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Found 25 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I created this high resolution 2K Backglass and HD full DMD combo to compliment the excellent original Star Wars Bounty Hunter table created by @tartzani My goal was to focus upon Star Wars bounty hunters in general, much like the table, and to avoid the over saturated focus on the Mandalorian and Grogu characters. All of the lighting on the backglass has been configured to work with the triggers in the table. The full DMD artwork looks great holding the FlexDMD (if you enabled it) or by itself if you prefer, since the table has a DMD built into the playfield too. You can grab the amazing Star Wars Bounty Hunter table here on VPUniverse: https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/6450-starwars-bountyhunter/
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Full HD rebuild from scratch Authentic lighting with authentic mask Resolution 2048 x 1638 @ 72 dpi [5/4] 2 versions : 6 or 7 digits IDs from the previous Wildman B2S version ID "same player shoots again" from the previous Rothbauerw B2S version
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This file is Based on JPSalas Table https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18568 This table requires B2S to play in VR. You can download the amazing Backglass from hauntfreaks. This table Works in DT/FS/VR and MR, but specially in VR. To change VR Room (pool/minimal) or Mixed Reality, press F12 and change Room in the menu Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 You can enable ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit.
  4. View File Star Trek the Mirror Universe (Zitt 2014) JPSalas 1.0 DT-FS-VR-MR Ext2k This file is Based on JPSalas Table https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18568 This table requires B2S to play in VR. You can download the amazing Backglass from hauntfreaks. This table Works in DT/FS/VR and MR, but specially in VR. To change VR Room (pool/minimal) or Mixed Reality, press F12 and change Room in the menu Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 You can enable ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit. Submitter Ext2k Submitted 08/31/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  5. Version 3.1


    Star Gazer Stern 1980 v3.0 / Medusa2000 Dear pinball fans, i present you Stargazer Stern v3.0! Before selling my orginal playfield, i made a lot of pictures and used these to update the art of previous version, plus a lot more: Full playfield art replacement Updated rubber and flipper physics All plastics art are updated Improved text and symbols Matched flipper color, angles and shape to my original version Changed ambient color Total art update for the backglass >> Special thanks for all the testers of the "World of Virtual Pinball" group on facebook >> Special thanks to Nicolai for fixing the Zodiac Target Value lights Feel free to upate this version if credited plus the previous creators This could not have been done by the previous creators: 2.0 Arborelia 1.0 Felsir, VPuniverse.com >>> Please leave a REVIEW if you like the game <<<
  6. View File Star Gazer v3.1 (Stern 1980) by Medusa2000 change log: - Added day/night lighting! (as much requested 😉 ) - improved instert lights - updated sounds - adjusted desktop version - changed material and added shadow to the ball - increased slingshot and bumper power to match with the real game - small visual tweaks Special thanks to @teisen for most improvements above! Medusa2000 - find me on VPuniverse.com Star Gazer Stern 1980 v3.0 Medusa2000 - find me on VPuniverse.com Dear pinball fans, i present you Star Gazer Stern v3.0! Before selling my orginal playfield, i made a lot of pictures and used these to update the art of previous version, plus a lot more: Full playfield art replacement Updated rubber and flipper physics All plastics art are updated Improved text and symbols Matched flipper color, angles and shape to my original version Changed ambient color Total art update for the backglass >> Special thanks for all the testers of the "World of Virtual Pinball" group on facebook >> Special thanks to Nicolai for fixing the Zodiac Target Value lights Feel free to upate this version if credited plus the previous creators This could not have been done by the previous creators: 2.0 Arborelia 1.0 Felsir, VPuniverse.com >>> Please leave a REVIEW if you like the game <<< Submitter Medusa2000 Submitted 07/26/24 Category Modified (MOD) Games Modified by Medusa2000  
  7. Version 1.1


    May The Force Be With You in memory of Carrie Fisher Must Use VPMAlias or it wont't work for you, add line to your vpmalias.txt file then save. It's in your visualpinball/vpinmame folder. empsbackpup,empsback Lots of pup-options: Choose wisely youngling. I would recommend Overlay # 6 Mega Thanks to @xenonph for his epic mod to this table and everyone who helped with it's creation. Love your work Thank you!!! Mega Thanks to @JoePicasso for his 6 beautiful overlay options, which inspired me to make this in the first place, empire strikes back was a side project! Project Empire Strikes Back would not exist if it wasn't for him ! Thank you so much! Mega Thanks to @ryguy417, @classicradios, @xenonph, @DarthVito, @JoePicassofor bein united in our love of Star Wars and gettin this idea off the ground! You guys rule! Mega Thanks to @Cliffy for his desktop options, AKA desktop master thank you! Mega Thanks to @Fabouh for his magnificent Fulldmd creation..... I knew it was the one that had to be used to make this really pop, amazing and thank you!! You sir are why i will only use 1920 resolution fulldmds I'm kinda dying to do Return of the Jedi, if someone wants to make a custom Return of the Jedi Table I'll make a pup and you can release it with it. Also..... someone please make a cool backglass for episode 1 pup.... and topper backglass.... might speed things up All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!!
  8. Version 1.0.3


    Salut, A tous les passionnés de Pincab, de flipper virtuel voici ma première table avec des vidéos de l'artiste Etienne Daho. Celle-ci est une modification de la table FirePower II (Williams 1983) by Goldchicco. J'ai pris plaisir à la faire, rencontré des difficultés, plusieurs semaines à me casser la tête mais le rendez-vous est là. Je vous partage ma création aujourd'hui. Je remercie l'aide continue d'Icepinball https://vpuniverse.com/profile/4306-icepinball/ sans qui je n'aurais pas trouvé la motivation et la constance à travailler sur cette table. Amusez-vous bien ! A consommer sans modération... VLive
  9. View File Daho 1.03 Pup Pack 2024 (VLive and Icepinball) Salut, A tous les passionnés de Pincab, de flipper virtuel voici ma première table avec des vidéos de l'artiste Etienne Daho. Celle-ci est une modification de la table FirePower II (Williams 1983) by Goldchicco. J'ai pris plaisir à la faire, rencontré des difficultés, plusieurs semaines à me casser la tête mais le rendez-vous est là. Je vous partage ma création aujourd'hui. Je remercie l'aide continue d'Icepinball https://vpuniverse.com/profile/4306-icepinball/ sans qui je n'aurais pas trouvé la motivation et la constance à travailler sur cette table. Amusez-vous bien ! A consommer sans modération... VLive Submitter VLive Submitted 03/19/24 Category PuP-Pack Original (PuP-Original) Game Creations Modified by VLive  
  10. Version 1.0.1


    Thanks to @ryguy417 and all collaborators for his wonderful Star Wars Episode 1 (Williams 1999) table submission yesterday. If you have not installed and played it yet, then you'd better go get it now! His fun and colorful table inspired me to create a hi-res colorful and fun full-DMD backglass. The colors for the scores, credits, and ball in play are representative of the colors used for lightsabers in the Star Wars movies. They fit well with the lightsaber battle on the DMD. Enjoy!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hi! here you have a wheel version of Star-Jet (Bally 1963) Enjoy!
  12. View File Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Pup May The Force Be With You in memory of Carrie Fisher Must Use VPMAlias or it wont't work for you, add line to your vpmalias.txt file then save. It's in your visualpinball/vpinmame folder. empirestrikesback,empsback Lots of pup-options: Choose wisely youngling. I would recommend Overlay # 6 Mega Thanks to @xenonph for his epic mod to this table and everyone who helped with it's creation. Love your work Thank you!!! Mega Thanks to @JoePicasso for his 6 beautiful overlay options, which inspired me to make this in the first place, empire strikes back was a side project! Project Empire Strikes Back would not exist if it wasn't for him ! Thank you so much! Mega Thanks to @ryguy417, @classicradios, @xenonph, @DarthVito, @JoePicassofor bein united in our love of Star Wars and gettin this idea off the ground! You guys rule! Mega Thanks to @Cliffy for his desktop options, AKA desktop master thank you! Mega Thanks to @Fabouh for his magnificent Fulldmd creation..... I knew it was the one that had to be used to make this really pop, amazing and thank you!! You sir are why i will only use 1920 resolution fulldmds I'm kinda dying to do Return of the Jedi, if someone wants to make a custom Return of the Jedi Table I'll make a pup and you can release it with it. Also..... someone please make a cool backglass for episode 1 pup.... and topper backglass.... might speed things up All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! VIRTUAL PINBALL ALWAYS HAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE FREE TO ANYONE!!!! Submitter Gman77 Submitted 01/23/24 Category 2 Screen / 4x3 PuP-Packs  
  13. View File Super Star (Williams 1972) v4.3 Ext2k VR ROOM This table is based on Super Star JP Salas Table 4.3.0 I just addeed the VR ROOM with original arts. This File requires B2S File Included Enjoy! Submitter Ext2k Submitted 12/08/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  14. View File Big Star (Williams 1972) v4.3 Ext2k VR ROOM This table is based on Big Star JP Salas Table 4.3.0 I just addeed the VR ROOM with original arts. This File requires B2S File Included Enjoy! Submitter Ext2k Submitted 12/08/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This table is based on Super Star JP Salas Table 4.3.0 I just addeed the VR ROOM with original arts. This File requires B2S File Included Enjoy!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This table is based on Big Star JP Salas Table 4.3.0 I just addeed the VR ROOM with original arts. This File requires B2S File Included Enjoy!
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This is a VR ROOM conversion from North Star Teisen Mod, the original table is from Loserman76, he makes this amazing Gottlieb table. Thanks to all people for your likes with this conversions. This table requires b2s included.
  18. View File North Star (Gottlieb 1964)_Teisen_MOD_1.1 Ext2k VR ROOM This is a VR ROOM conversion from North Star Teisen Mod, the original table is from Loserman76, he makes this amazing Gottlieb table. Thanks to all people for your likes with this conversions. This table requires b2s included. Submitter Ext2k Submitted 12/05/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Stargate Gottlieb (1995) FullDMD
  20. View File Star Trek xse v1.3 (Oct 2016) After 3 years, a update to Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This uses BAM, and was done with the 2.5 exe. The xml file is included, it is the 2.5 xml with a "few" modifications, mostly to set up better more natural shots, and a couple weirder settings that seemed to work better. Hope everyone enjoys playing it as much as I enjoyed doing it. Any comments on the new things, as well as bug reports are appreciated, as I like to fine tune things and work out any kinks in the newer stuff. Please read this entire thread, the readme, and the actual FP manual first. It should be at Pinsimdb shortly, but it's a little goofy sometimes. Awaiting admin approval there, in the meanwhile, you can grab it at Pinball Nirvana as well. Download link http://www.pinsimdb.org/pinball/table-1737-star_trek_xse http://www.pinballnirvana.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=5127 Version 1.2 - August 16, 2013 Version 1.3 - Oct 28, 2016 - Table/build/graphics/modifications by blue - Script/sounds By Popotte 25/01/2008 - Custom models by francisco666 and Polygame - Thanks to BC57 for the pics and his kindness - Thanks to Minh Tan for splash screen image - Thanks to all the other authors for their versions of this bally classic. - Available at Pinsimdb.com, as well as Pinball Nirvana and VPUniverse *** Keys *** You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel. Access to the dip switches menu by the Special2Key.(set as the ' key by default) for adjustments (amount of balls/liberal-conservative settings etc) Speed up the bonus count by pressing both flippers *** Instructions *** This new version was made specifically for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM) and uses SlamTilits 2.5 xml file as a base. If you do not use BAM, It may work fine as a standalone exe, but hit is recommended to use the FP 2.5. exe. Other physics exe may not work as intended. Please read the Manual included with FP about adjusting plungers/kickers etc if you should have any problems if you use a different FP exe. The object was to ignore trying to get FP to have perfect physics (which is impossible, we have been trying for 6 years) but instead just concentrate on getting FP to play as fun as possible. Though every effort, and trick in the book, was used, it's still FP after all, and well, you can't turn crap into gold. You can download BAM here: http://ravarcade.pl/?en_download,16 If you are new to Future Pinball, or have any problems, a help file is here: http://gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=6054 If you do not have BAM installed with Future Pinball (real easy actually) then there is a great help file here at: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=5544 *** Rules *** * making b-a-l-l-y scores and advances lit values * all targets down scores 5,000 points. 1st time lites 2x bonus. 2st time lites 3x bonus. 3rd and each additional time scores special. * top roll-over buttons and bottom ball return lanes score and advance hyper space values. * outlanes special - lites when bally special is lit. * ball thru outlane when lit for special scores 1 replay. * ball thru warp speed lane scores bonus. * maximum 1 extra ball per ball in play. * tilt penalty - ball in play. *** Version 1.3 *** - Released Oct 2016 - Intended for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM). Best non-Bam exe: Slamtilts 2.5 physics. BAM XML physics file uses 2.5 physics with modifications. - Version 2 of my flipper technique, for far better range and speed. Slight modifications to this as opposed to Playboy, with a more center based setup. This uses triggers as well, so the small hidden flippers will only work when the ball is over the trigger. This prevents "mishits" and interference with ball movement - Modified physics, better speed with coils, far more bounce and more polished gameplay. Outlanes more closed, flippers closer together for longer play. game still plays like the Bitch it actually is in real life. - New 3 stage variable slingshot effect - New Lens lighting and halo effect, with ball interaction - New basic bulb lighting effect with ball interaction at certain spots - Fixed some known "fp" problems with gates etc, layout changes and massaging to prevent drains except.... Try not to hit the center target unless you have to. Standard Bally drain shot, Paragon does the same. I modified it a bit so it doesn't drain as much, but it still does. - Modified the pf image, fixed the dirty edges around lens lights. Recolored some things - Backglass now has better lighting, no pinhole light effect. Also I moved some lights around for better effect, and added lights for player display/tilt/credits etc *** Changes (version 1.2) *** ( Please go to this thread for full changes: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4022&hilit=Star+trek+xse ) -New graphics, made to give the table a lighter appearance that the original. main images replaced, new images redone and recolored. -New models used - New Double lighting affect on the plastics. (Found on Layer 1) - Layout modified based on new play field and plastics. - Modified shaped physics were adjusted, and added to. - Heavy flipper effect, using a wall to add a more stable surface to the flipper, and change the angle that the ball will hit the flipper. - Heavy Drop Targets - Hyperspace rule changed for the upper loop, there is now a timer that prevents scoring hyperspace twice in one shot if you go through the top loop - User Key Change - Holding both Flippers keys down will now cause the bonus countdown to greatly speed up, as the stock Bally settings were very slow. - Lots of changes for presentation of the table, and polish, including minor script changes. Submitter shiva Submitted 10/29/2016 Category Future Pinball Tables Link to Media Pack  
  21. Version 1.0.0


    StarWars animated wheel
  22. Version 1.1.0


    Backglass for sonic star wars. It is fantasy, I did not find many videos to see the operation, only two and very poor quality.
  23. View File Star Wars (Sonic 1987) Backglass for sonic star wars. It is fantasy, I did not find many videos to see the operation, only two and very poor quality. Submitter kalavera3 Submitted 04/08/2018 Category B2S Backglasses  
  24. View File Star Trek (Bally 1979) directB2S 6 or 7 digits Full HD rebuild from scratch Authentic lighting with authentic mask Resolution 2048 x 1638 @ 72 dpi [5/4] 2 versions : 6 or 7 digits IDs from the previous Wildman B2S version ID "same player shoots again" from the previous Rothbauerw B2S version Submitter Blacksad Submitted 09/14/2017 Category B2S Backglasses  
  25. Version 1.3.0


    After 3 years, a update to Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This uses BAM, and was done with the 2.5 exe. The xml file is included, it is the 2.5 xml with a "few" modifications, mostly to set up better more natural shots, and a couple weirder settings that seemed to work better. Hope everyone enjoys playing it as much as I enjoyed doing it. Any comments on the new things, as well as bug reports are appreciated, as I like to fine tune things and work out any kinks in the newer stuff. Please read this entire thread, the readme, and the actual FP manual first. It should be at Pinsimdb shortly, but it's a little goofy sometimes. Awaiting admin approval there, in the meanwhile, you can grab it at Pinball Nirvana as well. Download link http://www.pinsimdb.org/pinball/table-1737-star_trek_xse http://www.pinballnirvana.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=5127 Version 1.2 - August 16, 2013 Version 1.3 - Oct 28, 2016 - Table/build/graphics/modifications by blue - Script/sounds By Popotte 25/01/2008 - Custom models by francisco666 and Polygame - Thanks to BC57 for the pics and his kindness - Thanks to Minh Tan for splash screen image - Thanks to all the other authors for their versions of this bally classic. - Available at Pinsimdb.com, as well as Pinball Nirvana and VPUniverse *** Keys *** You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel. Access to the dip switches menu by the Special2Key.(set as the ' key by default) for adjustments (amount of balls/liberal-conservative settings etc) Speed up the bonus count by pressing both flippers *** Instructions *** This new version was made specifically for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM) and uses SlamTilits 2.5 xml file as a base. If you do not use BAM, It may work fine as a standalone exe, but hit is recommended to use the FP 2.5. exe. Other physics exe may not work as intended. Please read the Manual included with FP about adjusting plungers/kickers etc if you should have any problems if you use a different FP exe. The object was to ignore trying to get FP to have perfect physics (which is impossible, we have been trying for 6 years) but instead just concentrate on getting FP to play as fun as possible. Though every effort, and trick in the book, was used, it's still FP after all, and well, you can't turn crap into gold. You can download BAM here: http://ravarcade.pl/?en_download,16 If you are new to Future Pinball, or have any problems, a help file is here: http://gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=6054 If you do not have BAM installed with Future Pinball (real easy actually) then there is a great help file here at: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=5544 *** Rules *** * making b-a-l-l-y scores and advances lit values * all targets down scores 5,000 points. 1st time lites 2x bonus. 2st time lites 3x bonus. 3rd and each additional time scores special. * top roll-over buttons and bottom ball return lanes score and advance hyper space values. * outlanes special - lites when bally special is lit. * ball thru outlane when lit for special scores 1 replay. * ball thru warp speed lane scores bonus. * maximum 1 extra ball per ball in play. * tilt penalty - ball in play. *** Version 1.3 *** - Released Oct 2016 - Intended for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM). Best non-Bam exe: Slamtilts 2.5 physics. BAM XML physics file uses 2.5 physics with modifications. - Version 2 of my flipper technique, for far better range and speed. Slight modifications to this as opposed to Playboy, with a more center based setup. This uses triggers as well, so the small hidden flippers will only work when the ball is over the trigger. This prevents "mishits" and interference with ball movement - Modified physics, better speed with coils, far more bounce and more polished gameplay. Outlanes more closed, flippers closer together for longer play. game still plays like the Bitch it actually is in real life. - New 3 stage variable slingshot effect - New Lens lighting and halo effect, with ball interaction - New basic bulb lighting effect with ball interaction at certain spots - Fixed some known "fp" problems with gates etc, layout changes and massaging to prevent drains except.... Try not to hit the center target unless you have to. Standard Bally drain shot, Paragon does the same. I modified it a bit so it doesn't drain as much, but it still does. - Modified the pf image, fixed the dirty edges around lens lights. Recolored some things - Backglass now has better lighting, no pinhole light effect. Also I moved some lights around for better effect, and added lights for player display/tilt/credits etc *** Changes (version 1.2) *** ( Please go to this thread for full changes: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4022&hilit=Star+trek+xse ) -New graphics, made to give the table a lighter appearance that the original. main images replaced, new images redone and recolored. -New models used - New Double lighting affect on the plastics. (Found on Layer 1) - Layout modified based on new play field and plastics. - Modified shaped physics were adjusted, and added to. - Heavy flipper effect, using a wall to add a more stable surface to the flipper, and change the angle that the ball will hit the flipper. - Heavy Drop Targets - Hyperspace rule changed for the upper loop, there is now a timer that prevents scoring hyperspace twice in one shot if you go through the top loop - User Key Change - Holding both Flippers keys down will now cause the bonus countdown to greatly speed up, as the stock Bally settings were very slow. - Lots of changes for presentation of the table, and polish, including minor script changes.
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