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  1. Version v1.01 PUP and Non-PUP


    Last Starfighter, The (Taito, 1983) v1.01 PUP and Non-PUP (VPX7.2 Required) by Xenonph and HiRez00 Original VPX table by JPSalas Graphics, PUP Videos, and Animations by HiRez00 Backglass and Wheels by HiRez00 Gunstar Ship 3D Toy by DonRutler Sounds and extra lighting by Xenonph This is a graphics and sound mod of Fire Action De Lux (Taito 1983) v4.0. THIS TABLE IS DEDICATED TO MY BROTHER DAN!!! This table is based on a SciFi movie named "The Last Starfighter" made in 1983. While TRON stole most of the thunder just the year before for groundbreaking special effects, The Last Starfighter was made with the best special effect technology at the time. It is also a great story!! What video game junkies only dream about!! Being recruited to a space force because you are good at playing a video game!!! (I am still waiting for Skywalker to come pick me up, as I am a damn good X-Wing pilot on Playstation!! lol) Anyways, Video Game master gets recruited to spaceforce, saves the world and possibly the galaxy!! Who wouldn't love it!! There are 2 versions available. All of the following changes are on both versions, except the Pup version has animated apron videos. v1.01 PUP and Non-PUP Moved the "holes" for the right slingshot from the playfield, to under right slingshot. Added a lighting effect "under" the explosions animations. Added holes and wood areas in the playfield under the 6 targets. Added a very light "shadow" to the playfield art for the plastics. Re-worked the apron preparing it for the pup version. Translated the instruction card to english and moved it to the right. Shifted some art around on the apron to accommodate. Added "white" under the plastics on the playfield, and adjusted some lights to line up in the holes. Made the wire thickness of the roll-overs thinner. Ball Shadows were playing on exact same plane as playfield, so script was editted and there is no flickering now. Added Pup Videos that are played on the apron. Put the pup pack in your PupVideos folder. v1.0 Added 156 sound FX and Music. Added Fluppers Flashers. Backwall graphics can be toggled with the Buy-In key. (2 key) LUT's toggled with Left and Right Magna-Save keys. DonRutler made a 3D Gunstar Ship. HiRez00 added 2 explosion animations and did all graphics. An animated Apron version is in the works so stay tuned! Acknowledgements and Thanks: I first would like to thank JPSalas for allowing mods without permission. (I asked his permission anyways) I would also like to thank him for making a great table!!! This table was made in the same year as the movie!! I used his version 4.0 for this mod. There is much more important info on original download page. He put in alot of time and work on the original table, and it is appreciated!! So if you like this mod, I would encourage you to thank the original author of the table, as I have only made a few changes! JPSalas Original Table... http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13430 Find ROM here...(Uses Fire Action Deluxe ROM "fireactd" ) http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=584 IPDB... https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=4552 I would also like to thank HiRez00 for doing all of the graphics on everything, including Backglass, DT backdrop, Playfield, Apron, Plastics, Backwalls, and Wheels!! And all of the animations!! And the PUP Videos!! He did a great job!! HUGE THANKS!! I would also like to thank DonRutler for making the Gunstar Ship 3D toy!! Excellent job!! Can't thank you enough!! I also would like to thank Flupper for his great Flasher resource table!! I would also like to thank Thalamus for telling me how to use resource tables!! I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for teaching me how to add timers to script! I also would like to thank DJRobX, STAT, Gtxjoe, and nFozzy, for helping me shorten my StopSounds and PlaySounds script commands. (They each wrote out an example, and between them all, I was able to figure it out!! BIG THANKS!!!) I would also like to thank DJRobX for showing me example of flasher script command for flasher placement in FS mode. I also would like to thank STAT for his "Team Change script", which my script is based on. I also would like to thank Steve "Slydog43" for which these VPX mods would not be possible!! Place LStarfighter folder in your music folder located where you installed Visual Pinball. Be sure to restart table after starting table for first time as flippers may stick on first start of table on your setup. (You should do this with all new tables you are trying out for first time to avoid weird table behaviour.) All pics, trademarks, Logos and sounds belong to their respectful owners. This table is for personal home, and non-commercial use only. This table should be used for educational purposes only.. Some of the media used to create this are freely available on the net and I consider my work as non profit fan art. This table should be considered as fan art, and therefore should be covered under the fair usage act. STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE. BY DOWNLOADING THIS FILE; YOU AGREE TO NOT RE-HOST, RE-PACKAGE OR RE-DISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM THE ZIP FILE, OR THE CONTENTS OF THE ZIP FILE. (WARNING!!! THIS TABLE HAS ALOT OF FLASHING LIGHTS!!! MAY CAUSE SEIZURE!!! USE AT OWN RISK!!) Hope you enjoy!!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is a hybrid update to my vpx conversion of a rare Gottlieb 1983 Krull pinball machine. For more details of the table I updated check out this link. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5455-krull-gottlieb-1983/ Special thanks go out to the following people. Ahr1man and his hawk eyes and his 4k monitor with his magnifying glass for finding every pixel out of place. Rawd for being Rawd and just so I can boost his popularity more than it already is. Smaug for his really slick video intro and help getting the word out. Also for beta testing. Gigalula for beta testing and reporting. tamoore for beta testing and reporting. Studlygoorite for beta testing and reporting, he found that I had a bunch of sounds set to the backglass that should have been set to the playfield. VPW team for many VR settings and object for the VR view. And of course thanks to kevinleedrum and mfuegemann for the 2014 vp9 version. I hope I got all the people that helped, if not let me know and I will add you. Enjoy!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This Table is based on Teisen Mod Rack Em Up table I just added VR ROOMs PoolBar and Mixed Reality too. You can change VR Room to MR with right magnasave. Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 You can enable ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit. This table requires B2S.
  4. Version 1.0


    TimeMachine (Zaccaria 1983) thanks to Kanario40 for the BG pic
  5. View File Rack Em Up (Gottlieb 1983)_Teisen_MOD VR MR Ext2k This Table is based on Teisen Mod Rack Em Up table I just added VR ROOMs PoolBar and Mixed Reality too. You can change VR Room to MR with right magnasave. Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 You can enable ambience ROOM at the end of the scpit. This table requires B2S. Submitter Ext2k Submitted 06/16/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Dark Shadow (Bell Games 1986) HI REZ
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Gold Ball (Bally 1983) New Build, Lighting, HI REZ
  8. Version 2.5


    4x4 (Atari 1983) this is treated as a EM cause the rom does not work..... Thanks to Stat for his FS settings and script changes which are included in the dload.... one day maybe all the scores will work but for now its 1 player and credits.. Table Here
  9. Version 2.0


    Sharpshooter II (Gameplan 1983)
  10. Version 1.0.4


    This is a hybrid non-pup mod of The Last Starfighter reskin of Jp's original Taito 1983 Fire Action Deluxe by Xenonph and HiRez00. All credits are the same as their release and you need to download their release to get all the additional files included. Here is a link to their table download. All the features and options that are in Xenonph's and HiRez00's release still apply to this update. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13479-last-starfighter-the-taito-1983/ This release is only a update table file that includes four views which are Desktop, Fullscreen, Fullscreen Single Screen, and VR (with two VR Room choices, arcade sphere and trailer court general store/gas station). There are options near the top of the script for making changes with descriptions for what they do. Special thanks go out to Xenonph and HiRex00 for allowing me permission to update the table. Thanks to jpsalas for the Fire Action Deluxe table. Thanks to all the contributors to the table over time. Thanks to the VPW crew for VR room stuff. Thanks to Rawd for being Rawd and a good friend. Enjoy
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The video is a clone of the one I made for "Blue Note." The music in this case is "Kung Fu Girls" from Blondie's 1978 debut album.
  12. Version 2.5


    Vortex (Taito 1983)
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Pin Ball Pool (Bell Games 1983) HI REZ
  14. View File Last Starfighter, The (Taito, 1983) Last Starfighter, The (Taito, 1983) v1.01 PUP and Non-PUP (VPX7.2 Required) by Xenonph and HiRez00 Original VPX table by JPSalas Graphics, PUP Videos, and Animations by HiRez00 Backglass and Wheels by HiRez00 Gunstar Ship 3D Toy by DonRutler Sounds and extra lighting by Xenonph This is a graphics and sound mod of Fire Action De Lux (Taito 1983) v4.0. THIS TABLE IS DEDICATED TO MY BROTHER DAN!!! This table is based on a SciFi movie named "The Last Starfighter" made in 1983. While TRON stole most of the thunder just the year before for groundbreaking special effects, The Last Starfighter was made with the best special effect technology at the time. It is also a great story!! What video game junkies only dream about!! Being recruited to a space force because you are good at playing a video game!!! (I am still waiting for Skywalker to come pick me up, as I am a damn good X-Wing pilot on Playstation!! lol) Anyways, Video Game master gets recruited to spaceforce, saves the world and possibly the galaxy!! Who wouldn't love it!! There are 2 versions available. All of the following changes are on both versions, except the Pup version has animated apron videos. v1.01 PUP and Non-PUP Moved the "holes" for the right slingshot from the playfield, to under right slingshot. Added a lighting effect "under" the explosions animations. Added holes and wood areas in the playfield under the 6 targets. Added a very light "shadow" to the playfield art for the plastics. Re-worked the apron preparing it for the pup version. Translated the instruction card to english and moved it to the right. Shifted some art around on the apron to accommodate. Added "white" under the plastics on the playfield, and adjusted some lights to line up in the holes. Made the wire thickness of the roll-overs thinner. Ball Shadows were playing on exact same plane as playfield, so script was editted and there is no flickering now. Added Pup Videos that are played on the apron. Put the pup pack in your PupVideos folder. v1.0 Added 156 sound FX and Music. Added Fluppers Flashers. Backwall graphics can be toggled with the Buy-In key. (2 key) LUT's toggled with Left and Right Magna-Save keys. DonRutler made a 3D Gunstar Ship. HiRez00 added 2 explosion animations and did all graphics. An animated Apron version is in the works so stay tuned! Acknowledgements and Thanks: I first would like to thank JPSalas for allowing mods without permission. (I asked his permission anyways) I would also like to thank him for making a great table!!! This table was made in the same year as the movie!! I used his version 4.0 for this mod. There is much more important info on original download page. He put in alot of time and work on the original table, and it is appreciated!! So if you like this mod, I would encourage you to thank the original author of the table, as I have only made a few changes! JPSalas Original Table... http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13430 Find ROM here...(Uses Fire Action Deluxe ROM "fireactd" ) http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=584 IPDB... https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=4552 I would also like to thank HiRez00 for doing all of the graphics on everything, including Backglass, DT backdrop, Playfield, Apron, Plastics, Backwalls, and Wheels!! And all of the animations!! And the PUP Videos!! He did a great job!! HUGE THANKS!! I would also like to thank DonRutler for making the Gunstar Ship 3D toy!! Excellent job!! Can't thank you enough!! I also would like to thank Flupper for his great Flasher resource table!! I would also like to thank Thalamus for telling me how to use resource tables!! I also would like to thank Allknowing2012 and Gtxjoe for teaching me how to add timers to script! I also would like to thank DJRobX, STAT, Gtxjoe, and nFozzy, for helping me shorten my StopSounds and PlaySounds script commands. (They each wrote out an example, and between them all, I was able to figure it out!! BIG THANKS!!!) I would also like to thank DJRobX for showing me example of flasher script command for flasher placement in FS mode. I also would like to thank STAT for his "Team Change script", which my script is based on. I also would like to thank Steve "Slydog43" for which these VPX mods would not be possible!! Place LStarfighter folder in your music folder located where you installed Visual Pinball. Be sure to restart table after starting table for first time as flippers may stick on first start of table on your setup. (You should do this with all new tables you are trying out for first time to avoid weird table behaviour.) All pics, trademarks, Logos and sounds belong to their respectful owners. This table is for personal home, and non-commercial use only. This table should be used for educational purposes only.. Some of the media used to create this are freely available on the net and I consider my work as non profit fan art. This table should be considered as fan art, and therefore should be covered under the fair usage act. STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE OR DISTRIBUTION. PLEASE DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE. BY DOWNLOADING THIS FILE; YOU AGREE TO NOT RE-HOST, RE-PACKAGE OR RE-DISTRIBUTE IN ANY FORM THE ZIP FILE, OR THE CONTENTS OF THE ZIP FILE. (WARNING!!! THIS TABLE HAS ALOT OF FLASHING LIGHTS!!! MAY CAUSE SEIZURE!!! USE AT OWN RISK!!) Hope you enjoy!! Submitter xenonph Submitted 03/05/2023 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  15. View File Last Starfighter, The (Taito, 1983) hybrid This is a hybrid non-pup mod of The Last Starfighter reskin of Jp's original Taito 1983 Fire Action Deluxe by Xenonph and HiRez00. All credits are the same as their release and you need to download their release to get all the additional files included. Here is a link to their table download. All the features and options that are in Xenonph's and HiRez00's release still apply to this update. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/13479-last-starfighter-the-taito-1983/ This release is only a update table file that includes four views which are Desktop, Fullscreen, Fullscreen Single Screen, and VR (with two VR Room choices, arcade sphere and trailer court general store/gas station). There are options near the top of the script for making changes with descriptions for what they do. Special thanks go out to Xenonph and HiRex00 for allowing me permission to update the table. Thanks to jpsalas for the Fire Action Deluxe table. Thanks to all the contributors to the table over time. Thanks to the VPW crew for VR room stuff. Thanks to Rawd for being Rawd and a good friend. Enjoy Submitter Rascal Submitted 04/16/2023 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  16. View File Krull (Gottlieb 1983) (10.8) This is a hybrid update to my vpx conversion of a rare Gottlieb 1983 Krull pinball machine. For more details of the table I updated check out this link. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5455-krull-gottlieb-1983/ Special thanks go out to the following people. Ahr1man and his hawk eyes and his 4k monitor with his magnifying glass for finding every pixel out of place. Rawd for being Rawd and just so I can boost his popularity more than it already is. Smaug for his really slick video intro and help getting the word out. Also for beta testing. Gigalula for beta testing and reporting. tamoore for beta testing and reporting. Studlygoorite for beta testing and reporting, he found that I had a bunch of sounds set to the backglass that should have been set to the playfield. VPW team for many VR settings and object for the VR view. And of course thanks to kevinleedrum and mfuegemann for the 2014 vp9 version. I hope I got all the people that helped, if not let me know and I will add you. Enjoy! Submitter Rascal Submitted 02/05/2023 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  17. View File Rock Star (Gottlieb 1978) (VR Room) Description: *************** The table is made by the great Jeff Whitehead (Loserman76). May he rest in peace. :-( I hope, there are pinballs where you are, Jeff. I would like to thank Jeff, for allowing me, to convert his tables to VR. Info It is a hybrid table. So you can play in VR, desktop or cabinet mode, but you need the external backglass. There is no need to change the script. A VR headset is automatically detected. I added the following things: VR room, artwork for cabinet, backbox and flyer, animations for buttons and plungers, LUT files (change with magnasave buttons). '* Table primary build/scripted by Loserman76 '* Table images by GNance '* VR update by Rajo Joey Works in 10.7.2, but best to play in VPinball_GL 10.8: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions/workflows/vpinball.yml *********************************************** These are quick conversions, as I don't like playing in complete darkness. If you want to do your own conversions, I wrote two tutorials for EM tables like Loserman76's and make templates of the tables, pictures and materials. Also there are some .psd files, to change the artwork in an easy way for example. In the template tables there are generic artwork for the cabinet and the backbox. Some people may be happy with that and don't need the real artwork. There is a short tutorial for people, who know the editor and a longer one for newbies. Both instructions are in English and German. https://mega.nz/folder/5csAGRAa#gSFFQN_jXbw03y7LpQENHg Submitter RajoJoey Submitted 01/06/2023 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Description: *************** The table is made by the great Jeff Whitehead (Loserman76). May he rest in peace. :-( I hope, there are pinballs where you are, Jeff. I would like to thank Jeff, for allowing me, to convert his tables to VR. Info It is a hybrid table. So you can play in VR, desktop or cabinet mode, but you need the external backglass. There is no need to change the script. A VR headset is automatically detected. I added the following things: VR room, artwork for cabinet, backbox and flyer, animations for buttons and plungers, LUT files (change with magnasave buttons). '* Table primary build/scripted by Loserman76 '* Table images by GNance '* VR update by Rajo Joey Works in 10.7.2, but best to play in VPinball_GL 10.8: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions/workflows/vpinball.yml *********************************************** These are quick conversions, as I don't like playing in complete darkness. If you want to do your own conversions, I wrote two tutorials for EM tables like Loserman76's and make templates of the tables, pictures and materials. Also there are some .psd files, to change the artwork in an easy way for example. In the template tables there are generic artwork for the cabinet and the backbox. Some people may be happy with that and don't need the real artwork. There is a short tutorial for people, who know the editor and a longer one for newbies. Both instructions are in English and German. https://mega.nz/folder/5csAGRAa#gSFFQN_jXbw03y7LpQENHg
  19. Version 2.0


    Fire Action De Luxe (Taito 1983) pic from Akiles Hi Rez blinkin lights in fantasy mode
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Sharpshooter II (Game Plan 1983) Tarcisio Wheel
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Animated backglass created from the image of "Dboyrecord" thanks to him for allowing to use his resources
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