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Found 16 results

  1. Version 1.1


    Strike! A perfect score! Presenting Gottlieb’s “300” Team-Scampa123 Mod 1.0 This is a major update to Loserman76’s (and team!) recreation of Gottlieb’s 300 Bowling Themed Table This table is a hybrid containing the cabinet, desktop, and VR all in one. This mod was a true team effort, and the number of enhancements wouldn’t have been possible without the help of some great folks!! I’ve learned so much in working with them and reviewing their contributions to this release! Huge thanks to: - @Loserman76 for permission to enhance the table! - @HauntFreaks for all the graphical work on the playfield and the traditional b2s, guidance and collaboration - @Rawd for the VR backglass animation work and for the VR coaching, guidance, and tweaking! - @Leojreimroc for the amazing VR reels and VR backglass lighting work - @Pritch33 for his wonderful animated wheel work - @Apophis for the coaching on nFozzy and Fleep… and extra eyes on my work - @VR Community for all the resources VR Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In1j-V3s4YU/ The team hopes you enjoy it!! Table Instructions: * Changing LUT: To rotate and select between the 16 LUT files press the Left MagnaSave * Changing VR Carpets: To select one of 5 different VR carpets press the Right MagnaSave * Game settings: Hold the Left Flipper for 3+ seconds to launch the game changes menu (left flipper to change and right to select) What's New in Version 1.0 * Physics and Sounds: * Added nFozzy physics (scampa123) * Added nFozzy flippers (scampa123) * Added Fleep sounds (scampa123) * Playfield, Desktop and Traditional Backglass: * Complete redraw of playfield (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Complete redraw of plastics (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * New Backdrop image for DT users (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Enhanced Lighting and shadows (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Cleaned up Backglass a bit (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Game Enhancements: * Added missing triggers on the left side for additional scoring to match the real table (scampa123) * Added JP's LUT code * VR Room and Enhancements * Added Minimal VR Room (scampa123, thanks @Rawd) * VR Animated backglass created from scratch (thanks @Rawd and @Leojreimroc) * New Gottlieb VR Coin Door model (scampa123 and George H.) * New Gottlieb 300 VR backbox model (scampa123) * Customize your VR Room's Carpet!! 5 carpets to choose from! * Included Animated Wheels: * Animated Wheels for Front ends (thanks @Pritch33) * …And so much more!! This is for personal use only. DO NOT include this in any pre-packaged ZIP of tables for commercial/non-commercial products.
  2. View File Gottlieb's "300" Team Scampa123 Mod Strike! A perfect score! Presenting Gottlieb’s “300” Team-Scampa123 Mod 1.0 This is a major update to Loserman76’s (and team!) recreation of Gottlieb’s 300 Bowling Themed Table This table is a hybrid containing the cabinet, desktop, and VR all in one. This mod was a true team effort, and the number of enhancements wouldn’t have been possible without the help of some great folks!! I’ve learned so much in working with them and reviewing their contributions to this release! Huge thanks to: - @Loserman76 for permission to enhance the table! - @HauntFreaks for all the graphical work on the playfield and the traditional b2s, guidance and collaboration - @Rawd for the VR backglass animation work and for the VR coaching, guidance, and tweaking! - @Leojreimroc for the amazing VR reels and VR backglass lighting work - @Pritch33 for his wonderful animated wheel work - @Apophis for the coaching on nFozzy and Fleep… and extra eyes on my work - @VR Community for all the resources VR Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In1j-V3s4YU/ The team hopes you enjoy it!! Table Instructions: * Changing LUT: To rotate and select between the 16 LUT files press the Left MagnaSave * Changing VR Carpets: To select one of 5 different VR carpets press the Right MagnaSave * Game settings: Hold the Left Flipper for 3+ seconds to launch the game changes menu (left flipper to change and right to select) What's New in Version 1.0 * Physics and Sounds: * Added nFozzy physics (scampa123) * Added nFozzy flippers (scampa123) * Added Fleep sounds (scampa123) * Playfield, Desktop and Traditional Backglass: * Complete redraw of playfield (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Complete redraw of plastics (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * New Backdrop image for DT users (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Enhanced Lighting and shadows (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Cleaned up Backglass a bit (thanks @Hauntfreaks) * Game Enhancements: * Added missing triggers on the left side for additional scoring to match the real table (scampa123) * Added JP's LUT code * VR Room and Enhancements * Added Minimal VR Room (scampa123, thanks @Rawd) * VR Animated backglass created from scratch (thanks @Rawd and @Leojreimroc) * New Gottlieb VR Coin Door model (scampa123 and George H.) * New Gottlieb 300 VR backbox model (scampa123) * Customize your VR Room's Carpet!! 5 carpets to choose from! * Included Animated Wheels: * Animated Wheels for Front ends (thanks @Pritch33) * …And so much more!! This is for personal use only. DO NOT include this in any pre-packaged ZIP of tables for commercial/non-commercial products. Submitter scampa123 Submitted 08/20/2021 Category VPX - Pinball Tables ROM Name Link to B2S Included Link to Media Pack Permission to Mod Contact Author First.  
  3. I'm one of the few hold-outs still running visual pinball on a single screen, aka desktop mode. Thankfully the majority of table authors still include a desktop option. Most will include a desktop backdrop or background but some do not. Some will simply have the table floating in black space. Backdrops are, in many cases, a personal preference thing while others are functional with the scoring displays "built-in". My goal here is to tackle the most basic how-to since I was helping another VPU user add a backdrop to loserman76's (rip) vpx table, Yukon Special. I will use this as the example in this tutorial. As we see it has only a solid gray backdrop with a single score reel. We can spice this up a bit with a nice image for the backdrop. I make my own backdrops either from scratch or by bashing together from other peoples backdrops. I prefer my backdrops to look like a room. I'm attaching one I think will look good for this game. Its got rustic wood floors and a barnwood back wall. You can use any image you like! Create your own to match your screen resolution. I started by using Image Manager built into Visual Pinball to export backdrop images from other tables. I have to throw some thanks out to guys like @32assassin , @batch, @hauntfreaks and many others who took the time to create some magnificent artworks and who also encourage me to create. I'll be using VPX 10.7.4-64bit but all current versions will work the same for this. I prefer using the 64 bit versions when editing as it tends to be robust. As always make backups of anything you want to save in case something goes sideways. I usually make a folder and name it WORKING under the table's folder. I also keep every game table in it's own folder but whatever you do, please make a backup first. As the narrator says in Bally's Creature from the Black Lagoon, "and now on with the show!" Read the text and follow the pics. Download my bd-plank-barnwood.png to your Yukon folder (or wherever you like, doesn't matter really as long as you'll be able to find it) Now open the table in edit mode and on the left click on the toggle backglass view button You should see the silhouette of a table in the middle surrounded by boxes- these are the score reels and lamps simulating the backglass. I will be using the directb2s instead so I will drag these lamps and reels off screen (the bounding box). To do this use your mouse and drag a selection area around the reels and lamps and then use your cursor keys to slide them off screen per pic attached. Note if they do not move they are locked so again select them all then click EDIT, LOCK. There is no unlock, it just toggles by color change (blue is unlocked, gray is locked) Once cleaned go to Table, Image Manager In image manager click on Import and then go to the folder that has the backdrop you just downloaded and select it. It will now show in the list of images and a preview will be on the right. Click OK. Now back in the editor you should click on the dropdown arrow where it says DT Image. Scroll to find the bd-plank-barnwood image. NOTE- for backdrops to be visible make sure the box for Enable Decals is checked. To get an idea of what it will look like go to View and select Playfield Image/Backdrop. Click on File-Save and you're done! Since we are using the directb2s backglass you need to edit or create a screenres.text (or tablename.res) and position the glass and size it how you like. I'm attaching mine as an example for this table. My screen is 1920x1200 but it will work nicely for 1920x1080 as well. The same methods apply regardless of screen resolution. Ok so there is the very basic steps to add a backdrop. Perhaps in the future I'll dive deeper into active or functioning backdrops. I just worked on a very cool active backdrop for Mauipunter's Speed Racer Mod. It was fun to do but is a lot more than I can include here. I hope this tutorial helps! Yukon Special (Williams 1971).res
  4. This is something that has bothered me greatly when editing tables with my own custom backdrop images and continues to discourage me from doing more. I have a 1440p widescreen monitor (2560 x 1440) that I play VPX with and all my tables play fantastic on it. I get a bit bored seeing a void of black or get turned off by seeing low-resolution images or images that are of low quality fill the background, and being a graphic artist I try to enhance my experience with new artwork that'll make the screen look better in my eyes. What will happen is I will make a new custom backdrop in 4K (3180 x 2160) and use the Image Manager in VPX to Import a new PNG image backdrop, then go to the Backglass Properties area on the right side of VPX and click the DT Image dropdown window to select my new custom backdrop that was imported, play the table and it plays totally fine initially. However, if I save the table, exit VPX, open VPX back up and play the table again.. ALL of the slingshots and bumpers everywhere on the table completely lose all functionality and no longer work. I've tested in both 10.7 as well as the 10.8 beta and both yield the same result. It really aggravates, frustrates, and downright angers me that any time I want to give a table a facelift, VPX tends to always give me the middle finger for trying. Is VPX plagued with this disabled slingshot/bumper after-effect when saving custom desktop backdrop images for tables? Can someone guide me in the right direction to getting my tables working that I've modified with new desktop backdrop images or tell me the proper procedure with importing/saving?
  5. View File " Bang " (Genco 1939) v 1.2 Desktop " Bang " / IPD No. 166 / July, 1939 / 1 Player Manufacturer:Genco Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1931-1958) Date Of Manufacture:July, 1939 Type:Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net) (External site) Specialty:Flipperless Notable Features:Spring bumpers (12), Trap holes (4). Operates on batteries. Patent No. 2,134,185 [GAME APPARATUS] filed January 2, 1936. Granted October 25, 1938 to Leslie M. Hansen. This patent states "Another object of this invention is to provide a coin operated game apparatus in which it is possible by the skillful operation of the same, to obtain a free second operation without inserting a coin into the coin slide." Submitter Francisco Submitted 04/17/2023 Category Future Pinball Tables  
  6. Version 1.2


    " Bang " / IPD No. 166 / July, 1939 / 1 Player Manufacturer:Genco Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, Illinois, USA (1931-1958) Date Of Manufacture:July, 1939 Type:Electro-mechanical (EM) Serial Number Database:View at The Internet Pinball Serial Number Database (IPSND.net) (External site) Specialty:Flipperless Notable Features:Spring bumpers (12), Trap holes (4). Operates on batteries. Patent No. 2,134,185 [GAME APPARATUS] filed January 2, 1936. Granted October 25, 1938 to Leslie M. Hansen. This patent states "Another object of this invention is to provide a coin operated game apparatus in which it is possible by the skillful operation of the same, to obtain a free second operation without inserting a coin into the coin slide."
  7. I'm trying to play the Guardians of the Galaxy pinball table on a single screen desktop. But I keep on getting an error message. It says a PuPack is necessary. But I don't use a cabinet.
  8. Version 1.0


    SpiderMan desktop table based on Stern table, thank's Jp Salas for mod your table
  9. Version 1.1


    New version of the 1979 Roger Sharpe table, Sharpshooter by Game Plan. Thanks to Eala for his original vp8 table and his object table which I borrowed from Thanks to JimmyFingers for physics tweaks and BMPR modding and improved sound/sound routines. Thanks to Rob046, Uncle Willy and Destruk for help, question answering and opinions. For 4:3 either download version 1.0 or change x-scale in backdop to 1.1 and change backdrop image from "backdropws" to "backdrop"
  10. Version 1.1b


    Cherry Bell Desktop Table by Sonic It is my first Recreation, so please be easy with me I was very busy with the Script, there was no Rules avaiable. Please read the Rules.pdf inside the Downloadfile. Thanks to zany for Test and Bumpercabs Primitives Thanks to dark für some Informations about it I am working on a 1.1 also ... I hope you like it, thanks for Playing, have Fun !
  11. Version v1.4b_VP99_DT


    Desktop Patch for Pirates Of the Caribbean.vpt by 85Vett (coolball for the Desktop-Patch) Changes i´ve done - added new Backdrop - change the values to create a desktop version - adjusts the flashers I'm not really happy with the Flipper settings, maybe someone can help with better settings. Need a better placed wall (for this desktop version at the plank to prevent ball from getting stuck behind bumper. Download and use the VPU Patching System - VPPatch - 32bit & 64bit 1.02 to create the Mod http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2581-vpu-patching-system-vppatch-32bit-64bit/ Download the original Table: "Pirates Of the Caribbean.vpt" /http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2458-pirates-of-the-caribbean-stern-2006-85vett-fs-12/ Use the Mod: "PotC_v1.4b_VP99_DT.dif" Have fun To Apply a patch: a. If you do not already have the table that the patch was created for; you will need to download that file. Read the "ReadMe.txt" file that comes with the patch download. The file should contain a link to the original file that the patch is based on. b. Make sure that you are on the "Apply Patch" tab located at the top of the window. c. Under "Original Table (Unmodified)". Click on "Choose" and then select the Original Unmodified Table that the patch was created for. d. Under "New Table Patch" click on "Choose" and select the patch file (.dif) that you want to apply to the table. e. Under "New Table File Name". Type in the name that you want to call your new table. Make sure that the file name ends in .vpt. f. Click "Apply Patch" - You will get a pop-up window indicating the location where your new file was created. This should be in the "mods" folder located in the same folder as the VPPatchXX.exe. If you have made any changes to the original table release then this patch will not work.
  12. Version 1.0


    Gottlieb's Road Race (1969) Table primary build/scripted by Loserman! Thanks to the following for their contributions (whether they know it or not!) If I have missed anyone, let me know as this table would not exist without the folks in the community. Dazz - Playfield resources Freneticamnesiac - Playfield redraw (not used on this particular version) Grizz - Playfield and plastics redraws JPSalas - gameroom backdrop and methods gleaned from his fantastic tables EalaDubhSidhe - table object templates Black - HS save/load routines Itchigo - table templates which gave me ideas on how to accomplish what I wanted in this table CONRAM - various code ideas learned by tracing through code on his tables akiles50000 - for that totally awesome tutorial on table building. So much stuff I now understand because of the work put into this tutorial Inkochnito - scorecards/instruction cards Pinuck - Gottlieb chimes and score motor routines Herweh - directB2S designer and tools JimmyFingers - rolling ball and other objects' sound routines Bendigo - routines for rotating arrow target Arngrim - DOF scripting! Message from Dazz - Thanks to loserman76 and everyone for helping out with this build weather they know it or not. This game has been noted as one of the worst pinball games by Gottlieb. For the complete story about why this game means a lot to me check out my post on BYOAC.
  13. Version v1.0b


    Desktop Patch for Spiderman Stern 1-01.zip by 85Vett (coolball for the Desktop-Patch) Thank you 85vett for the fantastic table and the permission to mod your table. Changes i´ve done - added new Backdrop - change the values to create a desktop version - adjusts the flashers Download and use the VPU Patching System - VPPatch - 32bit & 64bit 1.02 to create the Mod http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2581-vpu-patching-system-vppatch-32bit-64bit/ Download the original Table: "Spiderman Stern 1-01.zip" / http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2743-spiderman-fs-stern-2007-85vett/ Use the Mod: "Spidermandesk2.dif" Have fun To Apply a patch: a. If you do not already have the table that the patch was created for; you will need to download that file. Read the "ReadMe.txt" file that comes with the patch download. The file should contain a link to the original file that the patch is based on. b. Make sure that you are on the "Apply Patch" tab located at the top of the window. c. Under "Original Table (Unmodified)". Click on "Choose" and then select the Original Unmodified Table that the patch was created for. d. Under "New Table Patch" click on "Choose" and select the patch file (.dif) that you want to apply to the table. e. Under "New Table File Name". Type in the name that you want to call your new table. Make sure that the file name ends in .vpt. f. Click "Apply Patch" - You will get a pop-up window indicating the location where your new file was created. This should be in the "mods" folder located in the same folder as the VPPatchXX.exe. If you have made any changes to the original table release then this patch will not work.
  14. Version v1.0


    Desktop Patch for XMen FS 1-02.zip by 85Vett (coolball for the Desktop-Patch) Thank you 85vett for the fantastic table and the permission to mod your table. Changes i´ve done - added new Backdrop - change the values to create a desktop version - adjusts the flashers Download and use the VPU Patching System - VPPatch - 32bit & 64bit 1.02 to create the Mod http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2581-vpu-patching-system-vppatch-32bit-64bit/ Download the original Table: "XMen FS 1-02.zip" / http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2679-x-men-pro-stern-2012-85vett/ Use the Mod: "XMENdesk1.dif" Have fun To Apply a patch: a. If you do not already have the table that the patch was created for; you will need to download that file. Read the "ReadMe.txt" file that comes with the patch download. The file should contain a link to the original file that the patch is based on. b. Make sure that you are on the "Apply Patch" tab located at the top of the window. c. Under "Original Table (Unmodified)". Click on "Choose" and then select the Original Unmodified Table that the patch was created for. d. Under "New Table Patch" click on "Choose" and select the patch file (.dif) that you want to apply to the table. e. Under "New Table File Name". Type in the name that you want to call your new table. Make sure that the file name ends in .vpt. f. Click "Apply Patch" - You will get a pop-up window indicating the location where your new file was created. This should be in the "mods" folder located in the same folder as the VPPatchXX.exe. If you have made any changes to the original table release then this patch will not work.
  15. Version v1.0


    Desktop Patch for Ironman FS 1.04.zip by 85Vett (coolball for the Desktop-Patch) Thank you 85vett for the fantastic table and the permission to mod your table. Changes i´ve done - added new Backdrop - change the values to create a desktop version - adjusts the flashers Download and use the VPU Patching System - VPPatch - 32bit & 64bit 1.02 to create the Mod http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2581-vpu-patching-system-vppatch-32bit-64bit/ Download the original Table: "Ironman FS 1.04.zip" / http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2470-iron-man-stern-2010-85vett/ Use the Mod: "Ironmandesk1.dif" Have fun To Apply a patch: a. If you do not already have the table that the patch was created for; you will need to download that file. Read the "ReadMe.txt" file that comes with the patch download. The file should contain a link to the original file that the patch is based on. b. Make sure that you are on the "Apply Patch" tab located at the top of the window. c. Under "Original Table (Unmodified)". Click on "Choose" and then select the Original Unmodified Table that the patch was created for. d. Under "New Table Patch" click on "Choose" and select the patch file (.dif) that you want to apply to the table. e. Under "New Table File Name". Type in the name that you want to call your new table. Make sure that the file name ends in .vpt. f. Click "Apply Patch" - You will get a pop-up window indicating the location where your new file was created. This should be in the "mods" folder located in the same folder as the VPPatchXX.exe. If you have made any changes to the original table release then this patch will not work.
  16. Version v1.0


    Desktop Patch for Tron FS 1-4.vpt by 85Vett (coolball for the Desktop-Patch) Thank you 85vett for the fantastic table and the permission to mod your table. Changes i´ve done - added new Backdrop - change the values to create a desktop version - adjusts the flashers Download and use the VPU Patching System - VPPatch - 32bit & 64bit 1.02 to create the Mod http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2581-vpu-patching-system-vppatch-32bit-64bit/ Download the original Table: "Tron FS 1-4.vpt" / http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2624-tron-le-stern-201185vett/ Use the Mod: "Trondesk1.dif" Have fun To Apply a patch: a. If you do not already have the table that the patch was created for; you will need to download that file. Read the "ReadMe.txt" file that comes with the patch download. The file should contain a link to the original file that the patch is based on. b. Make sure that you are on the "Apply Patch" tab located at the top of the window. c. Under "Original Table (Unmodified)". Click on "Choose" and then select the Original Unmodified Table that the patch was created for. d. Under "New Table Patch" click on "Choose" and select the patch file (.dif) that you want to apply to the table. e. Under "New Table File Name". Type in the name that you want to call your new table. Make sure that the file name ends in .vpt. f. Click "Apply Patch" - You will get a pop-up window indicating the location where your new file was created. This should be in the "mods" folder located in the same folder as the VPPatchXX.exe. If you have made any changes to the original table release then this patch will not work.
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