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  1. View File Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993) alt b2s Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993)alt b2s one of my favorite alternative backglasses i've made super clean vector based 2k image immersive detailed animation worth downloading to at least test... IMO Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 06/16/2021 Category B2S Backglasses  
  2. Version 2.0


    Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) New rebuild.. Hi Rez Scan
  3. Version 2.0


    Twilight Zone (Bally 1993) Hi Rez
  4. Version 1.2


    Disclaimer: Please do not redistribute, repost, repurpose or use the content for public or commercial purposes, images, or software code is prohibited without prior permission from author Reason for disclaimer: do to the total disrespect of the VP builders (tables, b2s, frontend , backend, etc.) and its community, certon talentless, low self esteem, trying to compensate individuals have taken it upon themselves to redistribute our work as if it is there god given right to do so.... the statements expressed are my personal opinions and not of VPU or its other members
  5. Version 2.1


    Twilight Zone_VPX_2.1
  6. Version 1.03


    Note that BAM (Better Arcade Mode) must be installed for this table to operate properly. This table has a menu that is accessed by pressing the Special 2 key. Many of the guys who compete in pinball championships consider "Twilight Zone" to be one of the most difficult tables to play. I suppose that might be true but it is still really fun to play which I think is due to its incredible design. The FP version of the table was originally built by Francisco666 and the models were built by ROM. The basic rules are also not all that difficult to remember either. The center of the playfield has a door with lights around the perimeter. The lights display most of the available modes. During game play, one of these lights is usually blinking. Hitting the bumpers will move the blinking light around the perimeter of the door. You can start a mode of whatever light is blinking by hitting the kicker under the piano. The kicker under the slot machine may also start the modes randomly also. Any mode that you complete will change the blinking light to be lit solid. There are more rules but this will get you started. The quality of the original voice quotes was pretty bad but Francisco probably used the best available audio files at the time. I reworked the audio to provide a much cleaner sound. I found about 7 or 8 different versions of audio so I selected the best sounds from each. The new sounds are included in the new library, DIMENSION_SONIDOS. When I got to the music, I decided to provide two versions of music libraries in addition to the original music. All three music libraries have the same name but I changed the case of some of the letters so you can identify the version. All of the libraries are compatible with the older versions of the table. You can only save one of these versions of the music to your library folder at a time so you might want to save them the other versions to a subfolder. Original Remix - DIMENSION_MUSICA.fpl Alternate - DIMension_musica.fpl Rock - DIMENSion_musica.fpl I added Shiva flippers to this table that are switchable to the standard Gimli/George dynamic flippers. Shiva flippers have more power in the center of the flippers than at the tip and base. The Gimli/George flippers has the least power at the tip and the most power at the base. I also added a flipper rotation speed chart that I think will be used for the first time on this table. I am using a slightly modified version of a chart that JLou5641 developed. The chart changes the way a flipper accelerates and moves. It helps to improve the accuracy of the shots. I recommend that you try the options for physics in the menu shortly after you download the table because it doesn't take long for your mind to get locked into a certain way of playing the table. There is also menu switchable music that play the original rock song, "The Twilight Zone". It will replace some of the music selections in the music libraries listed above. There are a few changes I made that couldn't be done when the table was created. The real table has a "power ball" that is made of white ceramic and is much lighter than a steel ball. When this FP table was built, a white ball was impossible to create so they offered a choice of different colored balls. For this table, I created a white ball using a photograph of an ceramic ball used on the real table. I also changed the physics of it when it is released onto the table so it is lighter. My friend, AnonTet, performed a lot of testing on this table but he also figured out a way to make the dynamic flippers more efficient. This became necessary when I tried to add Wild's code that adds a sound when the ball hits the flipper. Wild also made a change to the model used on the side blades. He took a model that had the best fit I could find and made it fit perfectly. I added two new table loading textures that you can select on the Table Information screen of the FP editor: LoadingLandscape – For desktop usage LoadingPortrait – For pinball cabinet usage Of course, the table has the same lighting options I have added to other tables. I added a spotlight for the first time on the miniplayfield. It will probably use it again on other tables. Included in the download is a zip file that contains a file that changes the unlit pixels of the DMD. It changes the color of them to be the same color as the background. If you choose to use it, it must remain zipped, have the same name as the table and be placed in the same folder as the table. You can download a different version of the table that is called "rotated display". This is for a desktop PC with a single monitor that can be rotated so the monitor is in portrait format. I added a screenshot of it and the download includes a PDF file with directions. Pat Lawlor designed a beautiful table that really needs no enhancements. If you play this table a lot, you might get tired of the same music so I added some options there. Even though Slamt1lt added some video and music, the game play of this table is the same as the original. My objective here was to make the table look, sound and perform better. I think you will agree that this objective has been met. I hope you enjoy it! These are the list of changes: 1. Replaced poorly recorded sounds, including all voice quotes. 2. Added new instruction cards. 3. Added custom physics and dynamic flippers with Gimli/GeorgeH flippers and Shiva's flippers. 4. Added emkickers to the slingshots to improve physics. 5. Added lighting mod and add Lighting Control Panel to the script. 6. Added HUD Toggle Key that saves setting. 7. Added new textures on the table loading screen for both desktop and cabinets. 8. Added menu system with options for lighting, balls per game, HUD on/off etc. 9. Added message that looks at BAM version and reminds you to upgrade BAM if needed. 10. Added shadow maps. 11. Edited plunger pull special script so you can make the skill shot. 12. Added switchable option for 3 or 5 balls per game that saves setting. 13. Added bulbs that provide the halo that shines through the slingshots. 14. Added side rails with art (sometimes called side blades). 15. Added bump maps to the camera and slot machine. 16. Added DMD background color, ball/flipper shadows and ball configuration to the script. 17. Added rock version of theme music and made it switchable with the default theme music. 18. Added menu option to switch between Gimli/GeorgeH flippers and Shiva's flippers. 19. Added menu option to switch table slope so end user can easily change ball speed. 20. Added menu option to switch bounce control options. 21. Converted images and video images to use power of 2 to reduce table loading time. 22.Lowered right ramp to make it perform better. 23. Added BAM code that allows the score to exceed 2 billion points. 24. Changed the end of game video so it can be turned off. Also fixed the end of game video so it plays the correct audio file and remove the broken Rod Steiger video. More detail about the development of this mod is available at this link: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/threads/twilight-zone.20208/ George
  7. Version 1.0.3 VR


    Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) with a minimal VR room added. All credits go to the original authors: VP91x table by JPSalas v1.03 VPX conversion by Bigus extras by Csilk Pleas use the B2s from hauntfreaks and enable the grill. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/12199-bram-stokers-dracula-williams-1993-b2s-with-full-dmd/ ' Originally ported to VP by ICPjuggla and Dozer316, the original FP version was created by francisco666 and rom. ' Magnet script by Dorsolas/Lander's, with just small modifications ' RTX BS, dampening, sling corrections and flipper code based off the VPW example tutorial table ' Amy Dempsey for the coffin texture, thanks amers. ' Thalamus for guidance on slope, difficulty slider and kicker randomness script portion as well as some elements from his version ' Wiesshund and fluper for LUTs ' JPSalas for sound script ' andreslv for some testing of the table ' Patrick2610 for alternate apron ' H215 for pointing out the flipper not being controlled by ROM issue
  8. View File Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) [CSILK Mod] 1.6I VR Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) with a minimal VR room added. All credits go to the original authors: VP91x table by JPSalas v1.03 VPX conversion by Bigus extras by Csilk Pleas use the B2s from hauntfreaks and enable the grill. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/12199-bram-stokers-dracula-williams-1993-b2s-with-full-dmd/ ' Originally ported to VP by ICPjuggla and Dozer316, the original FP version was created by francisco666 and rom. ' Magnet script by Dorsolas/Lander's, with just small modifications ' RTX BS, dampening, sling corrections and flipper code based off the VPW example tutorial table ' Amy Dempsey for the coffin texture, thanks amers. ' Thalamus for guidance on slope, difficulty slider and kicker randomness script portion as well as some elements from his version ' Wiesshund and fluper for LUTs ' JPSalas for sound script ' andreslv for some testing of the table ' Patrick2610 for alternate apron ' H215 for pointing out the flipper not being controlled by ROM issue Submitter hmueck Submitted 03/15/24 Category VR - Virtual Reality Pinball Modified by  
  9. Version 2.0


    Punchy the Clown (Alvin G. 1993) 2scr 3scr
  10. Version 2.0


    Star Trek The Next Generation (Williams 1993) Hi Rez version Thanks to ClarkKent for the hi rez scan
  11. Version 1.0


    Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) Topper Video - 1280x390 PLEASE NOTE: Because the 'Front End Media' section of this website does not have 'Reviews' or 'Comments' - show your appreciation by hitting the 'LIKE' button if you download these files. Don't be a leech! Fully animated Topper Video for Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) VPX table. This can also be used as an over or under on your LCD DMD for any setup that will accommodate. Please do not post this .zip or any of its contents anywhere else for download - you will be sacked! - Enjoy! - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE NOTE: I create these videos for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first. All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE.
  12. Version 2.0


    Last Action Hero (Data East 1993)
  13. Version 2.0


    Judge Dredd(Bally 1993)
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Format: 1024x256
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Rocky and Bullwinkle and Fiends (Data East 1993) Tarcisio Wheel
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Last Action Hero (Data East 1993) Alternate Backglass
  17. Version 1.0


    Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993) Topper+Wheel Kit Animated / Looping Topper video for Tales from the Crypt (Data East) table. Topper was rendered out in 1280x390 and 1280x540 pixels. Topper, Wheel and Audio can be loaded into your front end and topper can also be used as an over or under on your LCD DMD screen. DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TFTC (Data East 1993) Audio - Edited - Shorter.mp3 TFTC (Data East 1993) Audio - Long.mp3 TFTC (Data East 1993) Topper - 1280x390.mp4 TFTC (Data East 1993) Topper - 1280x540.mp4 TFTC (Data East 1993) Topper Still - 1280x390.png TFTC (Data East 1993) Topper Still - 1280x540.png TFTC (Data East 1993) Wheel - Alt.png TFTC (Data East 1993) Wheel.png Please do not post this .zip or any of its contents anywhere else for download - you will be sacked! - Enjoy! - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE NOTE: I create these videos for fun and for the dedicated VPX pinball users on this and other forum. I DID NOT create this for you to download as SELL, MAKE MONEY OR PROFIT ON! DO NOT include any of these files with other downloads or projects without asking permission first. All Logos, Characters, Copyrights and Trademarks property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE.
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