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  1. Version 1.0.0


    This B2S for the Deep Purple table created by @balutito was made using selected screenshots of the artwork from the official animated Smoke on the Water video from Deep Purple. The artwork was cleaned up, modified in color and contrast, animated with lighting for the respective ROM callouts for the Williams Fire! table, and converted to 1440p resolution. You can also use the DMD as-is with the original reels type of setup, or you can use it as a frame for a DMD if you'd rather use that. Enjoy!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    I created this high resolution 2K Backglass and HD full DMD combo to compliment the excellent original Star Wars Bounty Hunter table created by @tartzani My goal was to focus upon Star Wars bounty hunters in general, much like the table, and to avoid the over saturated focus on the Mandalorian and Grogu characters. All of the lighting on the backglass has been configured to work with the triggers in the table. The full DMD artwork looks great holding the FlexDMD (if you enabled it) or by itself if you prefer, since the table has a DMD built into the playfield too. You can grab the amazing Star Wars Bounty Hunter table here on VPUniverse: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/6450-starwars-bountyhunter/
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Intro video with audio for Masonou's Mobile Suit Gundam Wing table, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end. Also nice to have the silent looping video on the FullDMD to accompany the table during gameplay. Preview: https://rumble.com/v5gsjlv-mobile-suit-gundam-wing-fulldmd-video-intro-1080p-w-audio.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    I'm an old skool fan of Vampirella, and I remember being a kid in the 1970's looking forward to new issues of Vampirella while I was also busy reading Eerie and Creepy magazines. I created this backglass and Full DMD combo for people like me who remember those awesome Vampirella magazine covers back in the day; painstakingly painted by some of the greatest artists of our time. The backglass and DMD were made using images of paintings by Enrique Torres, who was one of the premier artists for Vampirella back in the earliest days. I cleaned them up, upscaled to 1440p, modified the lighting, and added other artistic touches such as the castle and Vampirella logos. Subtle, beautiful, sexy, and dark; just as the original creators of Vampirella intended. If you are interested in the original artworks, you can find more information here: https://www.vampilore.co.uk/artists/torresE.html Thanks to @balutito for making the excellent Vampirella table! If you have not installed the table yet, you had better get on that!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I created this full DMD version of the Swamp Thing backglass, originally created by @clairvius, for those like me who have a full DMD configuration. This is the backglass created by Clairvius for his table, but this backglass will also work with the table created by @LTek. I added a full DMD image and animated the lights. This DirectB2S can also be used by those who have a 2-screen setup, since the speaker grill that Clairvius created is still intact on the file.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    4K 30fps Full Screen Loading screen for Hellraiser table.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This B2S is the original, outstanding backglass for Capt. Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy that was created by @hauntfreaks, with an added full DMD image of the side art stencil that was provided by @Protomech. Enjoy!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This B2S is the original backglass for Rack 'Em Up that was created by @Wildman in 2015, with an added full DMD image of the side art stencil that was provided by @Protomech. Enjoy!
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This B2S is the original backglass for Cow Poke that was created by @Wildman, with an added full DMD image of the side art stencil that was provided by @Protomech. Enjoy!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This B2S is the original backglass for Buckaroo that was created by @Wildman, with an added full DMD image of the side art stencil that was provided by @Protomech. Enjoy!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This B2S is the original backglass for Big Casino that was created by @Wildman with an added full DMD image that I created. The DMD image was drawn by me using old photographs of the side art for reference, and I added the Gottlieb logo that was appropriate for that era. Enjoy!
  12. Version 1.0.0


    1080p trailer for The Godfather 50th Anniversary movie, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with The Godfather table by Marty02 below. Preview: https://rumble.com/v52klro-the-godfather-50th-anniversary-fulldmd-video-movie-trailer-1080p-w-audio.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  13. Version 1.0.0


    1080p trailer for the Re-Animator movie, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with either of the Re-Animator tables. Preview: https://rumble.com/v52knbp-re-animator-fulldmd-video-movie-trailer-1080p-w-audio.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Intro video from the Monster Rancher TV series, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with the Monster Rancher table by BigKahuna707. Preview: https://rumble.com/v52kjzi-monster-rancher-fulldmd-video-tv-show-intro-1080p-w-audio.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  15. Version 1.0.0


    1080p trailer for the Kung Fu Hustle movie, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with the Kung Fu Hustle table by Balutito below. Preview: https://rumble.com/v52kid0-kung-fu-hustle-fulldmd-video-trailer-1080p-w-audio.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    1080p music video clip, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with the Gunship table by ZandysArcade below: Preview: https://rumble.com/v52eega-gunship-fulldmd-waudio-1080p.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  17. Version 1.0.0


    1080p classic 80s commercial for Cherry Coke with CAMEO, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with the Cherry Coke table by ivantba Preview: https://rumble.com/v52edx6-cherry-coke-fulldmd-80s-commercial-w-audio-1080p.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! If you're going to reuse these assets in your own work, make sure to link back to this download and credit me.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    1080p classic 80s commercial for 7Up, great as a FullDMD or Topper asset for your front-end to go along with the 7 Up table by ivantba Preview: https://rumble.com/v52edg1-7up-fulldmd-commercial-w-audio-1080p.html For those who want to silence the audio and aren't aware: Simply right click the video after you've added it to the Pinup Popper Media Manager, choose Convert, choose the option to mute the volume. This will simply cut the audio so you are left with video and can use whatever other audio you want. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! If you're going to reuse these assets in your own work, make sure to link back to this download and credit me.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Every Wild West table could use a nice showgirl video for its front-end! I made this one to go along with Marty02's original Wild Wild West table because I freaking love the sounds in that table. The ricocheting bullets, the hootin' and hollerin'..... Straight up classic. Enjoy, you rackin' frackin' varmints! PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  20. Version 1.0.0


    I created this alternative DirectB2S backglass to go with the great Ren & Stimpy - Space Madness table created by @clairvius It was originally created to work alongside the PUP Pack for the full DMD, but you can also use this as a standalone B2S if you want. It has an image in the full DMD if you go that route. This backglass is static and does not have any lighting animations, as I was not able to implement them properly with the PUP Pack in effect. Enjoy!
  21. Version 1.0.0


    I created this animated B2S to go with the very cool Robots Invasion table that was converted from Future Pinball for VPX by Unclewilly at VPForums. You can get the table at VPForums.org here: https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18390 This animated backglass and DMD combo supports 2-screen and 3-screen scenarios, plus I included two versions for DMD frame and without, depending upon your preference. The table has a DMD on the playfield, so some people will choose not to have another FlexDMD image on the DMD. Enjoy!
  22. Version 1.0.0


    This is the B2S created by @balutito for his Kung Fu Hustle original table, but I have removed the speaker grill image and added a Full DMD image with a frame for the FlexDMD. There does not seem to be any table animation calls for the backglass lighting, so the lighting is static at this time. Enjoy!
  23. Version 1.0.0


    I created this high resolution backglass and full DMD to compliment the fun and original "The Mandalorian" table created by @marty02. If you have not yet installed that table, then what are you waiting for?! Enjoy!
  24. Version 1.0.1


    Thanks to @ryguy417 and all collaborators for his wonderful Star Wars Episode 1 (Williams 1999) table submission yesterday. If you have not installed and played it yet, then you'd better go get it now! His fun and colorful table inspired me to create a hi-res colorful and fun full-DMD backglass. The colors for the scores, credits, and ball in play are representative of the colors used for lightsabers in the Star Wars movies. They fit well with the lightsaber battle on the DMD. Enjoy!
  25. Version 1.0.0


    I created this B2S with Full DMD to compliment the excellent Aliens Nostromo 2 original table created by @bombaj344 This backglass is a 2K image with a 1080p DMD image, providing excellent clarity and detail. The lighting animations are connected to the ID calls inherent to the ROM, and as utilized by the table creator. You can also get the 2-screen version here:
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