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Showing results for tags 'teamtuga'.
Version 1.0.0
**** With Permisson from The Author **** All Credits goes to MArty02 FROM FIRST TO LAST BLOOD PUPPACK ** ******* ********DISCLAIMER************************** * This PupPack Contains War Scenes , Blood and Strong Language * * That May not Suitable for Childrens * * But Fuck All That * * You Know as Well as I do That Kids Who aren't Supposed * * To be Watching this Shit * * Curse More than the Rest of Us * * * * So Stop Worring , Relax , Push the Plunger * * and Enjoy The MotherFucking Show * ***************************************************** 2 Download Options are Available to Download 1080p (6gb) and 720p (3gb) versions Choose the ONE You Want!! ***** Rambo Puppack and Table : Table, whats New : New Visuals New Sounds NEw Lights Glow Balls - Thanks to Dom And so many other things Im not a Guru Table Guy so i Tried to do my Best !!! The Puppack only works with this Table and no other One GlowBall is green and is enabled by Default You dont like Green or Maybe You dont like Glowballs at all ?? Just Turn them Off or Change to another Color You Like ! Red ,Yellow and Normal Ball Are available TO. Options for glow and other stuff are available Just Look at The top of the Script *** Puppack : You Already Know how it Works , just run the BAt File You Want to MAtch Your Setup !! Table Music is to Low ? Open the Puppeditor look at Puppack Screens , Screen 4 volume is 55% (Its Good for Me) Not Enough For You ??? Change the VAlues to whatever You Want ... There are 2 music folders , One with the Rambo pc game music and the other one Music2 folder with the classics Movie songs By default is Rambo Pc game songs playing if You want the Classics Movie songs just change the folder inside pupeditor Triggers . Please share Your Rambo game play video !! thanks Thats All Enjoy It Thanks to Mario Paulo (TeamTuga) for the Work , cuting and Editing all this Videos For Us Thanks to All the VP Community Rambo First Blood -- Kinetic Typography.mp4 -
View File Big Trouble In Little China This time it will be a question of reflex to play at this table... Big Trouble in Little China Table created in collaboration with TeamTuga. I advise you to download their incredible puppack: Thank's to Daeron61 for 3d Mesh This table is based on the Wrath of Olympus table by JP Salas, thanks to him for his permission to use his work. Options: Const PupScreen = 0 'Aprons 0=Off - 1= On - 2= On High Quality Slow PC 0 or 1 '************************************************CHOOSE FPS*********************************************************************** Const FPS = 0 ' Slow PC Recommended "0" Fast PC Recommended 1 '*********************************************************************************************************************************** '************************ 'Glowball '************************* Dim GlowAura,GlowIntensity Const ChooseBall = 0 ' *** Ball Settings ********** ' *** 0 = Normal Ball ' *** 1 = Purple GlowBall ' *** 2 = Green GlowBall ' *** 3 = Blue Glowball ' *** 4 = Orange Glowball ' *** 5 = Red Glowball ' *** 6 = White Glowball ' *** 7 = Yellow Glowball ' *** 8 = Gold Glowball '****************** 'Additional Ball Settings '****************** GlowAura=210 'GlowBlob Auroa radius GlowIntensity=15 'Glowblob intensity Enjoy 🍺Balutito🍺 All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Artist Ise Ananphada PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! Submitter balutito Submitted 08/30/22 Category VPX - Pinball Tables
View File Rambo Puppack & Table **** With Permisson from The Author **** All Credits goes to MArty02 FROM FIRST TO LAST BLOOD PUPPACK ** ******* ********DISCLAIMER************************** * This PupPack Contains War Scenes , Blood and Strong Language * * That May not Suitable for Childrens * * But Fuck All That * * You Know as Well as I do That Kids Who aren't Supposed * * To be Watching this Shit * * Curse More than the Rest of Us * * * * So Stop Worring , Relax , Push the Plunger * * and Enjoy The MotherFucking Show * ***************************************************** 2 Download Options are Available to Download 1080p (6gb) and 720p (3gb) versions Choose the ONE You Want!! ***** Rambo Puppack and Table : Table, whats New : New Visuals New Sounds NEw Lights Glow Balls - Thanks to Dom And so many other things Im not a Guru Table Guy so i Tried to do my Best !!! The Puppack only works with this Table and no other One GlowBall is green and is enabled by Default You dont like Green or Maybe You dont like Glowballs at all ?? Just Turn them Off or Change to another Color You Like ! Red ,Yellow and Normal Ball Are available TO. Look at The top of the Script *** Puppack : You Already Know how it Works , just run the BAt File You Want to MAtch Your Setup !! Table Music is to Low ? Open the Puppeditor look at Puppack Screens , Screen 4 volume is 55% (Its Good for Me) Not Enough For You ??? Change the VAlues to whatever You Want ... And Please share game play videos !! Thats All Enjoy It Thanks to Mario Paulo (TeamTuga) for the Work , cuting and Editing all this Videos For Us Thanks to All the VP Community Rambo First Blood -- Kinetic Typography.mp4 Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 02/15/25 Category PuP Packs
View File DeadPool Table V5.1.2 & PupPack 2.0 DeadPool Table Update V5.1.2 This is the Last version of JPsalas table converted to work with this pup pack. YOU DON'T NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE PUP PACK AGAIN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE 2.0 VERSION Thanks To dscgoesgc Deadpool PupPack Extra Screens with call outs on Apron make all the table look really good. You need VPX 10.8 and you should run the table in exclusive fullscreen if you gonna use the apron screens (options to turn ON and OFF on the top of the script) Slow PC recommended OFF, as default it's OFF ====Check Pictures above===== Thanks to my TeamMate Tuga Pedro Peres Credits inside Enjoy Custom Options for screens in the Table Script As default it's OFF Run the Bat file you want inside the Pupack Folder Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 08/26/21 Category PuP Packs
View File IT Pinball Madness "It Pinball Madness" - It was time for us to present a PupPack for this incredible table. We spared no effort, utilizing scenes from both films and editing them to include plenty of action and frightening moments. Various screen options are available. Puppack created by TeamTuga. Special thanks to Joey for letting Us share His table with the Puppack , also Special thanks to JPSalas. You can find all the credits here: Note: Users with only one screen might not have the same experience; it's a compromise. ****** The Puppack only Works with the table inside the download folder Thanks To all VP Comunity EnJoy It Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 08/15/23 Category PuP Packs
Version 1.0.0
*********************John Wick Puppack************************* Hi Everyone *Download the Zip File *Unzip it *Run the Bat file You want and You are ready to play *Set the volume for the videos and the music to whatever You want inside the Pup - Editor **** YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY - RULES ARE INSIDE , READ IT **** *If You are a DOF user download the Gif Images here : **If the link asks for a decrypt key, use a different browser than chrome. Place the SD gif image in your directoutput folder containing the ini files. Be sure to update your ini files if you haven't recently. If you have a HD matrix, copy the code from the back effects HD section and paste over the normal back effects section then save and update. Use the HD gif instead of the SD gif. This only applies if you have a MX LED back matrix. Thanks 🙏 Darrin Chamberlain https://mega.nz/file/nvA0FJyJ#mlXRqcv3nxZqkIUwAN23_sS3_5KjfSxFmGWeFYWe0uo ************************************************************************** *New Updated Table version 1.2 Table here : https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/16522-john-wick-babayaga-pinball-edition/ ************************************************************************** *PF Loading video by Nesta78 here : https://mega.nz/file/mz5VlBpA#GiJ_QOXxyf23n_HOE4x-8C_DhHr-QOqiJY77hIt_oKc **********CREDITS****************** Thanks to Ludo Balutito for this amazing REskin Thanks To Joe Picasso for provide the Amazing JOhn Wicks Car 3D THanks To DArrin and Jim (DOf Masters) Thanks To the MAster JP Salas Thanks Toni - The_ Living_ Arcade Thanks NEsta78 for the Amazing PF loading Video and Finally none of this will be possible without my TeamTuga' s MAtes : MArio PAulo and Pedro Peres. THANKS TO ALL VPX COMMUNITY ******ALL OF THIS IS FREE DONT BUY IT******* ENJOY IT **All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! -
Version 4.0.0
+++Please update your VPX 10.7 to the latest version 10.7.1 if you have troubles to run the latest 1.0.6 table update! Thanks Vpx 10.7.1 here : https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases?fbclid=IwAR2cUWKCwbS1rDcjUYPqvOrnwd0gFHzEWxnbLugaSc0XpeBo3i0fbfo2nC4 (this pup pack includes Adult theme videos Violence and Nudity ) +18 11 random intros i think ( i dont remember ) + 12 movies scenes ... Etc etc if you like blood and boobies you not gonna be disapointed .. Dont Tilt please .. You need vpx 10.7 to run this Table and Puppack The Puppack only works with the table inside the download folder Script - Options for ApronScreens - Backdrop and Slow Pcs are Off by Default just choose the one you like (Aprons screens are amazing ) Just Run the Bat file inside the puppack for your Screens Setup Enjoy Thanks To my TeamTuga Mate Pedro Peres Thanks Joe Picasso and Mario Thanks All Teamtuga- 100 comments
- 11 reviews
- 172
- friday13th
- vpx
(and 4 more)
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Version JP's Deadpool V5.1.2
DeadPool Table Update V5.1.2 This is the Last version of JPsalas table converted to work with this pup pack. YOU DON'T NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE PUP PACK AGAIN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE 2.0 VERSION Thanks To dscgoesgc Deadpool PupPack Extra Screens with call outs on Apron make all the table look really good. You need VPX 10.8 and you should run the table in exclusive fullscreen if you gonna use the apron screens (options to turn ON and OFF on the top of the script) Slow PC recommended OFF, as default it's OFF ====Check Pictures above===== Thanks to my TeamMate Tuga Pedro Peres Credits inside Enjoy Custom Options for screens in the Table Script As default it's OFF Run the Bat file you want inside the Pupack Folder -
Version 1.0.0
TEAMTUGA - GAME OF THRONES DRAGON MOD PUPPACK ******************************************************************** * 18+ * * Barbie Warning * * THIS PUPPACK CONTAINS CONTENT THAT SOME MAY FIND DISTURBING * * Please do not play this with Your Kids in the Room * * * ******************************************************************** ***************** Before YOU START to do Anything Please READ this ********************* * The Download Folder only contains the Puppack and the Dif file to use with the VPU Patch (WE do not share the original Table) * First , You need the original table(not modify) from VPW v1.0.2 here : Option 1 - Use the GOT_Tuga_Script txt file- Copy all the text and substitute the table script, save and play. Option 2 - (Best Option) - Vpuniverse Patch - this option gives you more extras like Apron Screens Etc... * Step 1 - Download the Patch from here: * Step 2 - How to it works?? Watch and follow the video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD3SLqSoAVM (Thanks to Pedro Peres for the Tutorial Video) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * After You done the Patch instalation Open Your Game of Thrones Puppack Folder, then chose and run the Bat File You want for Your Set Up ***************** Option1 >>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 4 Screens PupPack On FullDMD With Topper separate with this option you need to have a B2S or a loop video Playing in the BG just search for the one you like the most ***************** Option2 >>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack on FullDMD with this option you need to have a B2S or a loop video Playing in the BG just search for the one you like most ***************** Option3 >>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 4 Screens PupPack On Backglass Topper and DMD separate ***************** Option4 >>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack and Topper on Backglass, DMD separate ***************** Option5 >>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack and DMD on Backglass Topper Separate You Need to change the top of the Script iScreenCnt = 2 ***************** Option6 >>>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 2 Screens PupPack, Topper and DMD on Backglass You Need to change the top of the Script iScreenCnt = 2 *******ONLY FOR DESKTOP USERS********* Run the bat file ( option) You want Open You Puppack editor and Turn Off the 17 , 18 and 19 screens --- save it Open the Table Script and Turn Off the Pupscreens here : ***tuga mod**** Show PupFlasher: 1=ON , 0=OFF 134 Const ApronVideos = 0 135 Const PlayfieldVideos = 1 136 Const FPS = 0 ' 1= fast PCs 0= Slow PCs Run the Table **If you don't have the necessary files to run PupPacks in one screen make sure you download it from here : https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=pup_desktop&fbclid=IwAR1DHMmS3UIW4yZaZDhvoOD-x_C67V79y8nI5TSsBq85BjtfLlsdKapM744 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Apron Pupscreens and the Dragon Flying over the PF are ON by default * Option for Slow Pcs are OFF by default If You do Not use those or just want to change it, just open the script table and go here : ***tuga mod**** Show PupFlasher: 1=ON , 0=OFF 134 Const ApronVideos = 1 135 Const PlayfieldVideos = 1 136 Const FPS = 0 ' 1= fast PCs 0= Slow PCs _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________CUSTOM LED EFFECTS_________________________ Darrin Chamberlain’s Custom LED Effects ---- Download the vbs-file and put it in your Table folder. ----Name it the same as the Table, and you are ready to go. ----This only works when you have used VPU-patcher to update to the PUP-script. Here is the link: https://mega.nz/file/bWR11YwB#Gkw9GIn1p135Sqn5s1DBnVE1XIbDDw01j18v__jDzj8 All credits go to Darrin Chamberlain Thanks Cor van den Ber _____________________________________________________________________________________________ * PS - TILT (Jon Snow) -If You don´t want to see the video completely just press/push the Plunger or enter in Your Keyboard,the Tilt video will Stop. For those with Mechanical Tilt I don´t know if it works, if not just press Enter in Your Keyboard , or just try not to Tilt !!!! visit Red MEDUSA Youtube channel here : https://www.youtube.com/@RedMEDUSAofficial *********************************** *And if you don´t Know, there's a Midnight Madness on the Table, so wait for Midnight and Enjoy!!! Thanks and Enjoy ********************************************************************* ******************************* Credits ********************************** VPW All VP COMMUNITY and All the Barbies in this World!! Special Thanks to John Furlong and Tony (TheLivingArcade) **** TEAMTUGA **** Pedro Peres Pedro Pires Mario Paulo- 58 comments
- 9 reviews
- 102
Version 1.0.0
"It Pinball Madness" - It was time for us to present a PupPack for this incredible table. We spared no effort, utilizing scenes from both films and editing them to include plenty of action and frightening moments. Various screen options are available. Puppack created by TeamTuga. Special thanks to Joey for letting Us share His table with the Puppack , also Special thanks to JPSalas. You can find all the credits here: Note: Users with only one screen might not have the same experience; it's a compromise. ****** The Puppack only Works with the table inside the download folder Thanks To all VP Comunity EnJoy It -
Version 1.0.0
HAPPY HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN MICHAEL MYERS EDITION PUPPACK First, I would like to thanks MArty02 for letting Us MOd and use His Table for this PupPack Puppack is BAsed on the Two first HAlloween Movies !!! TAble , What's New : PF New Visuals KAren replace Frank in the Playfield Changed Samuel's name to Loomis like in the movie , and the Older Tommy is now Younger New DMD Images New Music Multiball BAll Punpkins ( Thanks To Dave Sousa ) , Dom thanks for the Idea Options for Apron Screens at the Top of the Script Open the Table Script to disable the Apron Screens if You don' t want to use those By Default its ON Theres only 3 balls per GAme and Player , Multiball same thing 3 balls Only !!! You want more Balls look at the script and change it to wathever YOu want !! *************************************************************************** Puppack Options : Run the BAt File You want to fit Your Setup TAble or Puppack videos Sounds are to Loud or not Loud enough , You know what to do !! DESKTOP MODE USERS options FILES HERE : https://mega.nz/file/zSATQRDa#oK9AajIFDv9pgdOiXhRcrSo3EvzYV1YkM4eUOaiJHhg JUST DRAG THEM INSIDE YOUR PUPPACK FOLDER Thanks To Cliffy Be carefull If YOu are Playing this with Kids beside YOu Rabitt in Red MODE is HoT ( I Let YOu Guys discover ) Puppack Videos contains NUdity , and Blood so be aware!! *************************************************************************** Thanks TO my Team MAtes MArio PAulo and Pedro Peres THanks to All VP Community ENJOY IT -
View File Halloween_Puppack HAPPY HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN MICHAEL MYERS EDITION PUPPACK First, I would like to thanks MArty02 for letting Us MOd and use His Table for this PupPack Puppack is BAsed on the Two first HAlloween Movies !!! TAble , What's New : PF New Visuals KAren replace Frank in the Playfield Changed Samuel's name to Loomis like in the movie , and the Older Tommy is now Younger New DMD Images New Music Multiball BAll Punpkins ( Thanks To Dave Sousa ) , Dom thanks for the Idea Options for Apron Screens at the Top of the Script Open the Table Script to disable the Apron Screens if You don' t want to use those By Default its ON Theres only 3 balls per GAme and Player , Multiball same thing 3 balls Only !!! You want more Balls look at the script and change it to wathever YOu want !! *************************************************************************** Puppack Options : Run the BAt File You want to fit Your Setup TAble or Puppack videos Sounds are to Loud or not Loud enough , You know what to do !! Be carefull If YOu are Playing this with Kids beside YOu Rabitt in Red MODE is HoT ( I Let YOu Guys discover ) Puppack Videos contains NUdity , and Blood so be aware!! *************************************************************************** Thanks TO my Team MAtes MArio PAulo and Pedro Peres THanks to All VP Community ENJOY IT Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 10/30/24 Category PuP Packs
[New PuP-Pack Alert]The Exorcist Puppack
TeamTuga posted a topic in Pinup-Popper & PuP-Pack Releases
View File The Exorcist Puppack * Download the File * Unzip it * Put it inside YOur Pupvideos FOlder * Open the exorcist Folder * Chose YOur screen option read the txt file * Run the Bat file * download the Table again with the new update if YOu didn t already !!! if YOu dont have the lastet version from the Table the Puppack Will not Work * Open the table script , look at the line 204 0 - will use the original music table while YOu playing 1 - will use the OST from the Movie directly from the PUP (BEST OPTION) or CHANGE IT TO WHATEVER YOU WANT Table by Joe Picasso and REMDWAAS1986 here : Theres a folder named ExtraOverlays inside theres some green Backglass overlays i did .. use them IF U want!! Enjoy Thanks to : Tuga PEdro Peres Tuga MArio Paulo Joe Picasso EMDWAAS1986 Balutito Darrin Chamberlin Ray Pritchard TheLivingArcade AND many Others Thaks to All VP Community **All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 11/05/23 Category PuP Packs- 1 reply
- teamtuga
- theexorcist
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
TeamTuga PUppack Table LayOut 4K by Nesta78 *The PupPack doesn t work without this table (table inside) *Options for Glowballs in the Script Screen Options : *******Option1****** Run Bat File*** Ideal for 4 Screens PupPack On FullDMD With Topper separate *******Option2****** Run Bat File*** Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack on FullDMD topper on Playfield *******Option6********Run Bat File*** Ideal for 2 Screens PupPack, Topper and DMD on Backglass You Need to change the top of the Script Const pBackglass=2 *****Rock Songs from the Series only Plays in Attract Mode ( GameOver ) Thanks to All Community Enjoy It!!- 45 comments
- 9 reviews
- 105
- stranger things
- stranger things 4
(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0.0
WE are BACK...... Congo Pup Pack this Fun table finally can be enjoyed with a Pup Pack. This Pup Pack works with all Congo tables !!!! Download the pup pack folder and put inside the pupvideos folder run the bat file for your screen configuration. Also you gonna find a Congo table in this LINK, this table have a Mod that we did that includes screens on the apron area, you can turn the Screens ON and OFF on the top of the Script. This PupPack works with any VPX 10.6 table The table included is VPX 10.7 that takes advantage of the extra apron Screens. B2S - Colored Rom and Rom for this table ""congo_21"" are not included Google is your best friend!! If you like the fulldmd Andrew's Walsh style just run the bat file inside the Puppack Special Thanks to JoePicasso for again offer a amazing Overlay !!!Pedro Peres my TeamTuga mate and HIRez00 for let us use his amazing CONGO topper . Enjoy TeamTuga -
Version 1.1
With Permission from the Original Author's TAble and Puppack Indochine - Central Tour PupPack by TeamTuga First things first : A huge thank you to @marty02 for doing this table and for allowing us to do this Puppack!! About this puppack, there´s nothing we can say… those who know this group love them, and those who don´t Will have a chance to know them with this release. This was a project done with love and appreciation for the music of this French group... from music fans to the VP world, so enjoy! Note to @Dr.Nobody: Oasis sold less than 20 dates in more that 6 hours... the week after, Indochine sold almost 40 dates in less than 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Love YOu Dom YOu know That 🤪 !!! 🤘🤘🤘 **************************** No other table will work with this Puppack Download it , Yes Its Big i Know that!!!! Read the TXT screens options inside the Pup Run the BAt File You want Options to turn off/on , the Playfield Screen , at the Top of the Script ( By default it's ON ) 😜😜 Insert coin Push Start Use Flippers to choose YOur song Choose Your Song ( There is 20 Music live Videos from Indochine Central Tour and One is a BOnus !!! check it out 🤘🤘🤘 Push the plunger and enjoy When You lost a ball You can choose another song , or You can push the plunger and continue to play with the same song That's all *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Thanks To My TeamTuga Mates - MArio Joao PAulo & Pedro Peres Thanks to all VP Community Enjoy IT 2024-09-28 19-06-32.mp4- 29 comments
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- 19
- teamtuga
- centraltour
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View File Indochine Central Tour (Tuga’s Edition) With Permission from the Original Author's TAble and Puppack Indochine - Central Tour PupPack by TeamTuga First things first : A huge thank you to @marty02 for doing this table and for allowing us to do this Puppack!! About this puppack, there´s nothing we can say… those who know this group love them, and those who don´t Will have a chance to know them with this release. This was a project done with love and appreciation for the music of this French group... from music fans to the VP world, so enjoy! Note to @Dr.Nobody: Oasis sold less than 20 dates in more that 6 hours... the week after, Indochine sold almost 40 dates in less than 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Love YOu Dom YOu know That 🤪 !!! 🤘🤘🤘 **************************** No other table will work with this Puppack Download it , Yes Its Big i Know that!!!! Read the TXT screens options inside the Pup Run the BAt File You want Options to turn off/on , the Playfield Screen , at the Top of the Script ( By default it's ON ) 😜😜 Insert coin Push Start Use Flippers to choose YOur song Choose Your Song ( There is 20 Music live Videos from Indochine Central Tour and One is a BOnus !!! check it out 🤘🤘🤘 Push the plunger and enjoy When You lost a ball You can choose another song , or You can push the plunger and continue to play with the same song That's all *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Thanks To My TeamTuga Mates - MArio Joao PAulo & Pedro Peres Thanks to all VP Community Enjoy IT 2024-09-28 19-06-32.mp4 Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 09/25/24 Category PuP Packs
- 1 reply
- teamtuga
- centraltour
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Version 1.8
This time it will be a question of reflex to play at this table... Big Trouble in Little China Table created in collaboration with TeamTuga. I advise you to download their incredible puppack: Thank's to Daeron61 for 3d Mesh This table is based on the Wrath of Olympus table by JP Salas, thanks to him for his permission to use his work. Options: Const PupScreen = 0 'Aprons 0=Off - 1= On - 2= On High Quality Slow PC 0 or 1 '************************************************CHOOSE FPS*********************************************************************** Const FPS = 0 ' Slow PC Recommended "0" Fast PC Recommended 1 '*********************************************************************************************************************************** '************************ 'Glowball '************************* Dim GlowAura,GlowIntensity Const ChooseBall = 0 ' *** Ball Settings ********** ' *** 0 = Normal Ball ' *** 1 = Purple GlowBall ' *** 2 = Green GlowBall ' *** 3 = Blue Glowball ' *** 4 = Orange Glowball ' *** 5 = Red Glowball ' *** 6 = White Glowball ' *** 7 = Yellow Glowball ' *** 8 = Gold Glowball '****************** 'Additional Ball Settings '****************** GlowAura=210 'GlowBlob Auroa radius GlowIntensity=15 'Glowblob intensity Enjoy 🍺Balutito🍺 All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Artist Ise Ananphada PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! -
Version 1.3
** I would like to dedicated this one to my TeamTuga MAtes , MArio Joao Paulo , and Pedro Peres .... Thanks for everything ** VERSION 1.1 / only for option 2 ,3,4,5,6 screens users - OPEN YOUR PUP EDITOR - GO TO TRIGGERS AND CHANGE THE COMBO PRIORITY TO 10 Like in the picture and save it - THANKS Same For Sadira Multiball, priority must be 75 *Run the Bat file You want for Your Setup - Theres 6 Options available - 2 , 3 , 4 screens and Puppack playing in the Fulldmd !!!! NOTE - If You choose the Puppack in the Fulldmd YOu will need a B2S or a Video playing in the BAckglass !!! Just Find one You Like (Youtube is Your Friend) * There s only 3 balls at the Multiball in this Table , You want more BAlls just change it in the script !!!!! *Set the Puppack volume to whatever You want ( In my Cab sounds Good ) ********No other TAble will work with this Puppack****************** Thanks Zandy's Arcade and all the People involved in this Creation !! Thanks DArrin Chamberlain , DOF is Amazing - visit is Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/share/mPUBmeuHxH9phw4i/ Thanks Dom , Top animated wheels !! Thanks to ALL VP Community Enjoy it 2024-06-12 21-42-03.mp4- 53 comments
- 13 reviews
- 93
- killerinstinct
- teamtuga
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.3
This is a Musical Video Puppack nothing more... made for Kids !! VpX must be updated to the latest version What's new ? 1 - Table with Dof - Thanks to ( floeschng ) 2 - New Overlay's and some adjustments inside the Puppack Music Videos will play when the right or left flipper are pressed Music Video Stop ? press the right or left flipper to start a New music video !! Music Videos will play randomly Run the BAt file You want for Your setup 2 , 3 and 4 screens are available Thanks to Phenom for this Original Table And for Permisson to do this ***no other table will work with this Puppack Thanks to my Tugas Pedro Peres & MArio Joao Paulo Enjoy It with Your Kids !!- 2 comments
- 5 reviews
- 34
- moana
- vpuniverse
(and 3 more)
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Version 1.0.0
2024-05-25 14-15-39.mp4 First , i would like to Thanks Zandy's Arcade for given Us permission to share is awesome Table with this Puppack THANKS JO and all the People involved in this Creation !! *Run the Bat file You want for Your Setup - Theres 6 Options available - 2 , 3 , 4 screens and Puppack playing in the Fulldmd !!!! NOTE - If You choose the Puppack in the Fulldmd YOu will need a B2S or a Video playing in the BAckglass !!! Just Find one You Like (Youtube is Your Friend) *At the top of the Table script You have options for the Apron screens Videos ( by default they are On ) and options for Slow and fast Pcs FPS ( by default its OFF ) **** choose the one YOu want * There s only 3 balls at the Multiball in this Table , You want more BAlls just change it in the script !!!!! *Set the Puppack volume to whatever You want ( In my Cab sounds Good ) and Yes Table music stops when a Mode or Multiball starts ( iTs not a BUG ) Note - Skillshot is now fixed for this table ( Thanks to Zandys Arcade ) *******NO OTHER TABLE WILL WORK WITH THIS PUPPACK********** There s to much videos to discover in this Table .. And Before some Dune lovers or HAters start Talking ,we did our best with the videos , some video modes are not for the character in question ( to much talking scene ) so You are warning !!! Jopati Kolona Mode is the only one with short videos !! sorry we didnt find a long one So If You have a better option im all ears !!!! Thanks To my Tugas : MArio Joao Paulo Pedro Peres Enjoy it- 12 comments
- 8 reviews
- 59
Version 1.0.0+1.2
MAKE SURE ALL FILES ARE UNBLOCKED IN PROPERTIES Disclaimer !!!! This table is not suitable for Babies or Sensitive adults, Includes violence, nudity, mature speech and other things that may hurt your feelings. It has strobe lights that can trigger seizures. DOF oh DOF, can start a fire or worse in your house procede at your own risk. PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS !!! (inside the PupPack Folder) IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH MINIGAMES FIRST READ THE INTRUCTIONS! FLIPPERS NOT WORKING OR VIDEO OVER THE MINIGAME MOST OF THE TIMES EXCLUSIVE FULLSCREEN FIXES IT! Table and PupPack "The Purge" inspired on the 5 movies and 2 TV series The content is 4Gb ( you can cry now like I care) 1 Screens users - I did the possible to work with one screen not sure if it will work the way it was designed it, I will not give suport for it ! Dom will buy you an extra monitor if you need ! From the original JPSalas Serious Sam II (Thanks JPSalas) *8 Modes *3 Minigames *DOF *PupPack *Bilboard Videos *Animated Playfield *Animated Slingshots *Screen options *MediaPack *and so much more !!! Team Tuga ( table reskin and Pup Pack) Mario Joao Paulo Balutito ****************************** THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!! ************************ Never had so much Fun in a Project then working with this people that I call very good Friends !!! Was realy rewarding seeing this project from being mine to become OURS !!! -Pritch33 "Ray Pritchard" ( Your first playfield !!! I think I just Release the Beast !!! was one ideia after another more crazy the better !!! -Ayatollah of Rock ( The amazing Minigames!!! I can't say enough how good you make this project become more fun) -DigitalJedi084 (ALL DOF Work and Much more. You really are a Jedi, you always deliver 2x100% ) Dom Wainright Chicken " once Again no contribuitions to this project at all but without him somehow this Project would be even worse !!!" PS: This time he contributed with 2 or 3 videos and he said that gonna test everything. ANYTHING That you find wrong or not working PLEASE contact him Directly he is the right Person to help you. Dom Direct Phone Number : (+44) (0)1485 545400 This is Fan Art not to be sold !!! or Shared outside of this Site !!! FAQ: Was bought to my atention that some peolple experience DMD Flikering after a minigame finish this problem is not associated with this table itself its more of your own configuaratio but we have a solution: try change line 45 to a 2. Const iScreenCnt = 2 '2 = Hide DMD on 2 screen cabinets during Minigame (Tony's Rig), 3 = Display DMD during Minigame on 3 or more screen setups. IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE MINIGAME NOT FOCUS YOU CAN DOWNLOAD A NEW SOLUTION THAT "BurtMacklin" FOUND FOR US (THANKS) : THIS IS FOR WHO ALREADY HAVE THE PUPPACK AND IS EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS!!! Minigame works with Flippers MINIGAME Not Focus: First check if all the files that you downloaded are unblocked: the table it self and then the 2 files inside the pup folder (PuPDesktopPunch.exe) and (pupinit.bat) In some cases you may need Exclusive Fullscreen,( you can create a exeption just for this table in popper) Other thing that you can Try is Delete/Move the files (PuPDesktopPunch.exe) and (pupinit.bat) inside the pup pack folder Other situations just a Alt tab once will fixed for every minigame. DMD over Minigame : make sure you have iScreenCnt = 2 on the top of the script -
View File John Wick (BabaYaga Pinball Edition ) *********************John Wick Puppack************************* Hi Everyone *Download the Zip File *Unzip it *Run the Bat file You want and You are ready to play *Set the volume for the videos and the music to whatever You want inside the Pup - Editor **** YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY - RULES ARE INSIDE , READ IT **** *If You are a DOF user download the Gif Images here : **If the link asks for a decrypt key, use a different browser than chrome. Place the SD gif image in your directoutput folder containing the ini files. Be sure to update your ini files if you haven't recently. If you have a HD matrix, copy the code from the back effects HD section and paste over the normal back effects section then save and update. Use the HD gif instead of the SD gif. This only applies if you have a MX LED back matrix. Thanks 🙏 Darrin Chamberlain https://mega.nz/file/nvA0FJyJ#mlXRqcv3nxZqkIUwAN23_sS3_5KjfSxFmGWeFYWe0uo ************************************************************************** *Table here : https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/16522-john-wick-babayaga-pinball-edition/ ************************************************************************** *PF Loading video by Nesta78 here : https://mega.nz/file/mz5VlBpA#GiJ_QOXxyf23n_HOE4x-8C_DhHr-QOqiJY77hIt_oKc **********CREDITS****************** Thanks to Ludo Balutito for this amazing REskin Thanks To Joe Picasso for provide the Amazing JOhn Wicks Car 3D THanks To DArrin and Jim (DOf Masters) Thanks To the MAster JP Salas Thanks Toni - The_ Living_ Arcade Thanks NEsta78 for the Amazing PF loading Video and Finally none of this will be possible without my TeamTuga' s MAtes : MArio PAulo and Pedro Peres. THANKS TO ALL VPX COMMUNITY ******ALL OF THIS IS FREE DONT BUY IT******* ENJOY IT **All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION! Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 10/29/23 Category PuP Packs
Version 1.0.0
* Download the File * Unzip it * Put it inside YOur Pupvideos FOlder * Open the exorcist Folder * Chose YOur screen option read the txt file * Run the Bat file * download the Table again with the new update if YOu didn t already !!! if YOu dont have the lastet version from the Table the Puppack Will not Work * Open the table script , look at the line 204 0 - will use the original music table while YOu playing 1 - will use the OST from the Movie directly from the PUP (BEST OPTION) or CHANGE IT TO WHATEVER YOU WANT Table by Joe Picasso and REMDWAAS1986 here : Theres a folder named ExtraOverlays inside theres some green Backglass overlays i did .. use them IF U want!! Enjoy Thanks to : Tuga PEdro Peres Tuga MArio Paulo Joe Picasso REMDWAAS1986 Balutito Darrin Chamberlin Ray Pritchard TheLivingArcade AND many Others Thaks to All VP Community **All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!- 12 comments
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View File Game of Thrones (Dragon Mod) TEAMTUGA - GAME OF THRONES DRAGON MOD PUPPACK ******************************************************************** * 18+ * * Barbie Warning * * THIS PUPPACK CONTAINS CONTENT THAT SOME MAY FIND DISTURBING * * Please do not play this with Your Kids in the Room * * * ******************************************************************** ***************** Before YOU START to do Anything Please READ this ********************* * The Download Folder only contains the Puppack and the Dif file to use with the VPU Patch (WE do not share the original Table) * First , You need the original table(not modify) from VPW v1.0.2 here : Option 1 - Use the GOT_Tuga_Script txt file- Copy all the text and substitute the table script, save and play. Option 2 - (Best Option) - Vpuniverse Patch - this option gives you more extras like Apron Screens Etc... * Step 1 - Download the Patch from here: * Step 2 - How to it works?? Watch and follow the video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD3SLqSoAVM (Thanks to Pedro Peres for the Tutorial Video) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * After You done the Patch instalation Open Your Game of Thrones Puppack Folder, then chose and run the Bat File You want for Your Set Up ***************** Option1 >>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 4 Screens PupPack On FullDMD With Topper separate with this option you need to have a B2S or a loop video Playing in the BG just search for the one you like the most ***************** Option2 >>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack on FullDMD with this option you need to have a B2S or a loop video Playing in the BG just search for the one you like most ***************** Option3 >>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 4 Screens PupPack On Backglass Topper and DMD separate ***************** Option4 >>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack and Topper on Backglass, DMD separate ***************** Option5 >>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 3 Screens PupPack and DMD on Backglass Topper Separate You Need to change the top of the Script iScreenCnt = 2 ***************** Option6 >>>>>>>> Run Bat File * Ideal for 2 Screens PupPack, Topper and DMD on Backglass You Need to change the top of the Script iScreenCnt = 2 *******ONLY FOR DESKTOP USERS********* Run the bat file ( option) You want Open You Puppack editor and Turn Off the 17 , 18 and 19 screens --- save it Open the Table Script and Turn Off the Pupscreens here : ***tuga mod**** Show PupFlasher: 1=ON , 0=OFF 134 Const ApronVideos = 0 135 Const PlayfieldVideos = 1 136 Const FPS = 0 ' 1= fast PCs 0= Slow PCs Run the Table **If you don't have the necessary files to run PupPacks in one screen make sure you download it from here : https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=pup_desktop&fbclid=IwAR1DHMmS3UIW4yZaZDhvoOD-x_C67V79y8nI5TSsBq85BjtfLlsdKapM744 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ * Apron Pupscreens and the Dragon Flying over the PF are ON by default * Option for Slow Pcs are OFF by default If You do Not use those or just want to change it, just open the script table and go here : ***tuga mod**** Show PupFlasher: 1=ON , 0=OFF 134 Const ApronVideos = 1 135 Const PlayfieldVideos = 1 136 Const FPS = 0 ' 1= fast PCs 0= Slow PCs _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________CUSTOM LED EFFECTS_________________________ Darrin Chamberlain’s Custom LED Effects ---- Download the vbs-file and put it in your Table folder. ----Name it the same as the Table, and you are ready to go. ----This only works when you have used VPU-patcher to update to the PUP-script. Here is the link: https://mega.nz/file/bWR11YwB#Gkw9GIn1p135Sqn5s1DBnVE1XIbDDw01j18v__jDzj8 All credits go to Darrin Chamberlain Thanks Cor van den Ber _____________________________________________________________________________________________ * PS - TILT (Jon Snow) -If You don´t want to see the video completely just press/push the Plunger or enter in Your Keyboard,the Tilt video will Stop. For those with Mechanical Tilt I don´t know if it works, if not just press Enter in Your Keyboard , or just try not to Tilt !!!! visit Red MEDUSA Youtube channel here : https://www.youtube.com/@RedMEDUSAofficial *********************************** *And if you don´t Know, there's a Midnight Madness on the Table, so wait for Midnight and Enjoy!!! Thanks and Enjoy ********************************************************************* ******************************* Credits ********************************** VPW All VP COMMUNITY and All the Barbies in this World!! Special Thanks to John Furlong and Tony (TheLivingArcade) **** TEAMTUGA **** Pedro Peres Pedro Pires Mario Paulo Submitter TeamTuga Submitted 06/13/2023 Category PuP Packs