VPX - Full Single Screen Tables (FSS)
14 files
Mermaid (Gottlieb 1951)
By Polsonator2
**This table is available for anyone to improve and Itchigo and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.**
******** Mermaid ************* Gottlieb 1951
VPX Conversion 1/21/2025 by Polsonator2
I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by PBecker1946 and Itchigo. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes).
Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I have taken PBecker's original image for the playfield and upscaled it to 4K, and I also did a ton of manual work to it cleaning it up, grafting better image details to the playfield, and various painting. I tried to fix details to make it look as nice as I could. I also incorporated into the table, as well as upscaled plastics, cleaned up and redidthe apron and instruction card, some screws, physics that I think match how I like on 50's woodrails I have played, materials changes, and I changed the wood to higher res different textures. I also updated a lot of the script, especially regarding the lighting events of the bumpers, etc. Fixed the Tilt not working. Completely redid bumper lighting in VPX format. Added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created a lot of the new images used in the plastics as well. I also did this conversion for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc.
Included in the zip file is a wheel I created, a cabinet view POV file, a dmd image I created, an updated backglass with a more clear image, and commentary about the table history written by the original author PBecker1946.
Queen of Hearts (Gottlieb 1952)
By Polsonator2
**This table is available for anyone to improve and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.**
Arborelia had posted on his modified version of Loserman76's table that he would like a high resolution playfield to upgrade the table. I reached out to Arborelia and showed him the upgraded playfield and other visuals that I did on this. He gave me permission to go ahead and upload a new version of what I came up with. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes).
Here are my updates:
1/15/24 Updates by Polsonator2
I have taken PBecker's image that Loserman76 used for the playfield and upscaled it, and I also did a ton of manual work to it cleaning it up and painting, fixing details to make it look as nice as I could. I also incorporated into the table, as well as upscaled plastics, cleaned up the plastic, apron, some screws, physics that I think match how I like on 50's woodrails I have played, materials changes, and I changed the wood to higher res different textures. I also raised the side gates up as the correct way would be for it to sit on top of the upper plastic. Lastly, I fixed the Tilt not working right in the script, it wasn't resting the game and dropping the balls back down. I also did my edits for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. I have also included a pov file for the cabinet view I use.
Here is a link to Loserman76's original table:
Here is a link to Arborelia's modification of that table:
Marble Queen (Gottlieb 1953)
By Polsonator2
**This table is available for anyone to improve and Itchigo and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.**
******** Marble Queen ************* ' Gottlieb 1953 '
VPX Conversion 1/9/2025 by Polsonator2
I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes).
Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors painstaking made from photos and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated a lot of the script, especially regarding the lighting events of the bumpers, marble balls, etc, Completely redid bumper lighting in VPX format. Added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created a lot of the new images used in the plastics as well. I also did this conversion for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc.
The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, a pov file for cabinet view, a written commentary about the game by original vp9 author PBecker1946, and a dmd image. Here is a link to a wheel that already exists for this table so I did not need to make one so there is not one included in the zip:
Hope everyone enjoys this
Gold Star (Gottlieb 1954)
By Polsonator2
VPX Conversion 1/6/2025 by Polsonator2
I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes).
Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome 1954 table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors made and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I also did this conversion for cabinet play (I only play on a 3 screen cabinet) so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, (lighting may look different) etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, with lighting updates added by me, a wheel picture I made, and a dmd image.
Dragonette (Gottlieb 1954)
By Polsonator2
******** Dragonette *************
Gottlieb 1954
VPX Conversion 1/2/2025 by Polsonator2
Thanks go to original author Leo_Wanker for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken his original VP9 table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image and I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created and scripted in a working backglass which is also included. This conversion was made for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc.
After you insert a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button to release the ball.
Buccaneer (Gottlieb 1948)
By Polsonator2
VPX Conversion 1/1/2025 by Polsonator2
Itchigo had posted in October the VP9 version with a request for someone to try and convert it to VPX. I love playing woodrails and decided to try to convert this in VPX. Reached out to Itchigo and got his permission to upload my full conversion. Here it is now for everyone to enjoy. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button.
Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome 1948 table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors painstaking made from photos and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I also did this conversion for cabinet play (I only play on a 3 screen cabinet) so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, with some small updates added by me, a wheel picture I made, and a dmd image.
Here is a link to Itchigo and PBecker1946's original VP9 table:
Pinball Action (Tehkan 1985)
By jbbolcato
PINBALL ACTION (Tehkan 1985)
Recreation of this beloved 80s multi-table arcade videogame, by JBBolcato.
Includes regeneration of all artwork and audio, plus coding logic in VS script.
Game is complete with all 4 tables (1 main and 3 warp Red Green Blue ones).
This is half height pinball (4/3 vertical video game screen), so for full size
cabinets, expect some space at the top!
Also, all the scores and high scores are embedded in the bottom/apron part of
the pinball, so the backglass is just for looking pretty - a simple one is included.
Check the media folders for additional goodies like dmd video and topper/wheels.
See rules for details on how to play. (pdf, or ingame/Press R or D)
Tested only in desktop mode, and cabinet mode 3 screens.
Feedback welcome! This is my very first table, so plenty to learn still.
Many thanks to JPSalas for his advice and support, plus all the amazing Vpinball
community for its endless supply of cool tables, programs and tutorials to
welcome newbies like me.
Version history:
1.0 - 24/12/2024 / initial release
By Sir_Random
DOF support added by @MauiPunter
New Lighting setup by @hauntfreaks
incl. Full DMD B2S by HauntFreaks, B2S by haggi
Fix for HSScore(1) loading issue.
This is my first table, based on my childhood favourite show, Fireball XL5
I have been making games for many years, but this was the most enjoyable project ever for me. I hope I did Fireball XL5 justice, and managed to convey a feel for the show with 'countdown' hurry ups and show related mission modes.
It's meant to be fun and uplifting, but you can totally blow it up by completing the modes and Wizard mode.
Full FlexDMD including 2 video games
4 Main modes + Wizard mode/Party Time
2 Multiballs
+ Numerous hidden features
Works with 10.7 & 10.8
V1.01 has realistic lighting by hauntfreaks & DOF support by MauiPunter
V1 still has the original '5 year old's bedroom' lighting
Come for the pinball, stay for the wonderful music of Barry Gray.
Chapeau Melon et Bottes de Cuir VPX (Version 1.01 by VLive and Iceman)
By VLive
Salut, Avec l'aimable permission de JP Salas, je partage cette table "Chapeau Melon et Bottes de cuir ". Celle-ci est une modification de la table "Space Cadet". Je remercie aussi l'aide précieuse d'Iceman pour la vérification des éléments de la table mais aussi pour ses graphismes (Backglass et Wheel). Voilà, amusez-vous bien ! Et restez gentleman !
Fantomas - Louis de Funes - French Edition 2023 (Icepinball, VLive)
By VLive
Salut, Avec l'aimable permission d'Icepinball, j'ai réalisé cette version française de la table VPX de Fantomas.
Amusez-vous bien !
By blade91100
BONJOUR , voici la table rick et morty que j ai commencer il y a plusieur mois .
la table n est pas encore terminé , il reste les eclairage a faire et 2 ou 3 mission carte aventure .
je ne sait pas faire de pup pack donc j ai utilisé direct b2s pour afficher le choix des missions .
choisir la mission avec la touche magna save gauche puis plunger pour activer.
j espere que des personnes pouront la finir car je n ai plus le temps de la terminer et aussi un manque de connaissance dans vpx .
toute modification et ameliration permise sur cette table .
voila amusez vous avec .
HELLO, here is the Rick and Morty table that I started several months ago.
the table is not yet finished, there is still the lighting to do and 2 or 3 adventure card missions.
I don't know how to make a pup pack so I used direct b2s to display the choice of missions.
choose the mission with the left magna save button then plunge to activate.
I hope that people will be able to finish it because I no longer have time to finish it and also a lack of knowledge in vpx.
any modification and improvement permitted on this table.
Here you go, have fun with it.
george michael VPX Table Faith George Michael ver. 1.01
By VLive
A tous les passionnés de pincab,
J'ai réalisé cette table en modifiant la table ici https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14884
Celle ci est une modification de la table VPX Charlies's Angels
Tous les fichiers sont présents dans le pack. Installez vos fichiers dans Vpinball
Amusez-vous bien.
FSS MOD Medieval Madness (Williams 1997)
By Morttis
Well, this is my FSS version for the most challenging version of Medieval Madness there is, the Skitso version ... as I love the Skitso version, I needed to make an FSS version for this table, so I did ... I did not change almost anything in the general lighting of the table, as it is already very good, I only added a few layers to make it possible to apply the color correction effect and Day and Night, and then there is the table. I hope you all like it.
Nick (Arconovum) has already made an FSS version for Medieval, but this one from Skitso is something "different" to play, and the overall lighting look of the table was also different, neither better nor worse, just different, you will see, so it's worth it.
Adaptation to the FSS format: Morttis
Original table: Tom Tower’s and Ninuzzu’s
Remaster table: Skitso, rothbauerw and bord (TEAM ROTHBORSKI)
Base script for assembling the table in FSS format: Arconovum
B2S used as a basis for backglass art: bassgeige
[FSS] Backglass/Box/Backlight
[CCX] Color Correction
[D&N] Day and Night transition
[JPSP] JPSalas physics 3.0 update
[SS] Solid Station table
[DMD] DMD display table
[10.6+] FSS table developed in VPX 10.6 with reshade
Thank you very much to all the VPX and table developers, without you the fun wouldn't be possible.
Well, this is a great new title that could not be missing in the FSS format.
Enjoy it.