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Star Wars Episode 1 (Williams 1999) - B2S with full DMD

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11.63 MB File Size
WaRcLaWz Created by
B2S created by WaRcLaWz Artwork by
Williams Manufacturer
1999 Year

2 Screenshots

About This File

Thanks to @ryguy417 and all collaborators for his wonderful Star Wars Episode 1 (Williams 1999) table submission yesterday. If you have not installed and played it yet, then you'd better go get it now! :)


His fun and colorful table inspired me to create a hi-res colorful and fun full-DMD backglass.


The colors for the scores, credits, and ball in play are representative of the colors used for lightsabers in the Star Wars movies. They fit well with the lightsaber battle  on the DMD.



Edited by WaRcLaWz

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


I added some framing around the scores to make them punch better.


Also note that the ROM for Empire Strikes Back (Harkin 1980) used for the Episode 1 table does not display the High Scores. I verified by running that particular table with multiple backglass files and it is the same result.

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