 1.04


    Here is the next table up for release. I absolutely love this table in real life. It's a brutal pin and I think this recreation recreated the toughness of the pin real well. Not a real deep game but is addicting. About the ROM please see the following link - http://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/828-stern-roms/ Once again, Wildman has you covered with a Db2s backglass here - http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2440-ironman-stern-2010/ Media Pack is located here - http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2469-iron-man-stern-2010-85vett/ Hope you all enjoy. ***Update 1.03*** - Fixed ramp switches by adding un-hit event - added caps to ramps to prevent balls from flying off the ramp - moved war machine trigger down a bit to hopefully help prevent potential ball hang-up - smoothed out right flipper transition - adjusted whiplash magnet to get more action and the ability to catch the ball on weak shots - adjusted backdrop of Iron Monger animation to get the ball to roll off it's back quicker on weak shots that stop on his back - corrected tilt switch ***Update 1.04*** Added missing one way gate on middle lane going to pop bumpers.
  18. Version 1.1


    This is a patch to convert 85vett's 2010 Stern Iron Man to the hybrid view. A big thank you to 85vett for letting me convert his fine table. The file contains the .dif file used to patch the original table. Get the original table from the link posted on this page lower right. Use the VP Patcher System to create the modified HV version. The VP Patcher can be found here.
  19. Version v1.0


    Desktop Patch for Ironman FS 1.04.zip by 85Vett (coolball for the Desktop-Patch) Thank you 85vett for the fantastic table and the permission to mod your table. Changes i´ve done - added new Backdrop - change the values to create a desktop version - adjusts the flashers Download and use the VPU Patching System - VPPatch - 32bit & 64bit 1.02 to create the Mod http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2581-vpu-patching-system-vppatch-32bit-64bit/ Download the original Table: "Ironman FS 1.04.zip" / http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2470-iron-man-stern-2010-85vett/ Use the Mod: "Ironmandesk1.dif" Have fun To Apply a patch: a. If you do not already have the table that the patch was created for; you will need to download that file. Read the "ReadMe.txt" file that comes with the patch download. The file should contain a link to the original file that the patch is based on. b. Make sure that you are on the "Apply Patch" tab located at the top of the window. c. Under "Original Table (Unmodified)". Click on "Choose" and then select the Original Unmodified Table that the patch was created for. d. Under "New Table Patch" click on "Choose" and select the patch file (.dif) that you want to apply to the table. e. Under "New Table File Name". Type in the name that you want to call your new table. Make sure that the file name ends in .vpt. f. Click "Apply Patch" - You will get a pop-up window indicating the location where your new file was created. This should be in the "mods" folder located in the same folder as the VPPatchXX.exe. If you have made any changes to the original table release then this patch will not work.
  20. Version 1.01


    Media Pack for Iron Man.
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