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Star Wars Data East Colorization

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5 From 7 reviews
916.54 kB File Size

1 Screenshot

About This File

Pin2dmd colorization v2.1, must have pin2dmd firmware 2.58 or higher installed or running freezy's dll 1.7.1.  Extract the .pal and .vni files from zip and rename each pin2dmd and place into the correct alt_color folder for the rom you are running in vpinmame.  This colorization will support both 1.03 and 1.06 roms.  Please message me on vpuniverse for the real pin files.  Donations accepted and appreciated paypal link: 


Fixed in this version:
Audits & Adjustments menu fully colorized

Known bugs
- AT-AT Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete
- Jabba - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges
- Sarlaac Pit - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete
- Skill Shot - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch
- X-Wing Millions - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges
- Tri-Ball Restart - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch
- Million Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete
- Force Menu Mode - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete
- Cantina Band - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch
- Free Play - not yet color supported

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Really Great - is working also with the 1.07 ROM:

Please tel me, if there are some Problems with this one - because you didn't mentoined 1.07, thank you !

Response from the author:

The 1.07 rom should work fine as well.

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Amazing work on this, worked without problems straight away! Thanks!

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awesome work any chance tales from the crypt creature from b lagoon twilight zone those would be cool too keep up awesome work

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