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  1. Version 1.2.0


    Jungle Girl fpx has now been released as version 1.2. Pinball Nirvana Mirror download This is my homage to the great Bally Games of 1980 and 81, and this new version fixes any remaining issues (I hope) and adds improvements to the flippers, a better sound system, and also voice tracks! (TTS alas) Version 1.2 Update Video: V1.2 play and stategy Here's the version 1.2 notes: script updated August 2023 ' *** Version 1.2*** ' New Additions ' - New Voice tracks (TTS unfortunately) and redid all music routines and code. Voices are randomized on certain features. ' - New controlling routines for better music management, and better timing routines. ' - Future versions of fpxEngine will be based on this script as opposed to it's own code. (after a major cleanup of course) ' - Modified a couple AddScoringEvent routines for a better playing experience ' - BAM version needs to be 280 or higher ' - If you have headphones, you will hear the 2nd background. This was in the previous version, just forgot to mention it. ' - Some new music changes ' shivaFlipper v4 Changes ' - Code rewritten to be simplier and improved performance. Game play, especially base flipper shots now slightly stronger. Full effect variable coil now added ' - Middle Trigger replaced with optoTrigger. Walls reshaped to adjust ball flow and shots ' - Variable coil now present throughout full flipper swing ' - Flippers moved and now shoot slightly different. This is due to a new FlipperRotationChart ' - shivaFlipper presets have been changed internally. (shivaFlippersPresetCase=4) ' - Strength of the flippers made a bit stronger, with slightly stronger base shots. Due to the new Flipper rotationalChart, tap passes may be a bit tougher to do now. ' - Variable coil preset changed to be a bit less sensitive, but still very sensitive. ' - Custom Bounce control changed to less bouncy, more realistic Bally type flippers. Set AddfpxBounce to a max of 10 ifd you want more bounce. ' - Top RightFlipper redone to match other flippers ' - Improved performance of the walls and fixed any issues, adjusted ball angle off flipper. New error correction code added. ' Rule changes ' - Changed a couple routines so the game now scores lower! Game now set to 5 balls, and 1500000 for the first replay. You can change this in User Adjustments ' - Loop shots changed. Both loop shots advance a letter. Right loop will now score advancing value as well. The Left will score the star trigger value. Fixed double scoring issue. ' Other changes ' - The game has several new settings in User adjustments so you can customize the table to your liking. This incudes shivaFlippers, fpxEngine, and the pinsettings. ' - ShivaFlippers has simplified settings for flippers as several settings are no longer needed due to new Variable coil system (EOS) ' - high score display only shows if a actual high score is made. ' - Minor physics changes. Fixed dead play areas, adjusted loop shot so ball is faster on loop etc. Never thought this game could get more fun, but it did.
  2. View File Jungle Girl v1.2 Jungle Girl fpx has now been released as version 1.2. Pinball Nirvana Mirror download This is my homage to the great Bally Games of 1980 and 81, and this new version fixes any remaining issues (I hope) and adds improvements to the flippers, a better sound system, and also voice tracks! (TTS alas) NOTE: Rules and adjustments have been added below! Version 1.2 Update Video: V1.2 play and stategy Here's the version 1.2 notes: script updated August 2023 ' *** Version 1.2*** ' New Additions ' - New Voice tracks (TTS unfortunately) and redid all music routines and code. Voices are randomized on certain features. ' - New controlling routines for better music management, and better timing routines. ' - Future versions of fpxEngine will be based on this script as opposed to it's own code. (after a major cleanup of course) ' - Modified a couple AddScoringEvent routines for a better playing experience ' - BAM version needs to be 280 or higher ' - If you have headphones, you will hear the 2nd background. This was in the previous version, just forgot to mention it. ' - Some new music changes ' shivaFlipper v4 Changes ' - Code rewritten to be simplier and improved performance. Game play, especially base flipper shots now slightly stronger. Full effect variable coil now added ' - Middle Trigger replaced with optoTrigger. Walls reshaped to adjust ball flow and shots ' - Variable coil now present throughout full flipper swing ' - Flippers moved and now shoot slightly different. This is due to a new FlipperRotationChart ' - shivaFlipper presets have been changed internally. (shivaFlippersPresetCase=4) ' - Strength of the flippers made a bit stronger, with slightly stronger base shots. Due to the new Flipper rotationalChart, tap passes may be a bit tougher to do now. ' - Variable coil preset changed to be a bit less sensitive, but still very sensitive. ' - Custom Bounce control changed to less bouncy, more realistic Bally type flippers. Set AddfpxBounce to a max of 10 ifd you want more bounce. ' - Top RightFlipper redone to match other flippers ' - Improved performance of the walls and fixed any issues, adjusted ball angle off flipper. New error correction code added. ' Rule changes ' - Changed a couple routines so the game now scores lower! Game now set to 5 balls, and 1500000 for the first replay. You can change this in User Adjustments ' - Loop shots changed. Both loop shots advance a letter. Right loop will now score advancing value as well. The Left will score the star trigger value. Fixed double scoring issue. ' Other changes ' - The game has several new settings in User adjustments so you can customize the table to your liking. This incudes shivaFlippers, fpxEngine, and the pinsettings. ' - ShivaFlippers has simplified settings for flippers as several settings are no longer needed due to new Variable coil system (EOS) ' - high score display only shows if a actual high score is made. ' - Minor physics changes. Fixed dead play areas, adjusted loop shot so ball is faster on loop etc. Never thought this game could get more fun, but it did. Jungle Girl fpx v1.2 Script adjustments - open the script editor and scroll down to User adjustments. Read the notes besides each line of code for settings. - *table adjustments you can adjust the aount of players, the scores and the amount of balls per play (nvBallsPerGame=) - *Bam Settings These are for lighting effects. fpxNoSuperbounce=1 Inline restraining wall routine to prevent "superbounce" when ball hits inline target. (Experimental) fpxBAMpfLighting has 4 settings from 1 (bright) to 4 (dark) *** shivaFlippers *** AddfpxBounce adjusts overall flipper bounce up to 10. The higher the number value, the more bounce shivaBaseOmega the strength of the flippers, a higher number is stronger shivaFlippersPresetCase are presets for the flippers. There are 5 in total, and adjust the variable coil effect,and how sensitive the flippers are for flick passes etc. A higher value (up to 5) is "easier" for beginning players. fpxStrongerFlipperBaseShots adds the value (as Omega of strength) to the base of the flippers, so vertical shots can be made stronger. A higher value means a stronger shot. Pinsettings The game is set to "liberal" settings, but you can turn off some features (replace the 1 with a 0) or increase or decrease the amount of time (in miliseconds) for the timers like Monkey Bonus) The features below allow for aditional adjustments, like jackpot scoring, the amount of bonus etc. Audio You can adjust the audio using standard fp code. The maximum value is 1.0 but setting the values as a decimal will lower the sounds/music etc. For example constsecondMusicVolume is set to .25, but setting it to .5 will double the volume while setting it to 1.0 will play at maximum volume. Do not go over 1.0!!!! RULES Powered by the fpxEngine ' * - Inner lanes 5000 points . 10000 when lit. This also sets up loop shot to spot letter and advances bonus ' * - Inner lanes alternate lights, and are lit by completing the JUNGLE drop targets ' * - Outer drain lanes spot J and A in the JANA bonus ' * - Spelling Jungle girl lits Escape lane for 10000 points ' * - Right Star Advances value and also increases Bonus when lit (no flash lighting) ' * - Both Stars spots a JG letter when lit (looping shot) from a timed shot from the inside lanes ' * - each ABC Guide Lane scores 5000, Advances Bonus, lights corresponding bumper, ' * - Making the ABC Bank Adds Multiplier, lights Star rollovers ' * Drain lanes adds a light to J.A.N.A, and lights bottom bumper ' * - J.A.N.A. (both drain lanes, 2 top slim targets) lights the spinner for 1000, and also will advance value of 10000, 25000, extra ball, and lits special in the the drain lanes ' - If all 5 Bumpers are lit (ABC lanes and both drain lanes) Super Bumpers are lit for 1000 points each bumper ' * - Skillshot awards instant multiball if the ball enters the kickout saucer. All 3 inlane targets down in regular play lights multiball for 3 ball play ' * - If a ball is locked in the top kicker, but the player loses the ball, the multiball is still active for his next ball. Further more, the top ABC lanes will light for a second skill shot of 25,000 ' - * Monkey bonus lights when Jungle Targets are made. This awards a random score for a timed period. ' * - J-U-N-G-L-E-G-I-R-L advances lit value for continued scoring(10k,20k,30k,Special) ' * - Kicker2 (right) collects JungleGirl value Submitter shiva Submitted 08/12/23 Category Future Pinball Tables
  3. Jungle Girl fpx (birthday edition) has now been released as version 1.2. and has been uploaded here as well as Pinball Nirvana. Should be showing soon as approved. I also added a couple videos, one for the changes, and one that shows play and strategy in the download listings. This is my homage to the great Bally Games of 1980 and 81, and this new version fixes any remaining issues (I hope) and adds improvements to the flippers, a better sound system, and also voice tracks! (TTS alas) among a lot of things. Here's the version 1.2 notes: script updated August 2023 ' *** Version 1.2*** ' New Additions ' - New Voice tracks (TTS unfortunately) and redid all music routines and code. Voices are randomized on certain features. ' - New controlling routines for better music management, and better timing routines. ' - Future versions of fpxEngine will be based on this script as opposed to it's own code. (after a major cleanup of course) ' - Modified a couple AddScoringEvent routines for a better playing experience ' - BAM version needs to be 280 or higher ' - If you have headphones, you will hear the 2nd background. This was in the previous version, just forgot to mention it. ' - Some new music changes ' shivaFlipper v4 Changes ' - Code rewritten to be simplier and improved performance. Game play, especially base flipper shots now slightly stronger. Full effect variable coil now added ' - Middle Trigger replaced with optoTrigger. Walls reshaped to adjust ball flow and shots ' - Variable coil now present throughout full flipper swing ' - Flippers moved and now shoot slightly different. This is due to a new FlipperRotationChart ' - shivaFlipper presets have been changed internally. (shivaFlippersPresetCase=4) ' - Strength of the flippers made a bit stronger, with slightly stronger base shots. Due to the new Flipper rotationalChart, tap passes may be a bit tougher to do now. ' - Variable coil preset changed to be a bit less sensitive, but still very sensitive. ' - Custom Bounce control changed to less bouncy, more realistic Bally type flippers. Set AddfpxBounce to a max of 10 ifd you want more bounce. ' - Top RightFlipper redone to match other flippers ' - Improved performance of the walls and fixed any issues, adjusted ball angle off flipper. New error correction code added. ' Rule changes ' - Changed a couple routines so the game now scores lower! Game now set to 5 balls, and 1500000 for the first replay. You can change this in User Adjustments ' - Loop shots changed. Both loop shots advance a letter. Right loop will now score advancing value as well. The Left will score the star trigger value. Fixed double scoring issue. ' Other changes ' - The game has several new settings in User adjustments so you can customize the table to your liking. This incudes shivaFlippers, fpxEngine, and the pinsettings. ' - ShivaFlippers has simplified settings for flippers as several settings are no longer needed due to new Variable coil system (like EOS) ' - high score display only shows if a actual high score is made. ' - Minor physics changes. Fixed dead play areas, adjusted loop shot so ball is faster on loop etc. Never thought this game could get more fun, but it did.
  4. Version 3.3


    shivaFlippers is a replacement and a serious upgrade over the flippers used in all FP tables before it. shivaFlippers has more realistic shots, better control, and the unique variable coil system that simulates real flipper solnoids so you can vary the speed and strength of your shots. A good example of shivaFlippers and how it plays can be found in Jungle Girl fpx, which uses the 3.2 version, but will be upgraded to the new 3.3 version soon. This now uses a variable coil system throughout the flipper arch when you press the flipper button (just like a real table). It is designed to emulate a actual flipper coil in operation, in which the amount of power gradually increases the strength (omega to you devs) of the flipper. This new code will start the variable coil at it's beginning coil when a flipper button is pressed no matter what degree the arch of the flipper is at, at the lowest point, at the highest point, and any angle in between. This means that in theory (remember, FP has it's limitations and bugs) you should be able to do all the things and special tricks that the pros do that require a variable strength. This means flick and tap passes, and I have seen Loop passes as well. (accidental, not based on personal skill) This new version is a follow up to the previous version, based on previous comments and play from youtube videos, as well as new code additions and changes. My thanks to those that tested out the previous version, your comments (and videos so I can see different playing styles and find ways to improve shivaFlippers) were very helpful and I suspect you will find this version a lot better and more realistic when compared to the actual real world flippers. This uses and is adjusted to the "new template" in FP. There is a video of the last 3.2 version here: despite my poor playing, you can see how the flippers work. This new version though has been improved quite a bit. The next release of Jungle Girl and the future major update to fpxEngine will use this new code. There are some pretty major changes with 3.3, but if you look in the script, previous version changes are noted as they give a good idea on what shivaFlippers can do over stock or DF flippers. The latest shivaFlippers has a major new update that now supports dynamic Omega by flipper swing, (variable coil) and has a couple set tricks programmed in. (This depends on your hardware and reflexes) - Variable coil strength, which varies the strength of the flipper depending on the flipper angle * The amount of steps (or angles) are adjustable. Default set to 35. A lower number means stronger shots, a higher number means weaker shots * Changing FlipperSwingAngleEnd can make flipper tap passes easier (Higher Number) or harder (Lower Number) - Tip/tap pass for flipper start angle and max angle - The flipper strength gets stronger the longer you hold the flipper button. This means that tip to tip passing is possible, but so are "loft" shots. This adds a huge degree of skill not possible before. - Realistic EOS - Flippers have better bounce - New 2 wall method, with 3 triggers instead of timers - Adjustable realistic aiming of how the ball angle comes off the flipper. Version 3.3 (release notes) - Variable coil is now FULLY enabled no matter what angle the flipper is at. Drop catches, tap passes, flipper flicks, no matter where the flipper is, oh my ' - Triggers reworked. A opto trigger is now used as opposed to a large trigger ' - Large sections of this code was rewritten ' - Fixed walls interfering if flippers all the way up. Walls reshaped and new coding in place. Ball can no hit as wall underneath the flipper if the flipper is raised ' - Flippers quite a bit more "snappy" compared to 3.1 version. Better range with the variable coil ' - Any flipper slowdown greatly reduced, closer to "never" now ' - you can adjust at a certain speed of the ball for when the walls become active, below that speed the walls are inactive ' - Separate by contact point omega's redone. ' - Coding simplified. Pre-Hits have been rewritten to increase performance and dependability
  5. Version 1.41


    fpxEngine v1.4.1 released. The fpxEngine overhaul has begun, with a rewrite and overhaul of the code to make things even easier for Beginners and non-coders to be able to use the engine and design their own tables from scratch. The 1.4.x beta cycle will include gradual rewrites of all the key systems, and lots more new vault and scoring features. Beginning with 1.4.1 the vault is started, and the debut of the new 3.1 version of shivaflippers, with a major upgrade of the variable coil system. here's a list of some of the new additions in 1.4.1 - Latest version of shivaFlippers (version 3.2) added. - Plastics in the Vault are now lighted objects, with special code added for BAM support and blinking effects. - Menu key changed to the Special 2 key - removed music sets, only Bally81 set in. This was to save time and get a master named music set in. The removed music sets will be added back in and renamed in the future. - Messages removed from subroutines and placed in AddMusicSet - New Vault items (basic) added. These are fully coded, but are simplified scoring. There are 7 vault items added for this version. - StandupTargets - Drop Targets - Kickers - triggers - Plastics and spare parts - New AddScoringEvents - (AddScoringEvent "25kAward") 25kAward - (AddScoringEvent "AddAlternatingLanes") Alternating Lanes (for both Inlane and Outlanes) with pinsettings in the User Define Section - (AddScoringEvent "OutLaneSpecial") Special code to handle a Outlane special, that also turns off the outlane lights - (AddScoringEvent "SpecialIsLit") a prompt informing the player that a special has been lit - Ball Shadows added with settings (On/Off) in the User Define Section - Playfield lighting added, with custom lens and bulb lighting code. With 3 settings in the User Define Section - Dynamic Shadows added. With settings (On/Off) in the User Define Section - Specail Bam Lighting code has been added for all lights, bulbs, and plastics, using Brightness, GlowRadius, and GlowBrightness. 1.14 only has these tested for the playfield lighting settings at it's brightest. Medium and Dark settings are there, but will be adjusted in the next versions. - Manual rewritten but more rewrites are needed. A new section in the manual has been added for the Vault.
  6. View File fpxEngine (v1.41) fpxEngine v1.4.1 released. The fpxEngine overhaul has begun, with a rewrite and overhaul of the code to make things even easier for Beginners and non-coders to be able to use the engine and design their own tables from scratch. The 1.4.x beta cycle will include gradual rewrites of all the key systems, and lots more new vault and scoring features. Beginning with 1.4.1 the vault is started, and the debut of the new 3.1 version of shivaflippers, with a major upgrade of the variable coil system. here's a list of some of the new additions in 1.4.1 - Latest version of shivaFlippers (version 3.2) added. - Plastics in the Vault are now lighted objects, with special code added for BAM support and blinking effects. - Menu key changed to the Special 2 key - removed music sets, only Bally81 set in. This was to save time and get a master named music set in. The removed music sets will be added back in and renamed in the future. - Messages removed from subroutines and placed in AddMusicSet - New Vault items (basic) added. These are fully coded, but are simplified scoring. There are 7 vault items added for this version. - StandupTargets - Drop Targets - Kickers - triggers - Plastics and spare parts - New AddScoringEvents - (AddScoringEvent "25kAward") 25kAward - (AddScoringEvent "AddAlternatingLanes") Alternating Lanes (for both Inlane and Outlanes) with pinsettings in the User Define Section - (AddScoringEvent "OutLaneSpecial") Special code to handle a Outlane special, that also turns off the outlane lights - (AddScoringEvent "SpecialIsLit") a prompt informing the player that a special has been lit - Ball Shadows added with settings (On/Off) in the User Define Section - Playfield lighting added, with custom lens and bulb lighting code. With 3 settings in the User Define Section - Dynamic Shadows added. With settings (On/Off) in the User Define Section - Specail Bam Lighting code has been added for all lights, bulbs, and plastics, using Brightness, GlowRadius, and GlowBrightness. 1.14 only has these tested for the playfield lighting settings at it's brightest. Medium and Dark settings are there, but will be adjusted in the next versions. - Manual rewritten but more rewrites are needed. A new section in the manual has been added for the Vault. Submitter shiva Submitted 01/13/2018 Category Future Pinball Tables Link to Media Pack  
  7. View File Star Trek xse v1.3 (Oct 2016) After 3 years, a update to Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This uses BAM, and was done with the 2.5 exe. The xml file is included, it is the 2.5 xml with a "few" modifications, mostly to set up better more natural shots, and a couple weirder settings that seemed to work better. Hope everyone enjoys playing it as much as I enjoyed doing it. Any comments on the new things, as well as bug reports are appreciated, as I like to fine tune things and work out any kinks in the newer stuff. Please read this entire thread, the readme, and the actual FP manual first. It should be at Pinsimdb shortly, but it's a little goofy sometimes. Awaiting admin approval there, in the meanwhile, you can grab it at Pinball Nirvana as well. Download link http://www.pinsimdb.org/pinball/table-1737-star_trek_xse http://www.pinballnirvana.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=5127 Version 1.2 - August 16, 2013 Version 1.3 - Oct 28, 2016 - Table/build/graphics/modifications by blue - Script/sounds By Popotte 25/01/2008 - Custom models by francisco666 and Polygame - Thanks to BC57 for the pics and his kindness - Thanks to Minh Tan for splash screen image - Thanks to all the other authors for their versions of this bally classic. - Available at Pinsimdb.com, as well as Pinball Nirvana and VPUniverse *** Keys *** You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel. Access to the dip switches menu by the Special2Key.(set as the ' key by default) for adjustments (amount of balls/liberal-conservative settings etc) Speed up the bonus count by pressing both flippers *** Instructions *** This new version was made specifically for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM) and uses SlamTilits 2.5 xml file as a base. If you do not use BAM, It may work fine as a standalone exe, but hit is recommended to use the FP 2.5. exe. Other physics exe may not work as intended. Please read the Manual included with FP about adjusting plungers/kickers etc if you should have any problems if you use a different FP exe. The object was to ignore trying to get FP to have perfect physics (which is impossible, we have been trying for 6 years) but instead just concentrate on getting FP to play as fun as possible. Though every effort, and trick in the book, was used, it's still FP after all, and well, you can't turn crap into gold. You can download BAM here: http://ravarcade.pl/?en_download,16 If you are new to Future Pinball, or have any problems, a help file is here: http://gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=6054 If you do not have BAM installed with Future Pinball (real easy actually) then there is a great help file here at: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=5544 *** Rules *** * making b-a-l-l-y scores and advances lit values * all targets down scores 5,000 points. 1st time lites 2x bonus. 2st time lites 3x bonus. 3rd and each additional time scores special. * top roll-over buttons and bottom ball return lanes score and advance hyper space values. * outlanes special - lites when bally special is lit. * ball thru outlane when lit for special scores 1 replay. * ball thru warp speed lane scores bonus. * maximum 1 extra ball per ball in play. * tilt penalty - ball in play. *** Version 1.3 *** - Released Oct 2016 - Intended for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM). Best non-Bam exe: Slamtilts 2.5 physics. BAM XML physics file uses 2.5 physics with modifications. - Version 2 of my flipper technique, for far better range and speed. Slight modifications to this as opposed to Playboy, with a more center based setup. This uses triggers as well, so the small hidden flippers will only work when the ball is over the trigger. This prevents "mishits" and interference with ball movement - Modified physics, better speed with coils, far more bounce and more polished gameplay. Outlanes more closed, flippers closer together for longer play. game still plays like the Bitch it actually is in real life. - New 3 stage variable slingshot effect - New Lens lighting and halo effect, with ball interaction - New basic bulb lighting effect with ball interaction at certain spots - Fixed some known "fp" problems with gates etc, layout changes and massaging to prevent drains except.... Try not to hit the center target unless you have to. Standard Bally drain shot, Paragon does the same. I modified it a bit so it doesn't drain as much, but it still does. - Modified the pf image, fixed the dirty edges around lens lights. Recolored some things - Backglass now has better lighting, no pinhole light effect. Also I moved some lights around for better effect, and added lights for player display/tilt/credits etc *** Changes (version 1.2) *** ( Please go to this thread for full changes: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4022&hilit=Star+trek+xse ) -New graphics, made to give the table a lighter appearance that the original. main images replaced, new images redone and recolored. -New models used - New Double lighting affect on the plastics. (Found on Layer 1) - Layout modified based on new play field and plastics. - Modified shaped physics were adjusted, and added to. - Heavy flipper effect, using a wall to add a more stable surface to the flipper, and change the angle that the ball will hit the flipper. - Heavy Drop Targets - Hyperspace rule changed for the upper loop, there is now a timer that prevents scoring hyperspace twice in one shot if you go through the top loop - User Key Change - Holding both Flippers keys down will now cause the bonus countdown to greatly speed up, as the stock Bally settings were very slow. - Lots of changes for presentation of the table, and polish, including minor script changes. Submitter shiva Submitted 10/29/2016 Category Future Pinball Tables Link to Media Pack  
  8. Version 1.3.0


    After 3 years, a update to Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This uses BAM, and was done with the 2.5 exe. The xml file is included, it is the 2.5 xml with a "few" modifications, mostly to set up better more natural shots, and a couple weirder settings that seemed to work better. Hope everyone enjoys playing it as much as I enjoyed doing it. Any comments on the new things, as well as bug reports are appreciated, as I like to fine tune things and work out any kinks in the newer stuff. Please read this entire thread, the readme, and the actual FP manual first. It should be at Pinsimdb shortly, but it's a little goofy sometimes. Awaiting admin approval there, in the meanwhile, you can grab it at Pinball Nirvana as well. Download link http://www.pinsimdb.org/pinball/table-1737-star_trek_xse http://www.pinballnirvana.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=5127 Version 1.2 - August 16, 2013 Version 1.3 - Oct 28, 2016 - Table/build/graphics/modifications by blue - Script/sounds By Popotte 25/01/2008 - Custom models by francisco666 and Polygame - Thanks to BC57 for the pics and his kindness - Thanks to Minh Tan for splash screen image - Thanks to all the other authors for their versions of this bally classic. - Available at Pinsimdb.com, as well as Pinball Nirvana and VPUniverse *** Keys *** You can toggle (by the toggle HUD key) the HUD reel. Access to the dip switches menu by the Special2Key.(set as the ' key by default) for adjustments (amount of balls/liberal-conservative settings etc) Speed up the bonus count by pressing both flippers *** Instructions *** This new version was made specifically for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM) and uses SlamTilits 2.5 xml file as a base. If you do not use BAM, It may work fine as a standalone exe, but hit is recommended to use the FP 2.5. exe. Other physics exe may not work as intended. Please read the Manual included with FP about adjusting plungers/kickers etc if you should have any problems if you use a different FP exe. The object was to ignore trying to get FP to have perfect physics (which is impossible, we have been trying for 6 years) but instead just concentrate on getting FP to play as fun as possible. Though every effort, and trick in the book, was used, it's still FP after all, and well, you can't turn crap into gold. You can download BAM here: http://ravarcade.pl/?en_download,16 If you are new to Future Pinball, or have any problems, a help file is here: http://gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=6054 If you do not have BAM installed with Future Pinball (real easy actually) then there is a great help file here at: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=86&t=5544 *** Rules *** * making b-a-l-l-y scores and advances lit values * all targets down scores 5,000 points. 1st time lites 2x bonus. 2st time lites 3x bonus. 3rd and each additional time scores special. * top roll-over buttons and bottom ball return lanes score and advance hyper space values. * outlanes special - lites when bally special is lit. * ball thru outlane when lit for special scores 1 replay. * ball thru warp speed lane scores bonus. * maximum 1 extra ball per ball in play. * tilt penalty - ball in play. *** Version 1.3 *** - Released Oct 2016 - Intended for use with Better Arcade Mode (BAM). Best non-Bam exe: Slamtilts 2.5 physics. BAM XML physics file uses 2.5 physics with modifications. - Version 2 of my flipper technique, for far better range and speed. Slight modifications to this as opposed to Playboy, with a more center based setup. This uses triggers as well, so the small hidden flippers will only work when the ball is over the trigger. This prevents "mishits" and interference with ball movement - Modified physics, better speed with coils, far more bounce and more polished gameplay. Outlanes more closed, flippers closer together for longer play. game still plays like the Bitch it actually is in real life. - New 3 stage variable slingshot effect - New Lens lighting and halo effect, with ball interaction - New basic bulb lighting effect with ball interaction at certain spots - Fixed some known "fp" problems with gates etc, layout changes and massaging to prevent drains except.... Try not to hit the center target unless you have to. Standard Bally drain shot, Paragon does the same. I modified it a bit so it doesn't drain as much, but it still does. - Modified the pf image, fixed the dirty edges around lens lights. Recolored some things - Backglass now has better lighting, no pinhole light effect. Also I moved some lights around for better effect, and added lights for player display/tilt/credits etc *** Changes (version 1.2) *** ( Please go to this thread for full changes: http://www.gopinball.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4022&hilit=Star+trek+xse ) -New graphics, made to give the table a lighter appearance that the original. main images replaced, new images redone and recolored. -New models used - New Double lighting affect on the plastics. (Found on Layer 1) - Layout modified based on new play field and plastics. - Modified shaped physics were adjusted, and added to. - Heavy flipper effect, using a wall to add a more stable surface to the flipper, and change the angle that the ball will hit the flipper. - Heavy Drop Targets - Hyperspace rule changed for the upper loop, there is now a timer that prevents scoring hyperspace twice in one shot if you go through the top loop - User Key Change - Holding both Flippers keys down will now cause the bonus countdown to greatly speed up, as the stock Bally settings were very slow. - Lots of changes for presentation of the table, and polish, including minor script changes.
  9. Version 1.2


    This is a conversion of shiva's Original 2004 Trigon which was created using shivaEngine 2. This is one of the greatest original tables ever made in VP and has lasted through the test of time. Big Thank you to shiva for allowing the release of this conversion of his awesome table. Thank you to Shadowsclassic for his work on the backglass clean up. Thank you to Itchigo for his WIP thread and motivation to make this conversion and for his project management. Nice whip cracking dude.
  10. Version 2.0


    This is Shiva's Trigon, Modded to Full Screen DirectB2s. Sorry this took so long, but here it is. I had problems with notepad and editing this, as well as understanding the script. Try editing files without word wrap working on a large script, actually 3 large scripts. This table has almost 5,000 lines in it! I then left it and came back to it. There are enhanced images in here given to me by Shiva. The playfield image and The plastics are a bit off in scale and position. It looks like these were unfinished updated images. However, if I use the original ones they "wash out" in vp 9.90. But still, these look great! And it doesn't affect the gameplay one bit. Works in vp9.90. Thanks go to: Shiva and CO.: For making this awesome original, and giving permission to mod this to FS Rascal: For putting up with me, and the backglass. PBecker1946: For trying to help me with the plastics images. For those of you who don't know: There are 3 script files in the zip- you will need them in the same folder as the table! DO NOT RENAME THEM!
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