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  1. View File Goldeneye (Sega 1996) VPW Mod No more foreplay… Astronasty is a big fan of JPJs original release of Goldeneye and after receiving a clean playfield stitch from EBisLit he decided to pull the trigger on the mod. We gave it a full shake down by updating with nFozzy physics, Flupper domes, 3D inserts, Fleep sound effects, new ramp textures, GI lighting and shadows improvements, Radar dish enhancements, a VR room, and more. The pleasure will be all yours. Based on the VPX table by JPJ, Team PP and many more Project lead: Astronasty Playfield cleanup: Astronasty, EBisLit Physics: Fluffhead35, Apophis Sound effects: Fluffhead35 3D Inserts: EBisLit, Oqqsan Dynamic Shadows: Wylte VR Room and Backglass: Leojreimroc, Sixtoe Lighting: Hauntfreaks, Sixtoe GI control update: Iaakki Radar dish updates: Apophis, Oqqsan Flasher dome updates: Apophis, Leojreimroc Script fixes: Oqqsan, Apophis Desktop background: Oqqsan Ramp updates: Tomate Testing: VPW team, 1 day by Rik Submitter VPinWorkshop Submitted 04/29/22 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  2. Version 2.0.0


    New Wave was a conversion kit done by Bell Games in 1985; utilizing a full reuse of Black Pyramid. Since I just finished Black Pyramid, it was very straightforward to use that as a baseline for the New Wave conversion kit. @redbone spent a lot of time getting the playfield, plastics, bumpers, targets, and other images just right. He was able to utilize some prior work that @cyberpez did as well. I've included TONS of options in there, as it was a kit, and it appears that lots of different items could be installed. Also Cyberpez requested I add some options he was working on years ago. So, there are alternate plastics, bumpers, flippers, targets, rollovers, rollover lights, led edge lighting, and lots of ball choices... including a few glowballs. All changeable in the F12 menu. I was also able to reuse some work that was done on the cabinet for VR and the backglass. I think Devious626 did lots of that work in the past. And hauntfreaks did some effort in the past on the backglass. Those images have been incorporated as well. I implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Lots of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, rollovers and lights, bumpers, plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Just like Black Pyramid, Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". Here is the procedure to do this. I've included the nvram in the zip file as well, so if you want to bypass that step and use it instead. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3
  3. I'm getting this crash error if I run a table at over 1080p. Table loads then crashes with this dialog box. I just tried updating to VPX 10.7 same thing. Weird thing is there's plenty of memory on the card and system. Specs are 9700k, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia 1080Ti 11GB WIN 10 PRO. Should be able to power through at 4k I would imagine. Looking at task manager... VPX is less than 2 GB mem useage... same on video card. Standard Terry Red install. All other steam games run fine. Is there some registry setting or ini file I need to modify. There doesn't seem to be much of anything posted about this error except specifically related to new tables and old hardware... which isn't the case in my instance. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Rich
  4. Version 1.1


    Engage! VPW are proud to present a table tune up of Knorr and Clark Kent's version of Star Trek the Next Generation from Williams. Although already great, we've added updated nfozzy physics, added some fleep sound whilst keeping the original recordings from the real machine, added the full VR room suite from Rawd and Steely, updated Sixtoes VR cabinet with Leojreimroc making a fully functional backbox in VR and lots of other tweaks and fixes along the way. The table now plays even closer to the real thing and we hope you enjoy it! VPW Mod v1.0 ============ Project Lead - fluffhead35 VR Holodeck - Rawd/Steely VR Work/Backglass - Sixtoe/Leojreimroc Tweaks - ClarkKent, Apophis, Sixtoe ============ v01 - fluffhead35 - Added Flipper Triggers, Rubbers and Posts, Bumpers, slings, flipper, and table physics corrections. Adding in fliper and physic damperner code. - Adding in materials for all code v02 - fluffhead35 - Added Fleep sound v03 - fluffhead35 - finished Fleep sound and fixing upper flipper, changing flipper polarity to early 90's and later. Added Sling correction. Increased plunger strength. - Added logic to stop ball rolling sounds in subways. Set FlipperCoilRampupMode to 2 v05 - leojreimroc - Imported Rawd's Holodeck VR Room. Adjusted Laser barriers for VR. v06 - fluffhead35 - fixed flipper triggers. Rubber thickness fixed on upper flipper. Increased flipper hit sound level. Updated sling rubbers to use bottom corner for post pass. v07 - clarkkent - deleted zCol_Rubber_Sleeve008, RubberPost4, SubwayScoop_Prim v08 - fluffhead35 - Made Posts for post pass collidable, adjusted flippers to be in line with guide. Adjust playfield friction to .15. Adjusted sling posts physics for post pass. v09 - apophis - Added new playfield mesh. Increased speed of slingshot animations. v10 - Rawd - Added ClarkKent Cabinet artwork, some VR fixes and tweaks v11 - leojreimroc - Implemented Iaaki's flasher code to all solenoid flashers. Fixed a few flasher positions that were past the cabinet. Implemented VR Backglass lighting. v13 - fluffhead35 - Added new ball launch sound to help prevent high bass sounds. Adjusted size of sleave and physic materials of start mission scoop. Removed ball dampening triggers. v14 - fluffhead35 - updated the sling posts for post pass based on clark kents suggestions. Changed Table difficulty to 56. Added option to switch if ball launch should have bass lowered. v15 - fluffhead35 - Set default wire Ramp sounds to be from clark kents samples. Added option to use the other samples if user wants. Changed ball out to brighter ball. Turned off flipper corrections on upper right Flipper. - Changed environment emission image to be shinyenvironment3blur4. Adjusted gi around inlanes and inline insert lightings. 15d - set the falloff of gi lights to 5. Set the day night to 1, set environment lighting to black, adjusted warbird material, adjusted lighting around upper lanes. Adjusted some random insert lighting. Adjusted ramp friction based on clark kents suggestions. 15e - changed elasticity and scatter of sw57 to give ball more random bounces and goes down inlanes based on BountyBobs testing 16 - fluffhead35 - merged in nfozzy changed to init throughts at game start as well as using new flipper physics. Removed target bouncer from sleeve in start mission scoop. Lowered bumpercap3 from 25 to 20. Added TargetBouncer to Targets_hit 17 - Sixtoe - Added VR logo back in, hooked up cannon light primitives to lighting system, cleaned up script
  5. Version 0.98


    "Glass? Who gives a shit about glass? Who the fuck is this?" ⚠️WARNING: This machine is rated R and there is no family friendly mode... It's been quite the ride, but Die Hard Trilogy is finally here. From the bullshit mind of Astronasty comes five modes, three multiballs, two wizards, and a partridge in a pear tree. Choose to DIE HARD or DIE HARDER and find the best way to run up your score, but choose your plan of attack wisely, you can only complete the modes once. Featuring work by some of the most talented Vpin authors ever assembled. Cutting edge visuals are going to blow you away! Yippie Ki Yay MOTHERFUCKERS! NEW‼️ Automatically post your high score to the Die Hard iScored Leaderboard by enabling at the top of the script. Be sure to enter a unique cab name. DESIGN TEAM: Game Designer: Astronasty Layout: Dapheni, Astronasty PupDmd Design: Scampa123, Astronasty, Nailbuster Coding: Wizball, Oqqsan, Fluffhead Light Shows: Oqqsan Blender Work: Flux, Gedankekojote, Cyberpez VR Room: Rawd Backwall Mirror: Iaakki 3D Model Assistance: JoePicasso Original Artwork: Astronasty Sound Design: Frisco, Scampa123, Astronasty Monthly Leaderboard: iScored Dan, Nailbuster, Scampa123 Emotional Support: Rik SPECIAL THANKS: Apophis - Did a little bit of everything. Niwak - Toolkit magician. NailBuster - PupDMD magician. Sixtoe - He was around. JoePicasso - Makes me want to be a better man. Fleep - Dem soundz tho. Flupper - Godfather of rampz. NFozzy - Wizard. KetchupJonMustard - Endured hours of me bouncing ideas off of him at work. TerryRed - My go-to source for bitching about stuff in DMs. Manu - Made us make the game more betterer. Hawkeyez - Having the eyes of a hawk. RetroG33K - Reasons redacted Scott Danesi - LIONMAN! TryToTilt - Didn't do shit. Testers: PinStratsDan, Bietekwiet, MPT3K, OutsiderArts, KetchupJonMustard, Dom, Rick, Shaggy, Nesta78, and the rest of the VPW Jellyfish. EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS: To the V-pin community: Thank you for giving me an outlet for my creativity. I've never felt more motivated to create and I am beyond grateful for the team that helped me turn my ideas into (virtual) reality. I hope you enjoy our countless hours of work. ❤️ Astro REQUIRED: Visual Pinball 10.8.0 beta 7, 64-bit (or later): https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1807-39824d6 Pup Framework v1.5 beta 3 (or later): https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=pinup_upgrade_v15 Pup Pack: https://mega.nz/file/69MBzJDR#uG_lUhuvuCySANQc5EE7UkQTXNY4bf48UgtYh5RhIss PLEASE NOTE: Yes you need 64 bits, goddamit. Welcome to the party, pal. Don't forget to run the appropriate BAT file in the DieHard pup pack directory for your particular screen setup. All game options can be adjusted by pressing F12 and then left flipper button during the game. Press start button to save your options. If you have a cab and you want the full experience, please refresh your DOF config files. If you have some stuttering try: (a) Disabling real time protection. (b) Disabling the mirror in options. (c) Limiting texture sizes to 3k.
  6. Version 2.0.1


    The legend known as Black Pyramid lives again through the far corners of Bally's 1984 pinball machine! This is a great play and challenging table. The main goal is to achieve 10,000,000 points to get a free game according to several reviews of game play. A good overview of the rules can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEZIFjQppR4 This was a definite challenge to create as there wasn't a good playfield available, however thanks to @redbone for spending countless hours creating a playfield from various images on the web. And thanks to Apophis for helping me with various Blender techniques to obtain a solid VLM GI bake, as well as physics testing. I was able to utilize various images, videos, and Redbone's playfield to get accurate placement of everything, and then implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, Roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. Significant time was also spent on implementing a center swinger target solution to be a combination of Roth standup targets and the swinger target approach done by Loserman on Space Oddesy. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". I recommend doing immediately when you first launch the game. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3
  7. Version 1.0.0


    **This table is available for anyone to improve and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.** Arborelia had posted on his modified version of Loserman76's table that he would like a high resolution playfield to upgrade the table. I reached out to Arborelia and showed him the upgraded playfield and other visuals that I did on this. He gave me permission to go ahead and upload a new version of what I came up with. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Here are my updates: 1/15/24 Updates by Polsonator2 I have taken PBecker's image that Loserman76 used for the playfield and upscaled it, and I also did a ton of manual work to it cleaning it up and painting, fixing details to make it look as nice as I could. I also incorporated into the table, as well as upscaled plastics, cleaned up the plastic, apron, some screws, physics that I think match how I like on 50's woodrails I have played, materials changes, and I changed the wood to higher res different textures. I also raised the side gates up as the correct way would be for it to sit on top of the upper plastic. Lastly, I fixed the Tilt not working right in the script, it wasn't resting the game and dropping the balls back down. I also did my edits for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. I have also included a pov file for the cabinet view I use. Here is a link to Loserman76's original table: Here is a link to Arborelia's modification of that table:
  8. Version 1.13


    It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll! This mod started out as a simple collaboration between Hauntfreaks and Fluffhead35 to add new physics and VR room ended up as so much more. This table has had the bell code completely reworked by Apophis to work more like the real table. The playfield has been tweaked by none other than nFozzy himself to be more in line with the blueprint. He also fixed the right and left ramps to be true to the real table. nFozzy has graced this table with his experience to make it table amazing to play. This table was a mod of Sixtoe's AC/DC VR Room, where we made it a hybrid table. Fluffhead35 - Fleep, nFozzy physics, dynamic shadows, drop target code and new drop targets, 3d inserts, added new flipper bats, lighting tweaks, added Lampz code, adjusted nudge HauntFreak - Added new VR Room, Lighting Adjustments, Playfield Shadows Sixtoe - Original VR, Lighting, separated out horns on the train, many more he could not remember. Fixed right ramp, fixed bumper flashers. Realignment and prettying up rubbers and stuff. Apophis - New Bell Physics, scripting, guidance nFozzy - new collidable ramps to fix the shapes of them, moved top hole variance, bell metal/orbit metal tweaks, playfield reshape to correct dimensions. implemented ramp protectors, blank sidewalls, ramp stickers, adjusted bell position. Tomate - New visual ramps Retro27 - VR Room / Cabinet Reworked, New DMD Decals, Start button, tournament mode lights added. Adjustment to Instructions cards, added new render mode for VR Schlabber34 – reworked drop targets and other objects in blender for use in table. Bietekwiet, PinStratsDan, BountyBob, VPW Team - Beta testing! Many thanks to the original team who built this table from the ground up: ninuzzu, DJRobX, dark, tom tower, knorr, rysr, Peter J and Javier. And thanks to the VPDevTeam for the freaking amazing VPX. THIS UPDATE NEEDS THE LATEST VPINMAME, AT LEAST v3.6.0-1209 https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases
  9. View File New Wave (Bell Games 1985) New Wave was a conversion kit done by Bell Games in 1985; utilizing a full reuse of Black Pyramid. Since I just finished Black Pyramid, it was very straightforward to use that as a baseline for the New Wave conversion kit. @redbone spent a lot of time getting the playfield, plastics, bumpers, targets, and other images just right. He was able to utilize some prior work that @cyberpez did as well. I've included TONS of options in there, as it was a kit, and it appears that lots of different items could be installed. Also Cyberpez requested I add some options he was working on years ago. So, there are alternate plastics, bumpers, flippers, targets, rollovers, rollover lights, led edge lighting, and lots of ball choices... including a few glowballs. All changeable in the F12 menu. I was also able to reuse some work that was done on the cabinet for VR and the backglass. I think Devious626 did lots of that work in the past. And hauntfreaks did some effort in the past on the backglass. Those images have been incorporated as well. I implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Lots of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, rollovers and lights, bumpers, plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Just like Black Pyramid, Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". Here is the procedure to do this. I've included the nvram in the zip file as well, so if you want to bypass that step and use it instead. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 01/16/25 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone Yes  
  10. Version 1.0.12


    Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beast By: VPW ************************************** Version 1.0.12 Additional instruction: Download and update the new PUP pack. ** Backup your music files first if you purchased them. They are in the Music directory inside the PUP pack. ** 1.0.11 PUP Pack location https://mega.nz/file/KFpxTAhC#gqsHVYJLRxtGYU0erF3SvoBQi7q7LBnT9YNUkcBG5iE If you have a cab with MX LEDs and you want to see a custom fire animation on your back panel, download the following animated GIF and place it in your \DirectOuput\Config directory. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JdxWgsUjNwwpt6Mx8UcBuF5IiLmO6YHE/view?usp=share_link ************************************** So many hours from so many users were put into this tribute table to show how far things have really come with the possibilities of VPX. We wanted to get this out there for all to enjoy and expand the user base since we have exhausted our testing. This is one of the most complex tables so far and we have pounded on it for months, but I am sure there are still issues that are lurking. If you find an issues, please post to the forums so we can work through them. Without the following people this could never happen. Special thanks to: RetroG33K, Soundscape, Iaakki, Daphishbowl, Apophis, Benji, Hawkeye, Sixtoe, MrH, Rik, Nailbuster, Tomate, AstroNasty, TerryRed, DarkStar, HiRez00, Seirif, Rothbauerw, PinStratsDan, leojreimroc, BountyBob, and many more. NOTES: **Don't change the variable PuPDMDDriverType=2. There was an oversight on bat file directions shown and no pup variables need to be changed for this table** - Make sure your PINUP is up to date: https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=release_notes - VPX Version: 10.7.2 INSTALL: 1) Copy VPX to your VPX Tables directory 2) Download the pup pack (link below) 3) Copy IM_LOTB directory inside the pup zip to <drive>:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos 4) Run the batch file in the pup pack that matches your config. It should make all necessary script changes for you. 5) To get the full music, view the readme in the Pup Music directory <drive>:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\IM_LOTB\Music 6) Update your DOF config files 1.0.0 PUP Pack location https://mega.nz/file/jQoUiZ5Z#BhKnoLmeTdD2UbIcZ9yxeTpyxVtoz3jh2y-u43ZTOAQ MPT3K Scorbit Setup and Tutorial Manu made a great step by step on how to setup and use Scorbit https://youtu.be/Sb6GF_3wDtc
  11. Version 2.3


    The park is now open! Feast your eyes on this marvel of a table. After modding older version of this table Gedankekojote97 finally decided to buy the real machine, and then he meticulously 3D modeled and recreated this table from scratch. Apophis brought it to life by scripting together the lighting and mechanisms. And Rawd developed another totally immersive VR environment for us all to enjoy. Do you have what it takes to be a Tycoon? VPW TYCOONS Gedankekojote97 - Scratch table build, 3D modeling and rendering, Sound effects, Rollercoaster operator Apophis - Scripting, physics, Ride mechanic and janitor Rawd - VR Room and scripting, Cotton candy and funnel cake maker Testing - Bietekwiet, Eighties8, Benji, JLou, PinStratsDan, Studlygoorite, DGrimmReaper, AstroNasty, TastyWasps, iDigStuff, HauntFreaks, Wylte, ClarkKent, Primetime5k, Somatik Version 2.0 Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2
  12. Version 1.2


    VPW presents Warlok! Travel back in time while playing this bit of 1980's magick. Check out the Warlock Temple in VR, or perhaps just play in the black void (of Warlok's soul). We hope you enjoy this rare cousin to Williams' Blackout. VPW TEAM Original VLM Table Build & Code by bord & Niwak VLM, VR & Code Updates by MetaTed Backglass by Hauntfreaks VLM & Coding Tutelage by Apophis Blender Assistance by FrankEnstein Code Assistance by DGrimmReaper & somatik Tested by DGrimmReaper, FrankEnstein, Studlygoorite, Mecha_Enron, somatik, Apophis, AstroNasty, Lumi & guus_8005
  13. Version 1.0.6


    This edition works with the larger backglass - as the credit mechanism has been changed to b2s. Also fixed an issue where the "5" key wasn't inputting credits (keycode 6 as oppose to 5) Many thanks to balater for the table and foxyt for the DOF improvements. This is a cute table by Williams, with rotating targets.
  14. Version 1.0.2


    **This table is available for anyone to improve and Itchigo and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.** ******** Marble Queen ************* ' Gottlieb 1953 ' VPX Conversion 1/9/2025 by Polsonator2 I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors painstaking made from photos and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated a lot of the script, especially regarding the lighting events of the bumpers, marble balls, etc, Completely redid bumper lighting in VPX format. Added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created a lot of the new images used in the plastics as well. I also did this conversion for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, a pov file for cabinet view, a written commentary about the game by original vp9 author PBecker1946, and a dmd image. Here is a link to a wheel that already exists for this table so I did not need to make one so there is not one included in the zip: Hope everyone enjoys this
  15. Version 1.3


    V-Pin Workshop proudly presents NBA Fastbreak by Bally! v1.3 Changes; Fully working VR backglass - Rawd & Leojreimroc Physics & script updates - iaakki LUT Switcher - Rawd When Tomate joined VPW he brought Darth Marino's NBA Fastbreak with him and hit the ground running! A veteran of Sketchup, he learned Blender surprisingly fast and baked out new textures for pretty much everything. There is only handful of objects that hasn't been redone in past 4 months. A thousand stuck balls later with much debugging, lighting and miscellaneous other contributions from iaakki and Sixtoe and we had shot and scored a decent tune-up for this table: Nfozzy physics, Fleep sounds, 3D inserts, flupper domes, VR room and more! Includes Desktop, Cab and VR versions in one VPX. Plastics, Ramps, Nuts, Bolts: Tomate Wires: Tomate, Mr_H Playfield: EBisLit, iaakki Physics: RothbauerW, Benji, iaakki Inserts: iaakki Lights: iaakki, Sixtoe VR Room: Sixtoe VR Fully Animated Backglass: Rawd Miscellaneous tweaks: iaakki, Sixtoe, Benji, Oqqsan Testing: VPin Workshop Discord, Rik Laubach This release wouldn't have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including Darth Marino, DJRobX, CarnyPriest, MaX, Aurich, bmiki75, JPSalas Thank you to Flupper for 3D insert techniques & domes. Thank you to Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics.
  16. Version 1.2.2


    Never Tell Me The Odds! - V-Pin Workshop proudly presents Star Wars from Data East. This popular Data East table was built in a 3D renderer by Dids666 when he decided to update his old table to a full rendered version, when that was complete we worked to bring it to life with all the normal VPW bells and whistles, including some fun VR stuff. Enjoy! VPin Workshop Rebellion ******************** - Dids666 - Full Table Rendering. - Sixtoe - VPW Project Lead, Vader Wrangling, VPX Abuse. - DJRobX - Original Script, Table Functional Advice. - Jesperpark - Scanned playfield and plastics. - Seth Hartman - Other machine photos / images. - Apophis - Tweaking fleep sounds & physics. - Wylte - Ramp Shadows, Reworked R2D2 movement code for new model - Tomate - Primitive bugfixing & POV work. - Rik - Destruction Testing - Rawd - Animated R2D2 VR Topper - Arvid - VR 360 Room Textures.
  17. Version 1.0


    Prepare to be mesmerized by semi circular motion! VPW are proud to present Monster Bash by Williams! Shortly after helping with the last release of the Skitso mod of this table, Skitso joined VPW, and so this update to the mod has been released by VPW. Apart from lots of tweaks there's been a big upgrade to the tesla coil flashers so it looks even better now, physics improvements including TargetBouncer, Rubberizer, various flip tricks improvements and dynamic ball shadows. It also now includes a fully lit VR backlass. Check the script for lots of options! VPW Monsters ----------------- Project Lead - Skitso Lighting - Skitso, iaakki New Tesla Coil Modulated Flashers - iaakki, Leojremimroc Various Fixes / Tweaks - Rothbauerw, fluffhead35, iaakki, Sixtoe, apophis, Leojremimroc, Flupper VR Backglass - Leojremimroc New Wire Ramps - Tomate Testing - Rik, Pinstratsdan, VPW Team Based on earlier versions; Skitso mod by team rothborski - Skitso, Rothbauerw, Bord & thanks to VPW team. thanks to Tom Tower & Ninuzzu, Unclewilly and Randr for previous versions thanks to Flupper and Zany for the domes and bumpers thanks to VPDev Team for the freaking amazing VPX
  18. Version 1.1


    Well, it's like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff... V-Pin Workshop are proud to present Doctor Who by Bally! This is an update / mod to Sixtoe's VR version, which was a VR mod of Sliderpoint and Rothbauerw's 2020 version with help from Bord, Fleep, ClarkKent, Fuzzel, Knorr & Thalamus, which was based on oooPLAYER1ooo & Unclewilly's 2010 version. Lots of small changes, but the most obvious are Rothbauerw updating it to the latest physics, Apophis adding primitive inserts, and numerous lighting changes by Sixtoe and Apophis. Check the script for all the normal options, If you get no sound, you're probably using the wrong (old) rom, use this; Enjoy!
  19. Version 1.22


    Welcome to the frightfully fun release of Tales From The Crypt from the VPW team! This is our first scratch built table using all the tips and tricks we've picked up in our past releases and mods, and we're super proud of it and hope you all enjoy it! ** Please use VPX 10.6, there may be issues with 10.7 This is now updated to 10.7. With all of the options on the table is quite "heavy", and the new "RTX" ball shadow code is fairly costly in terms of performance, we think it looks amazing (if we do say so ourselves!) but can be turned off. VR Options are all in the script, with options to include or exclude the RTX shadows. (by the way, RTX has nothing to do with nvidias RTX, it's just a name!) '*** V-Pin Workshop Spooky Crypt Team *** - Project Manager: Tomate - Models and textures with Blender & Octane: Tomate - Ramps: Tomate - Primitive fading code for GI and flashers: iaakki - "Three layer" 3D Inserts: iaakki - Tombstone Code: Sixtoe, DJRobX - PF edits and insert texts: iaakki - Additional lighting: iaakki, Sixtoe, Skitso, G5k, Tomate - Wylte RTX ball shadows: Wylte, apophis, iaakki - VR & Various Fixes: Sixtoe - nFozzy physics: iaakki, Benji - Rubberizer and TargetBouncer: iaakki - Fleep Sounds: iaakki, Benji - Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks: CyberPez, apophis, kingdids, baldgeek, fluffhead35, HauntFreaks - Testing: Rik, VPW team Table Rules ' 002 tomate - wireramps and metal ramps prims added ' 003 tomate - correct POV, backwall added ' 004 tomate - ramps height corrected ' 005 iaakki - NFozzy lighting script in, PF and new insert Text ramp, First inserts layed ' 006 iaakki - insert bulb primitives added for testing ' 008 iaakki - OFF insert Normal Map added ' 011 iaakki - round inserts done ' 012 iaakki - rec star inserts ' 013 iaakki - some insert adjustmens ' 014 iaakki - updated PF and text, rest of the inserts done. lamps on layer 8 needs adjustment ' 018 tomate - some new prims and textures added ' 019 tomate - rest of the new primitives and textures added (layer 1) ' 020 tomate - some tweaks on VPX stuff, low poly colidable ramps added (layer 2), some tweaks on LUTs ' 021 tomate - more tweaks on LUTs, add flippers prims to work properly, add new holes on PF mesh, tumbstone prim and VUKs works properly now, some tweaks on upper plastic, apron plastic primitive fixed ' 022 Benji - Physics scripting in place with working flippers, no rubber dampening applied to objects yet ' 023 kingdids - some tweaks on table lighting settings ' 024 tomate - correct all the textures from camera POV, some tweaks on lighting settings and LUTs ' 025 tomate - separate eye target and remplace original prims, separate drop targets and spinners prims (doesn't work yet), redone slingshots and separate prims of SLING1/2 ' 026 sixtoe - Refactored timers, added playfield trigger and top vuk hole sides, aligned ramp entrance lamp flashers, sorted out some of the vr cabinet prims (temp invisible), ' 027 iaakki - Checked physics code, made new collections for rubberbands and posts, added fleep sounds on most of the collisions (all other sounds removed for now), laneguides had wrong physics so ball felt spinning all the time ' 028 iaakki - RightFlipper1 added back with ssf sounds ' 029 iaakki - Plunger, drain, bumper and wire gate sounds tied. Upper right flipper live catch should be now possible ' 030 tomate - OFF textures added ' 031 iaakki - Metals and MetalRamps duplicate prims done to layers 7 and 9. Created material for fading and tied them to GIUpdates. ' 032 iaakki - some new material and cab sides tied to gi ' 033 tomate - rubbers posts and sleeves separated and applied to the collection dPosts and dSleeves respectively. Rubber bands separated and assigned to the aRubberBands collection. Physical materials assigned to rubber posts, sleeves, metal walls, plastics, and metal ramps. Correction of the location of a rubber post that invaded the loop ramp ' 034 tomate - erase original rubber bands, remplace LSling1/2 and RSling1/2 with baked prims. Cleaning g02 texture so that it looks correct when the slingshots kick ' 035 tomate - spinners and gates prims in place and hooked up, standup target and eye targets in place unhooked. ' 036 iaakki - wireramps added to gi fading, metalramp db issue fixed, ball shadows, insert text, flip shadows fixed by aadjusting Z. ' 037 iaakki - off prim D default values changed. Added more stuff to giupdates ' 038 tomate - animation of gate1 and 2 fixed. Collections created according to textures, primitives assigned to collections. All the primitives has "colormaxnoreflectionhalf" material ' 039 iaakki - rest of the OFF prims done, double checked all settings for ON and OFF prims. Dedicated materials created. GIupdates is now using UpdateMaterial with aLvl^5 for gi events. RF_plastics image imported, but not taken in use. ' 040 iaakki - created materials for each type of prims: gi_on_plastic,metals,cab,blubs and those are faded differently in giupdate. Made fading speed faster. ' 041 cyberpez - Animated standup targets. Reworked drops to be animated and Roths Double Drop mod. ' 042 iaakki - Added standup and drop target off prims and added to fading. Fixed drop target transZ to transY. Updated to rom tftc_400. UseSolenoids=2 in too. ' 043 tomate - A few textures fixed and some LUTs added ' 044 iaakki - PF GI flasher reworked, some OFF prim default DL values adjusted, MetalsOFF prim size adjustment to avoid z fighting, New on/off collections to hide primis when GI full on/off ' 045 iaakki - tombstoneOFF made to move too ' 046 iaakki - Sol4R created for right flasher, only gion state for now. ' 048 iaakki - Sol4R kind of working in gion and gioff state. Various DL values should be fixed in each state. Simple preloader done ' 049 tomate - All prims with DL=1, plastics prims replaced, top_plastic unhooked from GI, plastics_off texture modified, collideable metal walls reworked (ball now acts naturally when left VUK kicks or when falls from left spinner), collideable prim for center vuk added , center vuk strength corrected ' 050 iaakki - flipper physics restored and loophelper implemented. ' 054 iaakki - RF and LF code implemented to debug version ' 055 iaakki - textures imported back. cab_RF was broken and fixed it. Plunger lane plastic is broken on some textures. ' 058 iaakki - flasher and gi fading finalized, 68 and 71 lamps assigned, sling animation items added to fading, but removed from visibility swaps. May flicker in VR?? ' 059 iaakki - new plastics prim and GI control. Changed PLAYFIELD_GI1 depth bias as it had issues with plastics. OFF flips made darker ' 060 iaakki - ball brightness fading with GI. Consts ballbrightMin and ballbrightMax are used to set the limits. ' 061 tomate - new set of prims added, new set of texures added, prims separated and placed into collections ' 062 iaakki - fixed some DB issues, added flasherblooms, adjusted lighting ' 063 tomate - bumpers prims divided, bumperRing 1/2/3 animation done, off primitives still missing ' 064 iaakki - fixed sling DL values that were not consistent, added some magnasave button action, made some tests to pf flashers, GI bulbs still broken, some other lighting tweaks ' 065 tomate - new set of backwall textures added, slings DL values bring to 0, erase slings from g02, scatter value added to left plunger to make shots more random, modified strenght of central VUK to match with gameplay videos ' 065a tomate - increase scatter value to the left plunger, bumperRing Off prims added to Script ' 066 Sixtoe - Split ramp bulbs out of g02 and added them to DL, split bumper caps out of bumpers and added them to DL, cut holes in PF, adjusted some lights and flashers, realigned and coded VR cabinet & modes, adjusted shooter lighting and disconnected bulb from g02 prim, added under table GI lights for ball reflections, ' 067 iaakki - tombstone redone and shaking. rubberizer and targetbouncer added; not adjusted ' 068 tomate - jurassic dome OFF texture tweaked, LF and RF flasherbloom moved up, main gate texture changed, PF thickness added to hole near upper flipper, bulbs primitive separated in ---> bulbs and lamp_bulbs and placed into collections ' 073 iaakki - Merge various triggers and ballshadow code from duplicate 065 version ' 074 baldgeek - set plunger to auto, added enter/exit sounds for scoop next to left ramp ' 075 baldgeek - fixed scoop exit sound ' 076 gtxjoe - Add debug shot testing. Press 2 to block outlanes/drain. Press and hold any of these keys to test shots: W, E, R, Y, U(Vuk), I(Crypt Vuk), P, A, S, F, G ' 077 iaakki - At least the ball uservalue bug fixed by having an array to carry wireramp status. Uses BallGoesWire sub. TargetBouncer taken in use for targets, posts and sleeves. ' 078 fluffhead35 - Added RampRolling sound playback logic for wire ramp sounds. Implemented WireRampOn for sw47 & sw58 and WireRampOff for Trigger1 & Trigger2 ' 079 iaakki - ramproll stuff combined to ball shadow code. Triggers reworked one more time, Right vuk ramp fixed as ball jumped over the triggers, rdampen set to 10ms timer ' 080 benji - wire ramp loop sound swapped out for more seamless one. fx_vukExit_wire sound added to manager, added to VUK subs replacing 'popper' sound needs to be tested. ' 082 benji - reimported missing droptarget sounds, changed kickback sound from missing 'popper' to new KickBack2.wav ' 083 fluffhead35 - tweaked ramp shadow code when looking up the ramptype from Wire RampRoll variables ' 084 iaakki - major merge for new trough from cyberpez. All the solflashers and related inserts recoded. tnob increased so can debug. ' 085 iaakki - adjusted flashers and added backplate vpx flashers ' 086 fluffhead35 - merged in 082 and 083 changes. Added more balls to the RampRoll array because it was too small for the number of balls. Added More RampRoll and WireRampRoll sounds as you need one per ball ' 087 iaakki - targetBouncer values reduced, scoop vuk fixed ' 089 tomate - wall008 at layer 1 deleted, underVUK prim at layer 2 reimported, pUpKicker material changed and lowered it to -10, cab/pf_adges/apron prims replaced, ScSp. relfections turned off ' 090 tomate - walls over the plastics at layer1 added, sw68 - captive Ball fixed (thanks gtxjoe!), central VUK fixed (thanks apophis!) ' 091 iaakki - Crypt shot fixed, BS depth bias issue solved, plunger -> droptarget -> drain fixed, ' 092 iaakki - PF GI flasher style changed ' 092a tomate - collideable wall tweaked so ball doesn't touch slinshot after right orbit ' 093 iaakki - fixed bugs from ball shadow code and improved perf, new PF gion/gioff images with larger hard edges on insert holes, new insert text image with edges, spot lamp tied to gi. Narnia check should bring the ball back in game.maybe.. Report your findings. ' 094 benji - add sound scoopExit. Crypt VUK exit/eject sound should be "fx_vukExit_wire" but i cannot get it to play... ' 095 iaakki - f53TOP added, wood sound added to one wall, right orb return matched to few videos, rtxfactor 0.8, right wireramp exit hacked, coin sounds added, sw52 sounds improved, ball shadows removed when large flashers bright, diverter sound added, some debug cleanup, additional wall added under trough ' 096 Sixtoe - Organised some layers, sorted height walls, deleted old redundant assets, fixed plunger exit gate textures, cropped the bottom of 2 bulb prims that were showing through holes, dropped lamp under skillshot rubber as it was clipping, manually edited all the g02 textures because dropping the lamp under the rubber meant part of it was black..., redid texture of left flasher so it doesn't look odd when off, manually edited g01_ON.png to brighten back of spinners ' 0961 iaakki - Bug fix and script optimizations for RTXBS on VR ' 097 tomate - Switch and diverter prims separeted and placed in collections. New clear plastics texture added. ' 0971 iaakki - Diverter and wireramp switches animated with sounds. ' 0974 tomate - diverter DB issue fixed, jurassic dome material changed, slanted sideblades added, cabinet mode added, POV corrected to cabinet mode ' 098 apophis - included RTX BS distance calculation optimizations ' 099 fluffhead35 - added logic to only show RTX shadows for 3 balls ' 099.1 Wylte - changed shadow DB to -2000, upped flasher intensity required to hide shadows to 0.7 ' 099.9 iaakki - 991 merge, Tied GI bulbs prim to updates, minor tweak to GI levels and collections, RTXBallShadows script option added, LockBarKey support added ' 100 Sixtoe - Split bulbs from g02 primitive (again!), tidied up layers a bit, deleted redundant stuff, added off prims to cabinet script, probably still needs more work. Left captive ball wall moved so ball isn't floating, Plugged hole in upper left plastic to stop ball trap. ' 101 iaakki - VUK issue solved, sideblades fixed, cabinetmode with fblooms fixed, TargetBouncerFactor introduced and default set 1.1 for now, flippernudge values corrected, red bulbs set to fading collections, metalramp DLFB values changed to make them blend better. ' 102 iaakki - Recoded LUT selector with 14 LUT files. save/load mechanism included. ' 103 iaakki - Insert OFF state normals added and insert balance tune, HauntFreak top notch tweak to red bulb flashers. ' 104 Sixtoe - Split off bumper prims, fixed script for them ' 105 apophis - fixed never ending ball rolling sounds. fixed slingshot sound effect locations ' 106 iaakki - ball shadow DB's adjusted more, RTX image changed (Thanks BorgDog for reference), RTX parameters changed to match new reference ' 107 tomate - post pass fixed, angleSidewalls for cabinet mode fixed (thanks Sixtoe!), angleSidewalls prims reworked and put into collections, OFF plastics textures tweaked ' 108 tomate - wall added over top plastics ' 109 iaakki - cleanup, crypt jam insert material tuned, spinner sounds added, rubberizer tuned, left ramp entrance gate tuned, DT threshold tuned ' 110 iaakki - subway redone, needs more testing ' 111 iaakki - Narnia rework, cleanup, subway tuned, collidable walls added under flips ' 112 iaakki - Lut changer tuned, insert off prim normals as script option, some insert prims were accidentally collidable, relay sounds added ' 113 iaakki - Some walls added on top of plastics, GTXJoe's "Debug Table testing routines" removed ' 114 Skitso - Fixed a bunch of lights ' 115 iaakki - upped sw39 hit threshold and tested it, under PF walls added to eliminate light bleed from inserts, VRRoom 1 and 3 disables RTX ball shadows, GI relay, Lutselector and spinner sound increased ' 116 Sixtoe - Fixed a couple of VR issues with the sidewalls, spent some time with how the ball looks ' 116DL1 tomate - all prims moved to DL=1, default LUT changed, apron texture fixed, flippers textures fixed ' 117 tomate - domes/ramps/bats textures fixed, bumper cap texture fixed Skitso!, trail strenght lowered to 30, POV tweaked, reflection strenght on PF lowered to 20 ' 118 iaakki - vrroom mode fixed, plunger lane gate tuned, ball made a bit brighter with const ballbrightMax and ballbrightMin, improved GI bulbs that reflect to balls, plastics DB set to -110 to fix laneguides ' RC1 iaakki - bumpertop materials changed, metals and laneguide DL values to 0.5, bumpertop ID fix, default value checks ' RC2 iaakki - Bumpertop image swaps and DL tied to GI plus lampz, sw38 improved and wall added to center the ball, script cleanup, bumper lights adjusted for GIOFF state ' RC3 tomate - plastic texture over the bumper fixed, right slingshot rubber texture fixed, logo added ' RC4 tomate - VPW original LUT fixed, HauntFreaks LUT added, compressed images by g5k added ' RC5 tomate - SSR set OFF by default, LUT added
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Excalibur PupPack v1.0.0 - for use with Bigus' excellent Gottlieb Excalibur table (Excalibur (Gottlieb 1988)_Bigus(MOD)1.3 table This is my second PupPack made for VPX and is based on the 1981 classic King Arthur movie, 'Excalibur' - directed by John Boorman Special Thanks to JoePicasso for his terrific Pup Overlays and hawkeyez88 for his help with offering 6 different Screen options, based on user setups. Just unzip and copy the excalibr folder into your PUPVideos folder. Select the option 1 2 3 4 5 or 6 bat file for your setup and enjoy!!!
  21. Version 2.1


    We are ugly and we are proud. Introducing VPW's latest creation, SpongeBob's Bikini Bottom Pinball by the original table author, Skillshot! Dive into the deep sea fun with your favorite sponge and friends in this exciting new table. Immerse yourself in Bikini Bottom's quirky world with innovative gameplay and stunning graphics. Get ready for a pinball adventure like no other! Gedank hit up Astro and was like, "Hey update this playfield." Astro was like "Aight." Then Gedank demanded, "Apophis, do some random script stuff" and Apophis said, "Flux haallp!" Flux said (British accent), "With pleasure." Then they all begged Rawd to build an awesome VR room and Rawd was like, "It shall be done." And it was. It was working great then they thought, "This table needs a better DMD"… TWELVE EONS LATER … Oqqsan comes out of the shadows and DROPPED THE F&%KING HAMMER on the code!!!--like he always does. Then other people (Friscopinball, Leojreimroc, MrGrynch, Sixtoe) did some awesome stuff and then they all released it to everyone else. Enjoy! Original author: Skillshot Modded from JPSalas' AFM Blender work: Gedankekojote 2d art: Astronasty Coding: Oqqsan Vr room: Rawd Whatever flux did: Flux Sound update: Friscopinball Audio fixes: MrGrynch Backglass stuff: Leojreimroc, Remdwaas Apophis did lots of random essential stuff Sixtoe did some stuff too and wanted everyone to know. PinStratsDan made the game harder Testing: VPW jellyfish Special thanks to Niwak. NOTE: Update your DOF config to use new DOF enhancements provided in version 2.1 REQUIRED! VPX 10.8 beta 5 or later, FlexDMD 1.9, Freezy external DMD 2.0 or later, Instrument Mayonnaise Tip to prevent progressive stuttering: Locate flexdmd.log.config and in a text editor change minlevel="info" to minlevel="error"
  22. Version 1.1


    Greetings Program! Tron Legacy LE Tune-Up by members of VPin Workshop . This one was supposed to, again, be just a fast physics update; "Yeah, we'll just do a quick 'add nfozzy physics to this' and get it out the door..." *a month later after everyone's tweaked every part of the table* "doh..." Turns out everyone is very fond of the table and wanted to join in, it might well get updated again in the future... especially if we can find a proper playfield scan (especially of the LE!) Loads of new stuff including new physics, ramps, acrylic protectors, flashers, lighting, inserts, sound and shadows, Enjoy! - nFozzy physics: Astro, Fluffhead35, iaakki, Sixtoe - Physical Re-alignment: Sixtoe - Playfield and Inserts: Sixtoe, Astronasty, iaakki - Ramp & Ropelight Primitive Update: Tomate - Fleep Sounds: Fluffhead - Flashers and Lighting: Sixtoe, iaakki, Hauntfreaks - Shadows: Wylte - Acrylics and Plastics: Sixtoe - VRRoom: Sixtoe (Minimal Room), Rawd (Fancy Room), leojreimroc (3D Backglass) - Misc Tweaks: VPW Team - Advice / Real Machine Comparison: G5k - Testing: Rik & VPW Team '0.00 - Astronasty - Added nfozzy physics, rubberizer aand target bouncer code. '0.01 - Sixtoe - Physical object table rebuild including missing rubbers and objects, flupper flashers added, nfozzy physics table objects added on layer 9, realigned some visual table objects, some other tweaks, cut lights to VR cabinet dimensions. '0.02 - Sixtoe - Significantly adjusted all collidable objects, filled holes, added missing rubbers in shooter lane and above pop bumpers and removed certain things. '0.03 - Fluffhead35 - Completed Nfozzy Physics. Added new targetbouncer logic, added 2nd rummberizer function for flippers, added coil rampup, fleep sound '0.04 - Fluffhead35 - Fixed typo in Class_Initialize in myTurnTable class '0.05 - Wylte - Dynamic Ball Shadows, Spotlight tweaks '0.06 - iaakki - Ball image update, FastFlips changed, Alternative TargetBouncer added as option 2, Left orb return fixed '0.07 - Wylte - Fixed spotlights not being in GI -_-" '0.08 - iaakki - Right outlane fix, all lights moved to use NF Lampz, GI redone, some insert prims, textures and materials imported, TargetBouncer values tuned '0.09 - Scrapped '0.10 - Sixtoe - Insert prims set up (still WIP, need some new textures), slings redone (still WIP), disc texture touched up, some table prims edited, maybe other tweaks. '0.11 - iaakki - added one missing insert texture. Fixed some other insert textures. '0.12 - iaakki - new PF and insert text images added, positions fine tuned, adding lights to lit the texts properly. Adding fXXTOP flashers to inserts to light the text properly '0.13 - iaakki - saved insert text layer on PSP and it fixed the edges, now all insert Z's are at zero '0.14 - Astronasty - Added new PF/inserts images with recognizer cutout. Shifted end of ramp stop to make ball bounce back more. '0.15 - Sixtoe - Added disc overlays to their inserts and changed insert primitives, redid most of the ambient insert lighting, added text flasher overlay to most inserts, messed around with light colours, added optional aftermarket acrylics, tweaked some stuff, probably other things... '0.16 - tomate - Added plastic ramps prims with some fixes and new textures, POV fixed, night/day cycle reduced a bit '0.17 - Astronasty - Actually changed the POV, commented out blue flippers and added white one, added new PF with yellow top lanes. '0.18 - iaakki - reworked some GI areas so they don't affect inserts that much. Adjusted Tron inserts and some other inserts. '0.19 - Astronasty - New PF and insert PNGs to try to reduce jaggies. '0.20 - tomate - Right ramp beginning fixed, ramps metal plates fixed, left VPX ramp cap fixed, LED strip prim and VPX fixed to match the new ramp shape, Astronasty's improved playfield placed '0.21 - Fluffhead35 - Added in option for original target bouncer alongside new one '0.22 - Messed with GI more, split out lighting so that's easier to mess with now, added missing rubber. '0.23 - iaakki - fixed some lights and code. Made that top flip shot possible. Targetbouncer fiddled once more. '0.24 - iaakki - cabinet mode improved, flipper strength to 2900, FlipperCoilRampupMode default to 1, Wall54 fixed so orb feels better. Green insert off materials done, inserts 51-53 done '0.25 - Sixtoe - Added discs back on playfield, added color corrected slings, adjusted flynn kicker, adjusted height of acrylic walls, fixed VR depth bias issues (argh!), added LE rubbers (White) with switch, hooked up flynn sign to GI, flasherbases adjusted so they're rotated correctly. '0.26 - HauntFreaks - GI tweaks '0.27 - Wylte - Added fading materials to spotlight shadows, tweaks to cutoff. Attempted to add a toggle, but I don't know Lampz well enough yet '0.28 - iaakki - Adjusted SW7 and SW8 collidables, adjusted Wall61, double checked default options '0.29 - Sixtoe - Hooked up acrylics to GI, fixed f129a floating, fixed primitive32 sunken plastic, fixed rear flasher flares so they're correctly aligned, moved spotlight shadow prims so they're hidden in vr, set some solid prims to disable light from below, fixed some metals material & texture issues, changed height of shadows to stop z clashing, fixed rear right vr cabinet foot normals, tweaked GI on left inlane to better match right side and stop blowing out left sling plastic as much. '0.30 - apophis - Fixed spotlight shadow error. 'v1.0 - Sixtoe - Tidied up for release, changed VR backbox shape. ' ' We thank the previous friends of TRON (Apologies if we have missed anyone) ' G5k: Playfield, plastics, ramps and other graphical improvements, new arcade primitive, modified ramp primitives, Lighting, material and physics adjustments and general trial and error adjustments. ' DJRobX: Updated physics and code to bring table inline with VPX 10.4 routines, ROM-controlled GI and PWM flasher support. Merging changes between existing tables. Fastflips hardcoded.. ' Sixtoe: VR conversion, table mods and tweaking. ' ICPjuggla, freneticamnesic: Original VPX Table (V1.3f) ' 85Vette: Original VP9 table ' Rom: Original FP table ' TerryRed: PinUp Player original mod removed (to work with Pinup proper May 2018 onward) Table is a standard VPX table now. Ball Controller Mod added. ' Dozer: Fixed recognizer and disc turntable movement (not all light mods moved to this version) ' RustyCardores: Surround sound mod, new sounds added (where there were none) ' Hannibal: Lighting and graphical improvements ' Draifet: Physics and graphical improvements ' HauntFreaks: Graphical and material improvements. -- End Of Line.
  23. Version 1.02


    It's Dine Time!!!!! The VPin Workshop presents an update to Flupper's amazing Diner Table. Fluffhead35 - Project Lead, Scripting, Roth/nFozzy physics, Fleep sound effects, Flupper Domes, Dynamic Shadows, insert lighting, Roth DropTargets, apophis slings Leojreimroc - VR Room, Animated Backglass, Desktop DMD Skitso - Update GI, LUT, Textures, Inserts, and Ramp materials Apophis - Various Lighting suggests, fixed insert alignment and DINER Inserts Sixtoe - Ramp Adjustments and VR Adjustments Iaakki - Flipper Primitive and Angle Adjustments and Solved ball getting stuck on Left Ramp Rawd - VR Testing and added that amazing Burger and Fries object Rik - Testing and gameplay knowledge PinStratsDan, VPW Team - Testing If you are using Blacksad's great backglass (see below) then you can enable its cool feature by going into the vpx script and setting EnableBlacksadBackglass to 1. A big thanks goes out to Flupper for allowing us to update this beautiful table and to all that came before us... Diner by Flupper Based on VP9 version by Tamoore which was based on Pac-Dude's version Playfield redraw by Bodydump Plastics redraws by Ben Logan Several plastics photos from George standup target by Dark many sounds from Knorr's sound package testing by Clark Kent and Ben Logan Shadow ball code by Ninuzzu RIK's Video
  24. Version 2.0


    Kick off your summer right with some donuts and beer! VPin Workshop proudly presents Simpsons Pinball Party We've given 32assassins classic the royal treatment including all new updates like nfozzy, fleep, flupper domes, flashers, rebuilt prims, sideblade art, dynamic shadows, rebuilt hardware, shots adjusted and on and on ... Skitso relit the table for version 2.0. Rawd has built an entire VR world around the simpsons (and we've also included lite versions to ease hardware usage) New artwork for desktop users by Hauntfreaks A companion Altsound featuring 500+ new music and sounds by idigstuff Make sure to check the script for options and set the table for your setup! VPW Pinball Party Planners ********************** Project Lead - idigstuff VPW Team - apophis, sixtoe, tomate, bord, nestorgian, iaakki, skitso v2.0 Table Lighting - Skitso VR Stuff - rawd, leojreimroc Desktop BG - hauntfreaks Testing - Rik, PinstratsDan, BountyBob Original Table Authors Coindropper, 32assassin 3D models : Dark, Watacaractr, Tomate Major Mods by: HauntedFreaks, Neofr45
  25. Version 1.1


    Welcome CACTUS CANYON, Partner!! The VPin Workshop Discord members present this table tune-up. This started out as a "quick" physics update, but we ended up adding so much more! • Inserts & Lighting Overhaul: Skitso • nFozzy physics: apophis • Roth Drop Targets: rotherbauerw, Sixtoe, apophis • Fleep Sounds: apophis • Fluppers Flashers & VR Room: Sixtoe • Miscellaneous tweaks: Skitso, apophis, oqqsan, Sixtoe, tomate, iaakki • Testing: Rik, Panik Flip gaming, VPW team This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, most notably, Ninuzzu and Tom Tower. Thank you to Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics. Thanks you to Fleep for sounds. Thanks to all before us. ' 000 - Skitso - Updates to lighting, inserts, some flashers and LUT ' 001 - apophis - nFozzy flippers, rubber dampening, and materials applied. Adjusted plunger physics settings ' 002 - apophis - Added Fleep sounds package ' 003 - apophis - Added ramp sounds, fixed an issue with my implementation of flipper sounds, and hopefully fixed the stuck ball issue inside Bart ' 004 - apophis - Cabinet POV adjusted. Ramp rolling volume decreased, ball rolling volume increased slightly. Updated controller loading code, ' 005 - apophis - Adjusted autoplunger physics parameters. Removed duplicate flipper collision functions. ' 006 - apophis - Fixed GameTimer bug that prevented ball shadow from working. Added ShowBallShadows option. Fine-tuned autoplunger (thanks oqqsan) ' 006a - oqqsan - Added dynamic instruction card ' 007 - apophis - Added BartHatSoundEffects option. Removed unnecessary beer mug from game. ' 008 - skitso - Improved GI and inserts ' 009 - apophis - Updated flipper tricks to the latest version ' 010 - Sixtoe - Added vr cabvinet and room, fluppers flashers & roths droptargets, which are currently broken. ' 011 - apophis - Fixed drop targets. Change the method to check when target was successfully hit. ' 012/3 - Rotherbauerw - Fixed drop targets. ' 014 - Sixtoe - Added sound effects for drop targets, tried to fix ball traps, tidied up VR stuff, fixed rails, added rollover holes, changed rubber holder prims, adjusted a few minor things. ' 015 - iaakki - Fixed Desktop POV, ' 016 - Skitso - Remade all GI, altered some DL/DLFB values and modified textures for more accurate lighting. ' 017 - Sixtoe - Added Bart & hat to GI, adjusted to right GI so it doesn't look broken in GI, tweaked a few things including decals on traintrack ' 018 - apophis - Adjusted Cabinet POV ' 019 - Sixtoe - VR specific fixes and automatic switches, combined some timers, GI tweaks
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