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  1. Includes 2 new additions to the table line up, improvements to the 'Shooting the Rapids Deluxe' table and numerous bug fixes etc. https://steamcommunity.com/app/444930/eventcomments/591762405949794735/?tscn=1738855584
  2. Version 1.0.0


    I am creating full screen DMD videos (1920x1080) for my own build but sharing in the community. Reach out to me if you ever need wheel art, dmd or topper art created.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    All of the third screen images just seemed to be a Zaccaria logo and that was it. I decided to throw this together as sort of an homage to the table using a photo of the original rider. Feel free to use if you like it.
  4. I want to add the new Zaccaria Pinball Postal 2 DLC tables to Popper. TLDR: how can I add the new Postal 2 DLC table to my Zaccaria playlist in popper? What I have tried: I have downloaded the .pupgames file from nailbusters here: https://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=setup_zaccaria . However, while this pupgames file does contain the original postal DLC it does not contain the Postal 2 games, presumably because the file was made before these games were released just a few months ago. Now normally adding a new game to playlist would be no problem for me, however the Zaccaria pinball games folder file names like d71bc131a2fbc404865a8d52531e9832.ask, so I have no way of knowing which games are which. To further compound this issue, all 200 or so .ask files show up when searching for new games from the zaccaria emu in popper even though I already have added all but the Postal 2 games, so deducing the 4 new tables is near impossible. I've been digging around popper setup to figure this out but I am stumped. Any advice/tips/pointers is appreciated. Thank you!
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Popper Media (Menu, Backglass, Playfield, and Wheel) for the new Zaccaria tables. Some of the Postal ones aren't quiet new. The 01--Zaccaria_mediapacks.rar is an archive of all these into one download. The backglass mp4s are static png files renamed. I couldn't get video to work. Blackbelt Deluxe Cine Star Retro Future World Retro Granada Retro Lucky Fruit Retro Moon Flight Retro Pool Champion Retro Red Show Retro Star's Phoenix Retro Strike Retro Top Hand Retro Tropical Retro Winter Sports Retro Wood's Queen Retro Treasure POSTAL Redux Remake POSTAL Redux SS POSTAL 2 Deluxe POSTAL 2 Remake POSTAL 2 Retro POSTAL 2 SS
  6. Zaccaria Pinball: Update #91 New deluxe table, updated retro pack and remake tables >>> https://steamcommunity.com/app/444930/eventcomments/591761131697113567/?tscn=1737564132
  7. View File Strike (Zaccaria 1978) JP 1.0 DT-FS-VR-MR Ext2k Conversion This file is based on JPSalas Table version 1.0 https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18845 Now table works in DT-FS-VR and MR Added Basti VRRoom, Pool Bar and Mixed Reality Press F6 to change diferent rom options. This table requires B2S to work. Upscaled cab arts by me. Menu F12 options for music (no copyright), ambience and you can select you coin spanish/usa Added flippers/start button animation for VR Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey for Mixed Reality: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2 Submitter Ext2k Submitted 01/23/25 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone No  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This file is based on JPSalas Table version 1.0 https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18845 Now table works in DT-FS-VR and MR Added Basti VRRoom, Pool Bar and Mixed Reality Press F6 to change diferent rom options. This table requires B2S to work. Upscaled cab arts by me. Menu F12 options for music (no copyright), ambience and you can select you coin spanish/usa Added flippers/start button animation for VR Virtual Desktop Settings Chromakey for Mixed Reality: Color RGB = 255,255,255 Similarity: 2 Smoothness: 2
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Dvs626 brings you a rare glimpse at a machine with no more than 500 made. This project was an important one for me as I so happen to own this rare Italian made gem in my own personal collection. I personally scanned all the graphics to make this as close to the real thing as your ever going to get! Made by upstart Italian pinball company "Apple Time", Thunder Man is notable in theme only for blatantly ripping off the Kurt Russell movie "Escape From New York", released some years previously. Game is a clone of Gottlieb Bounty Hunter. With the help of some amazing talented people in the vpin community who helped me bring this machine to the next level: Huge thanks to RetroRitchie who spent so much time making the table look amazing. There is quite literally a huge list of things he did, so much that it was too much to list. He should be classified as a co-author. Bord: Thank you for allowing me to use Bounty Hunter as a starting point due to its similarities to Thunder Man DGrimmReaper: Added VR Lamps, Added DT LEDs, Lamps and DT Image, Added Minimal VR Room and Code for F12 VR Room Options, Desktop Lamp fixes, VR primitives linked to day/night slider, added Knocker DaRdog: Added mega VR room featuring Snake Plissken CarnyPriest: Updated apron card decals Hauntfreaks: Backglass B2s Vpin Workshop: As always for all guidance and for the brilliant testers *IMPORTANT* Please note I have listed the rom "thndrman" For an original experience in italian user "thndrman" For the English experience please use "pinchamp" You will need to change this setting in the script (look for: Language = "English" 'OPTIONS "English" or "Italian" )
  10. View File Thunder Man (AppleTime 1987) Dvs626 brings you a rare glimpse at a machine with no more than 500 made. This project was an important one for me as I so happen to own this rare Italian made gem in my own personal collection. I personally scanned all the graphics to make this as close to the real thing as your ever going to get! Made by upstart Italian pinball company "Apple Time", Thunder Man is notable in theme only for blatantly ripping off the Kurt Russell movie "Escape From New York", released some years previously. Game is a clone of Gottlieb Bounty Hunter. With the help of some amazing talented people in the vpin community who helped me bring this machine to the next level: Huge thanks to RetroRitchie who spent so much time making the table look amazing. There is quite literally a huge list of things he did, so much that it was too much to list. He should be classified as a co-author. Bord: Thank you for allowing me to use Bounty Hunter as a starting point due to its similarities to Thunder Man DGrimmReaper: Added VR Lamps, Added DT LEDs, Lamps and DT Image, Added Minimal VR Room and Code for F12 VR Room Options, Desktop Lamp fixes, VR primitives linked to day/night slider, added Knocker DaRdog: Added mega VR room featuring Snake Plissken CarnyPriest: Updated apron card decals Hauntfreaks: Backglass B2s Vpin Workshop: As always for all guidance and for the brilliant testers *IMPORTANT* Please note I have listed the rom "thndrman" For an original experience in italian user "thndrman" For the English experience please use "pinchamp" You will need to change this setting in the script (look for: Language = "English" 'OPTIONS "English" or "Italian" ) Submitter dvs626 Submitted 12/12/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone Yes  
  11. Version 2.2


    VLM rebuild based on original works by Goldchicco and 32assassin. This build uses some assets from that version, namely pf, plastics & apron imagery - so big thanks for the original table. so many awesome folks in the community give advice, feedback and resources etc so if I missed anyone here, I apologise and will get you added. **Built and Tested with VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later** Earth: - RetroRitchie: Blender remodel, VLM implementation, Fleep implementation, VPW / NFozzy / Roth Physics implemetation, Wylte's lane speed code and shadow implementation, additional modelling, bumper cap, plunger top and upper drop decal updates, plastics decal cleanup, VR cab additions, - Niwak - Blender Toolkit, Part Library - Devious626 - authentic cabinet art - Hauntfreaks: additional LUT, backglass imagery and updated b2s WIND: - Thanks to: Apophis and the VPW Team for the guides, resources, videos, example table and continued support - Thanks to: Goldchicco, 32Assassin and Mfuegemann for their versions that I based this off. FIRE: - Thanks for testing and feedback: Cliffy, DGrimMReaper, Smaug, Colvert, Darth Vito, Bord, StudlyGoorite, Hauntfreaks, Devious626, M.carter78, Apophis, Tomate f12 Options available: - GI lights strength/color - Hide Rails & lockdown (Desktop/Cab) - a few LUT options - room brightness - ball and mech sounds updated B2S file: Thanks @Hauntfreaks
  12. View File Earth Wind Fire (Zaccaria 1981) VLM rebuild based on original works by Goldchicco and 32assassin. This build uses some assets from that version, namely pf, plastics & apron imagery - so big thanks for the original table. so many awesome folks in the community give advice, feedback and resources etc so if I missed anyone here, I apologise and will get you added. **Built and Tested with VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later** Earth: - RetroRitchie: Blender remodel, VLM implementation, Fleep implementation, VPW / NFozzy / Roth Physics implemetation, Wylte's lane speed code and shadow implementation, additional modelling, bumper cap, plunger top and upper drop decal updates, plastics decal cleanup, VR cab additions, - Niwak - Blender Toolkit, Part Library - Devious626 - authentic cabinet art - Hauntfreaks: additional LUT, backglass imagery and updated b2s WIND: - Thanks to: Apophis and the VPW Team for the guides, resources, videos, example table and continued support - Thanks to: Goldchicco, 32Assassin and Mfuegemann for their versions that I based this off. FIRE: - Thanks for testing and feedback: Cliffy, DGrimMReaper, Smaug, Colvert, Darth Vito, Bord, StudlyGoorite, Hauntfreaks, Devious626, M.carter78, Apophis, Tomate f12 Options available: - GI lights strength/color - Hide Rails & lockdown (Desktop/Cab) - a few LUT options - room brightness - ball and mech sounds updated B2S file: Thanks @Hauntfreaks Submitter RetroRitchie Submitted 07/13/24 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  13. Version 1.0


    Earth Wind Fire(zaccaria 1981) Thanks to kanario40 for the BG pic
  14. Version 1.0


    TimeMachine (Zaccaria 1983) thanks to Kanario40 for the BG pic
  15. Version 1.0.0


    "Devil Riders (Zaccaria 1984)" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  16. Version dvlridef


  17. Version 1.0.0


    " Devil Riders (Zaccaria 1984) Balutito 4k" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.
  18. Version 1.0


    Devil Riders (Zaccaria 1984) This was a tuff fun one.. love to see this table redone but until then enjoy
  19. Version 1.4


    Thanks to Goldchicco for allowing mod and share this table! General Updates: - nFozzy Physics, Fleep sounds, VPW/Roth Drop Targets, VPW/Roth Stand Up Targets, Lampz, VPW Ball Shadows. - New primitives for spinner posts with updated flasher lights. - Top rollovers: Replaced ball guides with posts and rubber bands as per real machine. - New primitives for metal arches on plunger lane (now 3D instead of 2D). - Upscaled and enhanced playfield and apron (thanks Movieguru). - New LUTs (hold L-magna, then R-magna to cycle). - User options for flipper color and bumper strength. Gameplay Updates: - Left and right inlane rollovers now drop leftmost (lower) and rightmost (upper) drop targets as per real machine. Misc Updates: - Updated flasher light and red special drop target primitive. - Updated some rail prims. - Brightened up the x multiplier lamps. - Re-alignment of top drops, special, posts and rubbers. - Desktop backdrop updated to a more minimal version, added extra info (no of players, bonus ball, etc etc). - Updated screw caps to white plastic as per my reference material. Added missing ones from top rollover plastics. - Added rubber band to left spinner post as per ref. materials. - A bunch of other minor tweaks (see script for full list of changes). Thanks for the original versions to these awesome folks: Goldchicco, 32Assassin, Ezepov, Arngrim, Movieguru, sorry if i missed anyone! ========================= Special thanks to: Movieguru for further playfield and apron image enhancements, VPW for the tutorial videos and example table, Fluffhead35 and Wylte for some great tips and guidance, PinstratsDan for testing, Bord for checking it over before i braved the release - thanks all!. ROM SETTINGS The rom defaults to the following settings: -Easier game with the 'GOD' advancement starting with 'GO' when first top drop target bank is dropped -Random high score which gives a replay when achieved -High score does not save I've included a couple nvram files: Default (in case you wanna reset) OPT 1: 3 ball game, normal advancement of 'GOD' (starts with G), extra ball on lit top special hit (special is lit after the top drop bank if downed 3x times), high score saved **note: turn off reflections as the playfield image has these on it already*** Hope you enjoy. Thanks! Version 1.4 additional credit- sorry, I failed to add that Hauntfreaks also brightened up the PF image too! - thx man
  20. Hello, I recently downloaded Zaccaria pinball through Aptoide (it's not on Google Play store anymore) and it works, but when i try to enter keyboard commands, it blips a blue trigger recording dialog box for a split second, not long enough to record a trigger for my flippers, and it's not recognizing my Key Mapper triggers from the other Key Mapper app that works with all my other apps (Zen, Pinball Deluxe, Williams, pin out etc) I have gone through and tried all of the pre set button mappings in Zaccaria and none of them trigger the flippers. I can get the flippers to flip with other buttons, but not my side flipper buttons and it's totally not fun...hahahaha. Can anyone recommend a work around for this issue? I really like the art and play of the tables. it would be nice to add them to my arsenal. Props to the Zaccaria brothers, their tables are very cool. Thank you for any advice! -Lee
  21. View File Stargod (Zaccaria 1980) MOD Thanks to Goldchicco for allowing mod and share this table! General Updates: - nFozzy Physics, Fleep sounds, VPW/Roth Drop Targets, VPW/Roth Stand Up Targets, Lampz, VPW Ball Shadows. - New primitives for spinner posts with updated flasher lights. - Top rollovers: Replaced ball guides with posts and rubber bands as per real machine. - New primitives for metal arches on plunger lane (now 3D instead of 2D). - Upscaled and enhanced playfield and apron (thanks Movieguru). - New LUTs (hold L-magna, then R-magna to cycle). - User options for flipper color and bumper strength. Gameplay Updates: - Left and right inlane rollovers now drop leftmost (lower) and rightmost (upper) drop targets as per real machine. Misc Updates: - Updated flasher light and red special drop target primitive. - Updated some rail prims. - Brightened up the x multiplier lamps. - Re-alignment of top drops, special, posts and rubbers. - Desktop backdrop updated to a more minimal version, added extra info (no of players, bonus ball, etc etc). - Updated screw caps to white plastic as per my reference material. Added missing ones from top rollover plastics. - Added rubber band to left spinner post as per ref. materials. - A bunch of other minor tweaks (see script for full list of changes). Thanks for the original versions to these awesome folks: Goldchicco, 32Assassin, Ezepov, Arngrim, Movieguru, sorry if i missed anyone! ========================= Special thanks to: Movieguru for further playfield and apron image enhancements, VPW for the tutorial videos and example table, Fluffhead35 and Wylte for some great tips and guidance, PinstratsDan for testing, Bord for checking it over before i braved the release - thanks all!. ROM SETTINGS The rom defaults to the following settings: -Easier game with the 'GOD' advancement starting with 'GO' when first top drop target bank is dropped -Random high score which gives a replay when achieved -High score does not save I've included a couple nvram files: Default (in case you wanna reset) OPT 1: 3 ball game, normal advancement of 'GOD' (starts with G), extra ball on lit top special hit (special is lit after the top drop bank if downed 3x times), high score saved **note: turn off reflections as the playfield image has these on it already*** Hope you enjoy. Thanks! Submitter RetroRitchie Submitted 10/18/23 Category VPX - Pinball Tables  
  22. Version 1.3.0


    "CHALLENGE. THE ROBOT. FROM ZACCARIA." Robot is a table I've been planning on doing since I discovered VP. I had never seen these Italian machines before: with their bright colors, mocking callouts, formed plastics, and distinctly foreign layouts, Zaccaria has a bit of an exotic allure. And the cyan robot theme is just my style - it's my avatar for a reason! This mod was intended to be all about updating Robot for playability and accuracy...and only grew a tiny bit beyond that. As I built it more resources became available, so someday there will be a fully rendered version. Maybe VPE? The main things changed from 32assassin's release are: Alignment of every part, nFozzy physics, Roth Targets, Fleep ToM sounds, Dynamic Ball Shadows, Sling Corrections, TargetBouncer, LUT changer, RampRolling sounds, physical trough, Lampz Also: Implemented FastFlips(hacked), sorted the layers, formatted script, removed duplicate objects, fixed dt's, fixed assignments, made u-turns real, made robots animate better and need front collision, re-origined and animated RampExit, made ramp walls into wall walls, probably lots of other stuff..."physics/lights/lighting" Included is a pre-configured NVRAM with my settings for 3-ball play + Game Time Bonus. Left and Right MagnaSave keys will cycle through the available color grade LUTs. More options are available at the top of the script. Thanks to nFozzy, Fleep, Rothbauerw, Iaakki, Wrd1972, Apophis, Fluffhead35, and Flupper for the code, models, and instructions to implement the above! Thanks to Nestorgian for the trough code fix, it got all the ball handling code headed in the right direction. Thanks to Lumi~ for the Desktop Backdrop. Thanks to MovieGuru for the art upscale and cleanup. Thanks to the testers BountyBob, Smaug, Bietekwiet, and PinStratsDan who are actually good at pinball and helped make this better. And thanks to 32Assassin, Hmueck, and Francisco666 for their prior versions! There's also an awesome new backglass from HauntFreaks: This table is available FOR FREE and should NOT have come to you from anywhere other than VPUniverse.com or PinballNirvana.com
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