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Desktop Tables (DT)

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Desktop Tables are for users that wish to use a desktop layout.

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2 files

  1. FloopyBat v1.0

    This is a DESKTOP ONLY Flappy Bird (clone) made in VPX.


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  2. Conan (Rowamet 1983) VP9 DT Sound MOD v1.0

    I first would like to thank JPSalas and Batch for giving me permission to make this sound mod!!
    I also would like to thank them for making a great table!!
    They both put in alot of time and work on the original table, and it is appreciated!! So if you like this sound mod, I would encourage you to thank the original authors of the table! All I did was add sound effects, and a few other things.

    Original Table..
    This tables X and Y Scale are not perfect. Batch has made a new version where he adjusted for correct X and Y Scale ratio, but I need to learn how to add new plunger, before I can upload it. Stay Tuned!!

    I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for teaching me how to add timers to script.

    I found a bunch of sound effects on Google search.
    All of these sound effects are from the first Conan the Barbarian movie that was made in the 80's.
    There are 10 background music sounds. 5 for plunger pull, 5 for Drain.
    There 19 other voice and sword sound effects trigered by bumpers, rollovers, targets, saucer, coin insert.

    Place contents of music folder into music folder where Visual Pinball is installed.

    The Credits and Match are off by default.
    Hit F6 on keyboard when table is running to open Settings Menu, and you can adjust from there.
    (I was going to include a nvram with the Credits and Match on, but it would be just as simple for you to change using F6.)
    This table uses the 7 Digit Rolling Stones ROM.    rollstob

    Hope you like it!!

    Stay tuned for VPX version of Conan the Barbarian and Destroyer sound mods as JPSalas gave me permission to modify his VPX Rolling Stones!!


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