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  1. Version 1.6


    Virtual Pinball Media Files Folders on MEGA: VPX Attract Backglass-Over 250 for mostly original Visual Pinball X tables. A good substitute for the normal b2s backglass video file in your front end. Launch Audio is included in the folder for each table. Includes special Holiday tables. Future Pinball Attract Backglass-Actual Backglass image with added animations or video. Add a little flair to your Future Pinball collection. Future Pinball Playfield Videos-.mp4 video of playfield for use in your front end. Pinball FX3 Animated Backglass-All 99 2 screen versions with DMD/Speakergrille. 69 3 screen versions with and without FX3 logo. Best used with Pin Up Popper but they can be used with Pinball X/Y. Add these as your backglass file in Media Manager. Info here for keeping FX3 animated backglass playing when you load the table:https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=managing_games Full DMD-Over 690 Full DMD .mp4's. Lots of Full DMD's for Originals, EM tables and Future Pinball. GAGPin Future Pinball-Attract Backglass, Full DMD, Wheel, and Launch Audio for all GAGPin's current and upcoming future releases. Classic movie based Future Pinball tables. Only a few of these were ever released publicly. https://gagpin.wixsite.com/gagpin?fbclid=IwAR25BbbWd-yyKeifCzv6nnIYgJ2VnabI9bK2JpArbJRmuJNK3J39fv7Tpf0 Star Wars Popper Theme-My personal Star Wars Popper theme. I use this on my Star Wars themed cabinet. Phenom VPX 2 Screen Backglass-Video backglass for 2 screen users of Phenom's Kid tables. These allow your backglass video not to be blocked by your DMD for the table. Resize your DMD into the cutout. Table Wheel-Table Audio-Wheels and table audio Loading Videos-I made these for some of the Pup Packs I have in my lineup NFL Tables (Xenonph)-Full DMD for all tables. Popper playlist media for NFL tables Toppers-Topper Videos I have made Instruction Cards-Over 950 Instruction Cards for use in your front end. Mostly EM and Original Tables. A big thank you to Inkochnito for his EM database (https://www.pinballrebel.com/pinball/cards/). Be sure to check out other instruction cards made by authors like @cheese3075@buffdriver @Kongedam @eddiemonsta @Frank_Enstein @CarnyPriest and others visit https://vpuniverse.com/files/category/91-instruction-cards/ or https://vpuniverse.com/files/category/9-hyperpin-media-packs/ (Authors - if you see anything in my MEGA belonging to you just drop me a PM and I will remove. I think I got them all out 😊) See the video from The Way of the Wrench (who inspired me to do this on my cabinet) for a tutorial on how to add to Popper https://youtu.be/RZTwHQNNqDc?si=l4nS24MQaMU9WAKP A big thank you to the original table authors, artists, and others who allowed me to use their artwork. Big thank you to vogliadicane, IvanTBA, HiRez00, Cocothetrain, hauntfreaks, godisnothere, scutters, STAT, Rajo Joey, and Nick D for their work.
  2. Version 1.0.2


    Waiting for a real graphic designer, or someone much more talented than me to create pinup popper videos for a VPin workshop playlist. I'm a huge fan of this Team 💪 I am offering 2 Backglass, 1 Playfield and 1 DMD. Both wheels are from Pritch 33. 3 Animated wheels are from oqqsan. Please bear with me this is my first video 🙏
  3. Version 1.0.1


    2 versions of this slideshow, the first is only a simple zoom and fade transition, the other also has a glitch effect on the video as seen in the screenshot. I made the slideshow with assorted anime girl / bike / cyberpunk imagery meant to accompany the original table Raygun Runner by CrimsonTurtle8. There is nudity involved, so if you're not interested in something NSFW or containing AI art, this will not be your cup of tea. Also check out my Backglass / FullDMD music videos for Raygun Runner: And Fullscreen Loading Video: PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! If you're going to reuse these assets in your own work, make sure to link back to this download and credit me.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I stumbled across the perfect music video to serve as an accompaniment front-end asset for the original Raygun Runner table by CrimsonTurtle8, so I spliced and edited it with some FX and color alterations to fit the theme of the table better. The full version of the video has a woman in a swimsuit/leotard dancing on a stripper pole, so I marked it conservatively as NSFW. Song : "Away From You" by Versus View SFW version here: https://rumble.com/v51suod-raygun-runner-1080p-backglass-fulldmd-video.html I also created an NSFW slideshow video to serve as a FullDMD front-end asset for Raygun Runner: And a fullscreen Loading Video: PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! If you're going to reuse these assets in your own work, make sure to link back to this download and credit me.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is an animated slideshow of AI Eldritch Horror images paired with chanting of "Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!" for the Clock of Eternal Fog table by CrimsonTurtle8. Recommended as a FullDMD asset for those with 3 screens since the Clock of Eternal Fog backglass does not include FullDMD content. Suitable as a FullDMD, Backglass, or FullDMD asset. Preview: https://rumble.com/v520c02-clockofeternalfog-1080p-fulldmdtopper-video.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! If you're going to reuse these assets in your own work, make sure to link back to this download and credit me.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Forge ambience for the Primordial Forge table by CrimsonTurtle8. Sounds of bubbling lava with the noise of a blacksmith working. There is also a full screen pinup girl image I use as a FullDMD placeholder for the same table, available here. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Pinup style image that can serve as a front-end screen image for the original Primordial Quarry table by CrimsonTurtle8. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Intro video with audio for Masonou's Mobile Suit Gundam Wing table, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end. Also nice to have the silent looping video on the FullDMD to accompany the table during gameplay. Preview: https://rumble.com/v5gsjlv-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-fulldmd-video-intro-1080p-w-audio.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    FX3 Williams (Playlist) Playfield 1920x1080 Full DMD 1920x1080 Backglass 1920x1080 Wheel Other2 Playlist Badge As FX3 will not get additional tables, this is complete showcase of Williams/Bally in FX3. Retrowave Media Packs PL_ALT DMD (Retrowave Theme) PL_ALT Sounds/Pinsounds (Retrowave Theme) PL_Arcade Games (Retrowave Theme) PL_Most Played (Retrowave Theme) PL_Recently Added (Retrowave Theme) PL_Adult Tables (Retrowave Theme) PL_Kids Tables (Retrowave Theme) PL_Recently Played (Retrowave Theme) PL_Random Tables (Retrowave Theme) PL_Least Played (Retrowave Theme) PL_Features (Retrowave Theme) ALL packs support Pinup Media, Drag and drop the Zip file. To use a MediaPack on a playlist do the following: Select a playlist (Random). Drag and Drop the Media Pack file on the Playfield box or any of the other boxes. Confirm by clicking ‘Yes’. It will basically extract the mediapack, take all the media and rename them so they match your playlist. T-Arc (3 Colours, Purple, Cyan & Orange) System Wheels Playlist Wheels Loading Animations A Complete Retrowave with batch files, to help make it easy to setup. Will be released shortly, these will include T-ARC, T-BAR, System Wheels, Playlist Wheels and Badges. Also available Diablo III Pinball B2S Playlist (Playlist) Video Media Pinball M Wheel Alternative Pinup Popper Recording Sounds (replaces with more natural speaking) PL_Orbital (Playlist) Video Media
  10. Version 1.1


    I wrote this bat script to help me, maybe it will help someone else. You'll have to open it up and edit the source directories, to match where you have Popper installed. What this does, is it will copy the media files - of your selected table - to that directory (provided the directory matches your table name). Why would you want this? Chances are, you probably don't! ...unless you organise your backups in the same way I do - table by table. In my backup directory - I have a folder for each table. Inside that folder, I keep everything related to that table, such as backglasses, different table authors, media, pup backs, etc. Thing is, I don't download all my media from VPU - sometimes (particularly in the beginning) I used Popper's media selection tool. This directly put the frontend media into popper. I curate things a bit differently now, but some of the media via popper is pretty cool. To ensure I have a local copy, I move the bat file into the relevant directory and then double click it. It'll copy the media (if it exists) into that directory (renaming as necessary). Boom, now I have a local copy for my backup. Why don't I just backup the Popper Media directory? Well, I could and probably should - but then it wouldn't be done table by table, which is how I like it. As I said, you probably don't need/want this - but if you do, here it is! Example: Move the bat file to a folder "24 (Stern 2009)" Run the bat file It will then go to your popper media and copy over all files that start with "24 (Stern 2009)" You'll note, when you look at the bat file, I'm not copying playfield or backglass. You can add those, if you want. For me, I don't need them because I just use popper's auto recorder to generate those.
  11. hi, here's a beginner's question: i'm setting up my cab with a fullDMD (1920x1080) screen. Now i followed nailbusters tutorial at https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=popper_fx3 My result is: now i have a tiny dmd at the size 512x136 in the top left corner of my dmd-screen. Because i have no mouse in FX3 while playing a table, i can't move and resize the dmd so it fits into the backround-frame. According to nailbuster, the popper line "start /min "" "PUPDMDControl.exe" FX3 PINUP\[GAMENAME]" should do the rest. Can somone help me to understand this call? looks like this PupDMDControl can run with table-specific parameters, but where the heck can i find/set this PINUP\[GAMENAME] setting? Well, i'd even be happy having the same frame for every fx3-table and just the dmd fit.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    I made a Retrowave theme for my pinup popper. I like Retrowave and you can use this wheel with a custom playlist. In Pinup Popper's Playlist Config - under the Active SQL settings, I have this: SELECT * FROM Games JOIN GamesStats ON Games.GameID=GamesStats.GameID AND Visible=1 where TimePlayedSecs>=500 AND TimePlayedSecs <1800 ORDER by RANDOM () LIMIT 20 This basically will, randomly show 20 tables, that I played more than 500 seconds but less than 1800 seconds. I had it pick 20 at random, because there probably are 200 tables that meet this criteria.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Wanted something more dynamic and in line with the Star Trek LCARS theme. Full DMD video with low dmd frame. Theme music included from youtube in the event that someone can figure out how to have it play at a low level during gameplay. If you use the lower fulldmd videos that were created by guet35, this frame uses the same dimensions to fit.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    DOWNLOAD THE COLLECTION HERE: https://mega.nz/file/dh4QgLCK#hCp89J7mVrh1OzJeQ-QNikkSJ5C9CzyiQk95Fkfz7S8 Attached is an almost complete mp4 zipped table collection of Playfield 4K Videos for the NEW Pinball FX on Steam. The list is almost complete: Currently missing files are Honor & Legacy Pack, Whirlwind and Twilight Zone. The files are correctly named for easy import, just unzip and place the folder named 'PlayField' into your 'PinupSystem/POPMedia/Pinball FX' folder and you should be good to go (Assuming you haven't changed the default naming system provided by Nailbuster). A big thank you to BurtMacklin who provided many of the files. The rest I recorded, renamed and compressed. Hope this saves you guys a lot of time!
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Just a simple frontend backglass video for the excellent Young Frankenstein (Original) table by HauntFreaks. It has an "old film" effect. There are no flashing lights. 1080p 30fps. Enjoy!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Alternative T-ARC Wheel (Part of the Retrowave Theme) Created entirely in 3D, used Blender 3.6 Includes Theme text layout, with fonts and how to install. Check Readme. Animated Loading Screens available here. System Wheels Playlist Wheels Media Packs Plus more PL_Recently Added (Retrowave Theme) PL_Adult Tables (retrowave Theme) PL_ALT DMD (Retrowave Theme) PL_Arcade Games (Retrowave Theme) PL_Most Played (Retrowave Theme) PL_ALT Sounds/Pinsounds (Retrowave Theme) PL_Kids Tables (Retrowave Theme) Video Preview
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This includes 3 videos: Playfield - PL_Bigus_(Playfield)2 - 94.9mb changes tables to the beat of the backglass audio Backglass - PL_Bigus_(BG)Audio2 - 80.1mb Cyberpunk Audio FullDMD - PL_Bigus_(FullDMD) -69.9mb No Audio HD (1920x1080 30FPS) Bigus v1_1080x1080.7z
  18. All the table info text has vanished, all the text is gone? I tried replacing PUPMenuScriptThemeOptions.txt, and PUPMenuScriptSysOptions.txt but still nothing. What am I missing?
  19. Hello, SO... This has never worked for me and I don't know why. When I click on the globe. I have tried admin/ no admin. No Firewall or anything like that is blocking it. Also popper wont play APNG's. No clue why, any help I would appreciate!
  20. Hi, first post for Pinup Popper, which I really love. Everything's working great, except that I would like to play the loading video completely before the table shows up. Some games load so fast that I don't even see the loading video. I'm using a full screen loading video because my graphic card wouldn't handle the transparency for the T-Arc :-(. Any help would be greatly appreciated !!
  21. Out of the blue, I loaded my Virtual Pinball cab software using the latest versions of Pinup Player and Pinup Popper only to get a string of repeated messages in Windows 10 that there is an Access Violation with Pinup Player Menu. It will not launch Pinup Popper as it did before. I can launch tables from VPX Pinball, but not via Pinup Popper. Any ideas what this repeated Windows 10 Error Message means - PinupPlayerMenu Access Violation at addres....? Help!!! Thanks
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Enjoy! (Not you Retroplay/ Extreme Gaming Cabinets)
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Pinup Popper System Menu - systemmenu.png Alternative
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Pinup Popper Default Wheel Alternative
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